The Fifth Marauder - A Harry...

By angelicmendess

21.7K 522 223

You know the tale of the Marauders; Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs. The famous pranksters of the sevent... More

One - Hogwarts
Two - Pranks and Classes
Three - Quidditch Tryouts
Four - The Prank of Tongues
Five - The Full Moon
Seven - Hallow's Eve
Eight - Exams and Quidditch Games
Nine - Hogsmead
Ten - Christmas Holidays
Eleven - Back to Hogwarts
Twelve - Duels and Detentions
Thirteen - Let Them Eat Pranks
Fourteen - Morning Practice
Fifteen - Sirius' Gift
Sixteen - Studying
Seventeen - Gryffindor Parties
Eighteen - Moony's Sixteenth Birthday
Nineteen - Padfoot's Confession
Twenty - Pandora's Birthday
Twenty-One - Quidditch Finals
Twenty-Two - Nightmares
Twenty-Three - Lily and Evelyn
Twenty-Four - OWLs
Twenty-Five - Goodbye, I'll See You Soon

Six - Remus' Surprise

1.1K 25 14
By angelicmendess

October 20th, 1975, 4:40 PM

Pandora's POV

"Gotta go, Eve, see you at dinner," I pull myself away from her in the hallway, and out of the corridor.

"Bye!" She says, although I'm already outside, walking through the grass, and down the steep hill that holds Hogwarts above it, and nearby to the pitch. My watch seems to be off a few minutes, but I scurry along the path anyway when I stop at Hagrid's Hut. I haven't spoken to him in a while. I used to come on weekends, because he was nice to me my first day at Hogwarts.

I had stumbled out of the Hogwarts Express, and when I had stepped out onto the platform one of my trucks fell open, books and bits of parchment scattered everywhere. "'Ya need some help with that, young lady?" I raised my head, but all I saw was a huge waist. I craned my neck farther back, and I was being towered over by a giant.

"Could you, please?" My tiny voice squeaked. I gathered up the pieces of parchment as the giant nearly stumbled over some kids, but in no time he had a pile of my books in his hands.

"What's your name, 'lassie?" He asked, his accent extremely thick.

"Pandora. Call me whatever you want, though. What's your name?"

"Hagrid. Rubeus Hagrid. And I quite like Lassie, don't 'cha think?"

"'Right then. Hagrid and Lassie it is. I'll see you around, Hagrid, thank you for your help!" I grabbed my trunk and stumbled away, waving at Hagrid as I went along.

"G'bye Lassie! You can visit me anytime!"

Before I realised what I was doing, I knocked on Hagrid's door. All I heard was huge stomps on creaking wood before a giant loomed in his doorway. "Hey, Lassie!" Hagrid smiled at me, "Long time no see, eh?"

"Yeah, I'm really sorry about that, Hagrid. I've been busy with schoolwork. I just came to say hi."

"Would you like some tea and scones? They're fresh from the oven!" I almost grimaced at the thought of his burned and raw scones. Tea is easy to make, and he somehow makes it taste horrible, despite it being spices and hot water.

"I would love to, but I've got practice soon. I'll visit this weekend though with Lily and Eve, how 'bout that?"

"Perfect, then, innit? Have a good practice!"

"Thanks, Hagrid. Bye!" I stepped back down, and he waved me goodbye as I neared the pitch.


I heaved in lungfuls of oxygen as I held my broomstick in my hand. I smoothed out the hairs in the front of my face by slicking it back with my sweat. Absolutely disgusting, I know, but I didn't have a choice, really. After getting changed in locker room from my keeper's uniform to my school uniform, I walked outside into the already chilling air. Speaking of the cold air, that meant that the Holidays were coming soon, and that meant the Hallow's Eve ball. I still didn't have a date. I don't mind though. I could just go with Lily. She would never agree to James' proposals of dates and dates to balls.

I see someone walk down the stands, though. A certain, lean-framed, sandy brown-haired boy. As he neared me, I saw that it was Remus, which confused me, considering he doesn't even play Quidditch.

Gusts of bitter wind hit me, and I pulled my coat nearer to my body. "Remus? What in Merlin's beard are you doing at the Quidditch Pitch? This isn't even your house's practice!"

"I came to watch you, Pan," He smiled at me, but it left me confused. Why the hell would he watch me? "And I was wondering if you.." he breathed in, his nose turning red from the cold, "..Wanted to go to the Halloween Ball with me? I just figured since I didn't have a date, and I don't think you d-"

"Sure, Remus," He answered my thoughts immediately. But surely we're going as friends, right?

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah," I punched his shoulder, laughing.

"Alright then. I'll stop by the Ravenclaw Tower at seven."

"Okay. See you then, Remus."

"See you, Pan," was all he said as we walked up the trail to the luminous castle.


"Wait, so he asked you to the ball? Seriously?" Lily asked, sitting at our table. It wasn't specifically against the rules, and since all the Professors liked her, they didn't seem to mind at all if she joined Evelyn and me.

"Mm," Is all I could respond, my mouth stuffed with chicken and greens.

"Well, do you like him?" Evelyn asked in between sips from her goblet.

"I don't know. He kind of left me confused. I never liked any of them, or any Gryffindor for that mattter."

"I guess you'll find out" Lily stated bluntly, "And besides, if you really wanted to be in Gryffindor, I'm sure the Sorting Hat would've let you. You've got the traits of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, and you let it pick." That was true, but I always wondered what would happened if I was in Gryffindor.

"I guess I will."

- -

hi whats your favorite color? lmk :)

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