Project Broken (Ryden)

By Wintergreen1312

12.4K 545 370

"I don't need to be fixed." More

Chapter 2: Ryan?
Chapter 3: The Nerve People Have
Chapter Four: Seven Eleven
Chapter 5: Research
Chapter 6: Monday's Gift To Me
Chapter 7. A Secret
Chapter 8: Apologies and Pizza
Chapter 9: Patrick has a breakdown
Chapter 10: Feelings? No way
Chapter 11. Group meeting
Chapter 12: running, my new favorite sport
Chapter 13; Sarah
Chapter 14: goodbyes and faris wheels
Chapter 15: Fireworks
Chapter 16; where do we go when we die
Chapter 17: Sorrys and Goodbyes

Chaper 1. News

1.7K 63 67
By Wintergreen1312

When you are half asleep you still hear what the person is saying and you still obtain it. At least that's what I tell all my friends who try to talk to me during my nap period, also known as world history, eighth period. It's not that I don't like world history, okay maybe I don't but I didn't exactly want to take this class either. I held it off for the longest time but highschool deems you have at least one credit for history. So here I am, Senior year taking world history with most of the Juniors.

You might ask why world history? Well, my girlfriend, Sarah wants to travel the world and its the only class I get to see her in. I want major in Psychology so you could imagine our schedules don't really match.

"Bren," I felt a poke on my left side, no scratch that. It was a jab.

"What..." I mumble sitting up to see everyone leaving.

"The bell." Sarah laughed and helped me up as I walked her to her locker. "I still don't know how you're passing that class when all you do is sleep. Heck, you have a better grade then I do and I actually like the class."

"I'm just very talented."

"That you are, and it really does amaze me. Well anyway, you're still stopping by for dinner at six right?"

I smiled remembering our plans for tonight. Which was a first because I can't seem to remember much. "Of course."

She laughed, "That's a first."

"I know. I'm just about as shocked as you are."

She hugged me looking sad for some reason. "I love you."

"I love you too."

We walked to her car together and said our goodbyes and I headed to meet up with my friends who also lived on the same street as me and have since I was ten.

"Yo, what's up? How was world history." A tall lengthy male with long brown hair and blue eyes question.

"Boring as ever Dallon. But that's nothing new. What about you two?" I gestured looking at a shorter male with blond hair and glasses. "How was psychology?"

"Great," Patrick started, "Still mad that you didn't get in the same hour as us though."

"Nope, I have that class with Josh. Not that I'm complaining, I love him dearly as a friend."

"Josh is pretty chill." Dallon agreed.

"We were just talking to Josh earlier," Patrick started. "And we actually got in an argument on who would be the best in the physiologist seen. Now since all of us want to be therapists we decide it may be a good test if each of us picked someone from the school who we think needs guidance and help them. And whoever does the best job wins that title."

"That sounds stupid." I wasn't about to lie, it did. I was also too awkward to start up a random conversation with someone asking if they need my assistance. But then again maybe this is the practice I need.

Patrick pouted.

"Are your feelings hurt?" I asked.

"Very much so."

"Well suck it up. I'll think about it, how about that?"

"Better than a no. We'll pick people tomorrow at lunch so have an answer by then."

I nodded in agreement and stepped foot in my house. I was practically hit in the face by the smell of bleach. My eyes burned and watered. "Did you not open a window when you cleaned or something?" I asked turning on all the fans and opening all the windows. I looked around when I didn't get an answer and saw a note.

Hi sweetie, your sister almost cut her arm off so we went to the hospital for stitches. See you at dinner.

Leave it to my mom to write a note and not text me. My dad could die from a heart attack and my mom, instead of telling me in person, would write a note. It did explain the bleach smell though.

Briefly, I went upstairs and got ready for tonight. I probably needed a shower, the smell of school was not a pleasant one. And contacts I need to put those in too. God, I hate doing that. Oh well I guess, anything is better than junior year.

I decided on wearing a plain black t-shirt and jeans. I didn't really feel like going over the top. Though I knew Sarah would, she always did. I looked at my "huge" shoe collection. Cause you know two pairs are quite the option. I went with plain black athletic shoes, though I've never done sports in my life unless you count golf when I was like nine.

I hurried back done stairs looking for my keys and spotting the knife with blood all over it. Well, that's one way to convince the neighbors that were psychotic.
I laughed and placed the knife in the sink still questioning on how Ashley even managed to do that in the first place.

"Goodbye empty house!" I yelled grabbing my keys and getting in my car that I never used. Sarah only lived ten minutes away so it wasn't that bad on gas, not that I couldn't afford it.

She opened the door before I could even knock. She wasn't smiling like she normally was.

"What's wrong?" I questioned.

"I'm breaking up with you."

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