Unexpected. (A CJ FanFiction)...

By Nick_Christiansen04

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This is a sequel to the Jyrus story I did. It takes place a year after Jonah leaves. I hope you enjoy! More

Not an update!
Not an update!
Not an update!


25 4 0
By Nick_Christiansen04

Buffy's P.O.V
I was hurt. Marty and I had such a fun time before the tornado hit... How could this happen?! Does the world just hate me or something?

"Buffy I am so sorry." Jonah apologized.
"For what?" I asked silently. "It's not like you did anything wrong. The universe made its choice..."

Maybe that's just a sign. The universe will never let me have one good moment in my life. Maybe Marty went out and was looking for something..... All those maybes.... Not one of them will come true.

"Are we sure Marty's actually gone?" Cyrus asked. "I mean sure a tornado hit here like it did 19 years ago but he could've been out looking for something or someone."

"That is indeed true Cyrus." His voice said.
"M-Marty!" I exclaimed hugging him.
"I'm so happy you're ok." Marty replied.
"I'll always be ok but your mother texted me you weren't to be seen after the freakish storm." I told him.

"Oh that... I kind of ran off in the storm and someone caught me bringing them into their house." He explained.

I sighed in relief that he was still alive. I looked at the group. "Anyone wanna see if the spoon is still intact?"

The group all nodded. My heart started pounding as Marty took my hand in his. He was like the cutest person alive.

"Too shay universe." I said to myself.
Cyrus' P.O.V
Well Marty's alive and so is everyone else that I know. That storm came out of nowhere though. The news never said it was supposed to rain today then this happens?

I shook my head trying not to read too much into that. I looked at TJ who looked upset. My facial expressions changed vividly.

"Are you ok?" I asked TJ.
"I'm fine..." He lied.
"You're obviously not fine." I told him.
"Cyrus please can we not do this now?" TJ asked politely.
"I just wanted to make sure you're ok." I answered.

I saw him roll his eyes. I sighed and focused my attention to what was in front of me. Something in that brain of his, isn't cooperating well.

I thought more about what TJ was thinking about. Wait.... What if he is thinking about breaking up with me?!

Once we go to the spoon to see if the building was still in tact which is was, the gang was heading in. I quickly said, "Hey we'll catch you inside."

"Ok." Andi replied.

I turned my attention towards TJ. He looked confused and so dead.

"You sir are lying about being fine." I said.
"Cyrus... I hate to do this but I think we should break up." TJ told me.

There were the words... Those dead, cold words... I looked at him sadly and tried not to cry.

"Well if that's what you want, I'll be fine with it." I said staying calm.
"I'm sorry... We had such big plans too..." TJ replied.
"It's fine." I told him with my voice shaking a bit.
"I gotta go... Bye Cyrus." He said. He ran off.
"Bye..." I said crying.

I guess the gang was looking through the window because Jonah came outside as soon as TJ left and hugged me.

"Cyrus... It'll be ok." Jonah told me.
"Are you sure?" I sobbed.
"Yes I swear." Jonah answered.

He stopped and looked at me with a smile. I can never get over those dimples. I shook my head wiping the tears from my eyes. We walked in together.

"Everything alright?" Buffy asked.
"He doesn't wanna talk about it." Jonah answered.
"Do I need to beat someone up?" Buffy asked.

I nodded my head as she got up in anger. I don't know what she was about to do but I had a feeling it was bad.

Was this Marissa's doings? Was she the reason why we broke up? OOOOOH THAT BITCH! I'm gonna mess her up so bad!

I felt my phone buzz and checked it. Speak of the devil.

"Cyrus is everything ok?" Jonah asked me.
"Hang on one moment." I told him.

So.... Excited about the break up huh?
I swear I will make your life a living hell
And how are you going to do that ya faggot.
I have my ways you whore.
No need for the foul language

I looked up in anger. Jonah quickly strapped me down so I didn't get up and run at the bitch. Oooo I swear. She's gonna die Monday....

"Cyrus don't you dare go after her." Jonah said.
"Jonah let me go." I said angrily.
"BUFFY HELP!" Jonah shouted accidentally.

Buffy jumped on top of me making sure I didn't move. I struggled then couldn't feel my arms anymore.

"I seriously can't feel my arms." I said.
"Cyrus if we get off, you can't go after her." Jonah told me.
"Fine." I replied.

They both go off of me. I stayed where I was seated. I know I'll get my chance sooner then later.... We heard the bell ring from above the door.

A teenage boy with brown hair came to our table. I was confused because we've never seen this person before.

"Are you guys the good hair crew?" He asked.
"Uh..... We don't call ourselves that but sure what's up." Andi answered.
"I was wondering if I can talk to Jonah and Cyrus got a second." He said.
"Uh... Sure." Jonah told him getting up. "We'll be back."

Jonah took my hand, dragging me outside with him. I whined silently and finally looked up.

"Sorry to intrude to your hang out with friends but this is a serious question." The boy said.
"First off, what's your name?" I asked politely.
"Ash." He answered.
"What's your question?" Jonah asked Ash.
"Are you two together again?" He replied.
"Uh..... I thought this was a serious question." I said.
"Oh right!" He exclaimed. "How did you two handle the suspense of people making fun of you for dating?"

I stood in silence. Everything that happened in May and April stood its ground in my head. Every horrible memory. Every tear shed. All of it, hit me in the face.

"Cyrus?" Jonah asked. "Are you ok?"
"I-I can't answer that question for you..." I answered.
"Oh...." Ash said sadly.
"We battled it through together." Jonah said taking my hand.

I flinched and looked at him with a confused look. He still wants to be with me I can tell... I can tell that he's been hurt many times. His bruises and scars in his heart showed.

"That so adorable." Ash said taking a picture of us.

My eyes widened. I quickly moved Jonah's hand off of mine and went inside. I can't believe that just happened. TJ breaking up with me. Then Jonah holding my hand, to having someone take a picture of us holding hands?!


Sorry for the absences. I haven't any time to actually write any chapters because of school and choir. Too many things have happened. Anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter! BYE!!

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