RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) E...

By HyperKabuto264

74.3K 1.6K 1.7K

This is inspired by Nehpetssanders. He owns Wattpad and especially DeviantART. After seeing his inserts, I fe... More

Shadow Wrath's Abilities, Weapons and Accessories
Red Trailer
White Trailer
Black Trailer
Yellow Trailer
Volume 1 Opening
Volume 1: Ruby Rose
Volume 1: The Shining Beacon
Volume 1: The Shining Beacon (Part 2)
Volume 1: The First Step
Volume 1: The First Step (Part 2)
Volume 1: The Emerald Forest
Volume 1: The Emerald Forest (Part 2)
Volume 1: Players and Pieces
Volume 1: The Badge and The Burden
Volume 1: The Badge and The Burden (Part 2)
Volume 1: Jaunedice
Volume 1: Jaunedice (Part 2)
Volume 1: Forever Fall
Volume 1: Forever Fall (Part 2)
Volume 1: The Nightmare Grimm Strikes
Volume 1: The Stray
Volume 1: Black and White
Volume 1: The Nightmare has Weiss?!?!
Volume 1: The Nightmare Hunters Arrive
Volume 1: Atlas's Most Crucial & Important Relic..... The Beta Spark
Volume 1: A New Day Begins
Special Episode: Got away with it by a Pardon
Special Episode: One Down, Three to go
BONUS Volume 1 Episode: A Gift from an Unknown Ally
Volume 2 Opening
Volume 2: Best Day Ever
Volume 2: Welcome to Beacon
Volume 2: A Minor Hiccup
Volume 2: Painting the Town...
Volume 2: Extracurricular
Volume 2: Burning the Candle
Volume 2: Dance Dance Infiltration
Volume 2: Field Trip
Volume 2: Search and Destroy
Volume 2: Mountain Glenn
Volume 2: No Brakes
Volume 2: Breach
Volume 2: Build Tenma Tribe -vs- Team CRDL (PART 1)
Beacon's Secret
Special Episode: "Lovely Ca"-Tastrophe
Special Episode: Visiting an Old Friend
Special Episode: Build Tenma Tribe and Team STRM meet up
A Halloween SPECIAL (2018) (Part 1)
A Halloween SPECIAL (2018) (Part 2)
A Halloween SPECIAL (2018) (Part 3, FINAL)
Special Episode: Two Down, Two to go
Volume 3 Opening
Volume 3: Round One
Volume 3: New Challengers...
Volume 3: It's Brawl in the Family
Volume 3: Lessons Learned
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 1)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 2)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 3)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 4)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 5)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 6)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 7)
Volume 3: Never Miss a Beat
Volume 3: Fall (Part 2)
Volume 3: Fall (Part 3)
Volume 3: Destiny
Volume 3: PvP
Volume 3: Battle of Beacon
Volume 3: Heroes and Monsters
Volume 3: End of the Beginning
Plans for Vol. 4, 5 and Upcoming Seasons, Crossovers & Franchise
Special Episode: Lupinranger vs Patranger & Evol's surprise Deal
Special Episode: Gladiator Tyrant's leader (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: Shadow's Request (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: The History behind the Relic (New Gen. Beta Spark)
Special Episode: Three down, One to go
Volumes 4 and 5 Trailers
Volume 4: Character Short
Volume 4 Opening
Volume 4: The Next Step
Volume 4: Remembrance
Volume 4: Runaways and Stoaways
Volume 4: Family
Volume 4: Menagerie
Volume 4: Tipping Point
Volume 4: Punished
Volume 4: Returning what's from the Past (Special SHORT Episode)
Volume 4: A much Needed Talk
Volume 4: Two Steps Foward, Two Steps Back
Volume 4: Kuroyuri
Volume 4: Taking Control
Volume 4: No Safe Haven
Volume 4: Momma's Boy
Special Episode: The Letter (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: Orochi's Identity and Meet up with Qrow
Special Episode: Orochi Tenma's latest creation (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: The Visitation of the Six Ancient
Special Episode: Drazen's Super Weapon (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: The Secret & The Novice He/She Seeks
Volume 5: Tenka Kaito Character Short
Volume 5: Rachel Claws Character Short
Volume 5: Mitchell Striker Character Short
Volume 5 Opening
Volume 5: Welcome to Haven
Volume 5: Dread in the Air
Volume 5: Unforeseen Complications
Volume 5: Lighting the Fire
Volume 5: Necessary Sacrifice
Volume 5: Known by its Song
Volume 5: Rest and Resolutions
Volume 5: Alone Together
Volume 5: A Perfect Storm
OC sneak peaks PART 1
Volume 5: True Colours
OC Sneak peaks PART 2
OC Sneak peaks PART 3
Volume 5: The More The Merrier
Volume 5: A Silver-Eye Comfrontation
Volume 5: The Vault of the Spring Maiden
Volume 5: Downfall
Volume 5: The Battle rages on
Volume 5: Haven's Fate
Volume 5: A much Needed Talk, again...
Volume 5: The Chosen wielding the Power of Fire and Ice
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 1)
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 2)
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 3)
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 4)
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 5)
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 6 - Epilogue)
Volume 5: A Huntress or Grimm???
Volume 5: The Infinity War Begins (AVENGERS: INFINITY WARS SPECIAL) (PART 1)
Volume 5: The Infinity War Begins (AVENGERS: INFINITY WARS SPECIAL) (PART 2.1)
Volume 5: The Infinity War Begins (AVENGERS: INFINITY WARS SPECIAL) (PART 2.2)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 1)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 2)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 3)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 4)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 5)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 6)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 7 - Epilogue)
Special Episode: 'Hiro -vs- Adam' & 'A Gift Beyond Death'
Special Episode: The MUTEKI Gauntlet
Special Episode: A short Trip with Hebikura to claim the Titan Gauntlet
Special Episode: A short Trip with Hebikura to claim the Titan Gauntlet (PART 2)
SPECIAL Episode: Genm's Ultimate Weapon to surpass Salem (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: Special Training
Special Episode: The SECRET Behind STRM Combination
Special Episode: The Secret's Out
Special Episode: The Swan Song
Special Episode: The God of Remnant's UNKNOWN Golden Semblance
Special Episode: Four down, ALL are Gathered
Special Episode: The Remnant Beyond Duo & The "Mercury"-ium Servant
Epilogue: Saving Remnant... is my Desire Grand Prix

Volume 5: Wizard of Oz, Fire & Ice vs Brute Force

238 13 25
By HyperKabuto264

Hey everyone! WELCOME to the twelvth episode of the FIFTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose part two where we will be looking at how the Hiyasu brothers fight as one with Professor Ozpin against Hazel! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

Take note that this episode will only touch on two OCs, Apollonir, Ryosuke, Qrow, Ozpin and Hazel. Maybe I can put in more OCs in this as well and maybe I can put some RWBY characters into it, too. This takes place way before Cinder double cross Raven and Vernal and Raven double crosses Cinder and tricking her. Anyway, let's get this episode started.

Kori: Oh, hey guys. I'm Kori Hiyasu, aka, Kamen Rider Grease Blizzard. This is my brother, Jason Hiyasu, aka, Kamen Rider Cross-Z Magma.

Jason: Yo.

Apollonir: Well, to rap this intro quick, I'm Apollonir, this is Qrow Branwen, Ryosuke Akamutsu and this is Oscar, also known as Profe--

Completely distracted, Lionheart takes the chance to release a large fireball at him, causing him to lose the rest of his Aura. 

Rachel: Take care of Weiss!

Just as Lionheart is about to take another shot, Rachel activates her Semblance as she punched Lionheart as fire dragons came out of her fist, striking the headmaster, protecting Oscar from further harm.

Apollonir: Ozpin!

Ozpin: I'm okay! (Gets up slowly)

Kori: Here. 

Kori helps Ozpin to get up back on his feet as Jason rushed towards them.

Jason: So, this guy is huge.

Ozpin: He's too strong! We need to slow him down!

Kori: Then let's do this! Jason!

Jason: Yeah!! (Cracks knuckles)

Ryosuke: May I join your attack?

Jason/Kori: Oh sure. You may.

And with that, Kori, Jason, Ryosuke and Ozpin took their battle stance as they are about to battle against Hazel.

Apollonir: So, want in on this?

Qrow: (scoffs) Why not.

They replied as they walked in between the four.

Qrow: So, plan?

Jason: GO!

Qrow: Wha--?

Kori: BRO, I'LL FREEZE HIM!! (Advanced in a flurry of snow)

As Kori advanced, Hazel took the opportunity to punch Kori, but to no avail as he Matrix ducked Hazel's electric punch, freezing the ground at the same time while motioning his robotic hand towards Hazel's oncoming fist, freezing him to the frozen ground, immobilizing him as Ryosuke and Jason took this as an opportunity to Strike.

While Hazel was trying to free himself from the frozen trap by breaking the ice between the ground and his fist made by Kori, Jason and Ryosuke jumped as they cranked the lever on their Drivers, activating their finishers.



Their finishers activated as their semblance are now activated as well. Jason created a dragon from his fist by using his semblance to enhance his finisher and Ryosuke blinked as his eyes widened, activating his semblance as time slowed down, to Jason's confusion.

Jason: Ryu, what is this?!

Ryosuke: I'll explain later, but to summarise it, if I didn't use my semblance, he would have punched you.

Jason: Huh?

As Ryosuke stated, Jason turned his head and was shocked that Hazel who is now frozen in time still has his other free hand to punch him as he looked back at Ryosuke.

Jason: Okay... Ryu, no need. Thanks for saving my ass.

Ryosuke: Oh, your welcome.

Jason: So, after you???

Ryosuke: Sure.

And as planned, Ryosuke did a roundhouse kick and soon after, Jason unleashed several magma dragons from his arms that home in on the frozen Hazel as he punched him in his place while skid past him, indicating their finishers are done. Ryosuke soon closed his eyes, opening them slowly to resume the flow of time, causing Hazel to sustain a lot of blows, rendering his semblance greatly.

Jason: Whoa! What was that?

Ryosuke: Time Acceleration. I can speed and slow down time. What you witness is when I slowed timedown so that he will not get the opportunity to strike you.

Jason: I see.

Right on queue, Kori skid his way to them.

Kori: Nice semblance you got, and uh, thanks for saving my brother.

Ryosuke: It's nothing really. I'm just trying to keep my friends close, that's all.

He said this as Hazel got up as he is about to smash the ground, saying;

Hazel: And there is another saying goes. Keep your enemies CLOSER!!!!

Just as he was about to smash the ground to acquire target effect on Ryosuke, Kori, Jason, Ozpin, Qrow and Apollonir, they suddenly felt that they are being lifted off the ground as they are being thrown to aside as Hazel smashed the ground to create a shockwave around the target's effect radius, to everyone'ssurprise.

Hazel: WHAT?!?!

As Hazel was puzzled on what was going on, Kori, Jason, Ryosuke, Apollonir, Qrow and Ozpin got up as they questioned themselves on what happened just now.

Kori: Guys, you okay? Bro?

Jason: I'm fine.

Ozpin: I'm okay! What was that just now?

Apollonir: That was Psychokinesis. And a strong one.

Qrow: Strong one?? Who would have that???

???: I do.

As everyone heard this, some parts of the walls of the building tore itself creating some holes on the walls as they motioned themselves down towards Hazel, crushing him as a Rider or Entity appeared out of nowhere as he gracefully lands before them.

(A/N: Kamen RiderGhost - MUGEN. Add two more horns to make it more MUGEN and SHIN SPECTRE-like and make some parts of his armour sparkly blue with his head sculp with having the combination of MUGEN and SHIN SPECTRE.)

Ozpin: Identity yourself.

???: ...

Everyone took their defense stance as the entity said nothing.

Qrow: If you are not gonna say a word, we are gonna think that y--

???: I am Roland Arcadia, one of "THE" Arcadias and the last... And I stand in defense to Shadow.

When everyone heard this, they looked at each other with puzzled looks as Ozpin looked at Roland.

Ozpin: Wait, he is still alive???

Roland: Yes, he is in a training ground, where a Silver-Eyed Warrior stays, along with the first maidens you gave your powers to. They are now training him to prepare for the upcoming battle against Salem.

Qrow: How do you know where he is?!

Roland: Because I am an entity, a human, and huntsman that has the ability to think, track and find a person's soul and their whereabouts.

Qrow was about to charge but Apollonir grabbed him by the shoulder and shook his head, in which Qrow lowered his weapon as he questioned.

Apollonir: So, tell me... is my son safe?

Roland: ... (Raises hand to indicate he is tracking for Shadow's whereabouts now as his eyes are closed behind the mask)

Apollonir: If he is safe, he is on our side.

Qrow: And if he is not???

Apollonir: Then w--

Roland: I've tracked him. Agajn I say he is safe. I recommend we do not disturb him now as he is currently being trained by the maidens and one particular person that you know, Qrow.

When Qrow heard this, his eyes widened as he hung his head down.

Qrow: Summer.....

Roland walks towards the group.

Roland: I see you are having trouble in your mission, let me assist you in your task.

When everyone heard this, they heard crumbling noises. They all looked at the pile of rubble as Hazel brutally gets up fromthe rubble as he yelled which turned out to be a loud roar to get our attention, to Roland's ammusement.

Apollonir: Well, we could use a more hands on, on this so...

Qrow: Yeah, you may. More the Merrier. Sorry to suspect you or anything.

Roland: It's alright.

Apollonir: Well, Arcadian, just to summarise this real quick before we carry on... I'm Apollonir, this is Qrow Branwen,close friend of mine, Professor Ozpin, Kori, Jason and Ryosuke.

Roland: Thanks, and nice to meet you guys, and either way, we would need more hands on today because we got company which will be here right abooout... now.

Qrow: WHAT?!

As if right on queue, three unknown beings came from a portal made by the being in Black armour with pink details on it.

(A/N: Kyoryu Greeed.)

(A/N: Sagittarias Nova Zodiart.)

(A/N: Kamen Rider Jam (Dark Arms). )

Kyoryu Greeed: Greerings to you, Huntsmen.

Sagittarius: Prepare to meet the stars.

Kamen Rider Jam: We are here in defense of Salem. And youare getting in her way ofgetting the relic.

When they heard this from the three beings, they stood still, confused as it is true that they are with Salem but, in their minds, they are just laughing as to see how colourful and oddly dressed they are. (A/N: Lol.) Until Roland sounded off.

Roland: Ryosuke, Kori, Jason, Ozpin, Apollonir, Qrow. Deal with Hazel. I'll deal with these three.

Apollonir: Got it!

As such, the group behind him soon charged at Hazel while Roland's eyes began to glow Silver and Blue.

Roland: Musashi, Goemon, Tenkatoitsu. Mugen Entities AWAKE!!!

-Cho Ka-Kaigan: Mugen! Musashi! (angelic rock music) Keep Going! Go, Go, Go! Go, Go, Go! Go, Go, Go! Gotta! Ghost! (Biwa chord) Kettō! Zubatto! Chō Kengō! (Biwa chords and slashing SFX)-

(A/N: Musashi Hoodie. Place this hoodies onto Mugen Transient form and make the hoodie long with the lower half being silver in colour.)

-Cho Ka-Kaigan: Mugen! Go~e~mon! (angelic rock music) Keep Going! Go, Go, Go! Go, Go, Go! Go, Go, Go! Gotta! Ghost! (Kabuki instruments) Kabuki ukiuki! Midare zaki! (Drum beats)-

(A/N: Goemon Hoodie.) 

-Cho Ka-Kaigan: Mugen! Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, Ieyasu! (angelic rock music) Keep Going! Go, Go, Go! Go, Go, Go! Go, Go, Go! Gotta! Ghost! Hatasu no wa itsu! Tenka tōitsu!-

(A/N: Tenkatoitsu Hoodie.)

After these jingles sound of, three Mugen Entities with three different hoodies and cloaks appear before Roland as hey took their battle stance as they readied their weapons.

Roland: Three entities from my semblance and from the Legendary 100, attack them!

As commanded, they rushed in to take on the specific monsters that got in their way while Roland simply looked back at the group dealing with Hazel as he activated his other semblance again as some parts of the floor of the building started to levitate causing some of the group on the specific ground to be levitated to the air with it to their shock as they look at him.

Roland: Use it as an advantage, I have a plan!

Everyone looked at each other until Ryosuke got the idea.

Ryosuke: Guys, I know where this is going, Jump onto the levitating platforms and advance from there!

As he said that, everyone decided to go with the flow as Ryosuke, Kori and Jason jumped onto one platform to another as hazel shot some electric rounds which barely missed them as Ryosuke, Jason and Kori shot their attacks at Hazel, weakening and tiring him out, while Apollonir, Qrow and Ozpin went sword and melee combat at Hazel to distract him as the trio jumping from platform to platform activated their semblances and their finishers.





As the trio jumped onto the last platform to meet up together, they soon jumped off from it as they began to fall towards Hazel acquiring their finishers to take effect while Hazel began punching away in the air, causing balls of electric energy to fly past them, destroyng the platform they were on with Jason conjoured dragons made of flames and magma from his legs, Kori conjoured ice sword-like rapture scissors on his legs and Kuwagata's armour and Ryosuke conjoured a huge Gravity hammer by inserting the essence from the Hammer Smash Bottle to increase the kick's effect on Hazel as a bowling-sized blackhole is formed below his feet-like Gravity Hammer with the size of a Alpha Grimm Ursa's paw.

As the Rider Trio made contact with Hazel, Hazel blocked their attacks by placing his arms in a cross-position as their attacks landed on his arms. Hazel eventually felt the power overwhelming him as he grunts to keep his blocking stance up in attempts of countering their moves, but to no avail as the trio applied more force onto their attacks, causing Hazel to get hit by their attacks and dragged back a few feet away from the rider trio as his semblance began to render.

Ryosuke: His semblance is rendering.

Kori: Yeah, I can see that. And nice going with the levitation stuff. It got Hazel busy.

Roland: Thanks.

Qrow: Okay! Don't mean to interrupt your celebration but, we still got some fightin' to do.

Jason: Yeah. That's true.

Roland: Then what are we waiting for???

Ozpin: We need to bring him to his limit.

Apollonir: And we'll do that.

Just as they were about to charge towards Hazel once again, they see the Dark Rider staggering around and backwards as Goemon MUGEN is seen on her shoulders beating her head and moving her head around in circles, to their shock.

Goemon MUGEN: (beating and moving Dark Arms' head around to make her dizzy)


Qrow: 0_0

Apollonir: 0_0

Ozpin: 0_0

Kori: 0_0

Jason: 0_0

Ryosuke: 0_0 Okaaaayyy....

Roland: (facepalms) (Whispers) why.... Goemon.... why....

Qrow: I'm guessing he's got things under control....

Apollonir: Yep... in a "Qrow" drunked kind of way...

This earned Kori, Jason and ryosuke to giggle a bit, to Qrow's irritation as this wasn't funny.

Qrow: NOT funny...

Apollonir: ANYWAY, let's carry on with the fight!

All: Yeah!!

And soon, they charged towards Hazel as round two of their fight is about to commence.


Some White Fang Ships are seen flying towards Haven Academy as they plan an attack.

In ship 1,

Ship 1 White Fang Commander: Commander of Ship 2, Ready your guns. Once we are at firing range, we shall fire at the academy!

Ship 2 White Fang Commander: Roger!!

Ship 3 White Fang Intel Officer: All ships, battle stations online, we got booegies heading our way!

Ship 1 White Fang Commander: Where?!

Ship 3 White Fang Intel Officer: Above us.

Ship 4 White Fang Commander: All ships, we got an incoming transmission from the booegy!

As the commander of Ship 4 tapped into the transmission of the booegy ship to all ships'communication, it showed a robotic face.

???: Followers of the White Fang, I am Kieron Prime, and your actions here today is unacceptable. Surrender and turn back your ships, or we will be forced to open fire!

Ship 1 White Fang Commander: And what are you going to do to stop us?! Huh? You gonna stop us with you lil' tiny ship?

And with that the crew in the four ships start to laugh as Kieron smiled.

Kieron: For the crecord there, it's not just a tiny ship. IT'S "THE" TINY SHIP! Fortress Maximus, do your thing.

Fortress Maximus (Ship mods): With pleasure, Kieron Prime!

And with that, communications went dark with Kieron's ship as they went offline, to the White Fang's shock.

Ship 4 White Fang Commander: Did that booegy ship just tal--*

Just as the commander of Ship 4 was about to finish, communication with ship 4 just went dark.

Ship 1 White Fang Commander: Ship 4, what's your status?! Ship 4?! Can someone, please answer, DAMMIT!!!

Ship 3 White Fang Commander: Ship 1, LOOKOUT!!!

Unfortunately that word caution wad too late as Ship 1, as well as Ship 4 has been destroyed by a huge blade wielded by a huge flying robot named, Fortress Maximus as it turned towards the two remaining ships left flying on air.

(A/N: Fortress Maximus.)

Ship 2 White Fang Commander: REMAINING SHIPS, FIRE AWAY!!!!

Ship 3 White Fang Commander: TARGET ACQUIRED!!!!

As ordered, the two ships fired at Fortress Maximus but to no avail as their shots aren't that affecting him at all as he used his sword to slash their ships'main cannons, bringing them offline. This also caused the ship to go down as Fortress Maximus transformed back to ship mode over them, causing them to get hit and to crashland onto the ground below.

Ratchet: Prime, the ships that we immobilize and shot down, the White Fang are retreating.

Kieron: Good. Now, let's head for Haven to assist the others.

On ground,

A white fang member is seen flying into a tree by a Robotic T-rex which whipped its tail at him as it went up to his face and roared at him.


The robot T-rex soon transformed as it placed his battle hammer down on the ground. 

???: Me Grimlock want to know where you all going!!!!!

White Fang Member: Haven!!! Please don't eat me! I have children!!!

Grimlock: You not making sense! Where is your leader?!

White Fang Member: You mean, Adam Taurus?! He is at Haven as well. He is going to demolish Haven Academy any moment now!!!!

Kieron Prime (Comms): Grimlock, I need you to head to Haven Academy now! I will deploy your dinobots at the mean time. We will follow up if you have arrived there first as we will be checking the skies for anymore threats.

Grimlock: Me Grimlock want to munch people who hurt other people and destroy buildings.

Grimlock watched as Fortress Maximus in Ship mode flew past him as he looked at the White Fang Member as he growled.

Grimlock: (growling) TAKE . ME . THERE!!

And with that, Grimlock is being shown where Haven Academy is and made a run for it to get there, in the means of getting ready to fight with his fellow Dinobots against the white fang.

For the rest of the Autobots and Fortress Maximus however flew around remnant across the skies as they delpoyed the aerialbots as well to commence a sky survailience to ensure that there are no remaining White Fang ships in the air to disrupt their mission to save Remnant as well.

While survailing the skies, Kieron sensed something.

Kieron: Hmmm...

Ironhide: Is something the matter, Prime?

Kieron: Interesting.... I sense another Enigma of Combination in this planet.

When Kieron Prime said that, the autobots were shocked to hear this as well.

Rachet: But... that's impossible! There is only one Enigma of Combination and that's from cybertron. But here?

Bumblebee: When did you sense that device?

Kieron: Just. And I also sense that the Enigma is now in the hands of a young teenage boy.

Wheeljack: A teenage boy wielding its power? Heh, that is surprising.

Kieron: It is best that we ask of how he used it later, but for now, we have a mission to do.

Crosshairs: But Prime-!

Kieron: Crosshairs, I know. Which is why we are here to assist him, and his team as well. Ready the hanger for drop!

As commanded, some of the autobots prepped the hanger for drop as Kieron looked at the View of Mistral which was quite close to him now.

Kieron: All we need now is a lot of energon to increase our firepower... and a lot of luck.

Kieron stated this as he smiled.

Kieron: Optimus... I will make you proud....

To be continued....

And that's all, folks! The twelvth episode of the Fifth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose Part two. Well, looks like a lot of our OCs are stars today. Kieron and his crew are on their way towards Haven to assist the others to stop Salemand their Dark Faction. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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