The Prince and the Butterfly...

By MingieMarkie6

41.7K 1K 214

。Start: October.10.18 。Finish: February.12.19 *COVER MADE BY ME!!* *Highest Ranked #1 for nct18 on August.26... More

。 Chapter 1 ~ The 2 Life style 。
。 Chapter 3 ~ My boys?? 。
。Chapter 4 ~ Being followed?! 。
。Chapter 5 ~ Moving!!! 。
。Chapter 6 ~ Little bro??? 。
。Chapter 7 ~ First Day of school... 。
。Chapter 8 ~ Situation part 1... 。
。Chapter 9 ~ Situation part 2... 。
。Chapter 10 ~ True self... 。
。Chapter 11 ~ Who's getting marry? 。
。Chapter 12 ~ Defending my love ones 。
。Chapter 13 ~ Together!! 。
。Chapter 14 ~ Little brother??? 。
。Chapter 15 ~ The rescue plan... 。
。Chapter 16 ~ Rude... 。
。Chapter 17 ~ Always and forever 。
。Chapter 18 ~ Sad...moments 。
。Chapter 19 ~ The same 。
。Chapter 20 ~ Back to school... 。
。Chapter 21 ~ Little Mochi 。
。Chapter 22 ~ His parents?! 。
。Chapter 23 ~ what happened?! 。
。Chapter 24 ~ Changed?! 。
。Chapter 25 ~ still sick... 。
。Chapter 26 ~ What's happening?... 。
。Chapter 27 ~ Engaged??? 。
。Chapter 28 ~ Cuteness 。
。Chapter 29 ~ Jealousy?! 。
。Chapter 30 ~ The truth?! 。
。Chapter 31 ~ Missed you... 。
。Chapter 32 ~ Friends?! 。
。Chapter 33 ~ 18+!!! & Sick again?! 。
。Chapter 34 ~ Surprise!! 。
。Chapter 35 ~ The Wedding!! & End 。
。Bonus Chapter Part 1 。
。Bonus Chapter Part 2 。

。 Chapter 2 ~ Save me? 。

2.9K 68 22
By MingieMarkie6

But then I saw a figure in front of me...and it was Taeyong with his bodyguards in front of him. I slowly got up but I almost fell until someone caught me. I looked at whoever caught me and it was Taeyong. I slightly smiled at him and he did that same but then I looked around for my parents and I didn't see them. Of course they ran away not caring about me. I mean I still love them but this happens. Then I heard Taeyong saying...

Taeyong: "Are you okay?"

Me: "Yeah I'm okay no worries."

He nodded and he looked back at the rude villager and said...

Taeyong: "Do you know who I am?"

Rude Villager: "Who are you a rude boy that interrupted a grown person business?"

Taeyong: "Seriously??...You might be new here...I'm the prince of this kingdom."

The rude villager was actually speechless and then bowed the Taeyong and went back to his business. Taeyong's arms are still around my waist. And he looked over to me and said...

Taeyong: "Are you okay Alice?"

Me: "Yeah..."

Taeyong: "I saw the 2 adults you stand up for was that your parents?"

Me: "Yes..."

Taeyong: "Okay...if they were why didn't they protect you or tell you to stop this from happening?"

I sighed and I was about to tell them until I realized that his guards were looking at us. Then I was about to say something until Taeyong told his guards...

Taeyong: "Can you leave us alone for a few minutes? You guys can split up and go check the perimeter."

Guard 1 & 2 : "Yes sir."

After they said that they split up and we went to the bench near by and sat down. Then I said...

Me: "Well my parents doesn't care about me. They always care about being nice to people for some reason and I don't like being nice to mean people...and them doing that because they want to revive money from people."

Taeyong: "Oh...I'm sorry...if it makes you feel any parents doesn't worry about me either...they always tell me to be rude to people that aren't royalty and I don't like."

Me: "I know you don't because from the day we meant to are very nice to me. And can you explain why you told me to leave your garden yesterday?"

Taeyong: "Yeah and thats because my parents doesn't want me to be friends with anyone until I start being mean. I rather be alone then be mean to be honest."

Me: "Honestly me too...people thinks I'm to nice to be my friends...and this situation is gonna be hard when I go to school."

Taeyong: "There is nothing wrong of being too nice to people but to mean people that's just doesn't count. And oh what school are you going too?"

Me: "Yeah I know...and Royal prep? I think that's school are for Royals..."

Taeyong: "Yeah it is and I go there...And it's also for smart people too. it's only if you are a royal or you're smart to be expected in this school."

Me: "Oh you do?! We can helping each other out if you want. And I think it's because I'm smart because I get good grades in schools and also I'm know I'm not a royal."

Taeyong: "Sure why not...can we be friends?"

After he said that he said the last part talking quietly. I nodded and had a small smile on my face. Then I said...

Me: "Wait But you aren't supposed to have any friends.

Taeyong: "I know...I just don't pay attention to that..."

Me: "But won't you Guards tell on you?"

Taeyong: "Nope because they are on my side and they want me to have friends and also they are my friends... they aren't old they are only in their 20s...and Omg I just remember that you had bruises on you."

Me: "Ooh Okay thats a good thing. And Umm...I'm okay no worries."

Taeyong: "But how are you gonna cure the spots that you can't reach."

Me: "Tae stop it I'm fine."

Taeyong: "Okay fine...and is that my nickname now? I love it because it's my first! And it's came from you."

Me: "Haha your reaction is just cute."

After I said that he looked away blushing and then we saw 2 figures in from us and we both looked up and saw the 2 guards. I was silent for a second then Taeyong said...

Taeyong: "Alice, this is my 2 friends/guards, Johnny and Jaehyun. Guys introduce yourself to her. And yes she knows about you both."

Guard 1: "Oh okay, Hey I'm Johnny."

Guard 2: "And I'm Jaehyun."

Me: "It's nice to see and know you both. And I wanna thank you 3 for save me."

Taeyong: "We are always happy to help. We are friends after all."

Me: "Oh I never had any friends..."

Taeyong: "We are your friends...right boys?"

Johnny & Jaehyun: "Of Course we are!"

Me: "Okay! And I'm your friends too. And do all go to school together?"

Johnny: "Yes we both do. Are you going to royal prep?"

Me: "Yes I am."

Jaehyun: "Great!

After he said that I smiled at them and we all started to get along so well and then we asked for each other number and we did. then we all had it to go home and we did. A few minutes later, after I arrived at home I saw mom and dad sitting on the couch. I walked passed them until Mom and Dad called my name and I rolled my eyes and I said..

Me: "Yes?"

Mom: "Why are you home so late?"

Me: "Because I was dealing with your mess."

Dad: "Don't talk to your mother like that! Go to your room!"

Me: "Okay."

I didn't even care anymore. I always wanted to be loved by people and have friends and I never go what I wanted. But now I do have friends and it feels good. But I want to be loved by my family. When I got into my room I heard mom say "You have school in 2 days!" Luckily I have a phone for I can contact Lucas. He brought home and me one when he got money from work. I love him and I miss him too. Then I texted him and said...

{ Text message starts }

Me: "Hey Cas Oppa!"

Lucas: "Hey Alice! How are you my little sunshine?"

Me: "I'm okay Oppa. What about you?"

Lucas: "Oh Sunshine why are you ok? Is everything okay with you and mom and dad?"

Me: "Oppa... I miss you : ( and they don't even care about me and it's just sad."

Lucas: "Aww I miss you too. I'll come and visit you soon so stop being sad. And ah they haven't changed at all have they?"

Me: "You better Oppa...and nope not one bit. Why didn't you take me with you when you moved?"

Lucas: "I was scared of all the boys here and also maybe you can live with me soon when I buy my own house soon."

Me: "Ah okay. And you are gonna buy a house soon?"

Lucas: "Yep I'm still working on the papers but you can live with me if you want."

Me: "Yes! But oppa?"

Lucas: "Yes Sunshine?"

Me: "Would it's still be in the kingdom?"

Lucas: "Yes it would but it's a bit further away from mom and dad's house and a bit closer to the castle. Why?

Me: "Okay! Because school is soon and I don't want to change school. And how in the world did you get that much money to buy a house up there?"

Lucas: "Ah okay and I go to the same school as you anyways. And I just actually save up all my money from my job and eventually I got enough for it."

Me: "Ah I'm excited to live with you."

Lucas: "Me too Sunshine. Anyways how was your day?"

Me: "I almost died..."

Lucas: "WHAT?! WHY?!"

Me: "Because mom and dad what being nice to a rude person and I jumped in and started protecting them. But instead of them stopping me they ran away and I got beat up by that rude guy."

Lucas: "Oh my poor Sunshine...are you okay? I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you."

Me: "It's okay Oppa. Someone did save me."

Lucas: "And who was that?"

Me: "The Prince."

Lucas: "Really?? tell me everything?"

After I told him everything he said...

Lucas: "Aww that was nice of him."

Me: "Right?! And he looks cute and handsome too."

Lucas: "Oh I see someone has a crush."

Me: "Oh be quiet oppa. Or I will get you when I see you."

Lucas: "Okay Okay. Haha."

Me: "Oppa?"

Lucas: "Yes Sunshine?"

Me: "Do you love me?"

Lucas: "Of Course I do! You are my sunshine!! Why would you ask me that?"

Me: "Because only you, Taeyong and his friends care about me. No other people does. But you left me with them..."

Lucas: "Sunshine...I'm sorry I honestly didn't want to leave you with them...I was only planning on doing this for us. We both want to get away from there and I couldn't take you with me to an all boys house. It will just be weird and I know you wouldn't like it either. I'm sorry okay?"

Me: "it's okay Oppa, I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude to you."

Lucas: "I swear if I was there right now I would huge you so tight right now...

To be continued....

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