Red vs Blue: Chronicle

By PinkAura

43.3K 986 458

Agent Minnesota was an undercover agent of Project Freelancer. Working behind the scenes of her trusted team... More

Agent Minnesota--AI: Beta
Red vs Blue: Chronicle
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 14

1K 34 9
By PinkAura

Project Freelancer, Many Years Ago

"I've chosen you three for a special... mission." said The Director

"Like what, sir?" asked York.

"Let me finish, Agent York." snapped The Director. "I want you three to infiltrate a maximum security base." He pulled up a holo graph, and we all surrounded it. He put of red dots where there was security, he then pulled up one brown, and one grey dot. "The red dots signify the security, the grey one is the leader,"

"And the brown one is CT," Carolina said.

"Correct. I need you three to retrieve their intel that CT has given them. After that, you must eliminate their leader, and destroy every computer they have there. Head back here when you are done. Dissmissed." he said, and turned away to the Councilor.

We all saluted and left, getting in the waiting pelican with 479er waiting there. Carolina took her co-pilot spot up front as usual, and closed the doors separating them two from us. York and I sat across from each other awkwardly.

"Sorry about the other day," he spoke up when the pelican lifted off.

"No York. I'm sorry," I told him.

"So, what's up with you and Wash?" he asked, turning back into his usual self.

"You know how Wash said he liked another freelancer?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah?" he replied, confused.

"I'm that freelancer," I said softly.

"Are you serious?" he shouted.

"Dead." I said.

"How do you know?" he asked me.

I pulled off my helmet and made sure Carolina wasn't going to come back in here anytime soon. "I can trust you, I know I can." I shook my head. "Because he said so, right after he kissed me."

York's jaw dropped, and my eyes immediately fell to the ground. I knew I shouldn't have told him. Now he was going to make fun fo me everywhere we went. I was mad at mysefl for doing this when he spoke up.

"I won't tell anyone, I promise." he said. As if right on que, Carolina walked on in. She looked at us with a puzzled expression and spoke up.

"Helmet's on, we arrive in about a minute." she told us, and we got up. The hangar door opening up. "Get ready," she said as we got closer and closer to the ground.

Present Day

Just outside of the UNSC Power Facility

"What the fuck are you talking about?" asked Tucker.

Washington cocked his head to the right. "Epsilon," he muttered. Something isn't right here, and I know it. I was having a moment a realisation. This is a dream, because everyone here is dead, but Wash.

Wyoming then hit me upside the head, knocking me out. I woke up in a flash, but I was in Valhala. I was right all along, I was in a dream! Thank the lord!

But how did I arrive in Valhala? I should be in Blood Gulch because they called me in to save Lopez, who is a robot and I couldn't fix him, and then I met up with Tex, and wait. Did I meet up with Tex? I was so confused that I got up, and looked around for any sign of anyone.

Lopez was fixed now, and running, so I went up to him.

"Hey Lopez, where has everyone gone?" I asked.

"Por qué debería yo sé, todos desaparecieron con el azuls." he replied in Spanish.

I understood Spanish, luckily, and was able to decifer what he had said. "The blues, eh? Anyone else?" I asked him.

"Washington las tomó con un poco de freelance otro que no es Tex," he replied.

I pursed my lips and thanked him, leaving red base to go to blue base and look for clues. Immediately, I find nothing, but after a bit of digging through items and listening to a few radio logs, I understand that the Reds went with Washington and the blues to go find Church and kill The Director. This sounds like my kind of party.

The warthog, nor any veichle were waiting, until I saw a shiny new motorcycle just sitting there. I took it, and Lopez yelled angrily at me as I drove off. I just waved and took off, looking for any trace of where the idiots went.

I found a small trace and a beakon for Washington, leading me straight to them. I eventually wound up in the middle of the desert, and the motercycle was running out of fuel. I had to find them soon, or fuel. Which ever comes first.

As I started to get futher into the desert, I saw the faint outlines of a temple of somesort. I didn't know what was there, but I had to get there to see if I could find any clues.

As I got closer to the temple, I saw the idiots plotting something. I hopped off my almost empty motercycle and walked over.

"Hey guys," I said nonchelantly.

"Hey Minnesota," Grif replied casually.

"Minnesota!?" Simmons shouted when he saw me.

"Can somebody fill me in, please? I just had the craziest dream." I told them.

Church and Tucker looked at each other and Sarge looked at Simmons, then Grif, then back to Simmons. Caboose didn't seem to be paying attention.

"Uh well you see, we called you in when we were at Blood Gulch, but then you passed out from the heat, so when we were transferred to Valhala we brought you there and you've been kinda asleep for a long time." said Sarge.

"I don't think it was the heat that made me pass out," I shook my head and thought about my dream, but not much was coming back.

The idiots shrugged their shoulders and Washington and Carolina walked it. Wait, Carolina!?

"Washington?!" I asked

"Minnesota?" asked Carolina

"Carolina?" I asked.

"Caboose," shouted Caboose.

"What are you doing here?" asked Washington.

"I came looking for the reds," I replied.

"Why did you come looking for the reds?" asked Carolina.

"Because I've been with them since Blood Gulch, but then somebody drugged me and forced to realise some stuff while I was out. Which reminds me, Beta, what might have you been doing while I was out?" I replied.

Beta appeared and Carolina and Wash backed up carefully. "You still have yours?" asked Washington.

I shrugged my shoulders. "It was an extra expirement, I think." I replied. "Why are you alive?" I asked Carolina.

She didn't respond. I shook my head and did a quick intake of the place. "Why are you guys here then?" I asked.

"We came looking for CT," Washington replied.

"Isn't she dead?" I asked.

"No, she isn't." said Carolina.

Project Freelancer, Many Years Ago.

"So," York said.

"Stop it, you're making it even more awkward then it allready is." I told him. Carolina was on the other side, out of earshot.

"Sorry," he said.

"Just, I don't wanna talk about it. And trust me when I say this, when I do wanna talk about it, you'll be the first person that I talk to." I told him.

"Wow, okay." he said.

I stopped him. I saw CT just up ahead. She was talking to the insurrectionist leader. Our job was to kill him and destroy the place. I checked my thruster pack and it was working and ready. Now it was our time to go. Primary objective was to collect that intel that CT had given them, so first we had to get by CT and the leader.

And getting by a former freelancer was not going to be a cakewalk.

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