28~ Goodbye

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When you're gone the pieces of my heart are missing you. And when you're the face I came to know is missin too. When your gone the words I need to hear will always get me through the day and make it okay. I miss you.

When you're gone- Avril Lavigne


"You- you should go." Casey says nervously. I told her what happened after i ran home. She looked disappointed. And I love her for being there for me. She's the best thing I could ever ask for.

I scoff incredulously. "I can't. I'll probably chain him to the floor, begging him to stay. But, he wants to go. Which hurts more, he isn't being forced or anything- he chose himself. He chose on his fucking own. And I hate him for that." I mean, what would I even say when he's boarding a plane to France.

"No you don't. The reason you want him to stay is because-"

"Because I love him." I say and then my eyes widen In horror.

Oh god.

My head snaps to Casey but she's just smirkingly at me. "I knew this time would come."

My eyebrows scrunch in confusion. "Huh?"

"Of course you love him! It's obvious to everyone. But, please, you have to go."

Oh my god I love him. It dawns on me.

I've never loved- actually, I've never let anyone in (Except Casey) after my dad left. And Ryder just broke down my walls.

I love him. I love his so much it hurts.

I swallow hard. "Let's go."


We get to the airport and rush in. After minutes of trying desperately to find the right place, we get there and Ryder is already sitting in his seat. My mom, Josh, Ava, and his parents are already there, sitting in the seats beside him.

I rush up to him and when he sees me, he jerks out of his seat like its on fire.

"Violet-" he starts but I cut him off.

"Please, just let me say this. I need to say this." I can tell he wants to say something, but he finally gives up and let's me talk.

"Ryder I just wanted to say this before you go off to France and forget me, and everything we had, every night we spent together, every date we went on, every kiss you stole from me. I love you. No, I'm in love with you. I never thought that I would love anyone in this fucked up life of mine, but you- you made me happy, even if I wanted to kill you sometimes. I understand if you don't feel the same way for me, even though inside, I'm hoping- no praying- that you'll sweep me off my feet like Prince charming did to Cinderella, but this isn't a fairytale. And if you want to go to France, then why should I stop you? I want you to be happy, even if it means that I'm not nessacarilly living through rainbows and unicorns. Even if it doesn't nessacarilly mean I'm your Cinderella. Just promise me this- promise me you'll never forget me. When you move on or whatever, just please don't forget what we had- that's all I ask." He looks shocked, and something flashes in his eyes, but I can't read it through the tears pouring down my face at a constant rate. It's the type of tears where I don't even have to blink or even physically cry because it's so much tears built up inside of you, they just fall out of your eyes.

"You love me?" He whispers.

I give him a small smile and nod my head.


"The next flight will be boarding. Again, the next flight will be boarding. Don't be late. We won't open the doors again." The microphone goes on overhead and I struggle not to break down into a sob.

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