That Summer; Nathan sykes

By Londonxx

14.2K 83 4

Charlie lost her mom for wanting to follow her dreams, at that fateful day she meets nathan and he saves her... More

That Summer; Prologue
That Summer;Chapter 1
That Summer;Chapter 2
That Summer;Chapter 3
That Summer;Chapter 4
That Summer;Chapter 5
That Summer;Chapter 6
That Summer;Chapter 7
That Summer;Chapter 8
That Summer;Chapter 9
That Summer;Chapter 10
That Summer;Chapter 11
That Summer;Chapter 12
That Summer;Chapter 14
That Summer;Chapter 15
That Summer;Chapter 16
That Summer; Chapter 17
That Summer;Chapter 18
That Summer; Chapter 19
That Summer; Chapter 20
That Summer; Chapter 21
That Summer; Epilogue

That Summer;Chapter 13

613 3 0
By Londonxx

Charlies POV: The next morning to no surprise I woke up with a massive hangover. I moved my hands around my bed searching for my phone, once I caught it in my grasp I saw that it was 2 in the after noon, I had a lot of notifications from twitter so I opened it up and saw that niall had tweeted at me I started to freak out because NIALL FREAKEN HORAN tweeted at me! I saw what it was @NiallOfficial: love the boys from the wanted for sending me this video of @Charlie_D ,what a cute drunk :) I tapped on the link and watched as I made a fool of myself infront of the mcdonalds, and how I said I was gonna marry niall. I rushed to answer him tweeting @Charlie_D: @NiallOfficial omg that's so embarrassing! please forget you saw that! I massaged my head as my headache got worse, I looked at my bed, obvious that someone else had slept with me. Nathan's scent lingered on sheets but where was he? I slowly trudged down the stairs trying to remember what happened but nothing came to mind. Luckily I saw jay passed out on the sofa, I smelled food  so I made my way to the kitchen where I saw tom with his head burried between his arms on the table, max next to him eating cereal, no siva and nathan flipping pancakes. "morning" I mummbled, they all looked up and all smiled "morning mrs.horan!" they all sang "shut up!" I tried to say not to loudly "who even sent that to him!?" Tom proudly raised his hand and said, "I did! but I can't take all the credit baby nath recorded" he winked. Nathan looked over not really saying anything, i looked at his lips and a faint image of them from last night came into my head, I sat down trying to remember more, did we kiss? shit. this is so bad. what if we kissed?! what if we did more? My train of thought was broken when a plate of pancakes with orange juice was place in front of me, I looked up at nathan showing a slight smile "Hungry?" I smiled back and nodded, he gave me some syrup with it and left the kitchen.  Was he feeling guilty for recording me? Or maybe for kissing me? which I'm still not sure of happening. "Did something happen last night?" I watched as the two boys looked at each other wondering what I was asking. Max was the first to answer "if there's anything you want to know you should probably ask nathan you were with him most of the time" he said pointing to the room next door "Obviously something happened! look how quite he is! what if I did or said something that wasn't ok!?" Tom took a sip of his orange juice "than you talk about it and move on, that's all" I cut into my pancake as I thought about what they said, either way I would have to face it sooner or later, whatever I had done to cause the boy not to talk to me...

Nathan's POV:

After she had kissed me I went back to my room, I couldn't stay with her. I knew how I felt about  her and the fact that she just kissed my while she was drunk obviously meant that she didn't know how she  felt about me. When she came into the kitchen I wasn't sure if she remembered the kiss or not, I didn't really want her too because what if she didn't feel the same way back? What if she felt like it was awkward? Ugh I just left. I went up to my room and shut the door, I got a text from dionne: Hey, wanna see each other and catch up? haven't seen you in ages! xx I smiled, I loved dionne she was one of my good friends but a lot of fans disliked her because they thought we were dating. I smiled happily thinking she was the best person to talk to this about, I answered back : The usual place in an hour sound good? she answered with a yes and I quickly got ready. Just as I was putting on my high tops there was a knock on my door, "come in!" It was Charlie, she hadn't cleaned up from last night yet but she still looked gorgeous. She looked a little shy, the way you look at your parents when you're gonna ask them for something but know they'll say no. "Can I ask you something?" she said stepping in. I froze a little, did she remember the kiss? uh oh "Sure" I said as calmly as possible as I put on my other shoe. She started off slowly "Did I do anything last night? Did we do anything last night?" I wasn't really sure of what to say because I hadn't talked to dionne yet, I think I made a stupid move of what I said next, "Sorry, i'm in a rush can we talk about it later?" I said sliding past her. Her eyes opened a little in shock, I don't think i'v ever done anything remotely that rude to her, not even as a joke. I rushed a little as I accidentally closed the door a little too hard. "Shit" I mummbled, I seriously had to fix this as soon as possible. 

Charlies POV:

I was a little surprised when he quickyl left without saying much to me, but I brushed it off remembering I had a massive headache so I decided to go take a quick nap in my room and hopefully talk to him when he came home. I woke up about 2 hours later and nathan still wasn't home, the guys were downstairs playing video games and hanging so I joined them and went on tumblr. As I scrolled through my dashboard I noticed a lot of pictures of nathan with a girl, he was wearing the same clothes he had left the house with. That's why he was in a rush, he met a girl? I looked at the comments and I saw who it was, dionne bromfield. "wowww" I accidentally said outloud. "what are you looking at?" tom said putting down his plate of food and sat next to me, "ooh stalking nathan now?" I quickly closed my laptop "shut up" I got up to go back upstairs, "did you ever talk to nathan about last night?" Tom asked as he picked up his plate again. "no" I sighed, " I tried to but he left without really answering, I guess he was in a hurry to see dionne." Jay laughed "are you jealous of her?!" I looked around a little embarrassed because I wasn't sure, but he continued anyways "don't be, they're just really good friends and i'd bet you he's talking to her about you this moment!" I looked at him skeptically still not really sure what was going on, all I know was that i needed answers.

Nathan's POV: I knew twitter would  go on a rampage from meeting with her but I didn't really care, she was my friend and I needed someone to talk to. I walked over to the bar where she had been waiting for me, she stood up and just like always she looked stunning, she was also a great person but i'd never date her, just throwing that out there. "Long time no see!" she said hugging me,  I hugged back "I know! always way too long but it's great seeing you!" We sat down and got caught up on how we were doing and other gossip for about an hour and a half and then the subject i'v been dreading to be brought up, was brought up.."So you found your mystery girl I heard" I laughed a little remembering the first time I told dionne about charlie last year.


I had just come back from the hospital and I called dionne, "hello?" she sounded surprised that I had called her so late at night as I realized the time difference. "Hi! i'm sorry for calling so late but I had to tell you something! I met this girl today! I don't know her name but she was just so...I don't know..I think it was fate or something.."

*End of Flashback*

I smiled, "yes, I found her" I filled dionne in on everything that has happened and then I told her about last night. She burst out laughing, "oh yeah! I saw that video hahaha too funny" I laughed a long with her "it was, but then we got home and she asked me to stay with her so I did, she started to kiss my neck and she went straight up to my lips, after she kissed me she fell asleep and this morning I couldn't even talk to her" I saw the concern in her eyes "If you like her why don't you tell her? I mean it should be obvious since you waited a whole year to meet her again, honestly she went to your concert too, hoping to be found and look you found her!"  I was still unconvinced, I bit my lips. "but what do I tell her about last night? I don't want her be awkward around me" she thought for a little bit "I say you just tell her you were in a bad mood and act like nothing happened, if she asks then tell her the same thing you told me. simple as that." she stated looking at her phone "wow i'm just getting a lot of hate right now haha I should get going" I looked at my phone too, there were a lot of tweets, angry ones, like usual. I stood up and hugged her "thanks again for everything i hope to see you again soon" she said her good byes as well and we were both on our way.

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