Seventeen Reactions And Prefe...

By Honeycomb_7

796K 12.6K 6K

Many scenarios that I know you've imagined yourself in... :) More

Vocal Unit: First Time Seeing You
Hip Hop Unit: First Time Seeing You
Performance Unit: First Time Seeing You
Vocal Unit: Asking You Out
Hip Hop Unit: Asking You Out
Performance Unit: Asking You Out
Most to Least Likely: Dating a Foreigner
China Line: When You can Speak Chinese
Most to Least: Showing PDA
Walking in on You Changing
When You're Sick (Snaps)
Boyfriend S.Coups
Boyfriend Jeonghan
Boyfriend Joshua
Boyfriend Jun
Boyfriend Hoshi
Boyfriend Wonwoo
Boyfriend Woozi
Boyfriend DK
Boyfriend Mingyu
Boyfriend The8/Minghao
Boyfriend Seungkwan
Hearing You Sing
Boyfriend Vernon
Boyfriend Chan
When a Guy Flirts with You
Making Up After a Fight
When You Say 'I Love You' First
When You Give Them a Pick-Up Line
When They Realize They are in Love
When You Struggle with Self-Esteem
When He Sees Himself on Your Phone
When You Get Stressed About School
When you 'Accidentally' Call Them Daddy
Romantic Things They Say
Q&A Time!
What They Say When They Confess
When They See You with Glasses
First Kiss~
When You Tell Him He's Going to be a Dad
Not an Update, Just Important Info!
When You Break Up...
When You Want a Hug/Cuddle
When You Go to the Hospital
Long Distance Relationships
When You Struggle with Depression/Anxiety
When He Struggles with English
When You Have a Big/Small Chest
When You're a Youtuber
When They Want to Comb/Style Your Hair
(NOT AN UPDATE) Just for Fun~
When You Give Him a Random Gift
When You're Bullied
Just Another Gif Chapter~
When They Lose Your Daughter/Son
When You Have to do a *Scandalous* Dance
Thank You All!
When Fans are Unsupportive (Male Reader)
Brother S.Coups
Brother Jeonghan
Brother Joshua
Brother Jun
Brother Hoshi
Brother Wonwoo
Brother Woozi
Brother DK
When You Have a lot of SVT Merch
When You are a Bookworm
When They Find You Crying
New Story!
When You and a Friend are Hyperactive
Seventeen as Amazing Feelings
Hello, Everyone :)

When They Talk About Their Family (Orphan)

8K 71 1
By Honeycomb_7

~Requested by anonymous~

"Reaction to having a member who was raised in an orphanage and doesn't know their parents. how would they react when talking about their families." I'll do both sides to this one too!


If he was the orphan- Seungcheol would have a bit of a hard time talking about his family. He would be choked up a little but would talk through the lump in his throat. Regardless, he would tell you everything he knew about his family and his experience as a child and young adult without them.

If he was comforting another member- Seungcheol would be a great listener for that other member. He would hold his hand if he was okay with that and try his best to comfort the other member when they talked about something so personal. He would ask a few questions if he thought it was okay just so he could learn more about his bandmate.


If he was the orphan-  Jeonghan would speak so highly of his family, like he really loved each person as if he was actually raised by them. He would be smiling the whole time, thinking about how soft his mother's hugs would be and how joyous his father's laughs would be. He's want to tell you (or anyone, really) all about them.

If he was comforting another member - Jeonghan would focus on the positive about the situation in an attempt to cheer up the other member. If his bandmate was crying, though, he would hold him close and let him sob into his shoulder. He would genuinely be there for that member any time he wanted to talk about a more serious topic like this.


If he was the orphan- I feel like Joshua would be rather reserved if he was talking about his family while in this situation. He would be shy and nervous to talk about it to anyone, fearful that they would think his feelings were invalid, or that the other person has 'felt worse' before. After he decides to work up the courage to talk about it, though, he would soon tell the other person everything.  

If he was comforting another member - Joshua would be very caring to a member who decided to share a very intimate and personal detail about themselves with him. He would have his hand on the other's shoulder in a fatherly way, making sure that they knew that he was by their side, physically and emotionally.


If he was the orphan- I think that, especially for Jun, he would build up so much stress and negative thoughts about his late family that it would come out in a large burst of crying and unchecked emotions. It would hurt even worse that he was no longer in China, where his family lived before. He would feel lost and abandoned, but would instantly turn to someone to talk and comfort him. Out of all the members, he would most likely seek refuge in Minghao, someone who can understand his homesickness as well. 

If he was comforting another member - To be honest, Jun wouldn't really know how to talk to or comfort another member about such a serious topic. He would stay quiet once the other had started talking, sure not to talk his eyes off him. He would listen intently and give advice to the best of his ability and maybe would even tell some other members about the situation and ask for their help as well.


If he was the orphan- Soonyoung would be a little emotional, but not really in a solemn kind of way. He would cry while talking about his family, but he would smile at the same time. Yes, he would be sad that they were gone but would be glad that he made it so far in life without them, too. It stood as a real testament to his career and success. 

 If he was comforting another member - Soonyoung wouldn't really talk much if another member was talking to him about his deceased family. If it was an older member, he would likely stay completely silent, but if it was someone younger than him, he would coddle him and hug him like no tomorrow. 


If he was the orphan- Wonwoo would try and hold back any emotions while talking about his family, but eventually, he would fail and start to lightly sob while he told someone about his hardships.  He wouldn't want to be comforted with a hug, but would rather just talk to whoever he was with for a long time without interruption.

If he was comforting another member - Wonwoo is another member that wouldn't really know how to react if someone wanted to talk to him about such a serious thing. He would patiently listen and let his bandmate cry or rant or whatever he needed to do, for as long as he needed to do it. He wouldn't offer any advice, though, fearful that he would come off as rude.


 If he was the orphan- Jihoon, similarly to Wonwoo, would try and stay rational while talking about his situation, but would eventually fail. He wouldn't stop talking as he cried, though, he would speak as clearly as possible through the lump forming in his throat. The poor thing would pretend like he never cried just to avoid embarrassment. 

If he was comforting another member - Jihoon would be the type to offer advice to the member that was having a rough time, such as a groups session with all of Seventeen, or perhaps a therapist if things got too bad. As one of the leaders of his group, he would want the entire group to listen and support each other when they were having a difficult time. 


If he was the orphan - He would be smiling weakly as he talking about his parents, at least, when he talked about what he knew about them. He tried to find out a lot about them and would want to tell all the members for a sense of normalcy when the others mentioned their families too.

If he was comforting another member -  Seokmin would be all lovey-dovey and caring if one of his bandmates wanted to talk to him about his late family. He would want him to know that he was by his side and was always willing to talk if he needed to. He wanted his bandmates to rely on him a little and go to him if they ever had a problem.


If he was the orphan- To be honest, I don't really see Mingyu going to others about his problems. I think he would most likely deal with his emotions and worries himself, but he would be willing to talk if another member asked him about it. Secretly, he liked it when the others asked about how he was doing, but he would never admit that. 

If he was comforting another member -  Mingyu would talk to the member kindly and would be very gentle with his tone. He would ask questions to the member about his troubles to try and get down to the root of the problem. He would stay with his friend for hours and hours, just calming talking,  just to make sure he was okay.


If he was the orphan-  Sadly, I think Minghao would isolate himself so he wouldn't have to talk to the others about his family. The only one who he really felt comfortable talking to was Jun. They both could relate to each other more and help each other feel more at home, more at ease. Jun and he would talk while drinking some tea or coffee, away from the others so that Minghao could feel more relaxed.

 If he was comforting another member - Minghao would take action immediately if one of his closest friends was to trust him with such emotional topics, such as his family. He would make hot chocolate for them and would try and calm him down quickly but sincerely. 


If he was the orphan- Seungkwan would be the most emotional of all the boys. He would bottle up all his feelings and doubts until they spilled out all at once.  Hw would try and talk through his sobs and would be shaking. He would through himself onto whoever he was talking to get a hug and sympathy.

If he was comforting another member -  Seungkwan would be rather uncomfortable to have another member talking about something so personal, but he would, of course, still listen with open ears. He would awkwardly place his hand on the other's back in an attempt to comfort him. Eventually, he would mellow out and really become caring and kind towards him, willing to do anything to cheer him up.


If he was the orphan-  Vernon would also have a bit of a hard time talking about his family, partially because he was also a foreigner. He would be able to open up only to someone much older than him that he looked up to, such as Seungcheol. He would seek advice about his situation and would reach out to get more help from the others, slowly and surely.

If he was comforting another member -  Vernon would be very quiet while one of his bandmates talking about his worries. He would gently give advice to whoever it was, and would slowly try and calm them down. Once they were okay again, he would ask if he wanted to go do something together to get his mind off of it, like go to the arcade. 

(this gif... my grades just shot up just by looking at it)


If he was the orphan- Chan would seek refuge in a younger member who could likely relate to him more. The conversation would be rather lax, as Chan tried not to get too upset or cry. He would try and make the talk more light-hearted by cracking small jokes, not only to make himself feel better, but also to lift the weight off his bandmate's shoulder too. 

 If he was comforting another member - Chan wouldn't be sure about how to comfort another member about his parents. He would be very quiet, scared that if he gave advice or said something about it to him, that he would be considered offensive. 

Hope you all enjoyed this~ 

Have a great day/night! Don't forget to eat and sleep at a reasonable hour!

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