my love as deep as the ocean...

By rosies-blue

164K 5.3K 3.7K

my bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep. the more i give to thee, the more i have, for both are... More

1. this is weird - chae
2. kill two birds with one stone - lisa
3. it's okay lalisa - chae
4. curveball - lisa
6. hurting - chae
7. arms to fall into - chae
8. fight for her - lisa
9. lovesick - chae
10. hold my hand - lisa
11. i love all of you - chae
12. my love - lisa [M]
13. proud - chae [M]
14. lean on me - lisa
15. one day - chae
extremely important
16. on this starry night (jensoo special)
17. trust - lisa
18. lessons - lisa
story propositions
19. the way - chae
ugh tiny rant
special chapter 1.
special chapter 2.
special chapter 3, pt. 1
chaennie story.
special chapter 3, pt 2.
important question
special chapter 4: jensoo
blackpink one-shot.
the end.
bonus chapter: soccer matches and getting old
bonus chapter: sex holiday circa 2028 pt. 1

5. i can't have her - lisa

4.8K 238 292
By rosies-blue



i mean not that mature but uno 

but also leave some comments uno ;))



"So, I'll take Chaeyoung, Jisoo, Jennie and Li-"

We're sorting out who's going in what car to get to Jungkook's house. It's a small group of people, not like a huge party. So it'll be intimate and hopefully not too wild. 

"I'm going in Yoongi's car," I interrupt Jungkook. Everyone looks at me. "Bam can go in your car."

Everyone's confused. And I can't blame them. Yoongi and myself are not that close. But I want to try to talk to him about Jungkook. Let him know that we're in the same boat and hopefully we can help each other. Y'know. Make a friend.

"What?" Yoongi whips his head in my direction, crossing his arms and furrowing his brows. 

"Yeah, we haven't talked in a while, let's catch up," I shrug at him.

"Lisa, we don't talk," he says back at me. 

"We do now," I take his arm and drag him to his car, completely ignoring everyone else. I wait for him to unlock the car and get into the passenger seat. Reluctantly, Yoongi follows and sits in the drivers seat. 

"Why are you in my car and not with all of your friends?" He asks me, starting the car up.

"Because, we don't get to talk much," I say, looking at him and smiling. He turns on the radio and it plays some sort of rap music quietly. "How are you?" I ask awkwardly, not really knowing how to start off this conversation.

"Lisa, what do want to know?" He asks, clearly knowing that something is up. 

"Nothing I really just enjoy your-"

"Lisa," he pulls over the car and turns it off. "I am not moving this vehicle until you tell me what's wrong."

I turn my head to face him and he even has his seat belt undone so I know he's serious about not moving. "Well, you tell me what's wrong," I whip back at him.

"What? There's nothing wrong with me, you're the one being incredibly weird and getting into my car to investigate me."

I sigh, unbuckling my belt and turning my body to face him. "You and I," I point my finger between us. "We're in the same boat," I hope he catches on to what I'm trying to tell him, although he still looks extremely confused. "Okay, um, I don't really know how to say this- but- um- uh-"


"I saw you after the match when Jungkook was kissing Chae," hopefully I don't have to carry this on as I can feel the tension in the car increasing. I know he know what I'm talking about but I believe he's choosing to avoid the subject. "You looked like you were about to cry-"

"Lisa," he begins to turn back to face the wheel, but I stop him and place my hand on his arm.

"You looked like you were about to cry."

"Why are you talking to me about this?"

"Because I wanted to cry as well," I blurt out. "As in, whenever I see Jungkook with Chae I literally just want to curl up into a ball and cry," I explain, getting sad just thinking about it.

"So you're in love with Jungkook?" He furrows his brows, avoiding a confession at all costs.



"Yeah," I nod. "So we're in the same boat."

"No we're not because I don't like Chae," he replies, shaking his head at me.

"No, I gathered that."

"So, we're not in the same boat so we're going to Jungkook's house," he turns in his seat and starts the car again. I don't want to push him because I know how uncomfortable it can be for someone to push you. Like when Jennie pushed me, which I still haven't forgiven her for. 

"Okay," I put my seat belt back on. He turns up the radio to silence out the awkwardness, but I feel like it just made everything even more awkward. I turn my head to look out of my window. It's cloudy tonight so it's going to rain. I don't mind the rain believe it or not, the sound of it makes me sleep better. 

It doesn't take long to get to Jungkook's house and I'm so glad it's a quick drive because the tension and awkwardness is starting to practically choke me. Yoongi parks just outside the house and I can see that the other's have already arrived. 

"Thanks," I unbuckle my belt and start to climb out until Yoongi puts his hand on mine.

"I love him."

That's all he says before getting out. I follow him into the house where there is quiet music playing and I can hear the slightly louder mumbling of teens socialising. The first person I see is Jungkook. He walks right past Yoongi, who's walking ahead of me. He hands a red cup to me.

"Enjoy, I put some extra vodka in there just for you," he winks before showing me to the living room. I have no idea where to sit. I don't want to sit next to Jisoo nor Jennie as they will question me about everything, there's no room next to Chae as Jungkook sits right next to her, Yoongi is talking to all of his team mates although I'm sure that would be awkward too. 

The only thing that doesn't seem awkward is to stand around and wait for someone to talk to me. So that's what I do. I lean back against the wall and take a sip of my drink. Jesus, that is a lot of vodka. I am so glad school was cancelled tomorrow for the game celebrations.



We've been here for a few hours and I've manged to find myself on the floor still leaning against the wall, right next to the couch. I don't know how many drinks I've had. But this is so fun. I've found a girl to talk to in the mean time. She's nice.  Actually, she's beautiful. Not as beautiful as Chae, but as I have previously mentioned you can't compare anyone to Chae.

She's been talking to me for a while now but I'm just staring at her face. I believe her name is Seulgi. I think we have some classes together.

"You're really pretty," I lean forward so that our faces are extremely close. She winks at me and I can feel her breath on my lips. It smells like alcohol. 

"Thank you Lisa," she brings her hand to my cheek. "You're hot," I blush profusely. 

"Yeah, I am," I nod slowly, laughing. "I don't know why I'm single."

"I don't know either, who wouldn't want to date you," she uses her index finger to push my chest. "I would."

"I think you should," I get slightly closer to her and in my drunken state I attempt to turn my head and kiss her. However, when I turn my head I see out of the corner of my eye Chae staring at me. When she notices me she blushes and turns her head to pay attention to Jungkook. She whispers something in his ear and he nods. I feel Seulgi cup my cheek again and turn my head back to her.

"Stop looking at her and kiss me," she leans her head down to get closer to me again. However, just as she goes to kiss me, we immediately snap our heads to Jungkook as he stands on the couch to make an announcement.

"Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we are throwing it back. In five minutes we are to gather in a circle and play spin the bottle. For that period of time, we are all single. It's the basic rules of spin the bottle, boys and girls, boys and boys, girls and girls," I hear the basketball guys get rowdy and excited at the thought of two girls kissing. "Calm yourselves men. You get one pass. Enjoy kissing," Jungkook steps off the couch and tells the boys to start moving the furniture so we can sit in a circle.

This is going to be fun.


We've been playing this game for a few minutes and so far I have not had my chance to spin the bottle. Everyone else seems to be enjoying themselves but I know that if I have to watch Chae kiss someone I'll get upset. Also imagine being so incredibly in love with someone and then having to kiss someone else. Ugh.

Although, I wouldn't mind kissing Seulgi. Like if I had to kiss anyone apart from Chae it would be Seulgi because she's hot. Like so hot. 

"Lisa!" I hear someone's voice and I'm snapped out of my thoughts. I drop my empty cup and see that the bottle is pointing at me. The person who spun the bottle is none other than our dearest Yoongi. I really had hoped he would use his pass on me. 

But he doesn't.

Instead he gestures for me to come closer to me. I slowly crawl over to him.

"You can use your pass on me if you want," I whisper.

"Just kiss me, please?" He looks desperate. I get it. He wants to make Jungkook jealous. And I for one would not mind making Chae jealous.

 I take his cup out of his hand and drink the rest of it before letting him take my waist and kiss me. I cup his face to make it seem like I'm enjoying it by bringing him closer to me. He moves his lips against mine. You know what, Yoongi is a good kisser. If I was straight I would not mind doing this. In order to make this seem as real as possible I let out a fake moan, causing the boys to cheer on Yoongi. 

Luckily I'm out of breath so I pull away from him and take a breath. "That wasn't half bad Mr Suga," I use his nickname and wink at him. I kiss his cheek and crawl back to my spot. Behind me I can hear the boys whistling and hyping Yoongi up. 

The first awkward eye contact I make on my crawl of shame is with my brother, BamBam. I just made out with someone in front of my brother. He looks unbelievably disgusted at his older sister kissing someone. I mean I get it. If he started making out with someone in my face I would be thoroughly disgusted.

I look away from him and now I'm making eye contact with Jennie who just looks shocked. Next to her is Jisoo who is just as shocked with her jaw dropped. I don't want to see them, as I am still annoyed at them both and I'd rather not talk to them about this, so I look at the person next to them. Chae. 

Well, I actually don't make eye contact with her as she isn't looking at me. She's looking into her drink, circling her finger in it. She looks upset. She's probably tired or hungry. Or both. We've been here a while and all there is to eat are chips and popcorn. I choose to ignore it and sit back in my place right next to Seulgi. 

"You seemed to enjoy that," she teases me, nudging my shoulder. Instead of responding I take the drink still in her hand and drink some of it. I grimace at whatever was in that cup. Fucking disgusting. "You did not seem to enjoy that," she takes her cup back. "Also, it's your turn to spin."

Oh yeah. 

I lean forward, take the bottle and spin it. 

It spins.

And spins.

And spins.

Until it lands on someone.


I look up to see who it's pointing to.


She looks shocked as she lifts her head to meet my eyes. Oh. I mean I would love to do this. This is all I've ever wanted to do. Kiss Chae. 

"I pass," I blurt out. Chae's face drops and she sucks her lips in. I can't kiss her. Not here. If I do kiss her I want it to be special. Like in the rain or after a long confession of my love. Not in front of dozens of rowdy, horny teenagers.

"Oh," I hear Chae mumble. I don't look at her but take the bottle again and spin it. 


I did that.

I resisted.

But now I absolutely have to kiss the next person it lands on. 



"So, am I gonna get that kiss now?" I hear Seulgi whisper seductively into my ear. 

It landed on Seulgi. I have to kiss her. Like righ-

Before I can prep myself for this the older girl has grabbed my face with both hands and placed her lips on mine. 

I've never kissed a girl.

Her lips are soft and taste like cherries. She smells so good. She moves her lips slowly against mine. It's so delicate and beautiful. I like it. Instead of just sitting here letting her kiss me I hold onto her wrists and pull her arms around my neck so that we're closer and I start to move my lips against hers. Unlike with Yoongi where I forced out a moan, this time I have to hold back a moan.

 This time I'm more nervous. I don't know where to put my hands. They're shaking a little. My hands are clammy. There's chills going up and down my body and I feel butterflies in my stomach.

But all good things must come to an end. 

I mean I'm not ready to stop but Seulgi quite clearly needs to take a breath. She pulls back, automatically making me whimper at the loss of touch. I ignore the cat calls going on around the room.

That was amazing. 

I want more. 

(warning everyone, sexy times ;))

"Follow me upstairs," I whisper into her ear. As I lean into her ear I notice that Chae and Jungkook are no longer sitting on the couch. But I forget about that quickly as I stand up and start to walk towards the stairs. 

I don't know my way around this house but there's a bedroom where the door is wide open so I walk in and sit on the bed. I can hear Seulgi walking up the stairs and she finds the bedroom that I'm in. 

"I didn't think you enjoyed my kiss that much," she stands in the door frame. I don't think I've ever been so turned on. Maybe it's the alcohol, but I want to do this. Like I want to lose my virginity. I stand up and take two swift steps towards her and look down at her. I smirk before taking her face and kissing her roughly. 

"It was great," I say in between kisses. I pull away and take her hand to drag her to the bed. I sit down in the middle of the bed and almost immediately she straddles my hips. I place my hands on her waist and start kissing up and down her neck. It must be good because I hear her let out a small moan. 

I'm gonna do this.

Like actually gonna have sex.

"Lisa," she moans. Her hands move from my shoulders to the hem of her shirt. She pulls it off and throws it to the side. She pushes me down and all I can see is boobs. Bra-clad boobs right in my face. My face is insanely hot and red. She starts to grind her core on my thigh, moaning again. Her body is rolling and my sex drive increases a worrying amount. 

The older girl attacks my neck, sucking and biting it. I know there's going to be red marks all over it. She then tugs on my t-shirt and looks into my eyes for permission to take it off. I bite my lip and nod. She takes it off my body and throws it. If my face and body wasn't already extremely hot then it is now. 

Okay so I wasn't planning this so my bra is not the sexiest. It's just black. This is extremely embarrassing. I've never showed anyone this much of me. 

"Lisa, you're so sexy," Seulgi takes me out of my thoughts, dragging her finger up and down my torso. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" She cups my face.

"Yeah," I nod, once again biting my lip. She kisses my lips softly, then she starts to place soft kisses down my neck, then my chest. Her fingers start to pull at my bra. "Take it off," I practically groan. I sit up a little and she unclasps my bra. Her hands immediately hover over my boobs.


No one's ever seen my boobs.

"Can I?" She's nervous too. Her hands are shaking. I just take them and place them on my boobs, moaning immediately. She goes back to kissing my chest, kneading my breasts. 

"Oh my God," I can't help but moan loudly. Her lips move slowly down my torso to my stomach. My muscles tense up and chills go down my back as she gets closer to my core. 

I look up towards the door as I think I hear it squeak a little. I hear a gasp and see eyes widen. I know those eyes. I jerk up, covering my chest. The person in the doorway runs quickly and all I see is hair fly past. 

"Lisa?" Seulgi sits up, furrowing her eyebrows. "You okay baby?"

(sexy times rudely interrupted)



"Uhm," I swallow. "I can't do this. I've never done this and I want to do it with someone that I'm in love with," I see her face drop. "Maybe we can do this one day. I like you Seulgi, so maybe we can go out on a date. But not right now," I take my t-shirt and throw it on.

"Okay," she smiles at me. "Can I kiss you?" I nod. She places a soft kiss on my lips. I slowly swing my legs off the bed and stand up. Quickly, I leave the room and go downstairs. I notice the front door is opened slightly.

"Chae?" I say quietly. She's sitting on the step just in front of the door. I hear her quietly sobbing. I take a step forward and sit down next to her. "Are you okay?"

She looks up at me. Her eyes are red and puffy. Her cheeks are wet with tears 

"Hey, why are you crying?" I rub her back. She places her head in her hands and starts to sob again. It's only now that I'm realising that she's wearing pyjama shorts and a baggy jumper rather than her normal clothes. 

Her and Jungkook had sex? 

So why is she upset?

 I lean forward and wrap my arm around her shoulder, placing my head on her other shoulder. "Don't cry Chae," I rub my hand up and down her arm. "What happened?"

"I broke up with Jungkook," she manages to choke out. "He loves someone else. He couldn't tell me, but I know."




"And so do I."




"He broke my heart, and so did she."


All of the alcohol in my system all of a sudden isn't affecting me.

Don't say anything.

Comfort her.

She lifts her head out of her hands and faces me. I use the end of my t-shirt to wipe her face. She doesn't even have to say anything for me to know she wants a hug. 

She needs a hug. 

I wrap my arms around her small body as she starts to cry again into my shoulder. 

"You're okay Chae, I promise everything will be fine," I kiss the top of her head as she shakes in my arms. I've never seen her so vulnerable. 

"I can't have her Lisa," she mumbles through her crying. "I can't have her."

And I can't have her.

She loves someone else.


I'll never have her.


a/n: Sorry this was in Lisa's pov again, but next chapter will defo be in Chae's pov. it just made more sense to have this chapter through Lisa's eyes. I hope you enjoyed this. Told you things were getting spicy ;) 

also i didn't pre-check this for grammar mistakes so i'm sorry if it's really bad. i'm gonna read everything tomorrow and make some changes and error corrections :)

also who's kookie in love with?

sorry about the heterosexual activity for lisa :((( jk it had to happen for the plot but yeah that was weird.

love my yoongi :))

Anyway, please leave some suggestions as to what you'd like to see next !! 

Also dw about Seulgi and Lisa, as you know this fic will end with chaelisa ;)))

'til next time !!

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