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Hey I know I haven't written in a long time Bcuz I moved houses and I had to unpack and go to school and then we had to connect the wifi so I had NO wifi like I couldn't even get in the App Store and then my mom took my phone cuz she said I was on it too much so I'm NOT dead (I was about to die though we have no microwave, we didn't have wifi, and my mom took my phone like NO) I'm so sorry! And allllll of my freaking data it lost so the chapters deleted, the ones I wrote but didn't post. Darn you WATTPAD for having bad bugs. I swear, if it doesn't show up in GONNA scream. Sorry, this was just a note. I WOULD post another chapter but it deleted 😒 and I can't remember what I wrote like weeks ago and I'm tired and yeah. So thankksss

The Bad Boy and MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon