I Swear This Time I Mean It (...

By amarie19xoxo

102K 2K 358

Ariel Simmons always wanted to be a WWE Diva. She finally got her dream job. She knew it was going to be hard... More

First Day
Dive Bar
Gym / Flashbacks
Day Off
Heading Home
Home at Last
The Date
To The Concert
Happiest Woman Alive
The Fight/Flashback
Day Off Date
Live Show
Pre-Raw Fun
Girls Day Out?
Slammy Awards
Make Up
Good Morning
We're Going On A Date?
The Big Night
The News
Small Bump
The Bosses
New Scripts
The Announcement
It's Time
Congratulations Are In Order
What's Happening?

The Next Fight

1.6K 40 4
By amarie19xoxo

I went down to the medic's office as soon as they got Colby backstage. They had to give him some stitches for his head and for his arm but I was glad that he was conscious. He didn't even look at me when I walked in. I could feel the anger radiating off of him. After they treated him and gave him his guidelines for the next few days we left. He didn't even hold my hand as we walked out to the car. I just silently followed him. We got in the car silently and the whole ride to the hotel remained just as silent.

We got up to our room still without speaking a word and I was fed up. I grabbed Colby's shoulder, but not too hard because I imagine he was very sore. When I finally made him face me he couldn't even look at me.

"Colby what is it? What's wrong." I asked almost pleadingly.

"What the hell!" He shouted at me causing me to jump back a little bit.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You could have fucking stopped him Ariel." He shouted back.

"I did what was in the script." I said back my voice no louder than a whisper.

"Break the fucking script Ariel. It isn't that hard. I have done it before and lived." He screamed the anger in his eyes intensifying.

"I can't just break script Colby. I have a job to keep. I'm not Seth Rollins the next best thing for buisness. I have to actually fight to be where I am." I responded beginning to get angry.

"Oh so this is payback?!" He roared back at me.

"For what?!?" I shouted back truly confused now.

"For me leaving. You sticking to the script and not helping me. All because I became what I wanted to be. All because I made myself a star. Real nice Ariel." He shouted.

"I don't know what the hell you are talking about Colby Tyler Lopez." I screamed in his face.

"You know what Ariel. I really thought that you had changed and that you had stopped blaming me for all your problems. That you have stopped making everything about you but you haven't. I hope you have fun with Randy. You were both pretty convincing out there. Get the hell out of this hotel room. I'm done with you." He shouted in my face.

I ran out of the hotel room into the hallway before he could say anything else to me. Tears were streaming down my face now and I had no idea what to do. Without Colby I had no where to go and I had absolutely nothing. I didn't know where to go for the rest of the night so I just sat in the hallway a few feet away from the room crying my eyes out. Hoping that Colby would come out of the room and apologize.

I wasn't out of the room for long before a door a little further down the hallway opened. I was praying it wasn't Randy, and thank my lucky stars that it wasn't. April looked at me crying and ran over making sure to shove her shoe between the door and the frame so that she didn't get locked out of her room.

"Ariel, sweetie what happened?"

"I....script...Colby....leave....alone....crying...." I was barely understandable thanks to my broken speech caused by crying.

"Ariel, honey. I can't understand you but, come with me and get out of this hallway. You don't need to be out here in this condition.

She helped me up off the floor and led me into her hotel room. It was almost the same as Colby and I's except hers had two beds.

"I was supposed to room with you initially but then everyone found out about you and Colby and pushed you in with him. So I've got this whole thing to myself." She explained almost reading my mind.

"Thank you." I said through sniffles as she handed me tissue after tissue.

"Now that you seem to be more relaxed would you want to tell me what happened?" She asked politely.

"Actually yes. I really want to talk to someone. Colby and I are broken up I think." I responded still crying.

"What do you mean you and Colby are broken up?" She asked taken back by my response.

"At Raw tonight Randy broke script and instead of just punching Colby he kicked the shit out of him because he has been trying to get with me and I have been pushing him back because I love Colby. He didn't like that idea so much and he told me that lover boy would pay. So he attacked him. Hard. Colby needed stitches. Before the show both Paul and Stephanie told me that no matter what there was no way I could ever break script. So I just stood there while the whole thing was happening. I just stood there and watched. The man I love got beaten down and I just stood there and watched him as he was abused. By the time we got back to the hotel he was pissed. He flipped out on me. He told me that I could've broken script but I told him that I didn't do it because I didn't want to lose my job, because I couldn't just do whatever I wanted like he could. He said that this was my way of paying him back for leaving me all those years ago. He told me that I never changed and stopped blaming other people for my problems and stopped making everything about me. Then he told me he was done and to get out of the hotel room. He couldn't even look me in the eyes April." I told her the whole story but in a shortened version before I started crying again.

She gave me a hug and told me that everything would be alright. She told me that when she and Phil were together and she had to do storylines with other guys that it really bothered him too and they got into fights about it from time to time but she said that the fights were always resolved and it always got fixed. Part of me wanted to believe that she was right but the other part of me knew that this might now blow over so easily.

"What is this that you're saying about Randy trying to get with you though?" April asked a few minutes later.

"I'll show you." I responded pulling my phone out of the pocket of my outfit.

I pulled up the texts from Randy for the last few weeks. I handed my phone to April and her eyes grew wide and outraged as she read what Randal had been sending to me.

"Did you tell Colby about any of this?"

"No I didn't show him any of it because I was afraid to.." I said trailing off.

"You should have shown him sweetie. Maybe he wouldn't have taken everything so hard." April responded sweetly.

"I mean, I guess you're right. I probably should have now that I think of it but I didn't and now he left me and I'm all alone and it's all Randal's fault." I said beginning to cry again.

"Yes, it is all Randal's fault, but you're not alone completely. You have me. He's going to come back hon. I promise. They always do." She said.

I nodded and then yawned. I didn't realize how tired I had gotten over the course of time I spent talking.

"Why don't you go get some rest. Take the second bed. It's not like anyone else is using it." She said with a small giggle.

I walked over to the other bed while April climbed into hers. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light. The only hope for me now was for things to get better in the morning.

Hey y'all! Look at that, two updates in one day! I hope you like it.
Thank you for reading.
I love you all xoxo

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