• The Cameron Feels •

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{ t w e l v e }

Kate's POV

Just wow...we kissed, twice. Fair enough, we definitely should not have done it, but...wow.

I feel like I'm floating.

I lay my head back on Cameron's chest smiling, watching the rest of the movie.

He pulled me back on top of him and held me tighter. We both lay there happy in each other's company.

I leant my head around to face him, he was still watching the film, his lips slightly open in a small smile, and his deep brown eyes sparkling happily.

"Checking me out, Worsnop?" He said, not tearing his eyes away from the screen. I went a dark shade of red, yet my blush was hidden in the dark.

"In your dreams" I replied smirking at him, this time he looked away from the screen, looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

He leant close to my neck, kissed it and put his mouth next to my ear "how do you know I dream about you?" He whispered making me shiver.

And yes, I'm pretty sure he felt it, seeing as a smirk grew on his face.

He moved his mouth from my ear and back to my neck, starting to kiss it and suck in places. I let out audible moans, and then decided it was my turn to tease him.

I sat him up on the sofa and straddled him, I moved his mouth from my neck and pressed my lips to his hungrily. He kissed back wrapping his arms around me.

I started lightly grinding on him, with an evil glint in my eye, he raised his eyebrows, but continued to kiss me anyway.

I started to grind harder and rub my hands up and down his legs slowly, getting closer and closer to his zipper. He moaned loudly, trying to stop himself from saying my name, yet letting it out a few times anyway.

I grazed my hands against his hips on the line of his boxers and felt him shiver and moan louder.

We kissed harder, yet the fireworks were still there, our tongues fighting for dominance, both of us moaning more and more.

In an instant he pushed me off and to the couch next to him.

I smirked as he pulled the blanket over his crotch area.

"Fuck...that was too close" he said, more to himself than me. Then he looked at me "you're lucky I have self control" he said pointing at me, still heavily breathing.

I went up to his ear, and nibbled on it until he moaned and said my name quietly. Then I whispered "in this case, I find that very unlucky" and with that I walked away.

As I got to the bunks I heard him mutter wow and smiled. I lay in my bunk with the curtain pulled closed, a smile on my face that wouldn't be removed anytime soon.

I heard him come into the room of bunks and close the door.

I listened to him get undressed (all the boys sleep in their boxers, it's a male thing) and had to make myself not look.

But unexpectedly, he pulled my curtain open, I looked at him, still smiling, he was smirking.

I looked at his body and I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped, which made him laugh. Does he have to rub his body in my face like that? Uh...I really need to stop looking. Stop looking Kate! Think about something else! Who am I kidding, he's just lickable.

He leant closer to me, and I pulled him into my bunk. I knew this would all be over tomorrow, but in the meantime, it's amazing.

He was shocked but got in next to me anyway, I got on top of him and started to kiss him again, getting all those fireworks and that fire all over again.

He kissed back hungrily, and we made out for a few minutes.

When I pulled back I put my head in the crook of his neck, and felt him lie into my bed a little more.

"Cam?" I asked


"Stay." I told him, he let out a small huff of breathe and looked like he was thinking for a moment.

He looked like he had an idea and put my legs round his waist, picking me up and jumping down from the bunk.

He walked us over to his bunk and grabbed his phone, then pulled us both back into my bunk.

"Okay, but I have to set an alarm, so I wake up before anyone okay?" He said sweetly, making me melt and feel butterflies ignite within me.

"Perfect" I said as he set his alarm for 10am, that gives him about half an hour before we usually start to wake up.

He locked his phone and I unwrapped my legs from around him, then tangling them in his. His arms tightened around me, and I left my arms on his chest.

I rested my head in the crook of his neck and kissed it before closing my eyes.

Just as I was about to fall asleep I felt his head turn and kiss behind my ear, then he whispered "goodnight Kate" before turning his head back.


I woke up to the sound of Cameron's alarm and quickly shut it off before it woke anyone else.

I slowly turned around so I was facing Cameron, and he was still deeply sleeping.

I wondered how to wake him up, evil thoughts containing water came into my head, but I decided it was too mean, and would definitely wake up others too.

I pondered for a minute before I decided to do what I saw in a movie once.

I leaned forward, and started to kiss him, he kissed back without even opening his eyes.

I moved my lips down to his collar bone and kissed that, then started sucking on it, and biting a little. He moaned and bit his lip to stop himself saying my name.

I left kisses up his neck and went back to his lips, we made-out for a few minutes until we heard a groan coming from another bunk, meaning one of the boys were waking up.

I planted one more kiss on his lips and climbed off him, he looked down to his collar bone and smirked at the purple mark getting darker.

"What a nice way to wake up" he said to me, smiling. Then his face darkened "but expect revenge for this" he pointed to the almost-black bruise and I giggled.

He opened the curtain and climbed out. Leaving me alone in my bunk, wanting the warmth of his body back.

When I went into the lounge, Cameron was already sat eating breakfast. I grabbed my Cheerios and sat next to him.

It was silent, well, apart from the eating part, but it was a nice silence.

Sam walked in ten minutes later, he was usually the first one awake, so he was surprised to see two other people awake before him.

"Please guys, tell me you went to bed?" He asked, mostly to Cam.

"Of course" Cam replied "we play a show today so I needed my beauty sleep" he said smirking.

"Well then" Sam said chuckling. "What time did you guys wake up?" He asked changing the subject.

"I woke up at 10" I replied then looked at Cameron, he smirked at me.

"Well, I had a lovely start to the morning" I glared at him. "I-"

Sam cut him off "dude, I don't want to know if you wanked, just stop talking"

I burst out laughing and snorted, Cameron rolled his eyes and blushed a little, then tried hiding his face.

Danny then walked into the lounge and slumped down next to me, stealing my Cheerios and putting his arm around me.

"Good morning to you too Danny. I believe you stole my breakfast" I said, grabbing my cereal back.

"But I'm hungry and they're good" he said whining.

"Ugh, fine, I'm finished anyways" I told him, handing him the bowl.

Ben and James woke up a little later and joined us.

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