chapter 1

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My life was such a joke. Seriously. I need to get out more.

"Casey..I really don't want to." I mutter as I kick off the covers and get out of bed. I spent all day lying around with a book, and my excuse for declining my best friends request to accompany her at a party? Reading. God, how lame am I. And don't even get me started on how bad of a friend I am. I should want to go with her, I should want to make memories with her, but it just all feels like a waste of time to me.

"Vi, seriously, you know I never ask you for anything. Like ever. And if I do ask, I always let it go when you say no. But tonight is such a big night for me. You know he's gonna be there and I get shy when I don't have my sidekick around me to be my hype woman." Casey whines back. Fuck, I feel so bad. Maybe I should just get it over with, so the next time she asks me, I can use this as an excuse. I'm already creating one in my head.

Without responding right away, I look in the mirror to check out my outfit. I was still in my pajamas, my comfy sleep pants and a thin tank top. Thinking about changing and getting ready for a party made me want to rip out my own tongue, but I knew I had to be there for her- she was always there for me.

"Fiiine. I'll go." I drag out as she squeals and wraps her arms around me and jumps up and down. "But we leave when I say I wanna go. Okay?" She nods and starts rambling about what she's going to wear and if she should curl or straighten her hair for tonight.
"Curl!" I shout to her in the closet and I contemplate what to wear. I end up slipping on a pair of black skinny jeans, some white sneakers, and a tight white cutoff tank top. I looked pretty hot, and I wasn't going to go any farther than this. While Casey was in the bathroom curling her hair while trying to put on eyeshadow at the same time (That can't be safe), I was never the makeup and jewelry type of girl. It's fine if you are, just has never been my thing. I can't see myself doing more than just brushing my hair before leaving. So while Casey is still getting ready, I have a good half an hour to think about how the nights going to go.
We're going to get there via Uber, and then we are going to walk in and blend immediately. Call me wallflower Violet because i'll be blending so hard that if I was on trial for murder and I used the party as my alibi, nobody could back me up on it. Well, except Casey. Whatever, i'm not planning on murdering anybody anyways.
So we will stay for about an hour, but maybe I can get her to leave earlier if the music is bad and the liquor is shitty. That's just up for debate whenever we get there. And then we should probably make it home around midnight to one in the morning, where I can finish my book and fall asleep. Sounds like a plan. Super excited about the last part.

Casey finally finishes and she calls the Uber while we down a couple shots of liquor. Even though I would rather be doing ANYTHING other than going to this party, i'm not a total tool. I can still have fun. And i can definitely hold my liquor. Not that I drink often, but when I do, I could out drink an alcoholic any night of the week. I think it's some kind of special power, really.

I grimace as the tequila burns my throat. Never said it tasted good, though.

Our Uber pulls up to the curb, and after checking the license plate numbers to make sure they matched, we got in the back and headed to the house.
Even in the dark lighting of the car, I could sense how nervous Casey was.
"Hey." I said gently. She turned to look at me, her cheeks flush from the alcohol already. She was a lightweight. I wasnt. "It's going to be fine. You just watch. We're gonna walk right in there, and you are going to strut your stuff and walk right up to Mark and tell him how you feel. You're a goddess and you shouldn't think otherwise." As drop dead gorgeous as Casey was, she still had her insecurities- everyone does. I just hope she knows how amazing she really is. And I'm glad I caved and decided to come out, because even though it's juvenile, I'm here for support and that's really all that matters to me.

Casey looked weary. "Yeah, but-"
I cut her off. "No cuts, no buts, no coconuts. You're a total catch and if he can't see that he's a fool and you shouldn't want him. Now relax, you'll be fine, and have some more." I hand her the plastic water bottle filled with tequila. Not the classiest way to drink, but hey, whatever works. I laugh when she opens the cap to the bottle, takes a sniff, and grimaces. "Liquid courage. You'll need it." I say, and we both quickly down a shot together as the driver pulls off to the side of the road, in front of the lawn of some huge house with a bunch of cars parked out front.

"Heyo, thanks for the ride, Uber man. You have a fantastic night." I call out as we climb out of the car onto the lawn. Thank God I wore my sneakers, because I would have seriously died tonight in anything else. The air was somewhat cold for a night in Florida, so I shivered and got goosebumps. I know i'll be fine once I step in the house. It's always like a sauna in there, everybody all clumped together dancing. Gross.
Good thing I'm a wallflower tonight. Nothing can go wrong when you're a wallflower. Nothing can go wrong when people don't notice you. I guess that's the good thing about being 5'2 with dark brown hair, blue eyes, and no boobs- nobody fucking cares what you do inside because all the guys are looking for the blondes with the big boobs, and all the girls are looking for the guys.
"Tonight will be fun." I say out loud. I don't know if I was trying to settle Casey's nerves, or if I was trying to convince myself. As we walk up the porch stairs and open the door, I know for a fact it was the latter.

The Bad Boy and MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora