The Bad Boy and Me

By readbooksforever

69.6K 1.8K 390

Meet Violet Summers. She's the sarcastic girl who doesn't really ever get noticed by anyone. She blends into... More

chapter 1
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
5~ What's with that cocky bastard?!
6~News & New Beginnings
7~ Im sorry, what?!
8~ Elephants With STD's
9~ New Kid
10~ Flashback
11~ Curse my bubbling insides
11~What are the odd of freaking odds?
12~ Operation Steal Dickheads Toxers
Authors note: Cast
13~ Why am I incredibly happier?
14~ You can be my Babycakes
17~ God Help Me...
18~ Why me? Whats wrong with me?
19~ Unbearable
20~ Do you know what shes going through?
21~ I'm just done
22~ Typical Talent
23~ Im Fine with That.
24~ Truthful
25~ Uni with a Penis horn.
Please read thisss!!!!!
26~ Car Accidents
27~ Please.
28~ Goodbye
Authors note
authors note

chapter 2

4.1K 119 40
By readbooksforever

I take it back. I regret wearing my sneakers. At least, I should've chosen different sneakers. These were my good ones. They're white, for fucks sake. I should've known better.
The second we stepped in the door, there were already footprints of someone's shoes imprinted on mine from stepping on me.
"I'll have to clean these later. Thanks for that." I mutter to myself as Casey grips onto my arm and pulls me through the crowd. It's a big house, but there's so many people here I can barely see where we're going. I'm just letting her pull my along. I'm hoping she's dragging me to the kitchen where I can finish what's left of the tequila in the bottle with enough elbow room to not spill it all over me.
As if she read my mind, or just knows her shit, we enter this huge kitchen with only a few people in it.
I get caught up in how nice the kitchen is- because holy shit. The marble countertops, the island, the swinging lights. Hell, even the fridge seemed really expensive.
I started wondering whose house we were even in, and why I hadn't thought to ask her before we came.
"Casey, whose house is this? Who sent you the address?" I question as I walk around the island.
She shrugs her shoulders messily. "I don't know who lives here but I do know that I got the address from my sorority group chat. So i'm guessing a frat guy? I'm not really sure."
She shrugs again and hands me the bottle. I finish the last of it. "A frat party? You brought me to a fuckin frat house?"
I almost told her it was lame and I wanted to go, but the cleanliness of the kitchen had me convinced it wasn't a frat house. If anything, a single guy who happens to be in a frat owns the place. Usually frat houses are trashed.
She rolls her eyes at me. "Stop being like that. Loosen up and have some fun please. I'm already starting to feel the tequila and I want to enjoy this."
She goes to grab a bottle of vodka from the counter top, making both me and her a drink of pineapple juice and vodka. I sip on it slowly and I look at her and waggle my eyebrows. "You gonna go get your man or what?" She immediately blushes.

The only reason she brought me to this stupid party was because she knew her crush Mark was going to be here. She's been lusting over him since last semester when we saw him in the caf on campus studying one day. She wouldn't shut up about the studious hot guy who could take her any day to Sunday. I dared her to get his number, and after a good 20 minutes of me nagging her and blackmailing her, she got up and asked him for it. He was super nice about it and they've been texting a little ever since, which she sends me screenshot of every single time he responds, but he hasn't flirted much so she's taking matters into her own hands.

So tonight is Mission Impossible. Actually, tonight is Mission Go Find Lusty Hot Dude, Score Some, And Then Dip For Some Tacos, but whatever.
Support, remember? I chide myself. I'm wingwoman tonight. No wallflower until I have taught my little baby bird how to flap her wings.
I down half my drink and grin at Casey. "Let's go find that motherfucker, shall we?" She laughs and follows behind me as I lead her back to the living room.

"Seriously Vi, you need to learn how to stop cussing." She lectures me. I think she's trying to be super mature, but she's almost drunk now, so she's giggling as she says it. "You do it too often."
I roll my eyes and look back at her. "Case, we have talked about this. It's not gonna happen." My dad cursed like a sailor in front of me, so when I was going into high school, I already had a really bad habit of entering a curse word into a sentence. My friends back home would tease me about it and tell me I should get the "Filthiest Mouth" superlative. I thought it was funny but oddly too sexual and tried to stop cursing. No such luck. It is what it is.

I should've stopped walking forward when I was looking at Casey, but I'm an idiot and think I can multitask. So i'm not surprised when I bump right into someone, knocking my drink onto my white tank top. Fuck. Me. Of course I wore white today. And of COURSE, like the stupid bitch I am, decided to skip out on the bra because I didn't want the straps to show.
And I also don't need one because I have barely any chest.
I look down at myself and freeze.
"Fuuuuuckkkkkkk me." I whine. You could visibly see my nipples through my shirt. It was so see through you could even see the outline of my nipple piercings. I cover my chest with my arms and look up, about to tell off the motherfucker who wasn't watching where they were going, even though I knew it was 100% my fault, but I stopped dead in my tracks.
The person who stood before me was none other than Ryder Knight. The quarterback of the football team. The man every girl swoons for. The man every guy would give their first born up to be. He was a fucking legend on campus- had practically a perfect record last season. There's rumors spreading that he's for sure going to go pro, which I'm sure are true because holy fuck look at him. He has an almost perfect season, and he looks like he's been chiseled by the gods? Ryder has a perfect body- I would have to be blind not to notice the chest and arms on him.

I snap out of my trace when I notice that Ryders eyes are still glued to my chest, until he sees that I have my arm covering the good parts, and flicks his green eyes up to my face. He grins like he doesn't have a care in the world, and I can feel my blood boil.

"What are you looking at, Willy Wonka? My eyes are up here." I snap and wave my hand around near my head. His grin just widens, which irks me even more. What is wrong with this jackhole. Seriously, my shirt is completely see through and instead of covering me up, your first instinct is the check out my tits?

"Sorry, Kitten. I didn't see you coming towards me. I would've moved." He shifts in a little closer, and I realize it's to block me from other peoples views. I scowl at the nickname. "Don't call me Kitten." I fold my arms to my chest and look around for Casey. She's still standing behind me.

"Dude, are you okay?" she asks me, her tone concerned and hectic. I feel bad this happened- I'm upset that I look like I'm on my way to a porn photo shoot, and the night is supposed to be about her finding true love or whatever.
I nod and brush it off. "Yeah, yeah, i'm fine. Don't worry about me. Seriously." I scan the crowd, and a couple seconds later my eyes fall on Mark standing near the kitchen door. I nod in his direction, and Casey looks over. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom to clean up. You go talk to him, okay? I'm sending my support from up here." I tap on both of our temples at the same time and nudge her shoulder over to him. "Go. You got this. Eye of the tiger. Put on your game face." She snickers at my stupidity.
"Are you sure you don't want me to help you? No it's fine, I'll come to the bathroom with you and help you and I can see him later-"
"No." I cut her off. "I'm fine Casey. It's just a little liquid. No biggie. If I come back and you're not over there I'm kicking your butt and making you sleep with the AC on full blast." I threaten. Her eyes widen- because she knows I'm serious. I happen to like it freezing cold when I sleep- she doesn't. We came up with a compromise, but sometimes when she's being a brat I'll turn it down and she'll yell at me. We always laugh about it afterwards through.
"Okay...Wish me luck!" She smiles and starts to head off in the direction of Mark. I watch as his face lights up when he sees her. Seriously, I want it to work out for them. They're both really good people.

I forget that I'm standing there with a see through shirt and my hands tucked against my chest, so when I turn back around and see Ryder still standing so close to me, I drop my hands and back up. His eyes drop back down for just a second, and he growls a little, and then grabs my hand. "Come with me." He says, and drags me through the crowd and up a stair case.

"You're not giving me much of a choice, buddy. You're kind of dragging me through the house." I reply back. He ignores me and stops at a door on the right, knocking twice and pulling me in a closing the door behind me. I wrap my arms around myself again.

I don't know how- or why- this has just happened, but i'm now locked in a bathroom with the star quarterback and a see through shirt.

"Um..." I start, but I'm so confused by what just happened that I can't come up with the rest of the words. So I just stand there, silent, as he turns to look at me again.
His jaw ticks. "I'm sorry about your shirt." He says, and for some reason I believe he's being sincere. I don't know why, but I do. I shrug. "It's fine. I just have to stay in this bathroom until my friend is ready to go. Unless I wanna walk around giving everyone a show of my nips, I think that's my best bet." I look up at him and crack a smile. I don't know why I feel so comfortable around him- hes so intense that I'm short for words.
Or maybe it's because he's so goddamn attractive. I knew who he was because how much the campus likes to brag about their star football player, but I never met him before until now. He's tall, probably around 2 heads taller than me. His dark brown hair is messy right now, like he had run his hands through it recently. His green eyes are piercing and intense. And man, his body. I know I said this before, but damn.
I don't realize i'm checking him out until I snap out of it when he starts talking to me. "Here." He says as he takes his shirt off. My eyes widen and my mouth drops open. "No- you don't have to do tha-" I start to tell him, but he cuts me off and hands me the shirt.

"No seriously, take it. I was heading out soon anyways, and I don't want you to not be covered up. So wear my shirt for tonight." He still has his arms extended, giving me the shirt, and I reach out to take it. I tell him thank you when I finally have it in my hands.
He grins lazily. I wait for him to turn around, but realize he won't, and get over the fact that he's going to see my chest again for 2 seconds before I put on the shirt. I sigh and lift my arms through the shirt. When it's finally on, it reaches mid thigh. It's the comfiest shirt I think I've ever worn. And it smells so amazing. Like freshness and forest pine and man. I look up and realize he's looking at me and the intensity in his stare makes me tremble. He looks hungry, and he's staring at me like he wants to devour me.
It's not scary though. It's thrilling.
"Soo...nipple piercings?" He asks.
I roll my eyes. He so ruined the moment.
"Yeah, well, glad you got a good look, cause you won't be seeing them again." I say, and walk past him to the door. I open it, and I'm just about the leave the bathroom when I stop and turn around.
"Thank you..for the shirt." I say sincerely. "You didn't have to and I appreciate it." He smiles again, and I realize if I stand here longer to watch him smile, I don't know what I'll do, so I leave him there to go find Casey.

I hope she's having a better night than I'm having.

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