We're Going Under (Cameron Li...

By sidewaystiara

49.2K 1.3K 144

Danny Worsnop's sister, Kate Worsnop goes on tour with Asking Alexandria and Bring Me The Horizon. Danny has... More

• Tour •
• The Nightlife •
• F*cking Hormonal Teenager •
• Jeremy Mckinnon •
• Smile For The Camera •
• Matt Nichols Flirting With A Pineapple •
• A Neck? •
• And I Don't Even Know Your Name •
• Spin The Bottle •
• You- you're...gay? •
• Heavy Breathing Fills The Silence •
• The Cameron Feels •
• Isn't Revenge A Bitch •
• Did Little Kate Get Some? •
• Karma's A Bitch, Right? •
• Drooms •
• Talk About Awkward •
• Intense, New, Unexpected... •
• Totally Double Date Worthy •
• Well That Can't Be Good •
• Strange Noises In The Night •
• Rules Are Made To Be Broken •
• I'm Sorry Hairy Man •
• As Much As I Love This Silence... •
• Oh, What Great Self Control You Have •
• Better Than Life Itself •
• Brusnop, Obviously •
• The Final Episode •

• Blackpool •

1.5K 44 9
By sidewaystiara

{ f i f t e e n }

We got near the entrance of the park and Danny picked up our wrist bands.

We each put one on.

Sam told me that today's the day he's plucking up the courage to talk to James, yet he still needs to talk to me, which is worrying.

As soon as we got into the park Sam asked James to go on the Pepsi max ride, so they headed off to that part of the park together, I hope it goes well for him, I really do.

Danny grabbed me and Ben grabbed Cameron, they made a plan to drag us on all the water rides first, so we can walk around soaking.

Not many people were in Blackpool today, so the line was only 15 minutes long.

Danny refused to let me buy a poncho to stay dry and then dragged me when it was our turn to get on.

He put me down then sat next to me.

"Do you know how long it takes to curl my hair in the morning Danny?" I pouted.

"No! Ugh, fine, use my jacket to protect your precious hair!" He spoke back.

I smiled as he handed me his jacket.

"I love you Danny! You're my favourite brother" I leant in to whisper "but don't tell Ben"

He looked at me and burst out laughing.

"Love you too! Now LETS GO" he shouted the last two words and the ride started. He smiled pleased with himself.

Ben and Cameron were sat behind us, and when Danny and I turned around to check on them they were holding hands.

"But....brusnop!" Danny pouted. I started laughing.

"You decided you loved your sister more than me, I replaced you" Ben retorted.

"But Ben...I love you, I'll go on the tunnel of love with you! BRUSNOP FOREVER!" Danny pretended to be in tears.

"Okay. Fine. I forgive you, but the wild sex better make up for it tonight" Ben said sighing.

"Who needs tonight when we're going on the tunnel of love?" Danny said to him smirking, me and cam started laughing at their childishness.

Our laughter was cut short when a huge wave of water came over the ride! Luckily, I had a jacket over my head, although my clothes were not so lucky.

The boys were dripping, literally.

We got off the ride, and went to the tunnel of love, Danny insisted we followed them around all day.

We've now been queuing for 10 minutes, and we're close to the front. Danny and Ben are going on together, so that leaves me and Cameron.

To be honest, I'm trying not to show my excitement, whereas Cameron is smiling at the ride like it's made of gold.

Danny didn't want me and Cameron to go on together, but after threatening Cameron he seemed okay with it.

As soon as they got on a car Cameron grabbed my hand into his own squeezing it.

I turned around and smiled, giggling a bit.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"Just...you" I said laughing.

He put his hand to his chest, but didn't realise he was dragging mine with him. He acted offended and then realised my hand was still on his chest.

Just as he opened his mouth to talk the next car came around and we hopped in.

"I love this" he said.


"Being alone with you." He said shyly.

"That...is incredibly cheesy" I said leaning into him.

"Ahh, but it got you closer to me" he chuckled.

The ride was sweet, and I'm lying. I have no idea what the ride was like, because we spent the entire time making out. Oh well.

As soon as we got off the ride Danny and Ben were waiting for us holding hands, brusnop is back.

"How'd you like the ride" Danny asked us.

"It was awesome" Cameron said smiling. Danny raised an eyebrow and muttered weird before skipping away with Ben.

I chased them after Cameron said he was going to find the bathroom.

We queued for the Mad Mouse ride, which was also another two seats ride, just a lot more fun. Cameron joined us after 5 minutes of queuing.

It's a wooden ride, one person sits on the mouse while the other goes I between the first persons legs. Then it gets crazy.

Danny and Ben got into a mouse and sped off screaming.

Our mouse came 5 minutes later, Cameron got in pulling me with him, then seatbelt was set down and he wrapped him arms around me.

He kissed my neck just as we sped off.

At one point we both nearly fell out of the car, so we ended up laughing nearly the whole ride. Our fingers were laced together and the ride was perfect.

Cameron was kissing my neck just as I spotted Danny and Ben, luckily they were too in conversation to notice. I pulled my hands from his and tapped his leg. He pulled his arms from around me and I suddenly felt cold.

"To be continued" he whispered into my ear as he got off the ride, winking and smiling.

All 4 of us fell into conversation about random things, walking around the park. We spotted the Pepsi max and walked over to it.

The Pepsi max is the most known ride is Blackpool, and it's about 5 minutes long. There are two seats cars all joined together to form a long train, the ride is truly awesome.

Ben and Danny planned to stay paired for the whole time in Blackpool to have some 'quality brusnop time' and obviously I didn't object, meaning Cam and I had the day together.

We got on the ride after half an hour of queuing, cam and I were holding hands, which I found so sweet that butterflies formed. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

The ride was better than usual, and as we got off I felt dizzy.

"Baby, I wanna go on the ghost train with you" Ben said in an failing seductive voice to Danny.

Danny laughed and turned to me.

"Up for it?" He asked

"Actually I'm pretty hungry, I'll go get lunch and meet up with you later yeah?" Hopefully, this would get Cameron and I some alone time.

"Yeah sure. Cam?" He asked directing his conversation to Cameron.

"Nah, I'll hang with her so she isn't alone y'know" he replied, smart move.

"Buzzkills! Byeeee" Danny said, grabbing Bens hand and skipping away.

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