S.O.S/The Winner Takes It All

By ScarlettScorpion13

37.9K 431 126

A Shourtney Fanfiction When Shayne's four year relationship crumbles, he is devastated. He tries to continue... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
The Winner Takes It All
Chapter 22

Chapter 17

1.3K 22 4
By ScarlettScorpion13

That night, I'm sitting on my couch, when suddenly, my phone buzzes as I'm scrolling through Twitter. I press the notification. It's a text from Courtney. 
"Do you wanna come over?"
I quickly type back a reply. "Sure, I'm on my way right now."

I push myself off the lounge, snatching my keys off the counter. I pull the front door shut behind me, opening my car door and sitting down in the driver's seat. I start up the car, reversing out of the driveway, and pulling out onto the street. 
After about ten minutes, I arrive at Courtney's house, pulling into her driveway. I gaze at her house, all the blinds are closed. Not even a crack of light was seeping through the curtains. I walk up the steps, knocking sharply on the front door.
No answer. 
I try the handle of the door, and to my surprise it swings open easily. I frown, stepping inside cautiously. Something isn't right. "Courtney?"
I reach for the light switch, and notice my hand is trembling. Before I can flick it on, someone grabs my shirt, slamming me against the door, closing it with a thud.
"What the fuck are you doing?" I wheeze, gasping for air as hands constrict around my neck, choking me. I slam my hand against the wall, desperately trying to switch the light on.
It can't be Courtney. 

But who would be in Courtney's house without her knowing? 

Suddenly there is a loud crack, the hands on my neck are gone, and one of my fingers snaps the light on. My other hand massages my throat.
Courtney is holding a broken chair, and there is a man lying on the floor. Her mascara is running, and tears are trickling down her face. She drops the chair, stepping back, her hand over her mouth.
"What the fuck happened? Are you okay? Who is that?" Questions tumble out, as I stare at her in shock.
"Okay, it's a long story, but I need you to give me my phone from the shelf behind you." Courtney inhales deeply, holding her hand out. 
I turn around, my shaking fingers closing around her phone. I hand her the phone, and she takes it, starting to type on it. 
"What are you doing?" I ask her, and she glances up at me. 
"Calling the police." 
I nod, inhaling sharply as I study the unconscious man on the floor. I crouch, pushing him over so I can see his face. "Courtney, this is Chris." 
Her phone was shaking in her hand, as she stares at me. "I know. He's a psycho." She places the phone to her ear. "Hello, this is Courtney Miller..."
I stare down at Chris's figure on the carpet. What would drive someone to do something like this? And more importantly, how is Courtney supposed to feel safe in her own home now? 
Courtney hangs up, turning to me. "The police are on their way." She runs over to me, throwing her arms around me. "You don't know how glad I am that you're here."


The police arrive, and they are interviewing Courtney. I am equally as interested in what she has to say.
"Just start from the beginning ma'am." The officer advises, placing a pen to her notebook.
"Okay." Courtney nods and I put my arm around her reassuringly. "I was making tea in the kitchen when I heard a knock at the door. So, naturally I answered it. It was Chris, and he stormed into the room, telling me that he was going to kill Shayne. I screamed, running upstairs. He told me that if I came down he would kill me too. I was terrified. He found my phone, threatened me until I gave him the password, then texted Shayne to tell him to come over. When Shayne arrived, he assaulted him. I grabbed one of the kitchen chairs and knocked him out with it. And then I called you guys."
The officer finishes writing in her book, smiling at Courtney. "Thank you. You're very brave Ms. Miller. We'll take Mr. Genford to the hospital, get him checked on." 
She asks her a few more questions before snapping her notebook shut. "Thanks for your time. We'll talk soon."
Courtney nods again, seemingly unable to speak anymore. 

After the police leave, I close the door gently. "What the fuck just happened? Who does something like that? Why-"
Courtney cuts me off by pushing me against the door and kissing me. I kiss her back, lifting her to the couch. I put her down carefully on the back of it as she pulls my shirt off. 
Suddenly I hear a phone ring. I know it's my ringtone, but I don't care.
 Courtney pulls away, one hand resting on my chest. "Shouldn't you answer that?"
I dismiss her with a wave of my hand. "Ah fuck em." I pull her lips back to mine, and we are lost in each others arms once more.

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