The Secret's Demise (sequel t...

By bvb_ismy_saviour

6K 176 42

Andy and Hope didn't have the smoothest beginning, but things had gotten worked out and put in place. Will An... More

Escape Plan
Lost and Alone
News, Hate, and Moving On
Schools and Surprises
Visitors and Unexpected Tragedy
The New Addition
The Tattoo Tour
Flashbacks and Problems
Writing, Recovering, and Australian Parents
Life Is A Bitch
The Instruments of the Troubled
Remember When
Concerts and New Friends
A Night to Remember
The Picnic
CC's Shocking News and Ashley's Little Secret
Complicated Love, Engagement Rings, and Drunk Troubles
Footprints in the Sand
Free Now
A Legal Age
Andy In Wonderland
The Search Begins
A New Beginning
Wretched and Divine: The Story of the Wild Ones
Who The Hell Would Say That To A Girl?
The Church of the Wild Ones
Girl Problems and A Knife
Where Will We Go From Here

Now Entering The City of Chicago

148 7 0
By bvb_ismy_saviour

~Hope's POV~

This week was a blur. It is Saturday now. CC and Blaze will be back today, but by the time they get back, I will have left for Chicago. I still haven't told Andy about how I am possibly moving to Chicago.

Andy is the one dropping me off at the airport later. I guess I should tell him, but I know how complicated things are right now. We are in that awkward stage between a friendship and a relationship. We kiss, but we haven't pronounced ourselves 'in a relationship'.

My phone buzzes.

Andy- I'm on my way to pick you up. Be ready ;)

Hope- Ok, I have all my shit together.

I drag my bag over to the door and set my purse by it. I have my phone, iPad, Mac Book, chargers for everything, motion sickness tablets, all of the female essentials, my wallet, my passport, and everything else I could possibly need for the next three days. I am departing today and coming back on Monday.

I hear Andy's car pull up and Batman starts barking when the door bell rings.

"Hey. Remember that you also have to take care of Batman. Are you going to drive over here three times a day, or do you want to bring him to your house?" Andy walks in and starts to drag my luggage bag out the door.

"Oh ya. I guess he can crash at my place for a few days. Him and Crow can become friends. I'll go drag this out to the car, you get whatever he will need while at my house." Andy drags away my bag and I go get Batman's food, his little dog bed, his leash, and a few toys. I attach the leash to him and walk him out the door and to Andy's car.

Once we are in the car, I notice Andy has a text from CC.

"Want me to see what CC said?" Andy nods.

"He said he needs to talk to you and the guys asap. And me if possible. He said they are off the plane and to call him. I shall dial him up if you wish." Andy nods again, so I call CC.

"HEYYY!" CC's loud voice rings throughout the car.

"Hey CC. Andy is driving me to the airport right now."

"Hey Hope! I hope you have a great time in Chicago. I hope you end up staying in LA. I'll miss you too much if you move." I hear Blaze yelling slightly, and CC hangs up immediately.

Andy looks over at me. "What does he mean by he hopes you stay in LA? What are you doing in Chicago?"

"I am doing the charity event, but on Sunday night, I'm checking out an apartment with a friend. I was going to tell you, but then I never got to it. I don't even know if the apartment is any good. My lease is up in a week now, so I am kind of desperate to find a place. I technically should be out already, but the company who owns the appartment complex knows I am looking so they gave me extra time." Andy turns on his phone playlist.

As 'I Never told you What I Do For A Living' by MCR played, Andy spoke. "I hope you have fun, and I support your decision, no matter what it is."

"Thank you. I'm so sorry for not telling you." He had pulled up to the airport now.

He gets out of the car and grabs my luggage bag for me. "See you on Monday."

"Yup. See you then." I give him a small kiss and walk into the airport.

~Andy's POV~

Once Hope is gone, I hop into the car and call CC back.

"Hey... How much trouble am I in for spilling about her possibly moving?" He is so worried.

I decide to play a trick on him. "She is so mad. She did end up telling me after you spilled your guts, but she is still pretty pissed that you did that."

"Oh shit... She's gunna kill me. Good thing our interview is tomorrow and not after Monday." I had forgotten about our interview.

"Where is the interview taking place again?"

"Uh, I think at Jake's house. No where else worked for everyone. I am almost back at my house. Tell everyone to meet at the studio in an hour to talk about the record and stuff."

"Okay. I gotta go now. See ya soon."


He hangs up and I drive home. I lead Batman into the house and bring his stuff inside. He explores quite a bit before jumping on the couch and falling asleep.

I text all of the other guys to meet at the studio in an hour to talk BVB3.

~Hope's POV~

I land in Chicago and I am picked up by Sarah and Liz who are part of The Instruments of the Troubled.

"Hey Hope! Nice to see you." Sarah ran up and gave me hug, then Liz did the same.

"Hey. It's so good to see you guys. And I'm so happy to help out with the charity event." They both smile.

"It's not only a charity event, it's Austin's last show. We took a private vote and he was asked to leave the band. We have auditions set up to find a new singer. We said he had to stay for the charity concert, but it would be his last show with us." Liz seemed quite happy about Austin leaving.

"Ah. Good for you guys. And Liz, how are you and Dahvie doing?" She blushes, so I take it they are fine.

"Perfect. he is so amazing! BOTDF will be playing at the event, PTV will be playing, our band is playing, BVB declined because of prior obligations, but Asking Alexandria gladly took that slot. I think other bands will come, but they aren't playing. It's a huge charity event, and I think you will enjoy the job you have." Liz talks a lot.

"Let's get to the car before it gets towed for being parked longer than 30 minutes." Sarah and Liz lead me to their car.

"Okay, so what will I be doing?" I ask once we start driving to the hotel.

"So, there is a huge, two hour fair type thing before the bands play where people can go and pay to play games or enter drawings to meet a band of their choice. You are working at two different things. For the first hour, you are doing face painting. Since you are a tattoo artist, you were put in that one. You were also put at the kissing booth for a half hour. And for the last half hour, you will be the announcer for who won all of the different drawings and contests." Wow. I have a lot to do.

"Holy shit. That's a lot." They both laugh.

"That's not even everything. During the concert part of the evening, you have to help any of the band members who need help. You will definitely be kept busy." We pull into the hotel.

"We have an hour and a half until we have to be there. So go shower, eat, get ready, and meet us down here in an hour."

I check into my room and head up to the third floor, room 306. I walk in and imediately starts getting ready. I order room service and said if it isn't here in ten minutes I won't pay for it because I am on a tight schedule.

I get my food in 7 minutes and eat it in under 15 minutes. I then strip down and shower.

It feels so nice, the warm water running down my body. It is so soothing.

I finish up showering and get dressed and do my hair. I wear black skinny jeans, two studded belts, black and red converse, a misfits tanktop, and a red long sleeved plaid shirt tied around my waist. I place a few band bracelets on my wrist and a few necklaces around my neck. I put my hair in a side braid with a skull hair clip holding my bangs back. I do my makeup, and then I check the clock and decide I should head down. I grab my phone, which has an MCR case, and put it in my pocket.

I meet Sarah and Liz in the lobby. the rest of their band is also there.

"What's up Hope?" Austin comes up to me and goes in for a hug.

I dodge the hug. "Hey." I head over to where Sarah and Liz are. Echo and Miles, the other band memebers, are there as well.

"Shall we be going?" I nod at Miles' question. He's pretty cute. I wonder if Sarah and him are together. They were making googly eyes at each other when I came down.

When we get there, the fair type things isn't open, but there is a butt load of people waiting to get in.

We show our passes to get into the venue. I am directed to the face painting area. TIOTT are ushered inside to their dressing room to get ready and go over the songs they are playing.

I start mixing the paints up and testing out the face paint markers. A half an hour later, everyone is let in. The face paint booth is backed up, so I work as fast as I can without messing up.

~Andy's POV~

The guys and I are all at the studio now.

"We need to decide what we are going to call the record. It can't be BVB3 forever. And what songs are going to be used? Do we need more songs? Who do we need to bring in to be on the record? Are we giving it a concept? We need to figure out a lot of this before the interview. It is early to give away the name, but we also need to figure out which song will be the single." Jake points out everything we need to figure out.

"Well, I think a lot of the material follows the concept of rebeling against the normality of society and it is almost telling a story about a group of outcasts trying to overthrow this large governmental thing that controls everything." I really think they understood where I am coming from with this concept.

"Yeah, so like it's following a group of rebels/outcasts who are standing against and fighting this overpowering, all knowing, all seeing government-bad guy. That does seem to be a storyline that the songs already written, they follow it. There are spots that are unexplained, but we can write more where those gaps are." Ashley spoke up about what he thought, and I could tell that everyone else agreed.

"We should deeped the concept so we know what type of songs we need to write." Jake was next to speak his mind.

"I agree. We need a deeper story to base the record from if it is to be a concept record. The small story you've just provided isn't really enough to base an entire record off of." Jinxx vioced his agreement on thr matter.

"So, let's go through the songs we have and try and put them in an order that follows the small story. We can fill in gaps later." All of us start looking through our material and placing it in order or discarding it if it doesn't fit.

We continue doing this for hours, and soon it's 2am.

~Hope's POV~

An hour after the gate opened, I am taken to the kissing booth.

"Hope, it is only cheek kissing, but occasionally, there is that one smart-ass who turns his head at the last second to get a smooch on the lips." I don't know the name of the person who told me this, but I thank them and take my seat behind the booth and put on a smile.

A line forms and I collect the money as the many, many, many guys kiss me on the cheek or have me kiss them on the cheek.

Whoever had warned me earlier was right. A few guys did try to trick me into a lip kiss, but I was too clever.

"I am here to rescue you from the kissing booth!" Liz appears and I sigh in relief.

"Thank god!" I give the last guy a kiss on the cheek because he had already paid me, and then I follow Liz.

"So, your next job is announcing all of the prize winners. The envelopes will be given to you and then you will stand on a small stage with a microphone, announcing who won what. It's pretty simple. I'll make sure someone takes you backstage and gives you a headset when you finish up. Good luck, Hope!" Liz then wallks away and I head over to the mini stage.

I am given a microphone and the box of envelopes with the winners.

"Hello! I hope you guys all had bunches of fun. My name is Hope, and I will be announcing the winners for the many different contests and drawings. Good luck to you all. If your name is called, just come up to the front, and you will be given a pass that you redeem after the concert for whatever you won." I then start reading off envelops after envlope, handing the winners the prize passes, and congradulating them before repeating that over and over again.

In 25 minutes, I have announced all of the winners. I check my phone as I'm led backstage.

Just as I get it out of m pocket, it vibrates, signifying an incoming call. Andy.

"Hey Andy. WHat's up?"

"Not much. I just wanted to check in on you. How is the charity event?"

"Awesome. i worked the face painting booth, the kissing booth, and I was the prize announcer. Right now, I'm being led backstage to help the bands get ready before their sets."

"Kissing booth?"

"It was on the cheek. And I didn't sign up for it, I was assigned to it."

"Okay. At least it was cheek kissing. So, who all is playing tonight?"

"BOTDF, PTV, TIOTT, and Asking. Liz also said a few other bands are coming, so there are one or two slots open. And i didn't know BVB was asked to play at it. She said you declined because of prior obligations, so Asking took your spot."

"Sounds like it'll be a fun night. And yeah, we have an interview tomorrow and we woundn't have been able to make it home in time. It is quite early tomorrow so we couldn't accept. But I'm glad you are having fun. Enjoy the concert. I'm getting glares from the guys. We are working on figuring out BVB3 details. I have to go. Love ya."

"Love you. See you on Monday."

I put away my phone and I'm given a headset. Once it's turned on, I don't know if it's working.

I find out it works when I am given a message to go to see PTV, who are playing first and aren't at side stage yet.

~Andy's POV~

"Dude, get off the phone!" Ashley is bugging me because I am on the phone with Hope.

I just fling him the finger and continue talking.

When all four of them are giving death glares, that is when I say I have to go.

"You are so rude! I was conversating." Thay all rolled their eyes.

"You saw her less than 12 hours ago." Ashley didn't understand love. His idea of love was sex for one night, maybe two, and then never seeing the poor, used chic again. Ugh.

I don't answer him because I don't want to start a fight with him.

"Let's all go home. It's late, we've all had long days, and we all need sleep. See you all bright and early at Jake's house for the interview." Jinxx get up and we all follow him outside and to our separate cars.

When I get home, Batman jumped on my legs and barked.

"Hey little guy." I bent down and pet him, and then went into my room to shower. This house is so old. I've had this place for four years, though I've only lived in it for just over two years. I need a new place.

I shower and hop in bed. On Twitter, I reply to some fans who asked me questions. Then I post a picture of Batman on Instagram because he fell asleep on my feet. He is so cute.

~Hope's POV~

I get to PTV's dressing room and knock on the door. Vic opens it, and he is sweating.

"Is everything alright? You guys are supposed to go on stage in less than 10 minutes." I walk in and see only three of them. Jaime was MIA.

"We can't find him anywhere!" Vic was pacing around the small room.

With my headset, I ask for everyone on the backstage crew to look for Jaime.

"Someone has eyes on him and they are going to get him." It was five minutes later when I got a reply.

It was another 10 minutes until Jaime was in the dressing room. He said he felt dizzy and there was the slight scent of alcohol on his breath.

"Get a lot of water and some advil. I'll have someone announce to the crowd that it will be a few minutes until you guys are ready. We'll say there was a lineup mixup." They four guys nod.

A few minutes later, Jaime is on his feet and PTV is ready to take the stage.

After the little PTV incident, the rest of the night went smoothly. I helped the other bands get ready and get to the stage. It was super fun and the music was amazing.

The bands who ended up performing were PTV, BOTDF, TIOTT, AA, SWS, and even FIR showed up and did a few songs.

The event raised a ton of money for the three different charities who we were helping. It was a gigantic success and now I am happy to go to the hotel, shhower, and sleep. Tomorrow, Sarah, Liz and I are looking at an appartment, but I doubt it'll be any good. I don't think I am even going to go. Tomorrow I might just hang out with some of the bands from tonight and have fun. I don't want to move here, so I'm not even going to look. I've seen pictures and it's not worth it.

I go to my hotel room once I'm at the hotel and I shower, then I hop in bed and sheck my Instagram. I see a picture of Batman on Andy's page and I comment on it, saying how much I miss my puppy.

I fall asleep not to much later and I sleep very peacefully.

****Sorry I took so long with the update. It is a long chapter and for a few days, I just had no clue what to write and didn't have the motivation. But I got it done, and I hope you enjoy.

I posted a short story called 'Suicide Note' so check that out.

Comment, vote, and share this with your friends. I love you guys so much, stay strong, and I'll try to update again soon!****

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