• Tour •

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Authors Note: This was my first every story posted to wattpad, I think I was, maybe 14/15? It was a mess. 

I took it down a few years ago for some reason - but it's got its rightful place in my Wattpad journey, so I'm going to put it back up now (almost 10 years after writing it!)

I haven't edited anything, so what you see is what you get...

My love for Asking Alexandria is still very strong (So no, Mum, it was not a phase. I'm sorry)


{ o n e }

Kate's POV

"Kate! We're leaving - now - fuck, we're leaving now! Hurry the fuck up!" 

"Get off my fucking back! I'm almost ready!" I called back, shoving the last few items into my far-too-filled suitcase. 

You'd think being related to Danny Worsnop is great, you'd think it's probably fantastic - a dream rockstar life. But honestly, it's not all it's lived up to be.

You have expectations to live up too according to my rockstar brother.

For pop stars, this means you have to be completely lovely to everyone you meet, no bar fights, no talking to fans, basically wrap yourself in bubble-wrap and love the world - not for the scene Danny's in. He likes partying. He likes drugs. He lives like he's the epitome of rock 'n' roll itself, and frankly, it's difficult to keep up with sometimes. 

That doesn't mean I don't try though.

"Ready!" I yelled loudly to him, walking down the stairs and dragging the suitcase behind me, leaving scuff marks against the skirting boards, (Mom would've thrown a tantrum, I think to myself.)  

"Dan- oh, hi Ben, didn't know you were already." I glance outside, look to the small tour bus that we'll be cramped into like sardines for the next few months.

"Hi Kate, long time no see! Looking fine as always," he replied with a wink; such a flirt. Matter of fact, all the AA boys are flirts, but they're all sweethearts underneath really, you just have to know them, and put up with them for a while first. Get past the man-whore to reach the gentleman, one may say.

"Shut up, idiot, where're the guys?" I asked him, the bus should was already here; it usually meant five lanky emo boys were sprawled against her nice cream sofa's, chatting about tits and drinking all her pink gin. Kate isn't sure why she goes on every single one of their tours, either. 

"Bus life, sweetheart. We're waiting on you, as usual." He winks, and picks up my suitcase, eyes widening before he puts on a front and carries it anyway. I decide not to tell him it's got wheels attached to the bottom. Instead I grab my phone from the sofa, check my pocket for my purse, and then pick up my house keys from the hook next to the door.

I check it a few times to be sure, and then follow Ben to the bus, slamming the door of that behind me too. They boys look over at me. 

Danny, Cam, Sam and James are already sat down and Ben isalready sat on Danny's knee. You'd think they were gay by looking at them, especially Ben, he carries that sort of vibe - but, low and behold, he somehow managed to bag himself a hot wife. I laughed in my head, thinking of his beautiful wife Samantha, and then Danny in her wedding dress walking down the aisle instead. Now that would be a sight I'd pay for. 

"You guys are so gay, it's excessive," James sighs towards them, as I work on removing the images of Danny in a wedding dress from my head.

Danny got up shortly afterwards and went to unpack, not before flipping James the finger.

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