The Prince and the Butterfly...

By MingieMarkie6

41.7K 1K 214

。Start: October.10.18 。Finish: February.12.19 *COVER MADE BY ME!!* *Highest Ranked #1 for nct18 on August.26... More

。 Chapter 1 ~ The 2 Life style 。
。 Chapter 2 ~ Save me? 。
。Chapter 4 ~ Being followed?! 。
。Chapter 5 ~ Moving!!! 。
。Chapter 6 ~ Little bro??? 。
。Chapter 7 ~ First Day of school... 。
。Chapter 8 ~ Situation part 1... 。
。Chapter 9 ~ Situation part 2... 。
。Chapter 10 ~ True self... 。
。Chapter 11 ~ Who's getting marry? 。
。Chapter 12 ~ Defending my love ones 。
。Chapter 13 ~ Together!! 。
。Chapter 14 ~ Little brother??? 。
。Chapter 15 ~ The rescue plan... 。
。Chapter 16 ~ Rude... 。
。Chapter 17 ~ Always and forever 。
。Chapter 18 ~ Sad...moments 。
。Chapter 19 ~ The same 。
。Chapter 20 ~ Back to school... 。
。Chapter 21 ~ Little Mochi 。
。Chapter 22 ~ His parents?! 。
。Chapter 23 ~ what happened?! 。
。Chapter 24 ~ Changed?! 。
。Chapter 25 ~ still sick... 。
。Chapter 26 ~ What's happening?... 。
。Chapter 27 ~ Engaged??? 。
。Chapter 28 ~ Cuteness 。
。Chapter 29 ~ Jealousy?! 。
。Chapter 30 ~ The truth?! 。
。Chapter 31 ~ Missed you... 。
。Chapter 32 ~ Friends?! 。
。Chapter 33 ~ 18+!!! & Sick again?! 。
。Chapter 34 ~ Surprise!! 。
。Chapter 35 ~ The Wedding!! & End 。
。Bonus Chapter Part 1 。
。Bonus Chapter Part 2 。

。 Chapter 3 ~ My boys?? 。

2.1K 52 0
By MingieMarkie6

Lucas: "I swear if I was there right now I would huge you so tight right now... oh wait I am. "

Me: "Wait what?! But aren't you..."

Lucas: "Just come open the door."

Me: "Okay."

{ Text message ended }

After I sent the message I ran to the door and opened it and saw Lucas Oppa standing there I just froze because I haven't seen him a while. And he said...

Lucas: "Are you not gonna hug me or what?

Me: "Omg!! You are actually here?!"

Lucas: "Yes I am, now hug me."

Me: "Oppa..."

After I said that I had tears in my eyes and I hugged him and he hugged me so tight. And pat me on the head and said...

Lucas: "There There I'm here now."

I missed him so much! he's always there for me whenever I need him. But every since he moved out with his friends, we haven't seen each other much because where they live is up near the castle, mainly where the rich people lived. But the rich weren't royal as Taeyong so his family are still mean to the rich people too. After a few minutes later, we let go of each other and Lucas wipe my tears and the kissed me on my forehead. I was about to say something until we heard dad's voice saying...

Dad: "Alice! Are you supposed to me in your room?!!...Oh Lucas?! Honey come quick Lucas came to visit us!"

After he said that mom appeared. And said...

Mom: "Oh how is my child doing? I'm so happy you came to visit us!!"

Lucas: "Um actually...I came to visit Alice but it's nice to meet you guys too...I think."

Dad: "Why would you want to visit this piece of sh*t? It's better to visit us."

Me: "....."

Lucas: "Seriously you are gonna call your own daughter / MY SISTER!! a piece a sh*t?! Well you guys still haven't changed ever since I left...I'm actually happy I moved away and soon I'll bring Alice with me."

Mom: "Oh no we changed we promise! Please come back to us."

Lucas: "Stop lying!! I will never come back to this trash! I came to visit Alice and that's final!! And I can't wait to leave here with Alice!! Can you both explain to me when you both hate Alice so much?"

Dad: "Because she was a mistake! We only wanted you!"

Mom: "That's the reason but we still cared for her until now."

Lucas: "Wrong! You both didn't care for her! I did! You both didn't end care about her! Your own daughter!! That's why I got a job while going to school!  To take care of my little sister!! You both only worry about yourself! Why do you never care about us?! All you both do is pretend to care about us but the thing you care about most is money and bing nice to people just for it! And also you never even said I love you once to the both of us!!"

After he said that Mom and Dad both went quiet while I was crying a bit but I hugged Lucas for him to calm down. See I told you he stands up for me when no one has. Then I was looking at Lucas and I saw him turn is head to me and said...

Lucas: "Sunshine I'm gonna stay in your room, while I stay here."

I nodded and I brought him to see the whole house. Then we went to my room last and when we arrived at my room I saw his face frowned even more when he saw how small my room compared to all the other room. He didn't like it. But he just sighed. I heard him and I said...

Me: "It's okay Oppa calm down."

Lucas: "I am calm but the one thing I don't like is that all the house in the room yours is the smallest."

Me: "Yeah I know Oppa. Come on Oppa, let's go to bed and tomorrow we can go for the village."

Lucas: "Okay."

Me: "Oppa, I'm gonna go change to the bathroom an change and you can change in here. And you can do your night routine when I'm done in the bathroom."

He nodded and I got my pjs out of the closet and went to the bathroom. After a few minutes later I was done. And I went to my room and knocked on my door and said...

Me: "Oppa? Are you done?"

Lucas: "Yes Sunshine."

I opened the door and saw Lucas sitting on the bed. Look at his phone. Then he looked up and I said...

Me: "Oppa you can sleep on the same bed as me...what I usually do when you when we were little."

Lucas: "I missed those days..."

Me: "Same Oppa."

We both laid on the bed and Lucas kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around my waist and said...

Lucas: "I love you so much Sunshine/ My little sis."

Me: "I love you too Oppa."

After we said that to each other. We both feel asleep.

{ Next Morning }

I woke up seeing Oppa next to me. I smiled and I chose my outfit and went to the bathroom and did my morning routine. When I was done...

{ My outfit }

I went to the kitchen to make breakfast for me and Oppa. Mom and Dad weren't home because of what they do in the morning. I went to the kitchen and a few minutes later when I was almost done, I heard Lucas wake up husky voice saying...

Lucas: "Good morning Sunshine."

Me: "Oh good morning Oppa. Go get ready Oppa breakfast is almost ready. I made some hamburgers for you."

Lucas: "Yes! I love Hamburgers!"

Me: "I know Oppa."

I laughed and Lucas came to me and said

Lucas: "Thank you! For being the best sister ever!"

After he said that he left and I yelled...

Me: "But Oppa! I'm the only sister you have!"

I'm guessing heard it because he said...

Lucas: "Exactly!"

After he said that I laughed and I heard him laughing too. A few minutes later he was finished and we both at breakfast. When we were both done, I put the dishes and started doing them. And a few minutes later, we are now walking around in the village. I wasn't pay attention so I accidentally bumped into someone. But I didn't look at their face right away instead I apologized.

Me: "Oh I'm sorry."

???: "Oh it's okay."

After that voice said that I realized that I know that voice anywhere and it was Taeyong with Johnny and Jaehyun. I looked up and smiled at them and said...

Me: "Hey Boys!"

Taeyong: "Hey butterfly."

Johnny & Jaehyun: "Hey Alice."

After they said that I introduce them to my brother.

Me: "Boys this is my brother Lucas. Lucas these are my friends."

Taeyong: "It's nice to meet you Lucas. I'm Taeyong."

Me: "Yep he's the prince I was talking about."

Lucas: "Ah it's nice to meet you too hyung. Thanks for saving my sister."

Taeyong: "It's no problem at all. Oh an these are my 2 body guards Johnny and Jaehyun."

Lucas: "Oh it's nice to meet you Johnny and Jaehyun."

Johnny and Jaehyun: "It's nice to meet you too."

After we introduce each other Lucas whispered to me and said...

Lucas: "Do they know about your power since Taeyong called you 'butterfly'

Me: "Yes I told them and only them because I trust them."

He nodded and we looked back at the boys. And then 3 looked so confused and it was cute and funny and it makes me laugh. I giggled and whispered to them and said...

Me: "He's asked if you guys know my powers or not."

After I told them they all went "Ahhh" I started laughing even more because it was cute. Then when I've calmed down from laughing Lucas said...

Lucas: "Taeyong hyung on the count to 3 tickle Alice."

Me: "What-..."

Lucas: "1....2....3..Now!"

After he counted I was laughing so hard while I saw Johnny and Jaehyun laughing because they thought this was cute. Then a few moments later, they finally stopped and I was catching my breath. While I was doing that I said...

Me: "Lucas Oppa?"

Lucas: "Yes Sunshine?"

Me: "I hate you."

Lucas: "I'm sorry it's just fun tickling you."

Me: "You are lucky that Taeyong, Johnny and Jaehyun are here. I would have gotten you back now."

Johnny: "Oh go a head we don't mine. Do we?"

After he said that he looked at Taeyong and Jaehyun and they both shook their heads smiling and I smiled back at them and said...

Me: "Oppa, you got Taeyong into tickling me you better run before I catch you in my human form and Butterfly form."

Lucas: "Oh snap...I'm gonna die...Taeyong hyung if I die remember to take care of my sister for me!"

Taeyong: "Sure? But don't worry I won't let her do that and I know she wouldn't either."

Me: "Oh I'm not sure about that."

After I said hat we started chasing each other. And Taeyong, Johnny and Jaehyun were laughing so hard. After 15 minutes of running we finally stopped and Lucas said...

Lucas: "Thank goodness I survived."

After he said that I hit him hard and said...

Lucas: "Ow! Okay you got me!"

Me: "Haha."

After I laugh Taeyong whispered and said...

Taeyong: "Hey you guys wanna go to my secret house that no one knows about?"

Me: "Oh yes please!"

Lucas: "Ah hyungs isn't my sister cute?"

Taeyong: "Yes she definitely is."

Johnny: "you are definitely lucky to have her as a sister."

Jaehyun: "Exactly...her smile is so cute!"

Me: *Blush*

Lucas: "Hyungs stop you are making her blush."

After Lucas said that I blushed when more and Johnny, Jaehyun and Lucas were all laughing except Taeyong. He kinda looked serious. The others were still laughing and I was next to him and I said...

Me: "Tae are you okay?"

Taeyong: "Yes."

Me: "Tae? Are you jealous? Of me talking to the boys?"

Taeyong: "Ye- No..."

Me: "Tae, no need to worry. But why are you acting like we are a couple or something?"

Taeyong: "....."

He just stayed quiet but then the other caught up to us and...

To be continued....

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