22~ Typical Talent

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They say the other girls don't know how it goes but I ain't other girls baby you should know


"I'm didn't know-"

"I know."

"I'm so sorry-"

"I know."

"I'm here-"

"Yeah mom I know. I'm going to school, bye."

I throw my apple core in the trash and walk to my car. Today is typical talent, and I'm singing Daughters by John Mayer. I adore that song so much.

When I get to school, I hop out- more like roll out- of the car as make my way to the building, ignoring the disgusted glances. I hold out my hand and flip them the finger, walking away so everyone looking at me will get flipped off. Yay.

I head straight to the music teachers office, and I finally get there in a couple minutes, my legs burn.

"Hi, I'm in typical talent."

"Oh yes! Violet!"

"Hi. So I was wondering if I could make a speech at the end of my singing. I'll go last, and I don't care about my identity. Please, just- I need to do this."

She looks at me with sympathetic eyes.

"Is this about the rumors?"


She sighs again and gives in. "Fine, but yore going to go last!"

"I don't care, thank you so much!"

I turn around and walk away, but she calls my name.

"Good luck."

Thanks, I'll need it.


"Guys, I'm going home early. I won't be here for lunch." I tell my friends at my locker.

"Bummer. You'll miss typical talent."

Case replies. I stop myself from smiling.

"Yeah, tell me who wins. Bye!" I walk in the direction of the doors, but when I know I'm clear i dart to where the participants are supposed to meet.

Since I'm going last, I have some time. I hear someone singing as I flatten my dress. It's really pretty, but I didn't to look slutty, that wouldn't help. I actually think I look pretty, considering the dark circles under my eyes.

My hair is straight and I have in some but not a lot makeup.

So, I look "presentable" or whatever.

When it's my turn, I suck in a deep breath and swallow the bike in my throat.

No one will see me sing, just know it's me. Clam down Violet, you have to do this.

I sit on the stool and start strumming my guitar.

I sing into the mic. "I know a girl. She puts the color inside of my world. But she's just like a maze where all of the walls are continually change. And I've done all I can to stand on the steps with my heart in my hand now I'm starting to see that maybe it's got nothing to do with me. Fathers be good to your daughters. Daughters will love like you do. Girls become lovers who turn into mothers so mothers be good to your daughters too."

It's silent the whole time I sing.

"Oh you see that skin? It's the same she's been standing in. Since te day she saw him walking away now she's left cleaning up the mess he made. So fathers be good to your daughters. Daughters will love like you do. Girls become lovers who turn into mothers so mothers be good to your daughters too. Oh and you can break. You find out how much they can take.boys will be strong and boys told you wrong but boys would be gone without wonderful womens. How I...on behalf of every man looking out for every girl you are the god and he weight if her world so fathers be good to your daughters cuz daughters will love like you do girls become lovers who tUrn into mothers so mothers be good to your daughters too. Mothers be good to your daughters too. Mothers be good to your daughters tooo."

I finish the song and hear the crowd cheer and clap.

I take deep breath and motion to the music teacher, and she pulls the ropes, pulling back the curtains.

Everyone gasps when they see it's me, as I stand there clutching my guitar.

"Hi. So, a lot- no all- of you know the rumors going around that I supposedly "lost my virginity" to Ryan. Let me tell you something, I didn't. I really truly didn't. And if you don't believe me, then don't. I don't need you to. Because I know what happened- Ryan knows what happened. You just heard a rumor and believed it, because honestly you all are idiots. You didn't come to me and ask if I did or not, you just assumed it was true and bullied me until I cried myself to sleep every night over something as stupid as this.

And, during all of this, I lost someone really close to me. You go what you wanted, Layla, Blaize. Are you happy? You finally got what you wanted, I hope you're happy. Because he hates me. And I don't know why. I don't know why anyone hates me for that matter, even if I did loose my virginity, which I didn't, what does that matter? I do it one time and I get called a slut, but all the other people who open their legs to any guy who crosses their path isn't a slut? Wow. That's- that's nice to know.

So Congratulations Blaize. You totally and completely took the one sliver of happiness I had. He hates me. Yay. Whoo. And you did such a good job too, making rumors and all that. You got what you wanted, so just leave me alone. You win. And for all you other people, it's not true. I don't need a reason, you shouldn't either. This is high school, it shouldn't even matter. This is absolutely disgusting."

Everyone was silent during my speech.

And suddenly someone was up on stage next to me.


"I'll tell everyone about your lie." She threatens.

I scoff. "It's not a lie, Blaize. It's a secret. Something I didn't want anyone to know about because I didn't want to go through what I went with you. So go ahead, tell everyone. I honestly don't care anymore. Everyone that already knows is close to me, unlike you. So- alright. Tell them. Oh, and don't forget to tell them how you totally and completely bullied me to the point where I felt like a useless piece of crumpled up paper lying on the floor. Not that anyone cares, nobody cares about me. They did the same. So, tell them."

She stutters and looses her confidence, but comes back quickly. "Your dad left you when you were six."


"You have abandonment issues because you think you're not good enough, which you're not. Your dad left you and your mom without a goodbye, and a year later he came into my family. He never even mentioned you until a couple years. He hates you. And e should. You are useless."

It brings tears to my eyes, but I laugh through it. "See? My secret. You all know my dirty little secret. I don't have a dad. And because my dad left my family for hers, I had to know about every dinner, every vacation, every breath with him because she has nothing better to do than make someone feel completely miserable and alone. Have a great life, guys, because you'll never know what I've been through."

I walk off the stage and into the darkness of the hallway.

And for once in a long time- I had a real smile on my face.


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So do u think I should add in Colin again?

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