Awakened Memories

By music_and_literature

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As Queen of the Amazons, Annabeth Chase must be ready for anything. She has to be there for her warriors. But... More

Awakened Memories
Disclaimer and Author's Note
An Old (Really Old) Friend Comes To Visit
I Almost Kill My Best Friend
The Day Is Green
I Need A Hand
I Become The Co-Creator
Celestial Bronze Is Handier Than You Think
My Girlfriend's Mom Does Have A Nice Side
I Kill An Old Friend
The Traitor Might Not Be A Real Traitor
The Donut-Addicted Horse Appears
My Life Climbs On The Creepy Scale
Bob The Not-So-Friendly Titan
We Walk To Our Possible Death
I Tell A Highly Trained Warrior Bad News
We Light A Ticking Time Bomb
Camp Half-Blood Is Graced
Metal Is Good For Punching
I Have The Talk
We Share Our Dreams
Déjà Vu Strikes Again
An Old Dead Friend Speaks
I Saw The Sign
We Have A Non-Surprising Traitor
We Find Lost Things
There Is A Thorn In My Side
Demigods Fly
Even Immortals Can Have Tantrums
The One Titan Who Was Two
Calypso Steals My Thing
We Missed A Spot
I Go To My Home
Me Versus Myself
Alternate Ending
Important Author's Note

We Are Joined By Peanut Butter

397 21 6
By music_and_literature

We Are Joined By Peanut Butter


I didn't waste time with signing and just spoke to Nico, as Typhon's massive footsteps grew louder and louder and I could barely stand straight. "Use your powers over darkness. Try to make it look like we aren't here. Do anything you can to keep us from drawing attention. Hide us from the Oneiroi. Once you've done that, just stay with me. I won't be able to defend myself at all. From what I can tell of how powerful they are, it will take all of my concentration to block their powers. One of them might try to attack me and stop me, or they might send a few monsters. Do you think you can do it?" It felt weird to speak and not hear myself. I tugged on the rope, satisfied at its sturdiness.

Nico nodded, twirling his sword in both hands. Words appeared in the air again. "Of course. I've got your back." He held out a hand and closed his eyes. Darkness surrounded us and he drew power from the shadows of the trees.

"Wait!" I grabbed Nico's arm, stopping him. "They need more help." I nodded towards the campers. "I have someone who can help. You'll have to communicate between him and me."

I fished a drachma out of my pocket and created a rainbow. "Tyson," I said as I tossed the drachma into the multicolored mist, "General of the Cyclopes army, Poseidon's forges."

Tyson's childlike face shimmered into focus and his one big-eye blinked as he saw us. His mouth formed my name but I couldn't hear him. I saw Nico's mouth move as he explained to Tyson that I couldn't hear him and that he would work as a translator for us.

"Listen, Tyson. We need help. Can you get the Cyclopes army together? I'll send someone to bring you guys here. We're fighting a lot of monsters and demigods. Make sure you wear something that shows our side that you are with us, so that they don't hurt you." I said.

Nico sheathed his sword and signed to me Tyson's response, "Brother needs help! We will be ready."

"Good. I'll send someone soon."

"See you soon brother!" Nico signed to me and I swiped my hand through the Iris-Message.

I faced Nico. "Find Beckendorf. Send him to get Tyson and his army." I told Nico and he disappeared. He reappeared a second later and resumed the position he had been in before.

"Ready?" Nico signed and I nodded. He held out his hands again and the darkness returned. The air grew colder around us as Nico manipulated the darkness and we were hidden. He dropped his hands and turned to me. "Go ahead," He pulled his sword from its sheath and stood readily in front of me.

I balanced myself on a branch that led out over the clearing slightly and kneeled on it. I lifted my hands and faced the battle that was going on beneath me and closed my eyes. I focused my entire mind on finding the Oneiroi. I used my bat-sonar-like power to survey the battlefield. When I used this power I could watch any place. The place was completely black and any person who was present had an aura that shone through the darkness. A gods' was always the brightest.

I located Morpheus' aura and saw he was fighting Annabeth. He put all of his focus into fighting her, which left no room for him to concentrate on the rest of our demigods to make them fall unconscious, so I knew Phobetor was hiding somewhere. He was the one causing our army to fall asleep.

I found him climbing a tree. Two beings were on the top of the tree. One of them was kneeling and the other stood protectively above the first. The tree shook beneath me and I felt the wind move as Nico blocked a sword from slashing me in half. It was then that I realized Nico and I were the two beings and Phobetor had been climbing the tree we were perched on top of.

I kept concentrating, letting Nico handle Phobetor. I watched their fight with my sonar-like vision. Phobetor didn't need to focus as much and could still send out surges of power, which when they collided with a demigod, cause them to fall to the ground. I imagined a large net, and the next time a surge of power appeared, I collected it in the net and forced it back at Phobetor. It touched him and he stumbled, giving Nico the chance he needed. He kicked Phobetor straight in the chest, and he flew off the tree and into the forest. Nico resumed his stance above me.

Surges of power emerged from the forest and I followed them to Phobetor. He was slowly climbing to his feet but still sending power surges against our army. I imagined a piece of string tied like a lasso surrounding him, and slowly pulled it tighter. The power surges resisted against the imaginary string but I held it strong and continued to tighten it. Phobetor sent stronger power surges as he realized what was happening. I reinforced my defense and as soon as my imaginary string touched him, the power it had collected exploded, creating a crater around Phobetor. I smirked internally. He wouldn't be recovering soon.

I watched the battlefield with my sonar vision. The campers that had fallen unconscious and hadn't been killed or harmed in their state of defenselessness rose and jumped back into the fight. Annabeth was still fighting Morpheus but she seemed to be doing fine.

A glint caught my eye and I saw more aura's appear. Beckendorf had returned with the Cyclops army. I focused in on them. Tyson was decked out in armor and led them into battle. His mouth formed the words, "Peanut butter!" As they charged the monster army.

I returned my view back to our tree and Nico stood watch. A hellhound launched itself into the air and swatted at my legs, just barely missing. It jumped again and Nico hung from a branch, cutting off its claws when it came close enough. It completely disintegrated before it touched the ground.

A creature took to the air on the other side of the field and zoomed toward us. Kampê unsheathed her scimitars that dripped green poison on the fighters she passed beneath her. She picked up speed as she flew at us and Nico readied himself. She got ready to strike and moved quickly. Nico deflected her strike and she spiralled away a few feet, but not before a few drops of her poison escaped and dripped onto my shoulder. I flinched but recovered quickly. Thankfully I wasn't a regular demigod and the poison only caused me pain, instead of shriveling up and dying quickly.

She flew at us again and Nico jumped into the air. He cut off her wrists and her scimitars fell. I opened a portal beneath them and they were sucked into the Void, so that their poison wouldn't hurt anyone. Nico, still in the air, made identical gashes on Kampê's wings and she started to drop. Nico sent a bolt of energy at her before she could land and recover and she burst into golden dust.

I surveyed the battlefield again. Phobetor had recovered but was hiding, no longer sending surges of energy at the demigods. I opened my eyes and stood, my work done. Nico saw that I was done and sent away the darkness.

"They've stopped trying for now. Let's go finish this thing." I said and somersaulted of of the tree. I landed kneeling and the ground rippled for a few dozen yards around me. I jumped up and rushed into the fight, wincing at the dead bodies I passed.

No one else would be dying on my watch.

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