Silver Linings: Acatalepsy {A...

By xlaurynwritesx

11.4K 283 34

Emmaline's lived through everything, her dad dying and coming back to life, her sister being put into an eter... More

Part One
Part Two
The end
Emmaline Gilbert AU
Emmaline Gilbert AU part 2
Emmaline Gilbert AU part 3
Emmaline Gilbert AU part 4
Emmaline Gilbert AU Part 5
Emmaline Gilbert AU Part 6
Emmaline Gilbert AU Part 7
Emmaline Gilbert AU Part 8


895 11 0
By xlaurynwritesx

Dear Elena,

Caroline says you want the ends and outs of our lives while your gone. She also demands that I do it too and I guess a diary might be cool. I mean you kept a diary right so it's like I'm learning from you? I don't know. It is what it is I guess. As a P.S. I'm currently writing this outside of your coffin which is locked away.

As an update you read the top correctly. Yes, I've forgiven Caroline. And yes, I'm still pissed, but I've been healing so I'm taking that as a good sign.

As for Stefan, things are great. He's been supportive as always, but he's always caring for me and always makes sure that I'm okay. Honestly I love him so much, but I'm not one for that sappy stuff so I'll just leave it at that.

Dad and Damon left the country. I hope they're okay, both of them lost the loves of their lives so I can't imagine how that's going. Bonnie left with them. I don't really know who thought of that, but I'm hoping that Damon's not planning to kill her.

Jeremy and Tyler are out hunting vampires. Honestly I'm glad that they paired up. They've been in touch which is also good. I'm hoping I'm living up to my promise to you. I guess you can't really judge me if I'm doing it wrong so that's sort of a plus. Lol.

And then back to me. I applied to Whitmore. Of course I had to compel myself a high school diploma which was sort of annoying, but Caroline and Bonnie insisted that us girls stick together. So I've taken your old bed and something about that is uneasy but I'll get over it.

My magic is coming along nicely. Before Bonnie left we practiced a lot and I've learned a lot of simple spells. It's amazing to be able to turn off the lights without getting up. I don't know if it's good or bad that that's the thing I enjoy most about it.

Well I miss you and I probably will until your sitting here reading this stupid journal. Until next time I guess.

I closed the black book and looked around me. The cemetery was always like a family reunion which was a lot sadder when you thought about it. I got up and headed back to the Boarding House.

I saw Stefan with my dad's bag of vervain tricks and Matt with a case. "Emma I'm glad your back. Do you know how to make a bomb?" He asked as I went to the bag. I had made a trip to the falls to see my boyfriend and the town. Long distance wasn't a problem because we would see each other every weekend. 

"I make a visit from college and that's the first thing you ask me?" I asked crossing my arms.

He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me a bit. "Hi, Babe, How are you?"

"Great thanks." I smiled to him and let out a chuckle. "I can make the bomb. What exactly do you need it for?" I asked as I started pulling out the things I needed.

"Lily's heretics are in town." Stefan explained as I turned to him.

"The 1903 crazies actually got out?" I asked unsure as he nodded.

"Yes, also known as the vampires with magic." He replied as I looked up at him.

"The- I'm not the only one?" I asked shocked.

"Turns our you aren't." He replied with a sigh.

"I don't really think that's a good thing." I admitted worried.

"Caroline is scoping them out as we speak to see how many we have to deal with." He added as I looked to Matt's papers.

"They've stolen blood bags and killed two people so far. Hung them up like meat." Matt showed me as I looked at it worried.

"Yeah they need to go." I sighed lightly as I started pulling jars, wires, and pliers out of the bag. "I'm going to need a timer and vervain water." I sat down and moved the bag.

"You're on a mission now aren't you?" Stefan asked holding me from behind.

"Heretics were friends of Kai. I don't want them anywhere near anyone I care about." I explained.

"You're cute when your determined." He complimented before kissing my cheek.

I started working on the bomb and Stefan helped. I was using the melter to connect the wires. At one point we called dad for a little more of advice. He sounded very stupid and drunk so I really hoped we didn't mess anything up.

"Can you hand me the pliers?" I asked as I zapped one of the wires. He handed them to me and I put it in place.

"There's five Heretics-- two guys, three girls. And, your mom isn't home." Caroline spoke as her heels clinked on the wood floor. We both looked up at her.

"Enzo?" Stefan questioned.

"He's not there either. So, if we're going to do this, now is our window." She spoke as she reached for the bomb. She tossed it in her hands.

"Care that's a bomb. The biggest bomb I've ever made. You can't play with it." I discouraged as I grabbed it from her.

"Show me how it works." She spoke as Stefan put the timer on.

"Someone presses the timer, the countdown starts, and kaboom." I explained as Stefan set the timer.

"I'm gonna set it for sixty seconds." He explained as we both watched.

"Sixty seconds. Got it." Caroline nodded.

"Are you sure that you want to do this?" Stefan asked as I looked at her worried.

"I have to do this. They lived in your house for a hundred years. They've seen your picture. They'll recognize you immediately." Caroline explained.

"What if they decide to let you stay, what are you supposed to do then?" I asked worried. "I should go too."

"No that's not a good idea." Stefan shook his head. "You both could get hurt. Who would I have left to scold me?" He asked as I shook my head.

"I'm trained at this. Plus I'm a good distraction." I explained. "And honestly I'm worried Care will drop the bomb." I added.

"I'm not a klutz." Caroline defended.

"I know but still." I replied. "It'll be easier if I go with you."

"Fine. I'll tell Matt we're ready." Caroline nodded as she walked out.

I looked at Stefan and he looked at the bomb worried than up to me. "Promise you'll be careful?" He asked hopefully.

"Cross my heart." I replied as he bent down and kissed me softly.

"Love you." He commented as I grabbed the bomb.

"I love you too." I replied as I started walking out.

We made it to their house and parked a little ways away. Caroline brought a potted plant as a welcome gift.

Caroline sighed lightly and rang the doorbell. Her face went from nervous to excited in the matter of seconds. I was impressed. The door began to open and I smiled lightly.

"Welcome to Mystic Falls! I'm Caroline." She smiled brightly. A tanned girl with brown hair stood at the door.

"We're not interested." She spoke as she went to shut the door, but Caroline stopped her, still smiling widely.

"Oh. Oh, no! Don't worry, I'm not selling anything. I'm your neighbor from down the block!" Caroline explained.

"So?" The girl asked annoyed.

"You'll have to excuse Caroline. She always get a little too excited for newcomers." I nodded lightly. "I'm Emma."

"Do you mind if I put this at the table?" She asked as she started to walk in.

"Give her five minutes and we'll be out of your hair." I reassured as she looked at me confused.

"Are these floors the original wood? They're so nice." Caroline complimented.

"It's a gargantuan Hell hole. No one gives a damn about the floors." A girl in the living room answered.

"Well I brought a housewarming gift as a Mystic Falls tradition." Caroline explained looking back to the brunette.

"Valerie's allergic to nature." The brunette replied.

"I personally think we should be giving out cookies instead of flowers, but any way to welcome I guess." I nodded to the brunette. Caroline placed the flowers on the table and I heard Matt opening the gas.

I took it upon myself to fake sneeze. Caroline decided to break something. "Oh my god I'm so sorry was that important?" Caroline asked looking to them. I shook my head.

"So do you guys plan on staying for a while?" I asked curiously.

"Yes. At least Lily thinks we should." She explained as another girl got up.

"Where are you guys from?" Caroline asked curiously.

"All over really." She replied. This girl was blonde and was dressed like Barbie.

"I love your jacket. Mare, don't you just love what she's wearing?" The brunette girl asked looking at Caroline.

"It's fine. Though it would look entirely better on you." The blonde answered.

"Oh hey it's Matt." I turned to see Matt coming in.

"Hey guys. We should get to that barbecue." Matt spoke as we nodded.

"It was nice to meet you all." Caroline spoke as she tried to walk by.

"Wait. Give me your jacket." The brunette insisted.

Caroline took it off. She must've been trying to compel her. "Well, see ya." She commented as she tried to walk again but the blonde grabbed her.

"You forgot to tell her how good she looks." She compelled.

"You look amazing." Caroline complimented turning to her.

"Does anyone else smell that?" The girl in the living room asked as Caroline and I vamped out with Matt as the house exploded.

Matt dropped me off at the Boarding House and I got ready for his graduation from police school.

I was getting ready when Stefan came into my room. He sighed relieved. "What's wrong?" I asked curiously.

"Just wanted to make sure you were still okay. Lily doesn't think they're dead." She explained as I finished putting in my second earring.

"We need to make sure Caroline and Matt are okay." I nodded as we headed out and to the graduation. We got there and found Caroline.

"Caroline we have a situation." Stefan spoke as the sprinklers started going off. I sat next to him when all the sudden the water turned to fire. People were screaming, some were on fire. The heretics were feeding from some of them that were trying to flee.

"Help." I heard Matt call out as I saw a man dead.

I went over. "He's gone." I explained to him as I looked around. Everything was frantic. I looked at the fire and took a breath. I put my hand out and pulled it in, causing some of the flames to disappear.

I then saw someone on top of Stefan with a stake. I vamped over and pushed him off, pinning him down, and throwing the stake.

"Don't touch him." I warned holding him there.

"Enough!" I heard Lily say from behind me. The man I was fighting stopped and I stood up. "I fought tirelessly to reunite us, found ways to coexist in this new world, sacrificed everything to make us a family again! How dare you jeopardize that? All of you..." She spoke. "The bloodshed ends now." Lily left with her heretics following like ducklings behind her. They all watched me in particular as they left.

After taking care of the flames, Stefan, Caroline, and I got back to the boarding house. We were in shock.

"What just happened?" Caroline asked as I rubbed my face.

"I don't know." Stefan replied.

"I thought we blew them up. How the hell did they survive that?" Caroline asked.

"I have no idea." Stefan replied.

"They're too strong." I shook my head worried.

Stefan winced in the mirror and I went over to him.

"You okay?" I asked as he nodded rubbing his neck. I looked at it confused.

"Matt's whole class is dead. The new sheriff? Dead. What are you two doing?" Caroline asked as she looked at us.

"I think there's a splinter embedded in my neck." He commented.

"Let me help." I nodded as he moved his hands.

"As I was saying, there's history here, you know? This town, and this house, these people... and I just don't see a world where Mystic Falls survives a war between us and them. And if Lily thinks she can control five Heretics, she's insane."  Caroline disapproved as I worked on the splinter.

Stefan winced. "Sorry." I apologized. "Almost done." I reassured. "Care, you're right." I pulled out the splinter. "They're all insane."

"I think I know how to get through to Lily." Stefan replied hesitantly.

"How?" Caroline asked unsure.

"Let's just say it's a good thing Damon's not here." He nodded as I looked at him worried.

Dear Elena,

Well things went from good to worse. Lily's "family" the witch vampires are insane. Yeah there's more, you heard that right. We tried to kill them and it didn't work. They ended up killing a lot of people and the only solution we could come up with was to evacuate the town. As sad as it was for us it was the only way we could keep the people safe. Stefan even had to surrender his house to them. Matt made the evacuation notice. Caroline, Stefan, and I compelled people out of town. It took a while, but we did it and now Mystic Falls is a ghost town. I hope it doesn't stay like this forever, but with our luck, we can't really be sure.

I helped Caroline cover furniture in her moms house with sheets. Stefan was there too but he was in a different room.

"Are we making a huge mistake handing over our hometown to a bunch of supernatural terrorists?" She asked as I sighed.

"Yes and no. Yes because we forced people from their homes and no because they would've killed them anyway." I explained.

"Well what am I supposed to do now?" She asked looking at me as I gave her a confused look. "I currently have no control."

"Maybe, but now a bunch of people are safe." I smiled lightly.

"I guess. I just wish it wasn't so hard to deal with." She shrugged.

"Everything will be okay Care, it just takes time." I reassured as she crossed her arms.

"I thought by now I'd have moved on from my moms death, but I don't know if I ever will." She shrugged lightly.

"You never can move on. You just learn to deal." I explained sadly. "And I'm here to help you do that."

"I know. And I know I'll learn to deal." She sighed. "It's just hard."

"Trust me I know." I nodded with a small smile. "Now, how about we go get drinks to make our brains think everything is fine?" I asked with a smile.

"That sounds like a great plan." She smiled.

"I'll go tell Stefan." I nodded as I went upstairs.

"We're heading to the grill. Wanna come?" I asked curiously.

"I should probably go and find us a place to live. I haven't exactly had the chance yet." He nodded to me. "But have fun." He nodded as he leaned forward and kissed me.

"I will." I assured as I kissed him again and again and again. "Okay I have to go." I pulled away before kissing him once more and walking out with Caroline.

"Looks like a Line squared type of function." I smiled to her as she nodded.

"Honestly the two of you are the cutest." Caroline complimented.

"You were eavesdropping?" I asked looking at her in disapproval.

"What else was I supposed to do? I'm nosy." She replied as I shook my head. "And I fell like I should once again apologize for the bitch I was as a humanity-less vampire."

"Care don't. I've moved on." I reassured.

"No, you're still moving on." She corrected. "And I can tell you're still semi-pissed." I sighed. She was right. "You can be. I get it. I sucked. I'm just glad you aren't using it against me."

"I'm not petty. I know what it's like to not be yourself." I replied as she nodded.

"Well bottoms up then." She spoke with a smile as we got into the grill. She sat at a seat and I started putting drinks together.

Enzo came in and was talking to Caroline about how someone killed a heretic. I walked over and sat with them, putting the drinks on the table. When I noticed Enzo stabbing Caroline with vervain. "Enzo. What are you doing?" I asked standing up.

"Well I chose a side. It wasn't yours." He spoke as I tried to run for the door. All the sudden he was in front of me. I felt a sting in my neck and the world faded.

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