The Twisted Tale of A Towel H...

By InayaSher

5.5K 325 112

Salma was your average hijabi. She was modest, polite... sometimes and very strict with her grades. That is u... More

Chapter 1 Project Pals
Chapter 3 Supply Shopping
Chapter 4 Mall Mischief
Chapter 5 Mungnis and Toddlers
Chapter 6 Mission break out
Chapter 7- Tragedy ail
Chapter 8 Pep talks and Pools
Chapter 9 CPR with a side of sniffles
Chapter 10 Newguy and Playboy
Chapter 11: Apple juice and Bollywood
Chapter 12 Locker rooms with RED!!!
Chapter 14 Pakistani Idol?!
Chapter 15 Bilal's Surprise
Chapter Entry Contest

Chapter 2 The New Guy

557 27 19
By InayaSher

I spent the rest of the day as usual except for the fact as Ashton Ramsey being my partner was still lurking behind my mind.

As I fiddled with my pencil trying to find the answer to question 5 b) the bell rang leading my train of thought astray and closing my books.

Finally it was lunch time. I haven't seen my best friend, well one of my best friends, Soha today at all.

Right before I moved to Eugene Greyson. I used to go to Al- Kareem, a Islamic school untill I had to move when I was a junior. hijab was part of the uniform there but I didn't wear full, full time like now and like a few of the girls there.

I had to leave all my good friends behind which was sad but we all still hang out and my new friend I made here, Soha right when I moved got included in our little clique so we all know each other really well.

Soha doesn't wear hijab but she's as good a muslim than a lot of hijabis out there.

You see when I met Soha she was nice and modest but after a while she became a bit unfaithful. she didn't pray, she swore, wore showy attire and such but I still loved her to death and she was still super nice and polite. I didn't mind it, I mean it was her life but when I decided on wearing the hijab during my sophomore year, it affected her more than me somehow.

She changed completely, she didn't wear hijab but she was way more modest and was steadfast in prayer and said that her swearing an such was just a phase.

I guess me wearing hijab showed her that I was taking islam serious or something ( which I am) and that I guess made her a bit guilty.

As I approached her locker

I saw her putting her books away and ran up to meet her.

" Hey Soha mama!" I said with a grin plastered on my face.

I gave her that nickname because she always nags everyone about doing there work on time and blah like a mom so her name is now Soha mama.

She just rolled her eyes and smiled.

" Loser!"

Did i mention she sucks at dissing people. Well yeah she does, a lot!

"Come on let's go to the lunch room I'm starving!" She said as we made out way to cafeteria. I looked down at Soha,s lunch to only see an apple and Doritos chips in a plastic bag.

" Why are you always bringing chips for lunch can't you bring a real lunch?."

I said while unwrapping my granola bar and biting a large chunk of it.

" My mom never has time to pack me real lunch."

" You know you could always pack your own lunch that consist of an actual meal instead of reading 24/7"

Not that reading is bad.

"Shut up."

Was all she said before walking away from me as I tried to catch up with her.

I looked to my right and saw Ishmael Chaudhry and I got an idea.

" Hey Soha! look! it's your future Hubby!"

Soha just rolled her eyes an stuck her tongue out.

Me and my other friends are always making fun of Soha for having a crush on every single guy out there. I mean she's a Taurus and even her star sign says that she is big lover, not that I believe in star signs but it's cool when they actually Match your personality.

we even made a script for a drama cereal staring her and 20 different guys that she has to choose as her love.

It's a brown thing.

As I caught up to Soha, we sat down at an empty table and started eating our food.

Soha like always brought a book and completely ignored me for the rest of her lunch. I even stole a few chips with out her noticing. typical

As I was eating my desi lunch which contained, Biryani( spicy rice with meat), Matay ( sweets almost like pastries) as a snack and some regular snack like a granola bar cookie...

I saw Ashton like usual with his friends and a bunch of girls who were acting as his servant feeding him. okay I'm exaggerating, he was just with his friends, Elizabeth and a what looked liked her friends too.

He caught me starting at him and gave me the most charming smile I've ever seen that brought blush to creep up on my cheeks.

Soha, who apparently looked up for once and saw me staring at Ashton.

" What are you staring at?"

She asked and she turned around to see.

When she saw Ashton there, she turned back to me with an evil looking grin.

" Were you staring at Ashton? OMG you were! you have a crush on him!! Wow Salma how shallow are you?"

I quickly whipped my head to her, more blush creeping to my cheeks.

" And you guys always make fun of me for liking guys well then look here!"

She kept whipping her head back and forth and it was clearly making me dizzy.

" I swear I don't have a crush on him! to be honest I despise him! I was only staring at him because I got stuck with that devil to do a project."

I said and then Slouched on the bench but Soha was still smiling.

" You were still looking at him and you know what they say! opposites attract!"

She said in a sing song voice and then emerged her face into her book again.

No way would I ever like Ashton Ramsey or even him like me! and even if he did which I doubt, he'd look at me like all of his babe servants.

When school was over I walked home alone sinceSoha had to take the bus because she lives a bit further away.

We bid our goodbyes at the stop and I made my way home.

Well it took me almost 10 minutes running to school I wonder how long it would take me to walk there.

It was pretty warm outside and it felt like I was going to topple over because of the amount of sweat my hijab carried and my sweater wasn't helping.

When it felt like I was going to fry in the sun to death I heard a car honk from behind me.

" Hey, sweetums! wanna hitch a ride home?"

It was Ashton and he had Elizabeth in the front seat with him with her arms crossed.

No way am I going in that car with him, not just because he's Ashton but I'm not suppose to sit in a car with a guy alone other than my family, cousin, husband....

I looked at him while wiping my forehead that was covered in sweat.

I mean It won't hurt I guess, Elizabeth is in the car so...

I give up, I was swimming in my own perspiration I had to get to my air conditioned home as quickly as possible.

" Fine, but only cuz it's hot and my clothes are being weighed down from my sweat."

He gave a small laugh before unlocking the door.

" hey Babe, can you go to the back?"

Both me and Elizabeth's jaws hung open.

Was he really telling his hot girlfriend to sit in the back so I can sit next to him?

Elizabeth probably thought the same thing because she grabbed onto his arms and crossed her legs so he can see that he was making a big mistake.

" But Bae! I'm going to miss you, plus remember that I'm coming over, how can We have sex when the seats in the back are going to make my back sore?"

She said, her lips pouted in a puppy dog sort of way.

Eww and plus, that is the most stupidest excuse ever.

" Don't worry Elizabeth, I'll give you a massage before we do it, I think that might even turn me on? which is good for the occasion."

She huffed and got out if the seat while giving me a death stare. I hopped in the front while she got into the back.

I opened the window and scooted towards it trying to keep as much distance between us as possible.

" So sweetheart, what's the plan for our project?"

I turned my head towards ad god he looked rather dashing if I might say

( add british accent here)

" Um I don't know, maybe not today since, your um probably busy?"

I turned my head to Elizabeth who's skirt was rippling in the air showing some if her lace undies.

Dressed for the certain occasion I suppose. I don't understand why people these days are so hyped up on making babies I mean is it that cool?

Ashton just gave me a smirk as he quickly turned his head towards me and oh my god those eyes were like a brownish emerald vacuum cuz they sucked me right in.

I was glad that he only looked at me for a second or else he'd realize I was staring at him.

" Yeah I guess your right, how about tomorrow then? it is a weekend."

He said as he turned to look at me and I turned away quickly pretending I was looking through the window the entire time.yelled at myself

LOWER YOUR GAZE! i mentally yelled at my self.

" Yeah, maybe ,depends." i replied still looking out the window.

I could just feel him smiling and it made my heart feel all smooshy and weird.

i hated it it!

The ride was short and before I knew it, we'd reached my house but then realization dawned to me as I got out.

" Hey? how do you know where I live?"

He gave another small chuckle before replying.

" I have to drive through here everyday to go to my house, I sometimes see you going in and I assumed this was where you lived."

" Oh", was all I said before waving a very weird good bye.

Before I left, Ashton leaned in and whispered something in my ear.

" And if your wondering why I made you sit in the front was because Elizabeth was kind of distracting me from driving and I needed someone not as hot to sit next to me."

I couldn't even react because he drove away yelling. " See you later Sweet heart!" And the. He was gone.

I knew there was a catch.

Astughfirullah was all I was saying while stomping to the door. I was so dumb! I was technically alone with a boy! astughfirullah!

I don't know why I was so mad I mean why do I even care? it's typical Ashton.

I swung the door open and continued to say stuff under my breathe. I was so mad that i didn't even see the extra pairs of shoes by door way.

I suddenly heard my mom laughing and the murmuring of others after her.

I dropped my bag near the coatrack and made my way to the living room.

I saw my parents laughing and talking with 2 adults while my brother talking to another boy about his age.

My eyes were glued onto the guy.

so much for lowering your gaze, Salma.

He had a similar hair style and skin tone to Zayne Malik. he was wearing a black dress shirt an jeans with a bit fuzz in his face which didn't look bad. I saw him convert his gaze from Bilal to me and his eyes, his eyes were so close to Ashton's eyes. the same mix of green and brown, it sent shivers up my back for some weird reason.

" Ah! Salma your home! come say hello to our guest!" my mom practically screamed with a grin on her face but I knew that was just her hostess face.

It's a brown thing. or not, i dont know.

" Asalamwulaikum" ( peace be upon you a.k.a hello, hi, wuzz up...)

" Walaikumsalam" they greeted me, and I walked in to shake there hand and do the fake kissing on the cheeks and such etc... ( only to the girls duuuuh)

I sat down on the couch in between my mom and Bilal and just listened to there conversation. My grandma and mom talked with The woman while the men were all talking.

" Ah Salma! the last time I saw you, you were only 10!"

The woman said. She had dark thick hair that rested on her shoulder and a very contagious smile.

I only nodded in response since I still don't know who these people are.

" This is Samina Khala and Tariq uncle, Salma." my mom said and I just smiled.

I'm so pathetic.

I felt my brother tap my left shoulder and I converted my eyes to him.

" Hey Salma! you remember Ahmed right?"


He took my silence as a no and began explaining.

" We were best friends in middle school ,his family moved to California 8 years ago and they moved back here again. Ring a bell?"


He started to explain again and I felt a bit embarrassed that I don't know who these people are.

" Remember how I always asked Ami to go to Ahmed's house, and he only came over like twice because his dad had a busy time schedule to drive him here."

I think I remember sort of. I mean i never exactly met Ahmed properly since I guess he only came over like twice or something but I do remember Bilal asking Ami to always go to this guy named Ahmed's house.

" Umm yeah I remember."

Sort of?

As they talked I just stayed quiet,well unless they asked me a question or something.

Finally after 4 hours or so it was time to get ready for dinner.

As they made their way to the dining room I went upstairs to read kaza ( make up) for prayers since I got sucked into the guest portal right when I got home. I prayed Maghreb too since it looked like it was time,before fixing my face and going down for dinner.

The food was good. Naan, Gourmet Biryani, chicken tikka, Malai tikka and raytha. Dad even brought out some Pepsi which I went bananas for.

Like always my parents were laughing with other adults, my brother had a friend to talk to and I was alone, talking with myself, inside my head.

I sometimes stole glances at Ahmed since he looked very fine in that dress shirt that it almost left me staring when he shifted his eyes to mine and I to my plate as if nothing happened.

This was the same thing that happened with Ashton, what is wrong with me?

Maybe I only care about looks. eye colour especially. god I am shallow! Well i dont like, like Ahmed he's just good lokking that's not exactly shallow is it? God, I'll probably will get an arranged marriage if i keep this up.

i shook the thought from my mind and continued eating my food.

After dinner my parents and the guest left to the dining room to chat while I tidied up the table.

" Let me help you." said a deep yet warm voice.

I turned around and saw Ahmed holding a few of the plates and putting them in the sink. my face turned pink and I could just feel the awkwardness inside me.

" O-oh no, p-please, really I-it's okay, I got it."

I mentally face palmed myself for my stupid stuttering but he already picked up all the plates while I was still holding the large pot filled with Biryani.

" Oh, thanks but you really didn't have to. my mom would be furious at me for letting you clean the table."

Yes that better. No stuttering

He chuckled. " no problem. and dont worry " he said while smiling at me

I almost melted at his voice until Samina Khala interrupted us.

"Oh! sorry I just came to get some water."

I saw her skitter to the sink then to the fridge to get ice from the dispenser before running back to the adults with a smile on her face.

" Sorry for interrupting!" she said before she was truly out of sight.

Interrupting? interrupting what? we hardly had a proper conversation so the only thing you were interrupting was our awkward silence which I'm not saying is bad, actually I'm very thankful for it.

After putting away the Biryani, which Ahmed mostly did by holding the fridge door and carrying half of the weight.

God I'm so useless.

We made our way to the living room where Bilal and the adults were chilling. I sat there playing with my scarf tassels and laughing when everyone else were laughing just so I don't look even more awkward then I am.

I felt bored. utterly bored. I couldn't even take out my phone since it was in my backpack pouch and leaving to get it would be rude in this household.

Besides even if I did have it my mom wouldn't allow me to take it out since we have guests over and that would also be rude.

Uncle Tariq left to use the washroom in between the conversation while I entertained my thoughts with how dusty the lamp was.

Suddenly an idea popped in my head and I got up from the couch leaving a large dent.

My butt is huge!!!

"Would anyone want chai? (tea) I'm going to go make some." I said feeling happy that I found something that will also boost my record with adults but also save me from dying of boredom on the couch.

After everyone decided which kind they wanted. I headed to the kitchen to brew it up. I took out the kettle and filled it with 7 Cups of water before putting it on the stove to boil.

Bilal doesn't drink tea and I don't really fancy it but sipping on it will give me something to do.

While the water bubbled I took out the mugs, sugar... and scooped the right amount of sugar each of them wanted.

You see tea is a big part of my culture and everyone makes a big deal about it. for a girl to be a perfect wife she needs to know the basics. cooking, cleaning... but for us it's the same except with a bonus of making perfect round rotis and amazing chai.

I heard the kettle screech and I added one tea bag. after a while I poured the amber coloured water into one mug especially for Aboo( dad). Next I added 3 more tea bags and waited for it to bubble more.

After a few seconds I remembered that I left my phone in my bag at the door so I decided to quietly sneak by the adults to retrieve it. not like they could hear or see me since they were boasting about how wonderful their children are and blah blah blah!

It's a brown thing

I unzipped my front pocket and dove my hand inside searching for the rectangular device. finally finding it I rushed to the kitchen to make Sure none of the tea dried out.

There was still some time before it was perfectly brewed so I decided to check Facebook. Soha had almost everyone at school in her contacts even though half if them had no idea who she was so when I went to news feed I covered my eyes at the image.


It was Elizabeth in her same tank top from this morning and the same lace undies I accidentally saw because of the wind. in the caption it read.

' Just had a play date with my bae😘 #Ashton #sexytime #love 💃💦👄💏👙💋👶

I laughed at the baby emoji but quickly put my phone away when I saw my mom coming in. I pretended I was really focused on the tea while trying to control the fast beatings of my heart.

" Hello Mano" ( my nickname which means kitten.)

" Oh hey mom, I was just getting ready to put the water in." I said a bit to quickly.

I don't think my mom would be to happy seeing me looking at a picture of a half naked blonde, soo...

" Oh yes well I was just wondering how you think of the Mahmood's" she said while playing with the spoon in Aboo's tea.

" You mean Ahmed's family? yeah their cool, why?"

" Oh no reason, beside I just came to see if you needed help but you clearly don't so I guess i'll be leaving then."

And she left just as fast as Samina Khala.

Confused I heard the high screech of the kettle once more and poured the dark liquid into the mugs before adding the milk. I left one milk less since that was uncle Tariq's and put each of them on a tray with a small vase and pot filled with sugar and milk incase any one wanted more.

I carefully carried the tray, trying not to spill or break anything, into the dining room.

Right when I entered Ahmed got up and helped me serve the tea to everyone while the adults complimented my unique blends of sugar and water.

My dado patted him in the face when he gave her the tea.

" Such a good boy."

I sipped on my tea while listening to their conversation yet again.

I remembered to add extra sugar in mine so that I couldn't taste as much of the bitterness in the tea.

Finally when it was Isha time the guests prayed with us before bidding us goodbye. well that process was as long as the night as they kept saying visit again and how they should stay Longer etc...

I however said maybe one or two goodbyes, a few hugs and kisses before saying I had to study for a test as an excuse to go upstairs. I plopped myself in my bed exhausted from tonight and ready to go to bed. I haven't even taken my scarf off for the entire day and it was seriously giving me headache especially since the sweat was still swelling through my hair.

Right when I was about to rip the cloth off i heard someone say my name.

No one was calling me but I just heard someone say my name. I said Astughfirullah before I quietly walked the the railing to look over but half hid myself so they won't see me eavesdropping. because eavesdropping is a sin and stuff.

" She's even more beautiful in person and so studious."

That's all I heard before quickly running to my room since I had a feeling they saw me or something.

beautiful? Were they talking about me? but why? Should I be worried?

My parents don't hide anything from me from what I know so I don't think I should be worried besides if they were talking about me I doubt it's anything bad.

I unpinned my scarf and let the fresh air dry my dirty damp hair.

I decided to take a shower since I really needed one anyways. I grabbed my bath robe and a towel and headed to the washroom down the hall.

I let the cool water hit my skin since it was getting slightly hot inside and scrubbed. after a while I couldn't take the cold so I just turned the water to warm and proceeded. After the warm shower I put on my bath robes and twisted my long hair into the towel .

I didn't even get to step out of the washroom before my phone buzzed and saw that it was a text from Ashton.


My face felt hot as I jabbed the the keys to reply.

" What's up sweetheart"😘

" What do you want?"

'Nothing just wanted to talk to you.'

'Well looks like your luck ran out cuz I'm going to bed.'

' How come your always like that?'

' Like what?'

'Like you got a problem with me or something.'

' Yeah it because I want to go to bed and your not letting me! 😒'

' Seriously'

' Just because you get all the girls doesn't mean that i HAVE to like you!'

' You don't like me? well you will'

'I doubt it'



That was all I sent before changing into my pyjamas and blow drying my hair.

My phone buzzed again and I looked down.

' K but are we still on for tomorrow or...'

' Yeah I guess'

' What time?'

'How's 2:30?'

' Good'

I put my phone down and I heard another buzz.

' Goodnight sweetheart😉'

And then he was offline.

I rolled my eyes and plugged my phone to the charger. frustrated I slammed my face into the pillow letting my hair act as a curtain to block out the lamp light that I was too lazy to turn off.

After 5 seconds I heard another buzz but completely ignored it because my eyelid s drooped and slowly they closed causing me to fall in deep sleep.


Authors note: hey guys I hope you like this chapter! please rate and like and all that good stuff. please comment and tell if I need any things all you guys opinions matter anyways I hope to see you soon

P.s yeah sorry if there some weird stuff cuz autocorrect sometimes does that and sorry if my GRAMMER is bad lol



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