The Bad Boy and Me

By readbooksforever

67.9K 1.8K 390

Meet Violet Summers. She's the sarcastic girl who doesn't really ever get noticed by anyone. She blends into... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
Ch. 3
5~ What's with that cocky bastard?!
6~News & New Beginnings
7~ Im sorry, what?!
8~ Elephants With STD's
9~ New Kid
10~ Flashback
11~ Curse my bubbling insides
11~What are the odd of freaking odds?
12~ Operation Steal Dickheads Toxers
Authors note: Cast
13~ Why am I incredibly happier?
14~ You can be my Babycakes
17~ God Help Me...
18~ Why me? Whats wrong with me?
19~ Unbearable
20~ Do you know what shes going through?
21~ I'm just done
22~ Typical Talent
23~ Im Fine with That.
24~ Truthful
25~ Uni with a Penis horn.
Please read thisss!!!!!
26~ Car Accidents
27~ Please.
28~ Goodbye
Authors note
authors note

Ch. 4

3.6K 95 20
By readbooksforever

Hangovers are shit.

Also waking up and realizing you practically fucked a stranger on the dance floor.

Fucking Jell-O shots.

I roll over in bed and groan. There's light streaming through a window and it's not helping my headache.
"CASE SHUT THE BLINDS!" I moan loudly, and I squint and see her crawling to the window and pulling the string. Darkness surrounds us and I sigh in content. I quickly fall asleep again.


All of us actually wake up around 1 in the afternoon, which was pretty normal for me.

For them, it was a typical  'wake up with a hangover, pop some Advil and eat some breakfast.' type morning.
For me? I ran to the bathroom the first fucking throb of my eye.

"AUGH!" I yell looking into the mirror, even though my head was pounding. "THAT FUCKING SKANK!"

Mark and Case gather in the bathroom, and after all of the LAUGHING AT MY FACE, they finally started asking questions.

"I don't know! I bumped into this guy and Happy Hands came over swingin at my face! And now I have a fucking black eye!" They double over laughing again, and I stomp out of the bathroom to the kitchen.

You know what will help this? Food.

And ice. probably ice.

but mostly food.


there were microwaveable mini pancakes sitting in a box on the counter. those were gone in one sitting.
Mark groaned. "What the fuck did I do last night?"
I sigh. He doesn't remember what happened. but I do. I remember being pressed up against the guy, feeling his hands everywhere. That's never happened before. Dancing sexually with a guy.

I liked it.

Didn't like the part where I had to run, leaving Mr. Make Me Wet on the dance floor like some fucked up version of Cinderella.

Let's just say my experience sucked.

But it'll make for great stories later on in life.

We spent most of the day chillin at Case's house, watching reruns of Supernatural with all the blinds closed. Junk food was piled all around us. It should've made me feel great, with all that food, but I found myself getting sick.

"augh..." I moan and dash to the bathroom where all the contents come up in the toilet. My throat burns like acid and I feel tears streaming down my face.

"Remind me...," I call to my friends from my spot on the cold floor. "to NEVER take Jell-O shots again!" I moan and lay my head down.

I'll probably never go to a party again.

HAHA. Just kidding. I definitely will. Later. When my head isn't pounding and my eye isn't black.


It was sort of entertaining when people saw my eye. They would look all shocked but never say anything.

I'm sorta glad. Like, what would I say?

"Haha yeah I got punched by a psycho bitch because I bumped into this hot guy at a party and spilt my drink on him? So she thought I was hitting on him and she came up and squared me right in the fucking face."

How badass.

Case met me at my locker, talking my ear off about a rumor someone's said about my black eye.
I sigh and turn to face her. "Okay, honestly Case, I really don't care what people say. Like I really don't give a flying fuck. If they have shit to say, they can come up to me and ask."

She whistles and grins. "DAS MY GIRL." she shouts, but only high enough for me to hear.

We turn from my locker ready to go to class when I see movement in the corner of my eyes.

Holy cannoli. Holy god. It's Ryan. Goddammit, why does he look so freaking scrumptious today? I have fantasies about us kissing. I feel like a major loser and stalker.

I have to rip my eyes away to stop looking like a freak. it's him. he's literally standing so close I can smell his cologne. God, it's like heaven.

He has a girl on his arm and I desperately wished it was me. Why can't it be me?


After a long day of school, I'm happy to drive home and curl up on my bed to watch an episode or 5 or Supernatural. That's pretty much all I do ever.

It's a miracle I have friends.

I hear noises outside and I stop the episode and walk over to the window, opening the curtain. I stop breathing at what I see.

Moving trucks. And people. A family. Moving. into the house next to mine.

It wouldn't have bothered me so much if that house hadn't been my hideout since I could remember. Jumping out the window into the empty house to think isn't as hard as it seems.

I pout. That was my hideout.

Whoever's moving better watch their backs. Vi is on the loose, angered and ready to pounce.

I shut my curtains with a huff.

Dinner time rolls around and I head downstairs in my tank top and sweats, kissing my mom on the forehead when I see her sitting at the table.

"Hey mom, how was your day?" I ask, scooping pasta into my bowl. I sit across from her and take out my phone.

"Good, good." she mumbles. there's a noise outside and she jerks her head up. "Hey honey, why don't you go say hi to the neighbors? The ones that just moved in? It'd be nice."

I scrunch my face. "But I'm eating. And I'm wearing sweats. I'm sure they don't care if I don't come over."

she glares at me. "just do it please." she sighs.

I set down my fork. "fine, I guess. I'll be nice and stuff. but if they ask to come over for dinner, I'm not telling them were gourmet." I stand up, dust my hands off, and head outside to the house next to us.

Stupid people in my hangout. how dare they. they do not deserve a hello.

I knock on the door, put my hands on my hips, and turn to my house. Why did my mom make me do this? I don't get-

The door opens abruptly and I spin to see- oh god.

oh no.

Please tell me this is not the guy from the party moving into the house next to mine guaranteeing that we'll be seeing a lot of each other.

He smiles and props himself against the doorframe.

Yep, it's him. The smile gave it away.

The guy from the party is Ryder Knight. The Ryder Knight. Our schools bad boy girlfriend stealing "one night only" douche canoe. Holy shit. I didn't even recognize him at the party.

And he was dating the most bitchiest snake I know. Blaize Emerald. I hate her with my every fiber.

I wonder why another girl was saying he was her boyfriend even though he has one.

Gosh, Vi, maybe he was fucking around with other girls? What a shocker.

My nice facade falters and I just stare up at him. "You?" I splutter.

He grins. "Well damn. Never thought I'd see you again. How's the eye doin?" he chuckles and runs a hand through his hair.

My mouth drops open. "Are you- do you think this was funny?" I point to my still black eye.  "Do you know how much getting a black eye hurts?" I fume.

He chuckles again, and I wanna scream and smack the grin off his face. "Fine, I'll just show you!" I step forward, raising my arm, but he grabs my fist and lowers it. "Woah there, feisty. Calm down a bit." He says this, but I can still here the amusement in his voice.

Whatever. Jerk. Karma will get you.

"Whatever, just wanted to say welcome to the neighborhood. Have a great old time in this house." I bitterly smile.

He smirks. "I can have a great old time in your room, too."

I roll my eyes. "you're disgusting. and out of luck. I don't hand myself out like all the girls you get with. And your girlfriend." I cringe at the field from part.

He looks a little shocked, but doesn't say anything about it. "So...Violet?" He asks.

"Yeah. that's my name."

He raises his eyebrows. "Cool."

Just 'cool'. Not, 'damn, I remember you from blah blah situation'. Or, 'ooh yeah, you're that girl with the nice ass and luscious hair that everyone in the school wants to bang!'

A girl could dream.

I hum and turn around to walk away, but he calls out to me.

"Make sure you don't take any Jell-O shots next party. You won't know who you'll dance with."

I stiffen. Excuse me? What did he just say? Memories of the party come to my brain, and I remember dancing- and kissing- and touching... oh no. that couldn't have been him.

I whip around fast. "It wasn't you."

He quirks an eyebrow. "Wanna bet?"

I clench my fists. "Go to hell."

He smirks. Goddammit, stop that! "Only for you, baby. No one else."

i stomp off his brand new yard and into my house, slamming the door. Screw him.

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