What Is Love? (A Ross and Roc...

By poeticjust

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Two girls have the opportunity of a lifetime when they meet their idols, R5. Together, they must deal with dr... More

What Is Love?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Change Of Plans

Chapter 35

218 3 0
By poeticjust

Joann's POV

I already knew Kayla wasn't celibate, I mean she was in a relationship with the love of her life. She honestly can't resist temptation for her life. I dressed up and headed to Rydel's room. We made plans to go to the beach, so she was getting ready. Riker popped up through the door frame and asked if he could come to wherever we were going as well. In response, I told him he didn't even know where we were going, but he didn't care. He still wanted to tag along. Around 12 o'clock we headed for the door. Once we got to the beach, we set down our umbrellas and blankets. It was a total day of relaxation. Riker looked over at me for a while. At first, I wasn't aware. After a while I got the feeling I was being stared at, so I looked over at him.

Me: OMG, you're so creepy *laughs*

Riker: I was wondering when you would notice *smiles* But really, I wanted to know if you wanted to plan like a trip to the bar, so we can just, you know par-tayy.

I close my eyes and think. I open them again and look over at him.

Me: Ehhh, many of us can't drink anyways.

Riker: It's only you and Kayla, hun. (Author: Actually, neither can Ross, Rocky, or Ryland but whatever, Author's mistake. Too late now)

Me: OMG. You suck *laughs* How are you gonna ask me to plan for a whole bunch of people to drink, and I can't! So insensitive *mockingly* No, really, I'm joking. Rydel! Wake up!

Rydel: Huh? What?!

Me: Wana go out for a drink?

Rydel: You're allowed to drink?

Me: Ugh, you guys always know how to make me feel better, don't you? (Sarcastically)

Rydel: *smiles* You can bring your own glass and cranberry juice *snickers*

Riker: *trying to hold in laugh* OMG *laughs* Perfect plan. So it at least looks like you're doing something. *laughs again*

Me: Okay, fine. So, I'll go on Google and search up some clubs and bars we can go to.

Riker: Ok.

A few hours we packed up and headed home. As soon as we got home, I grabbed Ross' laptop and searched up a few bars. I saw some reviews on Yelp, and they were terrible, so I decided we should all just go to a club. They are more fun anyways.

I told everyone the plan, so at 9 we were ready to roll out. Rydel had on a black body con, Kayla wore a crop top with very exposed distressed jeans. The boys were just wearing the norm; skinny jeans, simple top, and converses. I also wore a one shoulder black body con like Rydel, because earlier in the week we went shopping together for dresses. We head out around 9:45 because we were all so obsessed with our image.

As soon as we got there, Rocky, Ratliff, and Ross run to the center. They started jumping and "dancing". Rydel and I headed to the bar, while Riker, Kayla, Belle, and Ricky where MIA.

Rydel: Did you bring your glass? *laughs*

I couldn't help but laugh as well.

Rydel: *gets bartender's attention* Um, can I please get a Classic Gin Martini, extra extra dry, please.

Me: Omg. You're ordering like you're at Starbucks.

I as the night progressed I try not to look over at Rydel enjoying her alcohol enriched drink. The temptation got to me, but I didn't give in. I got up and grabbed Rydel's hand. We headed for the dance floor. I loved the song playlist! I danced practically all night. I looked over at Rocky and he had a shot in his left hand and a girl in his right. I ran into the bathroom and started to shed a few tears. Kayla popped in a few minutes later.

Kayla: OMG. What's wrong?

Me: Well, first off I can't even drink. Secondly, Rocky is dancing with another girl.

Kayla: Just dancing?

Me: Yes. But he was f*cking grabbing her ass.

Kayla: Oh okay. Well... *awkwardly* I'm gonna go.

I was just left there alone. I nearly went home, but I remembered that it wouldn't be fair for me to just take the car keys and leave.

I wiped my tears away and walked out of the bathroom. I went to the dance floor and kept dancing (trying not to pay mind to Rocky).

The night went on.


Kayla's POV

I leave Joann in the bathroom, mainly because I was having a blast outside on the dance floor. I was distracted by Joann, so when she left the bathroom,  I snuck back in to use the restroom. When I flushed the toilet, I heard the door open and close. I hear a man mumbling. I looked through the crack of the stall door, IT WAS ROSS!

Me: What the hell?!

He fell to the ground. I tried to get him up but he resisted.

Ross: Get off of me! You're so annoying *mumbling random words*


Ross: Don't tell me what to do! Damn, you're so annoying! That's why I kissed Laura! You're too damn annoying, and controlling. Go back to your old hobby... running away from your problems!

I looked at him. I was shocked. My jaw nearly dropped. I knew he was drunk, but I also knew he wasn't lying when he said he kissed Laura Marano. I hated her, and he knew it. I ran out of the bathroom, to see Belle making out with Riker, and Ricky hanging out with the DJ. I grabbed Belle's hand and went to find Joann, Rydel and Ratliff.

Rydel: Wait? Where are we going?

Me: Home! I'll expain later!

Rydel: Can't you just go home?

Me: No! We all have to, it's late anyways. I mean even Joann is upset.

Rydel: But, she looks like she's having a good time

Me: Let's just go! Come on!

Eventually I found them. Riker wasn't drunk enough to act like an imbecile so I came back to get him.

Riker: Woah, woah woah! Where are we going now?!

Me: Home! Come on! Rydel, Belle, Joann, Ratliff, and I are going home!!

Riker: Are you serious? Ratliff is going home?

Me: Do you want to stay here all night?

Riker: No, not really, okay fine, let's go.

 I grabbed the keys and we all headed out. Well everyone but Ross and Rocky (AKA the two douches)

When we get home, we quietly tip toe upstairs. I see Joann run into the room and shut the door, while Belle sneaks into Riker's room. Rydel kind of looked drunk, but pissed off. Ratliff couldn't even get up the stairs. I didn't care about the drama at the time, so I just headed into the guest room and sunk to the ground. I hear Joann crying, but don't pay any mind because I had my own problems.


Joann's POV

The next morning

I wake up to a force plopping on my bed. It was Rocky.


I didn't say anything. Instead, I pushed him off of the bed and threw the blanket over my head. He got back onto the bed and ripped the blankets off. I guess he thought it was a joke. So, I pushed him again.

Rocky: Aye. What's up with you? First, you guys leave Ross and I at the club. Now you wont talk to me.

Me: How the hell did you even get home?

Rocky: A cab.

Me: Damn those things.

Rocky: Really! What's your problem.

Me: You! Ugh! You frickin kissed another girl and grabbed her ass!

Rocky: I did? Wait when? How?

Me: Get the hell out! Like really! GET OUT

Rocky: Joann, You can't blame me! I-I mean you can, but I was completly drunk. I had no idea what I was doing!

Me: Mmmm. So because you got drunk, you want me to forgive you? Get real.

Rocky: Just think of it like this. Something was controlling my mind, and um... Look, i'm really really really really really really reaalllyyyy sorry.

Me: Rocky, you're still drunk

Rocky: No! Trust me! I'm not!

Me: Give me one legit reason why I should forgive you...

Rocky: Because, I'm really really real--


Rocky: Okay. I'm very very very--

Me: Rocky, I swear on your life, if you repeat one more word--

Rocky: Fine! Really though! I can't see myself with anyone but you! Can't live without.... Can please just give me one last chance?

Me: Why are you missing words?

Rocky: Huh?

Me: You said: Can't live without....Can please just give me one last chance?

Rocky: You said not to repeat words, and I already said the word you, in another sentence *smiles*

Me: *laughs* Oh my goodness, Rock. You're going to kill me, you know that? *laughs* Okay, I forgive you. But remember, I will never forget about this.

I gave him a hug and kicked him out so I can get some more sleep.


On the other side

Kayla's POV

I wake up and get my phone. I stay in bed, but was rudely interrupted by Ross.

Ross: Where were you yesterday! You just left us!

Me: Excuse me? *rolls eyes*

Ross: You left!

Me: Oh, so you remember that?

Ross: *confused* Excuse me?

Me: Oh, I will.

I got up, got out, and slammed out of the door. If he thought I was just going to sit there and watch his dumb act, he was sadly mistaken. I went into the living room and greeted everyone. Rocky, Ratliff, Rydel, Belle, and Ricky were sitting on the couch watching television.

Rydel: Are you done slamming doors?

Me: I guess. (Takes a seat) It's just your brother is... Ugh.

Rydel: What are you talking about now?

Me: Um, what's your deal?

Rydel: Well we were all having an awesome time, until... you know, you came and dragged us all out, because of your problem with Ross. With all due respect, I could have given you cab fare and you could have taken the cab home.

Ratliff: Damn girl.

Rydel: I'm being totally serious. Like I even met someone that I really liked.

Ratliff: Woah woah. What?

Rydel: Yeah, but I will never see him again. Thanks Kayla.

Me: You know, Joann is sitting here silent but did any of you ask her? Did any of you see her crying in the bathroom? Did anyone hear her crying in the middle of the night? No. So somehow this is just all my fault because I wanted to protect my sister from getting hurt again? Yeah right. Get real. None of you bother me. I'm going upstairs.

I walk away slowly thinking that Belle would come to my rescue. I was mistaken. She looked at the ground and I knew she was taking Rydel's side. I couldn't believe it. My best friend was going against me. I went back into the room and Ross was still sitting there, wondering what he did. I almost yelled at him, but I didn't want to "upset" "poor little Rydel". I just sat there and looked at him. He was the only one in the house that I could actually talk to, besides Joann.

Me: Ross, you kissed Laura.

Ross: Um, no I didn't.

Me: Yes you did! Really! Don't deny it. People say truthful things when they're drunk that they would never say sober.  *starting to tear up* But I'm willing to forgive you. It might have been for the show, it might not have been, but I forgive you. I just want to know, who would you rather be with?

Ross: Wait. Kayla? I did kiss Laura, and I'm being totally honest. But, it was nothing. I love you and I am willing to be with you. Did I make a song for Laura? Did I call her beautiful? My mouth may say something, but my heart says another.

 Me: I love you too.

I hugged him tightly. The truth was, the only reason I could forgive him so easily, was because I felt everyone else to be fake. I didn't really have a problem with my sister, but I really had a problem with Belle. I hated them and I didn't want to be with them. I just needed Ross. I walk back downstairs with Ross, and sit on the couch. Everyone looked at us, but then looked away.

Ross: Um, why did you just look at us like that?

Rydel: Ask Kayla.... She seems to know how to read my mind.

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