
By baby_dagger

10.7K 454 892

Louis Tomlinson. He is the typical ideal athlete at his school, Hayfield high school. Everyone thinks they kn... More

Marcel Styles
It was him
I guess he wasn't bad after all
Wanna skip school?
Ice Cream, Movies, and a Head Injury
Marcel's Baby, Louis' Home Life, and People From The Past
A Fight, A Party, A Prankster and New Friends
Hangovers, Bobby's Diner, and An Unexplainable Change
Being Late, Burying a Body, a Fake Name, and An Apology
Michael's Gone, Right? Then Who's in Charge Now?
Isn't He's Like 80?
I-I think I Like Him
You Didn't Have To Do All of This To Get Me Against a Wall
One Johnathan is a Nightmare, but Three of Them is Just a Horror Show
It Was The Little Things
Time and Space
Baby's Rules
There's No Way You Can Fit 20 Marshmallows in Your Mouth
The Talk
If You're Wondering How This Is Possible, There's a Simple Answer
Who's Sherlock Holmes?
Would You Fancy Having Dinner With Me?
Are You Planning on Donating an Organ Sometime Soon?
When I Get This Fucking Bullet Out, I'll Answer Your Qestions
Everybody, get down!
Stay With Me Louis!
Kiss Me
Well Besides Hentai
To New Friends And New Beginnings or Whatever People Say in Clichés
"Hi" And "Oops" Started It All
I Could End This Wretched Nightmare
It's Not Tea With The Queen
You Are Such A Tease
You're The Only One I Can Trust
He's Alive
I Didn't Know If It Was Too Cheesy
Live a Great Life, Harry.
Take A Deep Breath, And Start When You Can
Are You Going To Keep Staring At Me Or Are You Going To Kiss Me?
You're Expecting A Lot Of Fights?
Diseases Love To Linger In Groups
My Hero

It Was Self-Defence

158 8 12
By baby_dagger

Amar's POV

"What are you doing here, Lynch?"

"You weren't answering my calls. I was worried." He explained.

I scoffed. "You can drop the act."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean? I thought something had happened to you!"

I shook my head. "Stop, Lynch, or whomever you are."

I saw his eyes widened for a nanosecond, but he regained his composure and smirked. "Have you been drinking? I'm Tyler."

"Cut the bullshit. Harry told me everything."

He dropped the smirk and looked at me with a deadly stare. "Harry, huh? Harry wasn't supposed to say anything."

I tried to keep my voice from cracking as I said, "You need to leave. Now."

I started closing the door, but he slammed his hand on it to stop me. I placed both of my hands on the door and fought to close it. Tyler was stronger than me and forced the door open. I stumbled back, and he stepped inside, slamming the door closed. The rattle surged through the house.

I took steps back, but he advanced me slowly like a predator stalks its prey.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, babe, but I will if you don't do what I say." He held his hand out to me. "Now, come with me."

I looked around for something I could hit him with when my eyes landed on Alyzea's expensive flower vase.

Tyler followed my gaze and chuckled. "I wouldn't do that if I was you."

"You should know I'm not one to take someone's orders." I grabbed the vase, but he was quick to lunge at me.

I tried to aim the vase towards his head, but he quickly knocked my hand aside, making the vase drop a few feet behind him. I flailed my arms around as he tried to get a grip on them. When I saw an opening, I slapped him and pushed him away. I ran for the stairs, but Tyler was quick to yank me by the hair.

"I'm not done with you, bitch!" He sneered in my ear.

I struggled against his grip on my hair, but finally turned around and punched him straight in the nose.

He groaned in pain and held a hand to his nose. "That wasn't very nice of you."

"Yeah, well this isn't either!" I screamed and pushed him. My eyes widened as he lost his balance and tumbled down the stairs. A heavy snap filled the empty house as he was halfway down. He landed at the bottom of the stairs with a loud thud that shook the walls and floor.

"Oh my gosh..." I whispered as I watched red blood start coiling around Tyler's head. I rushed down the stairs and knelt in front of Tyler. I was hesitant to place my fingers on his neck.


"Oh my gosh. No, no, no!" I placed both my hands on his chest and started pushing down, trying to mimic the doctors in Grey's Anatomy. I stopped pushing down on his chest and wrapped my hands around his head, warm and wet blood covering my hands. "No! Come on, Lynch! Breathe!"

I fumbled my hands into my pockets until I found my phone. I went to Harry's contact and called him, not caring that my phone was getting bloody. I put my phone between my shoulder and ear, feeling the blood stick to my cheek.

"Pick up, pick up, pick up." I murmured as I kept pushing down on Tyler's chest.

On the third ring, he picked up. "Hey!"

"I need your help!' I said and placed the phone down and put him on speaker.

"Amar, what's going on?" He asked, worry laced in his voice.

"I didn't mean to do it! There's blood everywhere."

"Calm down, love. I'm on my way."

"Please hurry," I whimpered before he cut the call.

In less than five minutes, Harry came through the door. He looked around before his eyes found Tyler and me.

He dropped to his knees and pressed his pointer finger and middle finger to his neck. He stayed still for a few seconds. He sighed and looked up at me. "Amar, he's dead."

I shook my head. "No, he's alive! He's got to be alive!" I pressed my hands back onto his chest.

Huge arms enclosed around me and pulled me away from Tyler's body. I'm sat down on a couch, but all I can do is stare at my hands.

I had Tyler's blood on my hands.

Harry's POV

I sat her down on the couch and stared at her for a second before kneeling in front of Tyler. He was still bleeding from the impact on the floor. I got up and went to search for a cloth. Once I had one, I went back to Tyler and pressed the rag to his head.

After a while, the bleeding stopped. I got back up again and went to gather a bunch of sheets to roll Tyler up.


I had Tyler rolled up in a bunch of beddings and jostled in the back of my car. I had the blood cleaned up from the tiled floor and put her bags in the car. I took Amar to the tap and carefully washed her hands of Tyler's blood.

"It was an accident, love. It's okay." I whispered as I dried her hands.

"It's my fault, Harry." She whispered. "He's dead."

She released a shuddered breath and completely broke down. A loud sob shook her body. "I killed Tyler! Oh my gosh! I killed him!"

I wrapped my arms around her and let her cry. Her loud sobs rocked her body as she kept yelling,

"I killed him!"

She calmed down after a while and was sniffling. "We need to go to the police."

"We can't go to the police, Amar. He's a gang member. Once his mates find out about him, they'll come after you."

"What are you going to do with the...body then?"

"I'll get rid of it. You have nothing to worry about." I told her, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Come on, let's go home."


I closed the door to her room and sighed. She had fallen asleep in my car. I'm surprised she could even close her eyes without seeing Tyler's face. I couldn't sleep for days after the first time I killed someone.

I walked to the living and looked out the windows. It was still raining pretty hard, so I couldn't bury Tyler, yet. It would be hard to dig six feet deep hole when it's raining. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms behind my neck, massaging it. It's been a long day.

With a thought in mind, I grabbed my keys and walked out of my flat. If I remembered correctly, Alex lived two doors down Niall's flat. I passed Niall's door and arrived at Alex's door, 53E. It was the same door like every other door on this building: brown oak wood with the '53E' in fake gold plaques. I brought my fist up and knocked on the door twice. It was a while before I heard multiple locks unhitch. As I leaned on the doorframe, a tired smile crept onto my face. It immediately dropped when I saw her. She was in red, very see-through, lingerie. It was torn and had many stains on them. Her hair was sticky with sweat. She had a beer can in her right hand and a cigarette on the left. She raised her left arm and took a drag of the fag. I held back a cough as the smoke hit my nose.

"Janice? Do you live here?" I asked, hoping I knocked on the wrong door.

"Hey, you're that new kid." She curled her cigarette hand into a fist and held it to her forehead. "Marcel, right?"

I didn't answer her question. "Do you live here?"

She shook her head. "No, uh, Alex left me here after we finished."

I held back a grimace and felt sick to my stomach. I was hoping I heard wrong, but I didn't. After all this time, Alex hadn't changed one bit. He was still a lying, cheating, perverted, son of a bitch. I can't believe I fell for him again. I was stupid to think he had changed in three years.

"Do you know where he went?" I said through gritted teeth.

She shrugged with one shoulder. "Said something about meeting a Tyler." She took a sip of her beer and hummed. "I can tell him you stopped by."

I shook my head, tears brimming my eyes, threatening to spill. "No, don't tell him anything."

"You wanna come inside." She ran her manicured nail up my arm. "I can entertain you while you wait."

A shiver ran up my arm. "I'm good." I pushed myself off the doorframe. "Uh, see you around at school."

As I walked back to my flat, I heard Janice say, "Bye, sweetie," then closed the door.

I got my keys out and bungled to enter my latchkey, the tears making my eyesight blurry. Finally, I pushed the door open and closed it, tossing my keys on the table. They skidded to stop at the edge of the kitchen island. I plopped down on my couch. I fought to keep the tears at bay, but for the first time since the first break up, I couldn't resist it. The tears poured out endlessly.

I was only fooling myself.

I was foolish to think that Alex could change for me.

I was foolish to think that he could ever love me.

Alex isn't capable of love.

He doesn't have the heart to love someone.

He doesn't care about anyone but himself.


I didn't know how long I was there for, but the rain had stopped, and I didn't have any more tears left to cry. I rubbed at my dry tear-stained face. I looked around for particularly nothing and got up. I walked over to Amar's door and slowly twisted the knob, gently pushing the door open. I watched as Amar's body stilled when the door creaked a little. I walked inside and sat at the edge of the bed. As I sat down, her body relaxed quickly. I watched as her body raised as she took deep breaths.

"I know you're not asleep," I whispered.

Her body stilled for a second before she sighed and turned around. She opened her eyes.

"Why were you crying?" She asked, voice still hoarse and deep from sleep. She had just woken up.

"What makes you think I've been crying?"

"It doesn't take a genius to figure it out." She sassed. "Your face is red and puffy, and I can see the dry tear stains."

I smiled. "It's nothing you have to worry about."

She sighed and sat up. "Today is not the day to tell me not to worry."

I nodded as the events that happened earlier this evening came back to me. I got up and pulled the covers up and got under them. Amar scooted over then used my shoulder as a pillow. "Tyler is- was part of O.B.D."

"How do you know?"

I scoffed and played with my silver band. "Janice told me."

Her head rose. "Janice? Like our school's office Janice?"

I nodded. "Yeah, Janice was in, she was in Alex's flat."

"As in...?" She drifted off.

"Yeah, the red lingerie gave it away."

"Where the bloody hell is he?" She growled, ripping the covers off of her.

I gripped her arm and smiled at her. "It's okay. It's my fault for thinking Alex could ever change."

She turned her body so she could face. She placed her hand on top of mine. "Don't say that. It's not wrong to have hope. Alex is the one who should be feeling guilty, not you."

I smiled at her words. It was nice to hear someone saying that something isn't my fault, other than Charlie and Oscar. Everyone else in my life has always told me that it was uniformly my fault. No matter what it was, people found a way to blame it on me.

I grabbed her arms and twisted her and hugged her. She laughed as I tickled her sides. "Awww! You're my favourite sister!"

"I'm your only sister." She remarked.


"You don't have to be here," I told her as I pushed my foot against the shovel.

She shook her head. "I have to be."

I sighed and dropped it. I threw dirt to the side. It was later that night after we had eaten (although we had already eaten dinner). I didn't expect I would be doing this on a Monday night. Amar and I didn't go to school because we wanted another day to relax and get to know each other. Instead, we're burying a body. Great brother-sister bonding time, take notes people!

"I'm sorry," She whispered.

I looked up and past the flashlight in her hand. "Why? You have nothing to be sorry for."

"You're burying Tyler. I killed him."

I sighed and shook my head and went back to digging. "It was an accident. From what you told me, it was self-defence."

She shrugged, the light coming from the flashlight moving. "I still killed Tyler. I took someone's life."

"He deserved it. He was going to wind up dead sooner or later. Everyone involved with O.B.D dies eventually." I told her and wiped the sweat from my forehead. Even though it's usually chilly in Donny, burying a body gives you one hell of a workout.

She set the flashlight down, pointing towards the hole. She picked up a shovel. "Let me help you."

"You don't have to," I said, but she had already started digging.


It's simpler to mine a hole when someone is helping you. Almost two hours later, the pit was deep enough. It usually takes me longer. I wrapped my arms around Amar's waist and hoisted her up. I placed my hands on the ground above me and hoisted myself up. I grunted as I stood upright. I clapped my hands together, dusting off the dirt. I walked to the car and popped open the trunk. I unravelled Tyler from the covers and threw him over my shoulder. When Amar saw Tyler slumped over my shoulder, she closed her eyes and turned the other way. I wished she hadn't gotten involved, but I didn't want to lie to her.

I dropped his body into the hole, the drop making a loud thud. I grabbed my shovel and started throwing the dirt back into the hole. Filling the void back up was the easy part. I finished shortly after. I scraped the dirt around to make it look like no one had just buried a body.

"Come on. We're done here, Amar." I said and walked with her back to the car. I opened the door for her and helped her in. I walked back to my side and climbed in.

"This isn't your first time doing this, is it?" She asked as I pulled out of the field. We had driven nearly three hours out to a range three towns over.

I turned to her. "I had to survive, Amar."


Amar and I sat on the ground, a blanket around us and the fire crackling in front of us. I had Ed Sheeran's latest album softly playing in the background.

"Is it weird that I'm okay?" She whispered.

"No, it's not. You're in shock. I was too." I answered, rubbing circles on her arm.

"Who was it? You're first."

"My first time was an accident, too," I reassured her. "I was 12, right before I left to New York. I was walking with Charlie. It was 1 or 2 in the morning. We walked through an alley to get home, and some mugger got a hold of Charlie. The mugger had a knife to Charlie's throat.

"I had only shot at targets or dummies. I was nervous, and my hands were shaking, but I held the mugger at gunpoint. Charlie saw I was afraid and tried to fight the guy off, but he got hurt. The mugger wouldn't back off and came at me. I didn't want to shoot him, but he wrestled me for the gun. I heard a gunshot, and for a moment I believed I had gotten shot. The mugger sank to the ground and bled to death in front of me."

"Wow," She whispered. "You were 12?"

I nodded. "Yeah, Charlie helped me and told me it was okay. It was self-defence." I rested my head on her. "And I'm telling you, that it's okay. It was self-defence. He was threatening you and was hurting you."

She nodded but stayed quiet.

"We can stay in tomorrow if you want," I suggested.

Her head snapped up. "Are you crazy? I can't be absent tomorrow, Harry! There's so much I could miss!"

I chuckled. "All right, we'll go to school."

Although we were going to school the next day, we stayed there, watching the fire and listening to Ed's soft voice for a while.

"Hey, Amar?" I prompted.

She hummed in response.

"You can't tell anyone about this."

"I'm not going to go around telling people I killed a guy." She joked.

"That's not what I mean, well, yes, don't go around saying that." I turned to face her. "You can't tell anyone about my real identity."

She looked at me like I was stupid. "I know, Harry."

"You can't call me Harry at school. Keep calling me 'Styles' so no one suspects anything. You definitely can't tell the boys." I explained.

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Don't you trust them?"

I nodded. "I do, more than I trusted anyone else, but that means the boys are in danger. Des kills anyone who comes in contact with me. He kills anyone I care about or show any interest."

"What does that mean?" She asked, worry in her voice. She knew the answer, but she wanted me to voice it.

"If Des finds out that there are people that know about me, the next body we bury could be one of the boys."



Amar: I don't know what to say.

Marcel: Me either.

E: I can't blame you two. After what happened, there's not much to say.

Marcel: We're both single, there's that.

E: I'm so glad I don't have to write about that dick anymore.

Amar: Can you write one more scene with him in it?

E: Why?

Amar: *whispers* So I can kick him in the groin.

E: Ah *nods in understatement* Yes, I'll write that.

Marcel (being the oblivious bean that he is): What?

E: Nothing. Go get some rest, you'll need it. This is only the beginning.

Marcel & Amar: Wait, what?

E: Tootles.


Hello, Lovelies! So yes! I know this is a short chappie but I'll make it up to you guys in chapter 23. Some of you already know what's in store ;) So it is Friday, I don't have school, and I published chapter 21 on Sunday. Like I said, I wasn't gonna be mean and make you wait until Sunday if I already had the chappie done. I was really motivated to write this chapter because my best friend was waiting for the whole book for the scene of Tyler's death! I hope you like it, love!

Who saw it coming?

Who's glad Tyler's (or whomever he is) dead?

Do you like Amar's and Harry's brother-sister relationship?

So many questions! Ah, I'm gonna leave you guys and you probably didn't read all the way to here, but comment down your opinions, or theories on what's gonna happen next?

Or what I mean by that it's only the beginning?

Okay, I'll stop with the question.

*Dolan Twins Voice* PEACE!!!!!!

- E

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