Love, Law & HipHop

By Noreee18

793K 26.5K 2.8K

Casey is a well known criminal and entertainment attorney with her own private practice. She is dating her co... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 31

14.2K 472 76
By Noreee18


I woke up at 2:30 am super excited and anxious to make my way to The Morning Show with John Cannon. This is something I've dreamed up since I was young. Most girls dream about their wedding day, finding true love or even just being loved. Not me. I dreamed about being successful and filthy rich so that I could take care of my family. I wanted to be the woman that my mother dreamed to be but couldn't because she wasn't given a fair opportunity and later had me.

My grandmother and her siblings were actively involved in civil rights when my mom was a little girl. She didn't have the same opportunities like I do today. For her, it was like defeat. For me, it was motivation. I'm coming for and taking everything they said I couldn't and wouldn't have.

I'm so excited Gabe set this up. It lets me know that he cares about my dream and supports them wholeheartedly. I know this was a big step for him because of the interview he watched with John Cannon. I guess this past weekend I assured him enough that I wasn't going anywhere. John wasn't my type anyway. He was too light-skinned and skinny. I'm super straight on that.

When I arrived on set, Mia was there and directed me to the dressing room. She said that Gabe told her to spend the morning with me and catch up with him in the afternoon. Of course Steve was with me. Gabe never lets me go anywhere alone, not even to the nail salon. Steve was cool though and funny. It was more like tagging a friend along.

I walked into the dressing room and saw two big bouquets of yellow lilies, my favorite. Walking over to smell them, I grabbed the card.

Enjoy yourself today. Love you my lil shoota. -Gabe

He wasn't a man of many words but he made the simplest things sound great. A simple short sentence would win my heart over without even trying. I really admired how sweet and genuine he was.

Thanksgiving was coming up and we were trying to figure out our plans because his tour started the next week. I wanted to go home and be with my family and of course he wanted to be his. I haven't met his family yet and I really don't want to do it on Thanksgiving. It was so cliche.

I sat down in the seat in front of the vanity and waited until the hairstylist and makeup artist came in to their work. Before finishing up, they had me get dressed. I wore a royal blue, mid sleeve, form fitting dress and black stilettos. I regretted wearing stilettos because my legs and feet were killing me from Gabe wanting to have sex all night long. I barely got two hours of sleep. Finally, we wrapped up hair and makeup and Mia let me out onto the set.

"Are you nervous?"

"Kinda. How do I look?" I said facing her.

"Gorgeous. Go kill it. Just like you did the justice strut."

I nodded to her and continued to walk with her onto set. John noticed me and came to greet us starting with Mia.

"The one and only Casey Jones, so glad you could join us."

"Nice to meet you." I extended my hand for a handshake.

"Oh no, we do hugs around here." He said pulling me into a hug. It was awkward but I went with it. Mia stood off to the side smiling with her clipboard.

"Alright we're about to get started soon. Can I get you some water? Coffee?"

"Water" I responded.

"Okay. Take your seat and I'll send for you some water." He said pointing to the seat on stage to the left.

Time flew by and it seemed like we were getting started within no time.

"Good morning and welcome to The Morning Show with John Cannon. We have the lovely Casey Jones joining us today. How are you today?" He asked.

"I'm well. Excited to be here."

"And we are excited to have you. So tell us a little about yourself, why did you choose law school?"

"Well, I'm from a small town just north of Atlanta where everyone knows everyone. Literally. As a young girl, I watched police target and basically pick on my black male cousins. I am super overprotective of my family. From that point forward, I knew I had to do something about it. I chose law school because I realize the justice system is flawed and our black men are suffering as a result of it."

"That's something I admire about you. You're always eager to fight for black men, even the black men you do not know."

He continued the interview for what felt like hours. We talked about everything from Tyreke to Calvin and even the death threats. It was a very casual conversation and we cracked jokes here and there. After it was over, I shook his hand and thanked him for having me before walking back towards Mia.

I was shocked to see Gabe standing next to her with another bouquet of yellow lilies in his hands.

"Hi handsome." I said to him as I kissed him on his cheeks. He pulled me into a hug causing me to fall into him.

"You did great." He whispered in my ear.

"Thank you. I really appreciate you setting this up for me. Now I need to get out of these clothes and wipe this hot makeup off. I am burning up."

"Let me help you with that." He said following me into the dressing room.

Sure enough, he helped me get undressed and wanted to prevent me from putting my hoodie and tights back on.

"Nope. Not here Gabe. I got you when we get back home."

I removed myself from his hold and put on my clothes following him and Steve out to the car.

"Where's Mia?" I asked.

"At the studio, I'm about to meet her there. I'll see you at the crib." He said before kissing me passionately in front of the car.

We said our goodbyes and love yous before Steve took me back to Gabe's house. I went straight to the bed and took a well needed nap.

I woke up and realized it was 6pm going on 7 and Gabe still wasn't at home. This was typical of him to be in the studio for hours or working on something for the tour. I called Steve and told him I wanted to surprise Gabe with dinner at the studio so he picked me up and we grabbed dinner on the way to the studio. I still had on a hoodie, some tights and some Timbs but I wore one of Gabe's snapbacks to cover my messy hair that I didn't do.

We walked in and the receptionist directed us back to Studio 7, as usual. We followed the music until we got to studio 7. Without knocking, I walked in with dinner in hand. I immediately saw the engineer working but didn't see Gabe.

I walked in through the door and looked to the left, there Gabe was with his lips attached to Mia's neck as she sat there smiling lost in the moment. I slammed the food on the table.

"Aye bruh." The engineer said to Gabe causing him to look at me as I walked out the door.

"Let's go." I grabbed Steve so we could get out the door. I practically ran out the door trying to get back to the car. I knew I was about to snap and I did not want to do that here or now. I never let people get the best of me, at least I tried not to. I really could beat the shit out of Gabe right now. And he claims he loves me, yeah fucking right.

"CASE. WAIT!" Gabe yelled as he ran trying to catch up to me.

"Don't let him touch me or even get close to me." I said to Steve as I approached the car. Steve opened my door and let me in. As he went to get in, Gabe swung my door open.

"Case listen. It's not what you think. I was ju----" before he could finish I punched him straight in his jaw. As he stood there holding his jaw probably trying to figure out if I really did just hit him, I grabbed my door and slammed it shut.

"Take me to the nearest hotel. You can go grab my bag from his house and bring it back to me. Don't worry about gathering the things that's scattered around. Mia can have it." I pulled my AirPods out of my bag and played music as I sat my head back against the headrest looking out the window. I can not believe this shit just happened. Surely this is just a dream that I will wake up from at any time now. There's no way Gabe would do this to me, with Mia of all people.

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