Heartbreak High • Pokemon

By undeadbelova

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♡˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ COMPLETED Serena Yvonne wants a fresh start in her last year of high school. She cuts ties with her... More

⚠️ Author's Note ⚠️
1. Serena's New Start
3. Wild Accusations
4. Full Of Surprises
5. I Miss The Old You
6. Behind Closed Doors
7. Everything Is Fine
8. Paul is back
9. The Cheer Captain Isn't A Mary Sue
10. I Want To Be There For You
11. Confrontation Of Bitches
12. The Ursula Incident
13. Mother Knows Best
14. Filthy Cheater
15. Lover, Where'd You Go?
16. Princess
17. Bitch You Better Be Joking
18. Average Day At Shalour High
19. Ruin Our Friendship
20. Shalour Carnival
21. Back To School
22. It's Nice To Have A Friend

2. The Results

913 26 13
By undeadbelova

Normal POV

The next morning had arrived. Misty, Gary, Ursula and other members of the serpents, sat in a group at the back of the school. It was quite early but they liked hanging out together before school began.

The sun was blistering and the coolest part of the school was at the back, behind the buildings.

A raven haired boy turned a corner, walking over to the group. "Ashy!" Ursula piped up, excited by the sight of her boyfriend. Misty on the other hand, scrunched up her face, angry at the fact he wasn't wearing the serpent jacket.

"Hey baby." Ash smiled sweetly, embracing his girlfriend as she wrapped her arms around him. The pair went to kiss, but Misty cleared her throat before they did, quickly catching their attention.

"Your jacket?" The orange haired girl asked, in a growl. "What about it?" Ash asked back, letting go of his girlfriend to face Misty. "You're not wearing it." Misty added, still keeping her angry tone. "It's a 35 degree day, I'm not going to melt in my jacket." Misty went to snap as Ash, but Gary stopped her. "Drop it Misty."

Misty just turned to her boyfriend, visibly mad. Gary looked back at her, raising an eyebrow, before putting his lit cigarette to his mouth. Misty was beginning to hate Ash, like she did Serena, and was knit picking for things to yell at him for.

Ursula pulled a cigarette out of her carton, and a lighter, before lighting up her cigarette. She offered the box to Ash, who shook his head. "You know I don't smoke." The boy sweatdropped. Ursula put the box away and put her cigarette to her mouth.

"I didn't know we had another Serena in our squad." Misty spoke up, blowing smoke out of her mouth as she smoked. "Ash isn't.. like Serena.." Gary sweatdropped, also puffing out smoke.

"Yes he is! He seems to think he makes his own rules, as he isn't wearing the jacket.. and he doesn't smoke! He is literally Serena if she was male." Misty huffed.

Ash rolled his eyes, looking to Ursula. "She is right you know." The pink haired girl admitted, before puffing out cigarette smoke. "Serena isn't even bad, I don't know why you guys are so rude when talking about her." The raven haired boy admitted.

"Blah blah blah.." Misty mocked, taking a cigarette from Gary's carton and lighting it up. "If you want to prove to us that you're not a traitor like a certain little blonde, here." She offered the cigarette to Ash. "Smoke."

Ash's glared to Misty, deepened. "I'm not smoking. I've made that clear." Misty shrugged, throwing away her old cigarette butt into the gravel before smoking the one she'd just offered to Ash. "Then leave." She demanded.

"Misty.." Gary and Ursula sighed, as Ash stood up. "Fine then, fuck you." The raven haired boy said to Misty, before turning away and leaving. Ursula glared at Misty before quickly getting to her feet, going after her boyfriend.

Gary just rolled his eyes, tossing his cigarette butt into the gravel. Misty wanted to get rid of Ash, like she did Serena, but she knew Ursula would always bring Ash back to the squad. She needed to devise a plan.


Serena's POV

I closed the front door of my house quietly, letting out a sigh of relief that I didn't wake my mother. She was so grumpy in the mornings, especially when hungover.

I exited my property and walked over to my neighbours house, excitedly. I walked up the steps and knocked on the door, swinging back and forth on my heels as I waited. The wooden door opened and before me stood a tall boy with blonde hair, blue eyes and glasses.

"Goodmorning Serena!" The boy chimed, causing me to smile, "Goodmorning Clemont." I replied. Clemont stepped outside, pulling his bag onto his back, as he closed the front door. "Let's go." He smiled.

Clemont was my best friend, and we'd been friends for a very long time. We went to the same elementary school and middle school but unfortunately got sent to different high schools. I wish we went to the same school.

We chatted for a while as we walked, heading to my school as it was the closest. "How has it been not hanging out with Gary and his friends?" Clemont asked me, to which I bit my lip. "I feel lonely to be honest.. But we were drifting apart.. all they want to do is smoke and drink excessively.. I don't want to be apart of that." I admitted.

"I see.. I wish we went to the same school.." Clemont sighed, "Do you talk to anybody from that group at all?" The blonde asked me. I shook my head, "If anyone, I'd probably talk to Ash.. he at least has half a brain. I don't see him killing his lungs with smokes." I admitted before sighing, "I do miss Gary though.."

Clemont, Gary and I went to the same middle school and they didn't get along too well... because of this, I refrained from talking about them, in front of eachother.. but right now Clemont is the only one I can talk to.

"I know you guys have been close friends for the longest time.. but I think it was destined to happen.. I had a feeling he'd turn his back on you at some point." Clemont admitted. I sighed, scratching the back of my head, "It's all Misty's doing. He was never like this before they dated." I admitted. "Misty is changing him.. and while he is like this, I don't want to talk to him." I huffed, before realising we'd reached the front of my school.

"I guess it's time to go to school" I sighed, before Clemont spoke up. "Try to have a good day, hey hopefully you'll make the team!" He said eagerly. "I hope so." I admitted, excited to find out. "Bye Serena!" Clemont waved, as he walked away. "Bye Clemont." I smiled back, before walking into the school.

I headed through the gates and made my way to the locker corridor, nervously. I needed to check the bulletin board.

As I made my way inside, I heard my name get called, within five seconds of being in sight of people. The voice called me again, and I cringed when I heard who it was. I just kept my head forward and continued to walk.

I finally got to my locker, and stopped to put in the combination for the lock. That's when a figure stopped beside me. "Damn it." I thought to myself.

"Gary. Hi." I looked up, removing my hands from the lock. Of course, he's only coming to me now that he's escaped the grip of his rat girlfriend, for two seconds.

"Hey. Thanks for ignoring me." Gary replied sarcastically, as I held a hand to my nose, "You smell horrible!" I complained, as all I could smell were cigarettes.

"You never told me you were wanting to become a cheerleader." Gary admitted, ignoring my complaint, instead leaning his arm against the locker. "Why would I tell you?" I asked, bluntly. "We're not friends."

Gary was a bit taken aback by that, "We've been friends pretty much since we could breathe.." He admitted. I bit my lip, trying to hold back the anger as I said this. "Friends don't just sit back and listen to eachother get insulted." I growled, talking about yesterday, when I exited the school and all of his friends were talking shit about me, and all of the countless times previously Misty in particular had insulted me to my face, in front of Gary, and he wouldn't say a word to defend me.

Gary was hesitant to speak for a moment. "You want to talk about what friends don't do? Friends don't ignore their best friend in fact, their entire friend group over the whole summer, and then pretend to not know them when they're all when they're forced to be in the same premise." Gary growled back. I bit my lip, finding myself tearing up at what I was about to say.

"Then you do get it." Gary looked at me funny, "You get it... We are not friends." I concluded, before quickly stepping away. I couldn't believe I was tearing up, why was I about to cry!? I fled to the bathroom, not wanting to cry in front of anybody.

I raced into the bathroom, trying to stay out of sight from people. I scolded myself as I realised I didn't grab anything from my locker.

I looked into the mirror, why was I feeling so hurt suddenly? Despite how much I despised Gary's behaviours, I guess it hurt to admit we aren't friends. We have been friends for longer than I can remember, but there was no way I wanted to be friends with the person he was becoming. Misty was changing him and controlling him.

The bathroom door opened and in stepped a girl with blue hair, which caused me to freeze. It's Dawn.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay!?" She asked, noticing me right away. Quickly, I turned away. "Yeah I'm fine.. I just.. I don't want to talk about it." I managed to say, embarrassed.

"Here." Dawn said, grabbing paper towel from the dispenser before handing it to me. "Thanks.." I replied quickly, taking it to wipe my eyes.

"Oh- You're Serena!" Dawn smiled, as I became more embarrassed. "Yeah I am.." I awkwardly replied, wiping my eyes. "I remember you from yesterday! Your tryout was great~" Dawn chimed causing me to smile. Considering the amount of girls that tried out for cheerleading, I was surprised she remembered my name.

"Have you seen the bulletin board yet?" The girl asked, as I shook my head. "Oh well, check it out when you can, I put up the list when I got to school." Dawn chimed.

I nodded, nervously as Dawn just smiled. The bell then rang, signalling for class to start. I took one last look in the mirror, making sure my eyes weren't red or puffy, before taking my stuff and exiting the bathroom. I had to head to my locker before class began.


Dawn's POV

I exited the bathroom a few minutes after Serena. I hoped she was okay. I couldn't help but notice Serena looked lonely, for the two days of school I'd seen her. I remember last year she used to hang around with Gary a lot, and most of his other friends in the Serpents, but slowly she seemed to hang out with them less... now she doesn't seem to hang out with them at all.. or even acknowledge them.

Maybe they weren't friends anymore? Could that be why she was crying? I didn't know. All I knew is that I should probably head to class, which would be starting any minute.

I headed to the classroom, wandering through a crowded hallway. This is why I usually get to class earlier, to avoid this crowded mess.

As I stepped through the crowd, I noticed someone I recognised: Ash. Ash is a member of that stupid leather jacket smoker squad, but he was quite nice.. We'd used to be pretty good friends, despite being in different groups. I would be lying if I said I didn't find him attractive, but obviously he's happy in a relationship. He's very different to the rest of the serpents, and I'm surprised he's still apart of a group that have such filthy behaviours.

Ash caught me looking at him, so I gave him a smile. He smiled back, before we passed eachother to head to our classes. Usually Ursula would be clinging to Ash, glaring at anybody who looks at him. It seemed to be a theme in that group, that the girlfriends would cling onto their boyfriends and glare at anybody who laid eyes on them, as if with a glance, their boyfriends would be stolen from them.

Ursula wasn't fond of me at all, I try to make the effort to be friends with her, but she can be quite nasty in return. To be honest, she wasn't that nice to too many people on the team. I didn't understand why she was apart of it. If she decides to be an ass to the new members, I'll consider kicking her off the team. Rudeness is not what the team is about.

I approached the classroom I had been heading towards, and wandered inside.  The teacher hadn't arrived yet, which was perfect. I spotted Iris and Hilda, at the back of the class, Iris had left me a seat beside her.

Hilda and Iris were hand in hand, Iris leaning her head onto Hilda's shoulder, as they chatted quietly. They looked adorable together, and I was so happy when they announced to me that they were dating.

"Hey guys." I greeted, taking a seat beside Iris. "Hey Dawn." They both replied. Iris sat upright, off of her girlfriends shoulder, though still keeping their hands together.

"How did choosing the members go?" Iris asked excitedly. "Well, I managed to choose 5 new members, though it was a difficult choice." I replied. "So how big will the team be now?" Hilda asked excitedly. "It will be myself, you two, Ursula, Rosa, Luna, Lillie and the five new members." I announced happily.

"I'm super excited to see the list." Iris admitted, hoping the class would hurry and end. "Gosh, me too." Hilda admitted, impatiently.

"Now if you three could keep it down, I could begin my class." A voice groaned, as the trio looked up to notice the teacher standing there. "Oops.." I sweatdropped. "Thank you ladies, now good morning everybody." The teacher said, before beginning the lesson.


Serena's POV

Class finally ended and I was off in a hurry to check the bulletin board. I had my books packed into my bag, five minutes before the class had ended and I'd been waiting ever so eagerly for the bell to ring.

I shoved through people, this time being rather careless, I just needed to know the answer.

I finally got to the bulletin board, which was crowded with other people. Impatiently, I tried to peek over the top of people, by standing on my tip toes, but it didn't work so well.

Finally, people walked away, meaning I'd be able to see the list. I took a step forward and looked up, at the list in front of me, that stood out amongst all of the other pinned pages.

"Welcome Shalour High school's new cheerleaders to Shalour's Vixens!" It read boldly, before displaying five names below it.

"May Maple."

May was a girl a bit shorter than me, who had brown coloured hair and blue eyes. She always wore something red, whether it was a shirt or bandana. She was quite outgoing and friendly. I'm pretty sure she's dating Drew, some stereotypical jock guy.

"Lyra Kotone."

Lyra was a shot girl with brown hair and brown eyes. Something that always stood out to me was the big white hat she wore. She was quite flirty and outgoing, I'm pretty sure she had the hots for Dawn.

"Bianca Bel"

Bianca is a quite tall girl with blonde hair and green eyes. She had a twin brother named Barry, and the pair seemed to both match by wearing orange and green. Bianca is quite clumsy, so I am a little surprised she tried out for such a sport.

"Shauna Sana"

Shauna is a short girl with brown hair and green eyes. She wore a pink shirt and some form of denim pants, all the time. She always switched between denim shorts, skirts and jeans. This girl is really energetic and sweet, I was in her class last year and we got along.

"And lastly; Serena Yvonne"

My mouth fell open for a moment, before turning into a big grin. I was so happy.

I wanted to scream in excitement, but it would have been embarrassing in a hallway, so I tried to keep it in. Of course I was absolutely thrilled.


I went to class, after lunch had ended and finally it was time to head home.

Excitedly, I skipped out of the school grounds, noticing Clemont waiting for me at the front. "Somebody's in a good mood." I heard the blonde say, as I skipped over and hugged the boy, who became a bit flustered.

"I made the team!" I squealed, before pulling away from the boy. "That's awesome!" Clemont boomed, his eyes lit up now. "I've been waiting for so long to let that out." I sweatdropped, a little embarrassed by outburst. "Congrats Serena! This is great news!" Clemont smiled, before we turned to walk home.

Training started tomorrow and I was real excited.


Ash's POV

A smile crept on my face as Ursula came rushing over to me. I opened my arms as she ran into them, and we hugged. I tried to ignore the fact that she reeked of tobacco and it smelt horrible, because she wouldn't of been happy if I'd said something.

"So, are you walking me home?" She asked, with a wink, after we'd pulled away from eachother. "Well, if you'd like. I have to drop something off at Dawn's house first." I admitted, as her face turned from a smile to a frown. "Can't it wait until tomorrow?" She pleaded, "You know I don't like Dawn.. I'm already forced to see her ugly face within school times,  I can't bear it after school." The girl groaned.

"I think it's something important, she is probably gonna freak out when she realises it's gone." I admitted, as my girlfriend rolled her eyes. "Fine." She muttered.

I sighed, as Ursula walked away rather quickly, not giving me the chance to talk to her again. "Whatever." I thought, I just wanted to return Dawn's item and go home now.

I exited the school gates and turned right, heading towards Dawns house. I hadn't gone to her house in a really long time, but only out of respect for Ursula, because I knew she strongly disliked Dawn. I hope she understood I was only doing this to return something that Dawn had left in the classroom, something I knew was important to her.

Dawn and I used to be pretty good friends, despite being in different groups. I've always hung around Gary, Misty and Serena, before she left the group.. while Dawn has always hung around Iris, Hilda and May.

Now that I'm dating Ursula, I haven't really spoken to Dawn as much, but that's only because Ursula doesn't like her. Ursula is a member of the serpents and a cheerleader at the same time. Despite being a cheerleader, she doesn't get along very well with many other cheerleaders and her only goal is to overthrow Dawn and become the captain. To me it's a strange goal, but she's set on it.

I reached Dawn's house, smiling as I realised it hadn't changed at all. I walked up the stairs and knocked on the front door, once I'd reached it. I waited patiently for the door to open.


Dawn's POV

I reached the door, after hearing the knock, and pulled it open. "Ash?" I blurted, before scratching the back of my head. "Sorry I mean- hey! I wasn't expecting visitors." I admitted, planning to go out with Iris, Hilda and May.

"Hey! I'm not staying." Ash admitted awkwardly. "I just noticed something was left in the classroom that belonged to you.. and I know it's important to you." Ash admitted, before reaching into my pocket to pull out a gold bracelet, with stars on them.

My eyes widened at the sight of it in his hand, "Oh my god I can't believe it fell off my wrist!" I boomed, before taking it from Ash's hand. "Thank you so much for bringing it to me!" I admitted, ever so thankful.

"You're welcome, couldn't have someone else possibly taking it." Ash admitted, as I fumbled to put it on, but managed. "Yeah of course.. thanks again!" I smiled, as Ash did back, before he turned to leave.

I wish I could have invited him inside, but I did have somewhere to be. I closed the door and looked down at my bracelet with a smile.

This bracelet was given to me by my older sister, who had moved out five years ago. She moved to a different region for university and I hadn't seen her since, mostly because our holidays never lined up.

Ash had seen how upset I was at school, the day my sister had moved out. His thoughtfulness meant a lot to me.

My phone buzzed, as a message popped up from Iris. She and the others were waiting for me, which means I need to get a move on. I laced up my shoes and headed out the door.

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