20~ Do you know what shes going through?

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Mom please wake up, dad's with a slut and your son is smoking cannabis. No one ever listens this wallpaper glistens, don't let then see what goes down in the kitchen.

Places places get in your places. Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces. Everyone thinks that were perfect please don't let them look through the curtains.

Hey girl, look at my mom. She's got it going on- yeah blinded by her jewelry. When you turn your back, she pulls out a flask and forgets his infidelity. Uh oh she's coming to the attic. Plastic. Go back to being plastic.

Dollhouse- Melanie Martinez

( I so recommend this song I love it<3)

"Come on, let's go be psychos together."
-The Perks Of Being A Wallflower- <3

SHOUT OUT TO lusy1239 because she helped me with this chapter (actual, she gets practically all the credit) TYSM u r so amazing :*


Ryder POV: (I apologize I such at guys pov so enjoy?)

"OOHH, burnnn!!" Lucas shouts, throwing his remote on the ground. I shout in frustration and press the X button on Call of Duty.

My eyes flick to Violets window for a few seconds. She put a curtain up. That shouldn't annoy me, she's the one who slept with Ryan.

My hands clench in fists at the thought of that.

"What's got you all mad?" Luke asks, calming down from his victory.

"Nothing it's- augh Violet is pissing me off, I mean, I thought she was better than to sleep with that trash bag. I guess I was wrong.

Images of his hands over her body makes my stomach churn for an unknown reason, and I growl again, flopping down on my bed.

Girls are so confusing. Especially Violet. Usually she's all fun and enjoying and entertaining with her awkward but cute dance moves, but lately she's been blank, I can't find any emotions in those beautiful eyes of hers.

God, Ryder, you sound like a fucking girl. Get a grip. Beautiful eyes? Yeah right.

My mind flashed to the time when she stole my boxers, and she kept screaming 'all hail queen Nefertiti' or some hilarious and random thing like that.

I always wonder what goes on in her messed up little head.

My Babycakes...

AUGH, I need. To get. A grip.

And maybe some alcohol...

"Dude, she's telling everybody she didn't sleep with him. And, judging from the way she almost got raped, you would think she wouldn't just give herself away like that. And do you have proof she did do it with him? No, you just believe what everyone at school says, not your friend, or even if she isn't your friend, THE ONE WHO WAS THERE. Would she lie to you? Probably not, when she's getting bullied and people are calling her names, telling we to kill herself. Do you even have a clue how she feels? No, you don't. And if you did, you would stop it. No offense man, but you're really fucked up. You're standing there doing nothing, and that probably hurts her even more. Your trust with her is dwindling by the second, probably gone by now. My advice, now before it's too late."

Everything in me snaps. Her getting told to consider bleach. Bleach.

What hurt me more was that she said she knows.

The world would lose it's shine without her.

The way I've been acting, the way she's been acting.

"God I'm an idiot!" I tell in frustration and bang my fist against the wall.

"You are. Go talk to her- if she's willing."

No, she'll hate me. She can't hate me. I've fucked up so much in my life, I've left so much things in my life, I can't leave her, I can't let go of her.

I run to the window and shout her name, but she doesn't answer.

What- what if she...

No, she wouldn't. She's not like that. Don't think those things Ryder. This I not a television show.

The curtain filled with cats hangs there limply.

She hates cats.

She loves dogs.

"Dude-" he starts but I snap again. "I know!" I storm out of my own house, going to who knows where.

Everything reminds me if her.

The sun reminds me of her smile.

Music reminds me of how beautiful she sings, and he dances like nobody is there, even though she can't dance to save her damn life.

Just, everything.

Then I realized something. I need to stand up for Violet. Even if the rumors are true, which I don't want to think about, I need to be there for her, I need to because...

Because I like Violet.

I like Violet.

OH MY GODDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*screams for infinity*


This is amazing I love everyone who's reading this please comment and vote!


~Emily the happiest person on earth


SHOUT OUT TO lusy1239 because she helped me with this chapter (actual, she gets practically all the credit) TYSM u r so amazing :*


Comment if u kno the answer!

U know what to do with that big fat butt?


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