Seventeen Reactions And Prefe...

By Honeycomb_7

786K 12.5K 6K

Many scenarios that I know you've imagined yourself in... :) More

Vocal Unit: First Time Seeing You
Hip Hop Unit: First Time Seeing You
Performance Unit: First Time Seeing You
Vocal Unit: Asking You Out
Hip Hop Unit: Asking You Out
Performance Unit: Asking You Out
Most to Least Likely: Dating a Foreigner
China Line: When You can Speak Chinese
Most to Least: Showing PDA
Walking in on You Changing
When You're Sick (Snaps)
Boyfriend S.Coups
Boyfriend Jeonghan
Boyfriend Joshua
Boyfriend Jun
Boyfriend Hoshi
Boyfriend Wonwoo
Boyfriend Woozi
Boyfriend DK
Boyfriend Mingyu
Boyfriend The8/Minghao
Boyfriend Seungkwan
Hearing You Sing
Boyfriend Vernon
Boyfriend Chan
When a Guy Flirts with You
Making Up After a Fight
When You Say 'I Love You' First
When You Give Them a Pick-Up Line
When They Realize They are in Love
When You Struggle with Self-Esteem
When He Sees Himself on Your Phone
When You Get Stressed About School
When you 'Accidentally' Call Them Daddy
Romantic Things They Say
Q&A Time!
What They Say When They Confess
When They See You with Glasses
First Kiss~
When You Tell Him He's Going to be a Dad
Not an Update, Just Important Info!
When You Break Up...
When You Want a Hug/Cuddle
When You Go to the Hospital
Long Distance Relationships
When You Struggle with Depression/Anxiety
When He Struggles with English
When You Have a Big/Small Chest
When You're a Youtuber
When They Want to Comb/Style Your Hair
(NOT AN UPDATE) Just for Fun~
When You Give Him a Random Gift
Just Another Gif Chapter~
When They Lose Your Daughter/Son
When They Talk About Their Family (Orphan)
When You Have to do a *Scandalous* Dance
Thank You All!
When Fans are Unsupportive (Male Reader)
Brother S.Coups
Brother Jeonghan
Brother Joshua
Brother Jun
Brother Hoshi
Brother Wonwoo
Brother Woozi
Brother DK
When You Have a lot of SVT Merch
When You are a Bookworm
When They Find You Crying
New Story!
When You and a Friend are Hyperactive
Seventeen as Amazing Feelings
Hello, Everyone :)

When You're Bullied

7.9K 157 63
By Honeycomb_7


Seungcheol would be absolutely enraged when he found out that you were getting bullied in school. He would track down whoever was giving you a hard time and beat them up to the point that they'd be going home in an ambulance. He wouldn't tell you any of this, though, scared that you would be afraid of him. He would simply say that you didn't have to worry about them anymore. 

"Don't worry, Y/N, I'll make sure they never do it again. Never."


Firstly, Jeonghan would be very concerned about you. He would check you from bruises and wounds that they had caused and patch you up. Sure, he'd be crying while wrapping bandages on your arms, but he would smile through the tears just to cheer you up. After he had calmed down some, he would contact the school about the bullies and their parents directly. Let's just say that you had never heard Jeonghan yell like that before. 

"Are you okay, my love? What did they do to you? Where does it hurt?"


Heartbroken, Joshua would hold back tears as you revealed many scratches and bruises from your bullies after months of abuse. He would hold you close to him and comfort you as best he could. He would have to hold onto you tight as you wouldn't turn around and see his weeping face. It would come as an afterthought to get the bullies in trouble, as Joshua was mainly focused on you. 

"I can't believe this... Who would hurt you? You did nothing to deserve this... Why?"


Similar to S.Coups, he would be outraged, probably even more so than him. He would hunt the bullies down and probably beat them up like never before. Unlike S.Coups, though, he would straight up tell you what he did. He'd take a few punches too, so he would have to explain his black eye to you. 

"I did this for you because you're so precious to me. I don't need anyone taking you away from me."


Usually soft Soonyoung would turn into a hard care possessive beast when he saw that someone at your school had punched you and torn your pretty clothes. He would become cold as he stormed out of the door and immediately contacted your principle, demanding that the other students would be expelled at once. Of course, he would come back all cold and his face would instantly soften as he saw how hurt you really were. 

"A pretty girl like you shouldn't have to cry like this... What cruel people..."


Wonwoo would want to actually kill the other kids, but he would hide his rage and tend to your wounds and comfort you. He'd ask you to tell him how long this was going on and what they had all done to you. He would be so broken inside but would try not to show you to make you feel even worse. 

"This is awful... but don't worry, we'll get through this together. I'll make sure they never do it again."


Jihoon wouldn't be able to believe that someone had done something like that to you. He wouldn't know how to contain his emotions and would yell at you (not meaning for it to be directed at you) about how you should have told him sooner. You'd end up crying even more at him yell and he would instantly change attitudes and apologize profusely. He ended up going and finding the other kids to yell at and teach a lesson instead. 

"I'm so sorry, baby... my sweet, sweet princess... I shouldn't have yelled, I just was so upset, but not at you."


Seokmin would start crying once you told him everything that happened. He'd cry just as hard as you, so hurt that you had to go through all that abuse without him knowing. He wanted to stay beside you forever after that and always protect you. He viewed you as something delicate that he wanted to make sure never got hurt, but sometimes it's inevitable. 

"Please always tell me about your troubles... if you don't, I can't help. I always want to help you, you know that."


Emotionless. He would be as blank as a slate of rock, but you knew that there was a fire in his eyes. His face grew red with rage and he stormed off somewhere else. Who knows what he did to those kids? Let me tell you, they never messed with you again, they were even too afraid to look in your direction after Mingyu.

"Don't worry. I took care of it. Now, let me see your arm, you're bleeding..."


Minghao would never resort to violence, even though he strongly wanted to. He would comfort you firstly and then once you were pretty stable, would go outside and calmly call the school to discuss the issue. When he didn't get a certain answer, he would snap at the person on the line and get the boys suspended or even expelled. 

"No, you listen to me! She's bleeding, for crying out loud. There's a major issue here. Don't make me come down to the school, because I will!


Honestly, he wouldn't know how to deal with the issue at hand. Of course, calming you down was easy for him with his sweet singing that always helped you smile again. He would sing to you as he disinfected your wounds, making you winch with pain. He'd be so concerned for you that he'd sing all night for you, just so you could get a sense of peace and comfort for once. 

"I'll sing whatever you want, princess. I want you to be comfortable, so I'll do anything you want."


Vernon would be fuming and you would have to calm him down. He'd be a dog with his bark bigger than his bite, saying he's do all sorts of despicable things to the bullies, but not having the actual courage or skill to do so. Without you knowing, though, he would go to the school and demand that they were punished properly or else he'd do it himself. 

"I can't believe this, these kids are... ugh, I can't understand them. Why would you do that to someone?"


Dino would probably handle the situation best, despite popular belief. Since he was young and knew all about students, he would be able to easily put himself into your shoes and understand how you felt. Before he took action with the school, he'd comfort you and ask you how you felt and what he could do to make you more at ease.

"I hope I can help you feel better. If you ever need me for anything, you know where to find me: right by your side!"

Hello, Carats~ This is the last real update for a bit, but the next chapter will be another gif one like last time just to fill some time. Hope that's okay! Love you all, be sure to eat and sleep well today! :)

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