Fairy Tail Super

By JungleFurious

2.7K 62 7

A young Saiyan has escaped from Planet Vegeta's destruction. A wormhole suddenly appeared and, instead of mee... More

Into a New World
Welcome to Fairy Tail and The Search For Macao!
First Day On The Job
Dear Kaby
Natsu vs. Arlic
The Armored Fairy
Oshibana Station Showdown
Saiyan Against the Wind
Wrath of Lullaby

You're Not From Around Here

307 8 0
By JungleFurious

"Phew, that was a close one." Natsu said tiredly, looking back at the forest they were in, seeing how the soldiers were no longer in pursuit.

"You think?!" Lucy exclaimed in a panicked tone. "We almost became criminals!" After all, in her opinion, a very pretty lady like herself would never last in jail.

"Let me get a higher vantage point." Arlic said as he floated up. He looked around for a bit before landing back down. "They're long gone. We must have lost them awhile ago."

Both Natsu and Happy did a mirror pose of thinking hard. They seemed to be in deep thought until they opened their eyes in surprise and pointed to Arlic, much to his surprise."

"I just forgot, we never introduced ourselves." Natsu said.

"Aye!" Happy chirped.

"My name's Natsu Dragneel, a Fairy Tail Wizard!" Natsu said cheerfully.

"My name's Lucy, and I'm just a girl looking for a guild to join." Lucy introduced. "Thanks for your help i taking that guy down by the way."

"My name is Arlic, and you don't have to thank me." Alric said. "By the looks of that guy's skill, Natsu never needed my help to begin with."

Natsu chuckled. "Yeah, that guy was no big deal at all." Natsu then patted the blue cat on his shoulder. "This guy here is my little buddy Happy!"

"Nice to meet ya!" Happy said cheerfully.

"It's nice to meet you guys. My name is Arlic." The Saiyan introduced.

"So what kind of guild are you from?" Natsu asked. "With that strange power and that armor you must be from somewhere."

"Yeah, I don't recognize its design." Lucy said.

Arlic became confused by this. "What do you mean a guild? And you guys seriously don't recognize this armor?"

The others were now the ones who became confused. "You seriously don't know what a magic guild is?"

"Should I?" Arlic said simply.

"What planet are you from?" Natsu asked in a joking tone.

"Planet Vegeta." Arlic said simply.

Everyone then paused when he said that. It soon became so quite that one could hear a pin drop. The two wizards and cat all stared at the new guy with widened eyes, trying to process what he just said.

"Wait...are you saying...you're an...alien?" Lucy said, trying to comprehend the situation.

"Yeah, that's right." Arlic said. "The fact that you're surprised must mean that you never seen other species from other planets."

"Wow." Lucy said in awe. "That's so..."

"THAT IS SO AWESOME!" Natsu exclaimed with a huge grin on his face.

"Aye, sir!" Happy said, but then gained a confused look. "But how is it you're an alien Arlic? You look pretty human to me."

Arlic smiled and unwrapped his tail around his waist. He waved it around for a bit and couldn't help but chuckle at his new friends reactions.

"Wow! He's got a tail just like me!" Happy said gesturing to his own tail.

"That's pretty interesting." Lucy pretty said. "So I guess that round thing back in town was your ship?"

Arlic then smacked his forehead. "Ah crap, I knew I forgot something." Arlic reached into his armor and pulled out a small remote. He pressed a few buttons before looking up into the sky.

Everyone just looked at him weird before doing the same. They then began to see something fast approaching them. When it came crashing down on the side of the path they saw that it was the exact same ship that he arrived in.

"Can't let anybody go snooping around in this thing." Arlic said as he approached it. He opened the hatch and began working the controls.

Natsu grew curios and snuck his head inside it and saw a whole bunch of buttons and switches. He got a little curious and tried to press one of them, but his hand was smacked away by Arlic. "Ow!"

"I just said I didn't want any snooping." Arlic said annoyingly. "Now...just a few adjustments...there we go!" Arlic said happily.

The ship closed its hatch and floated for a few seconds before rocketing up into the sky where no one can see it.

"It'll orbit around this planet until I need it again." Arlic said.

"So, with that out of the way, I've gotta ask." Lucy said, gaining the Saiyan's attention. "Where exactly are you from?"

"You said you come from Planet Vegetables?" Happy asked.

"Planet Vegeta." Arlic corrected. "You see, I'm what's called a Saiyan. We were an extremely powerful warrior race that thrived for combat and fights. From the moment we are born we are chosen  based on how much power we have, if we are destined to low-class or elites."

"Sounds like my kind of place." Natsu said with a roguish grin.

"Trust me, it's not for the faint of heart." Arlic said forlornly. The others looked at him in confusion, so he decided to bite the bullet and tell them. "You see we Saiyans were more than just a warrior race, but we were conquerors."

Everyone went wide-eyed when he said that. "What do you mean by conquerors?" Lucy asked feeling like she wasn't going to like the answer.

Arlic sighed. "A Saiyans job is to travel from planet to planet and destroy its native life forms so we can sell the world for a price to another species." The two wizards and cat's eyes became even more wide at that remark and even had a trace of fear in them. Seeing this, Arlic raise his hands in placating gesture. "It's okay, I'm not like past Saiyans. I never killed anyone in my entire life."

The fear in Natsu's eyes disappeared and his smile returned. "Oh, okay then."

"Okay?!" Lucy exclaimed. "He just dropped a bombshell like that on us and you say 'okay?!'

"That's Natsu for ya!" Happy said.

"If he wanted to hurt us he would have done it by now. Plus he seems like a nice guy." Natsu said.

Arlic smiled at his remark. "Thank you, to be honest being one of the few 'nice' Saiyans on Vegeta was a little lonely so it feels to hear you say that."

Happy then remembered something he said. "When you talked about your people, you used the word 'were,' what do you mean by that?"

Arlic then gained a sad look on his face. "It's because...Planet Vegeta...it's gone."

Everyone once again gained a shock look on their faces. "What do you mean...gone?" Natsu said.

"It was destroyed no too long ago." Arlic said. "As far as I'm concerned, I'm the last of the Saiyans. I don't know how many, if any, survived."

"I'm so sorry." Lucy said. She could not have even imagined what he must be going through. Knowing that his home and probably his entire race could be gone. And now he's a stranger here in their world. "So what will you do now?"

"I don't know." Arlic answered. "I'm a stranger to this world. I don't know where to go or what to even do."

"Why don't you join Fairy Tail!" Natsu suggested with a grin.

"Aye! Our guild could definitely use someone like you." Happy said

"In fact, you both can join Fairy Tail!" Natsu said gesturing to Arlic and Lucy.

"Really!" Lucy said hopefully.

"If you don't mind me asking, but what's a guild?" Arlic asked.

"A guild is a place where wizards from across the world can join in to find work and take job requests to earn money. They can also join to improve their magic capabilities and gain a new family." Lucy said.

'A family.' Arlic thought.

"And maybe as soon as you join, you and me can go one on one." Natsu said as he punched the palm of his hand.

Arlic was a little surprised by his statement. Not that many people dared to try and go toe to toe with a Saiyan warrior before, but Natsu was challenging him like it was no big deal.

Feeling his Saiyan blood coursing in his veins, Arlic gave his own challenging grin. "We Saiayns never back down from a challenge. So I'll take you on anytime."

Natsu grinned at all of his friends, both new and his little buddy. "Well then everybody, let's all head out towards Fairy Tail!"

"How far is it?" Arlic asked.

"Not that far. It shouldn't take us long if we head out now. We should be able to get there by morning if we leave in a hurry." Happy said.

"Before we head out there's something I've got to ask." Arlic said. "What was with the deal with that guy back there."

"You mean that fire wizard?" Lucy asked earning a nod from the Saiyan. "That guy was pretending to be a Fairy Tail wizard to trick girls onto his ship so he can sell them." Lucy growled, considering she was close to being on of his victims if it hadn't have been for Natsu.

Arlic narrowed his eyes at that. "Now I don't feel so bad for punching him back there."

"Don't worry, I took that guy out!" Natsu said. "Anybody who mocks the name of Fairy Tail will get burned to a crisp by my fire!"

"Cause nobody messes with Fairy Tail!" Happy said raising his paw in a victory pose.

"Are we just gonna stand here, or are we gonna head off to Fairy Tail!" Natsu said.

"Right!" Lucy said with excitement.

"I guess I'm ready as I'll ever be." Arlic said with a smile.

Everyone smiled and raced down the road, making there way to Fairy Tail. Arlic may have just arrived here, but he sure was grateful that there were some people who were willing to take him in.

Who knows, he may just learn to love it here.


Nothing much to say about this chapter except that it was just to have my character explain his situation to his new friends.

Next chapter will introduce the Fairy Tail guild and we'll take a hike up a snowy mountain to see a perverted monkey.

I know I didn't have to release this chapter so soon, but I couldn't stop writing so I thought I'd give you guys a little treat for being such great fans.

Nothing much to say, but see you guys next time!

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