Cliche sucks.

By capsized_

258K 7.2K 1.3K


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chappie numba 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapyer 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 4

14.3K 418 89
By capsized_

But I remember
What it feels like beside you
I really miss your hair in my face
And the way your innocence tastes
And I think you should know this
You deserve much better than me
- Hinder; better than me.

Driving to school the next morning with Kalie and Nickie was the usual. We talked about boys and it was pretty boring until Kalie asked a question.

"What's up with the bad boys? They've taken an interest in us, and I don't know how I feel about it." Kalie says.

"I agree! But god zayum they're a group of fine specimens that's for sure." Nickie says while twirling her hair.

Kalie and I look at each other, and then burst out laughing. Nickie can be such a girly girl sometimes.

When we arrive at school, we go to our lockers, which aren't very far away from each other, and continue our separate ways to class.


On my way to lunch, Dylan walks up to me and puts an arm around my shoulders.

"Hey." He says.

"Hey! So are we having a Starbucks day again?" I ask.
"I can't. Football practice. Sorry Vannah, but you guys should watch my practice! I have a good feeling about today!" Dylan says with enthusiasm.

"I'll talk to the girls. Andrew practicing too?" I ask.

"Why? Does my wittle Vannah have a crush?" He teases.
The look on my face says horrified, and I'm pretty sure Dylan gets it, because he bursts out laughing, as we walk into the lunch room, causing everyone to look at us.

"Vannah, Y-you should've seen Y-Your F-Face! Oh I love messing with you!" He says between his laughter.
"You annoy me, Dyl. You really do." I glare at him.
He just laughs again, as we get into the lunch line.


I didn't see Braxton all day, not that I've been looking, but he seems to be gone today.

Ooh, you make me live

You're the best friend

That I ever had

I've been with you such a long time

You're my sunshine

And I want you to know

That my feelings are true

I really love you

You're my best friend

The song Dylan chose for his ringtone last year starts playing and I pick up.

"Vannah? Nickie and Kalie are already at the field for my practice, where are you?" He asks.
I totally forgot.
"Aww crap Dyl! I forgot! Okay I'm On my way right now!" I say through the phone.

I hang up and turn around and walk towards the field, but I have to go through the school to get there.

As I'm walking I get the distinct feeling that I'm being watched, I turn around but see nothing so I walk into the school.


After practice, I'm walking to Nickie's car with her, Dyl, Kalie, and Andrew.

Andrew cracks a joke that's so stupid it's funny and we all laugh.

All of a sudden, it hits me. This is my last year with these guys, the last year I'll have Starbucks days, and be able to watch Dylan and Andrews football practices, to have lockers close to each other, and to go to school and experience high school with my best friends, this is the last year I have to party and just be a stupid teenager and enjoy high school. I hadn't noticed I'd stopped walking until Dylan shakes my shoulders, taking me away from my daze.

"You okay, Vannah?" Dylan asks, causing my other friends to look at me with concern in their eyes.

A tear streams down my cheek and they all crowd around me and ask Whats wrong.

"Guys, I love you all so much. I'm just thinking about how this is our last year to spend together, our last year of Starbucks days, and football practices, this is our last year together! I don't want to leave you guys! You've been my friends forever and I don't want going to college to change that. We can't let college drift us apart. We need to stay together and-" I burst into tears and hug everyone while they whisper comforting things.

Andrew is the first one to break our silence.

"Hey, Vannah, college won't change anything. Were true friends and nothing and I mean nothing will change that. Not even college. We'll spend this year together, and have the time of our lives, together."

This causes all of the girls to burst into tears with me, and Dylan and Andrew to hug us tighter.

Leave it to Andrew to be the one to cheer us all up. That's what he's here for, that's him.

"Thanks An, we needed that. I love you all." Kalie says.

We all murmur "I love yous" until we get into the car.

We lapse into comfortable silence while Nickie drives to drop us all off, until Kalie breaks it.

"Guys! I have the best idea! After high schools over, we go on a road trip. Just us, or us and our boyfriend and girlfriends if we have any, but other than that just us! It'll be the perfect way to end our senior year! Just us, traveling around the world for a couple weeks, all together!"

"Good idea Kal! I say.

"Yeah! I vote for that!" Dylan says.

Andrew and Nickie agree also.

The rest of the car ride was spent laughing and singing along with the lyrics that blasted through the stereo, while we just enjoyed each others company.

They drop me off at my house, and they all head home.


When I get inside I get a notification from Facebook, saying Braxton Gregory wants to be my friend.


Kalie texts me a couple hours later Saying there's a party this Friday at Sandy Smalls house, and we were invited.

I think about how it's my last year to party, and I finally say yes, and Kalie says her and Nickie are coming over to help get me ready since it's basically my first real party.

I lay on my bed, and when my head hits the pillow, it's immediate sleep.

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