• Totally Double Date Worthy •

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{ t w e n t y }

I ended up staying up a lot later than usual. It's 1am, and all the boys are in bed.

My thoughts have taken over, and I have no idea if I'm thinking straight.

But I've made a decision.

I made sure all the boys were asleep before opening the curtain to Cameron's bunk.

I kissed his lips lightly, under me I felt him move a little, then I deepened the kiss. He began to kiss back opening his eyes.

As soon as he saw me he pulled me into his bunk and next to him, I lay my head on his chest.

"Cam?" I whispered.

"Yes love?" He mumbled.

"I don't want to just be friends..." I said.

"Neither do I...but we shouldn't date" he said sadly.

"We shouldn't or you don't want too?" I asked.

"Are you saying what I think your saying?" He replied.

"Yes, I don't want to sleep without you anymore...please, I don't like lying, but if it's for you..." I muttered.

"Are you sure?"

"I love you Cameron"

"I love you too" he replied and pressed his lips to mine.

When we pulled back he looked into my eyes "I can't believe I can call someone like you mine" he muttered.

I blushed "even if it's only in secret" I clarified.

"How can something so wrong feel so right?" He asked.

"Sometimes rules are made to be broken, I guess"

He pulled me so I was on top of him and I rested my head on his chest as he pulled the blanket over the both of us.

"Get some sleep Kate, I love you"

"I love you too" I said sleepily, before his arms tangled themselves around me.


I woke up still on top of Cameron, our legs tangled in each other and his arms still tightly around me. I pecked his lips before climbing out of his embrace, landing on the floor of the bus with a thud.

I changed into whatever I could find and pulled my hair into a pony tale, doing simple make-up.

Sam was already awake when I walked into the front lounge.

"I saw you slept well" he smirked.

"Do you think it's a bad idea?" I asked.

"So you are dating, I feel like we're similar, James and I are dating in secret and so are you and Cam, how weird is that?"

"Quite, I guess." I replied.

"But to answer your question, no. I don't think for one second that it's a bad idea, you're both in love, and I've seen how happy he makes you. You're just meant to be" Sam said smiling.

"Thank you Sam, for your support. Have you told James yet?" I asked, hoping he had so I wouldn't have too.

"Yep, he felt sorry for you guys, he gets it because of me and him y'know?" He said. "We should go on a double date!" He yelled.

"Cameron doesn't know remember?" I said.

"Eh, he's bound to find out soon" Sam said, and Cameron walked out just as he finished talking.

He came over to me, picked me up and sat me on his lap, kissing my neck in the process.

"Ew, guys. I'm right here, this is rude." Sam groaned.

I smirked at Sam, then nodded at Cameron. I turned around and straddled him.

He pressed his lips to mine forcefully, fighting for dominance.

"Ew! Please, it burns! I feel like a perv, just stop. Ewww" Sam said loudly.

Cameron make a fake moaning sound and I smiled into the kiss, Sam was shaking his head looking scared.

"I'll do anything for this to end, anything..." Sam said loudly again.

Cameron moved his mouth to the sweet spot on my neck and started sucking on it, I let out a real moan and Sam pretended to be sick and moved away from us.

"Right, I'm going to the bunk...to give you guys this, alone time" Sam said and got up. I smirked.

"Leaving already Sam?" I asked sweetly.

"Fuck you Kate" he replied closing the door to the bunks.

"Well, that was fun" Cameron said.

"So is this" I said tugging his shirt off and leaving kisses down his jawline. He leant his head back and moaned as I started to nibble and suck on his collar bones.

He said my name and flipped us over, taking off my shirt in seconds and throwing it across the floor.

He leant over me and kissed behind my ear and then went back to my lips.

"Cam...." I let out a few heavy breathes "the boys will be awake soon" I whispered.

He nodded and kissed me passionately again.

When we pulled apart he pulled his shirt back on and passed me mine.

"We're so lucky with our self control" I said sarcastically and he laughed and sat down next to me, placing his hand in mine.

Sam and James walked into the lounge less than two minutes later and I smirked at Cam "told you" I said kissing his cheek.

"But James also knows" I said to him "he's fine with it"

"Good" he replied, kissing me again.

"Hello, lovebirds. I think you've scarred Sam for life" James said sitting next to Cameron, Sam then sat next to him, filling up the sofa.

"They did!" Sam pouted.

I noticed they were holding hands like Cameron and I, and smiled at their hands...Cameron must've followed my gaze because he was staring at their hands in confusion.

"Cam...um, I have some news" Sam said making Cameron look up at him.

"Your together? Like...your gay?" Cameron asked in disbelief.

Sam nodded "you okay with it?" Sam asked.

"Of course I am man! I'm happy for you both...just confused how it happened and why nobody knows" he replied with a smile.

Sam and James proceeded to tell the story of their love life, making me smile all the way through it.

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