Just A Fan: a Matthew Espinos...

By thatlittlejenni

2.4M 45.1K 27.8K

Matthew Espinosa, a 16 year-old vinestar and internet sensation, has over a million followers on a little app... More

Preview :
Chapter One: The Beginning
Chapter Two: The Letter
Chapter Three: Movies With Nick
Chapter Four: I'll Be Number One One Day
Chapter Five: #MatthewMonday
Chapter Six: I'm Going to Meet Matthew
Chapter Seven: 19 Days Until MAGCON
Chapter Eight: Letter Returned to Sender
Chapter Nine: Confrontation with Ellen
Chapter Ten: Matthew Espinosa Came to My Aid
Chapter Eleven: 16 More Days
Chapter Twelve: The Best Notification of My Life
Chapter Thirteen: Matthew Espinosa Just DMed Me
Chapter Fourteen: Time Flies When I'm Talking To Matthew Espinosa
Chapter Fifteen: Crumbling Under Expectations
Chapter Sixteen: I Was Just Tweeted At
Chapter Seventeen: Everything Changes for the Better
Chapter Eighteen: Taco Bell Meetup
Chapter Nineteen: THE Matthew Espinosa Knows Who I Am
Chapter Twenty: MAGCON Day One
Chapter Twenty-One: Kiss Me
Chapter Twenty-Two: "Menni!" "No Jatthew!"
Chapter Twenty-Three: I'm Friends With THE Matthew Espinosa
Chapter Twenty-Four: I Really Like You Jenni Waters
Chapter Twenty-Five: Party at Gilinsky's
Chapter Twenty-Six: The Goodbye to a New Beginning
Chapter Twenty-Seven: It's Been A Week
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Matt's Day in LA // Katherine's On To Something
Chapter Thirty: She's Going to Prom With Someone Else
Chapter Thirty-One: Katherine Needs to Keep Her Mouth Shut
Chapter Thirty-Two: Prom Night
Chapter Thirty-Three: Trying to Have A Long-Distance Relationship
Chapter Thirty-Four: They Want To Meet You. Pronto.
Chapter Thirty-Five: Back Together After 47 Days
Chapter Thirty-Six: The Abrupt Ending

Chapter Twenty-Eight: Matthhhcchuuu Is In Loveeeeeeee

41.6K 1K 753
By thatlittlejenni

*Matthew's POV (Point of View)*

"Matthew wake up. You have an early flight this morning,. You're going to miss it," I heard my dad say as he came into my room.

"Urrrrggggh," I struggled to get up and get ready. I left my hair down without putting any effort into it. I decided to wear the usually same traveling clothes I always where: sweatpants and my gray sweatshirt. I also of course had to bring my red and blue backpack that I always have with me.

I grabbed my suitcase that I packed the night before. I said goodbye to my mom and Dylan, my older brother. My dad then drove me to the airport where I have been tons of times before. I said goodbye to my dad right before I boarded onto the plane. Once again, I was flying on my own. It was awesome to be able to have my dad with me, but of course he had his own job and he couldn't always be gone being with me.

Right before I boarded the plane, I tweeted:

Matthew Espinosa @TheMattEspinosa: LAAA HERE I COMEE

During the flight, I just watched a movie, slept, and thought a lot. The thought that kept popping in my mind was Jenni. I hadn't spoken to her for about a week because I had been so busy. Recently, my life has been very hectic. I've had meetings on meetings, and my manager and I have been working together to possibly have an around-the-country tour.

I just feel really bad because it's my fault that we haven't talked in a while. Ugh, I'm such a bad boyfriend, and I need to call her when I land at LAX. Hopefully I could squeeze the phone call in before my meeting.

Then shortly after I got off the flight, I saw a driver that was suppose to pick me up from the airport. On our way walking out to the car, a ton of fans had seen my tweet and realized that I was going to be at LAX so about two dozen girls were there waiting for me at the airport. So I made sure I took a picture with every single girl who came up to me. The fans are the reason why I am here where I am today so of course I would go out of my way to make sure I met every single one of them there. After I met everyone at the airport that came to see me, I then met up with Taylor and Aaron. On the car ride on our way to the meeting, I pulled out my phone and decided to call Jenni. I dialed her number and awaited for her to pick up.

"Hey!" I heard Jenni say excitedly.

"Hey babe," I said. "I'm sorry I haven't gotten to call you in awhile. I've just been super busy."

Once I said the word 'babe,' I saw Taylor stop and turn his head at me confusingly.

"It's understandable," Jenni said. "I'm just happy you managed to call me."

"I would always make time for you," I smiled.

"Matthew stop," she said. "I know you can't see me right now, but let's just say I may or may not be blushing."

I laughed and couldn't stop smiling, "Why are you so cute?"

"I know what you are, but what am I?" I heard her laugh. Aw her laugh is so cute.

"Cute," I laughed. "That's what I just said. Wow are you even listening to me?"

Then she continued to tell me about what she has been up to within the last week. I loved how she spoke about everything in her life with a postive and excited attitude.

We were getting closer and closer to our destination so I had to sadly tell her goodbye.

"Hey babe, I have to go now. Ugh another meeting, but I'll most likely call you later tonight," I said.

"That's okay," she said. "Have fun in LA!"

"I will," I smiled.

Then we both hung up the phone. Once I put my phone down, Taylor was immediantly on me.

"Who the heck was that?!" Taylor asked me.

"Uhmm," I hesitated. I wasn't even sure if I was going to tell anyone that I was dating Jenni, let alone Taylor.

"If you're not going to tell me anything then I'm going to start assuming things," Taylor said.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said trying to play the 'stupid card.'

"Ooooooooohhh Matt's got a girllllllfrrieenddd," Taylor said with the biggest grin on his face.

When the word 'girlfriend' was said, Aaron immediantly came into our conversation and started asking me questions as well.

I know these guys are going to figure out eventually so I think I was going to confuse them a little bit. I said, "Maybe I do and maybe I don't." I tried to sound slyly.

"All I'm hearing is that you do have a girlfriend," Taylor said.

"So who is it Matt?" Aaron started questioning.

I was going to tell them. I started mumbling, "Jeeennnniii."

"Huh?" Taylor asked. "Wait what? I didn't hear that."

"Jenni," I said confidently and louder.

"Oooooh Jennnnnni," Taylor said with a seductive smile.

"That's the girl that we hung out at Magcon right? Katherine's friend?" Aaron asked.

"C'mon Aaron, how could you not know her?" Taylor said, "She's extremely cute."

Why would you tell me that you think my girlfriend is cute? Like what are you trying to do to me Taylor?

Taylor started to make me really uncomfortable. I said, "Yeah she is cute, but sorry Taylor you're a bit too late."

"Wow I can't believe you're dating her, but I'm not that surprised," Taylor said,

"You're not surprised?" I asked.

"I saw that flirting that you guys were doing," Taylor said. "I knew you guys were going to date eventually."

"You knew? How could you possibly know that?" I asked. Like how did he see this coming?

"I bet all the other guys knew too," Taylor said. "Just watch."

Then Taylor started calling up each guy individually and all the guys that actually picked up all agreed that Jenni and I dating were predictable: Shawn, Jack Gilinsky, Jack Johnson, Sammy, Dillon, and Jacob.

How did everyone know that Jenni and I were going to date before I even found out? Like a heads-up would be nice guys.

"Well there you have it," Taylor said. "I'm glad, she seems like a nice girl."

"She is, man," I said a bit hestitantly.

Taylor then put his hand on my shoulder, "Bro, is something wrong with your relationship?"

"I don't know," I said a bit sadly. "I feel like such a sucky boyfriend."

Aaron asked, "Why do you feel that?"

"It's just...I feel like I don't give her any of the attention that she 100% deserves," I said. "I have recently been so busy that I haven't even had time to call her so that makes a long distance realtionship a hundred times harder. Plus I feel even more like a horrible boyfriend because I haven't told my fans that I'm dating Jenni."

"It's okay dude. You seem like you could be an awesome boyfriend so don't say that," Taylor reassured me.

"Have you talked to Jenni about all these concerns you've been having?" Aaron asked me.

"No not at all," I said. "I don't think I would have the guts to bring this up to her."

"Dude relax. A relationship is built off of trust so I think you should trust her enough to tell her what's been bugging you," Taylor said. "I assure you it's better than not knowing."

"Wow Taylor," I laughed. "Since when are you the relationship doctor?"

"Since forever man," Taylor laughed. "The chicks love me."

Right as he said that, I felt the car park and we were at the location where the meeting was going to take place. When we walked into the room, it was five to seven people there plus Aaron, Taylor, and myself. Great, this meeting is going to be so fun. During the entire meeting, I was tweeting random crap and taking random snapchats of everything in sight. What can I say? I'm easily bored.

After an hour of discussing stuff that I wasn't really paying attention to, we all left back to the hotel. The three of us were staying in LA for a few days so we had to make the best of it. I then got a text.

Shawn Mendez: You in LA?

Me: Yesssshh

Shawn Mendez: Awesome im gonna be there tomorrow

Me: Sweet bruh see you tomorrow!

Shawn Mendez: Luv u

Me: Luv u too Shawnyy

Then I told Taylor and Aaron that we were going to meetup and hang out with Shawn tomorrow. Then I also remembered that Nash and Cameron lives in LA together so I hit both of them up.

Group Chat -

Me: Hey Taylor Aaron Shawn and I are going to be together tomorrow so the six of us needs to hang

Nash Grier: Duuuddddeee yeeessss

Cameron Dallas: We have to hang! It needs to happen!

I then told Taylor and Aaron, "Guys, you two, me, Nash, Cam, and Shawn are going to be reunited!"

We were all super excited for tomorrow, but for the rest of the day, Taylor, Aaron, and I just walked around LA having fun. And may I just say, I took some pretty artsy instagram photos.

Later that night, the three of us were just chilling in our hotel room when Taylor spoke up, "Dude you should facetime your gggggiiiirrrrllfrrriiieeennnnnddd."

Aaron agreed, "Do it. Do it. Do it."

I started laughing, "Fine fine I'll call her."

"No!" Taylor disagreed, "Facetime her so I can get to see her too!"

"Alright," I laughed.

I decided to facetime Jenni and then I saw that she picked up, which was surprising to me because it was late for her. In Nebraska, where she lived, it was two hours ahead of LA time so it was already 12am for her.

"Hey Matt!" I heard her say with the biggest smile on her face. Then once she saw Taylor and Aaron behind me, she stopped and said, "Oh hey there Aaron and Taylor. I didn't see you guys there."

I was about to say something to her, but then Taylor interuppted, "Heeeey Jenni. Hoooww are youu?" Taylor said as he slurred his words.

"I'm gooood Tay. How abooooutt youuuu?" Jenni said, attempting to repeat the way Taylor slurred his words. Her tone of voice was very cheery and happy.

"I'mm greaaat. But Jennnni, you should be more than just gooood becausee you are dating the mostt awesomesstt stuuuud in the world," Taylor said as he looked at me and winked.

"Ooooooohhhh ammm I?" Jenni said as she smiled at me. I'm assuming she figured that I told the guys because she wasn't shocked. She seemed much happier when she found out that the guys knew that we were dating.

I smiled, "I believe you are." Jenni kept looking at me and just smiled.

Taylor smiled, "Jenni how are you not hanging out in LA with your lover?"

"Please don't ever say the word 'lover.' It's a very odd word and I don't like it," she laughed. "But to answer your question, I wish I was in LA with you guys, but you see, I don't really have a reason or permission to go. So next time you guys go, you could possibly bring me along? Yeah, I would love you guys forever if that actually happened."

"Did you hear that Matt? She'd love you foreverrr," Taylor said and smiled.

I then pushed him off of the bed and laughed, "I may take that into consideration next time I go to LA." I then winked at Jenni.

"So Jenni, we'll see you in two weeks then?" Aaron laughed.

All the four of us just started laughing.

"Gee, that's a great offer, but two weeks isn't good for me," Jenni laughed. "That week I am going to be stressing out about Prom which is the week after."

Aaron questioned, "Prom? But aren't you only a sophomore?"

Jenni laughed, "That's what everyone asks me. For some reason, my school is odd and allows sophomores to Prom. I guess we're just cool like that."

Then of course, I saw that Taylor looked over to me and smiled very big, "Hmmm Proooooooommm."

I knew that he was jumping to conclusions and assuming anything and everything. Gosh, this kid won't quit, he keeps pushing our relationship to the max.

"Yes Taylor. Prom," Jenni said. "It's something you've probably never been to."

Then Aaron and I both looked at Taylor and both said, "Oooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh."

"Wow Taylor, you just got burned by a girlll," Aaron added.

Everyone started laughing and couldn't stop smiling.

"Hey boys, this was fun and all, but it's one in the morning and I have to find a job tomorrow so I unfortunately have to go," Jenni said. "Have fun in LA guys!"

"Awwwww okkkaaaaayyyy byyeeeeee Jennnnni," Taylor continued to slur his words and smile.

"Bye Jenni," Aaron smiled.

"I'll text you tomorrow," I smiled. "Goodnight babe."

"Goodnight Matthew," Jenni smiled.

Then we both hung up the phone.

I smiled. It was a good night, getting to talk to Jenni completely made my night.

I then looked at Taylor and Aaron and they had the slyest faces possible.

"Awwww babeeeeeee. Matthhhcchuuu is in loveeeeeeee," Taylor teaseed me.

"Hey now," i stopped him. "Love is a strong word. It's been a month."

I looked at the clock and saw that it was late. So we all decided to go to bed. I got ready for bed and just laid in bed and I just thought to myself. Wow, my girlfriend is amazing.

Well thanks for reading! You guys are awesome! Thanks for staying with me and reading my book since the beginning! :)

Earlier in the chapter, I put "Shawn Mendez" as a contact in Matt's phone. I know it is spelt wrong and I know some people may not notice it and realize the reasoning behind it. So I just want you guys to know that it was on purpose so hopefully some people will realize and understand why Shawn's name is spelt that way in Matt's phone.

I want you guys to help decide what happens next so if you have any ideas for the plot then please message me on Wattpad or comment.

Where should Matthew and Jenni's relationship go? What should happen to them?

So what do you think the next chapter should be: Matthew or Jenni's POV?

My twitter is @awhespxnosa so if you guys ever want to tweet me, go do it!

Love you guys and thanks for your support.


Jenni . :)

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