Twinkle of Love - Completed

By 50shadesofblues

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Book 2 of A LITTLE LOST A LITTLE FOUND. Luxy Ara Starr of A Little Lost A Little Found. Luxy daughter to a f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Author Note
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
New Cover reveal

Chapter 7

129 8 0
By 50shadesofblues

The arrests happened as planned. The news of it was splattered across the headlines, providing Lucy with a momentary reprieve from having been the cover story for too long. It seemed as if Blaise Starr's remarkable plan served its purpose and then some. Not only was Danny Might finally behind bars with many of his victims now coming out into the open to file in their own complaints against the man, but Lucy was no longer bound within the four walls of Knyte's mansion. The paparazzi had been called off the scent, drawn away as they were by fresh meat. And with her face no longer plastered all over the news, Lucy felt safe enough to wander beyond those walls without being swarmed by her father's fanatic fans or the vultures that hunted with their cameras. Still, they all knew the reprieve would be short-lived. So far they had managed to keep mum about Blaise's reappearance into their lives. Only the Littles knew, and the relevant authorities. Questions were still being asked and the case would never be fully closed until all was resolved, for both Blaise's and Lucy's kidnappings.

But even so, it had taken a week before Knyte deemed it safe for any of them to venture out again. Having cancelled his own appointments that week to remain closeted in the house with his kids, he arranged their first day out to the studios where his music recording was taking place, and that would later follow with their first live performance of their father singing in public that weekend. His first public appearance since Lucy's kidnapping.

Lucy knew she could make do with her own clothes from the luggage she retrieved from the cops for the visit to the studio, but she knew her father's live event demanded a new dress. So somewhere between the visit to the recording studio and her dad's live performance, a trip to the mall would become a priority.

The ride to the studio was uneventful. They were met at the door by the sound technician, Kim Helbott. The introductions were quick and then Knyte ushered them in and took them for a quick tour.

"That's it. It's not big, but it is equipped with very latest in sound recording and synthesising. All the gadgets are right there on this soundboard," he said, caressing the steel. "And right there, through those doors, is my office." He looked with longing at that office. He obviously had a lot to catch up on.

But the tour proved too quick for the twins' liking; this was like a candy shop to them. Everything they each had secretly longed for was contained within this recording studio; they had too many questions to be merely satisfied with a quick tour.

"But this can't be all. We've only just started," protested Lucy, her face scrunching up in disappointment. Blaise's usual stocky indifference also melted away at this point and his face took on a mulish stubbornness.

Knyte laughed at their expressions, easily giving in to their unvoiced demands. "I have work to catch up on, but Kim here will answer any questions you have, and if you play nice, he may even let you try some of it out."

They grinned at him and then turned on the poor unsuspecting Kim.

"Show us everything," declared Lucy, as she swiftly rounded on the poor technician. But Kim merely fielded their questions and demands good-naturedly. It was only when he allowed them to try out recording that his demeanour changed.

"By God, but you can sing!" He declared to no one in particular, staring at the twins through the two-way window with some awe.

The twins were in the recording room, fooling around with thrills and random verses.

"Hey," he said into the mouthpiece, his voice reaching to the twins that way, "how about we try out some real songs." Kim busied about searching his song files. He read the lyrics and then stared up at the twins through the window assessingly before nodding his head and tapping print. "Let's see if you can sing to tunes you've never heard before," he added on a dare. Kim fiddled with some nobs on the soundboard and set up the file to play then dashed over through the connecting door to hand the twins their set of the music. "Here try these."

"Wow, new songs!" Lucy yelped excitedly, then read through the lyrics before wincing painfully. "Hey, Kim. This is a love song. You can't expect us to do a duet on this. That's just icky."

Blaise exchanged disgusted looks with Lucy before turning his own frown on Kim. "Don't you have something else we can try out?"

Kim stared back at them consideringly but then slowly shook his head. "Just try it out. Pretend you're singing to someone else or something."

Lucy shrugged. Pretending was one thing but who should she pretend with? That's the question. Lucy decided to try both, first Jace and then Richard. She studied the music, listening to the sound and reading through the lyrics. The track played over twice and then, catching the cue, she started with the first set of thrills, harmonising perfectly to the beat of the music. Blaise joined her at his turn, perfectly synchronised to the beat, picking up instinctively where she left off. The lyrics followed, first hers and then his. They sang the chorus next, their voices blending in perfect unison.

Kim's hands trembled over the knobs and dials as they flew desperately over the mixing console, adjusting the tones and tuning in the music to better suit the vocals. His fingers fluttered and flew wildly so that when the first attempt was over, the music was ready for the next round.

"Alright, let's try that again and this time with some feeling please," he called out insistently through the mic. Lucy made a face at him through the window. But's she'd enjoyed the music, having sung through it all once, she knew she could relate to a lot of it. Just not with Blaise. But she closed her eyes on him and nodded at Kim. Blaise shrugged his shoulder, content to do his part with rap. His lyrics spoke to him. It was all about pain. The pain of betrayal, raw and real. He may not have felt it with Lucy, but he took her cue and closed his eyes for this next round, the lyrics already embedded in their minds. They listened for the music to start, appreciating the subtle changes Kim made to the track so that it further complemented the harmony of their voices, and they began again.

You are my heart

Lucy's voice trembled, stretching the words to flow with the music. Her thoughts centred on Jace Neil. His vivid blue eyes flashing engagingly at her, his incorrigible smile wide and entrancing, his arms open and welcoming. She stepped into his welcoming embrace, feeling every nuance and texture of his ripped chest and warmth of his skin against her own.

The pain so real unlike any I have ever known

Blaise rapped out his line, his voice deep and throbbing with all the hurt that still roiled within. Would he ever be free of the lifetime of hurt that rode his veins from a fractured heart? Torn from a family he should have had from the start and lied to his whole life, Blaise knew the shell he wore was not only another lie, but it was a lie he chose to live with.

The hurt so great my blood chills, my bones ache

Still what hurt most was his knowing just how thin that shell was. He couldn't risk another chink to his beating heart which, once started, would have a cascading effect that would render him completely vulnerable. And he knew, if anyone had that power over him it was his sister, Lucy.

You are the air I breathe

Sang on Lucy, thinking of Jace with his wind-blown tousled blond locks and the soul that saw so deeply into her own. They had shared every momentous second of their lives together. Been at each other's beck and call. Being friends first, and always.

Deceiving. Lying. Betrayal. Disloyalty

You freaking think you're some kind of royalty

Blaise rapped through his chorus, thinking of the mother who never was. How Stacy Little raised him, pretending to be what she never was. A pretence that was lame at best. He shuddered, thinking of all she had led him to believe. The tear he couldn't avoid staining down a cheek.

Lucy gulped hard, an image of Richard flashing across her mind. Dark hair, dark-eyed and intensely brooding, he was everything Jace was not and yet he called to her soul in a way she never expected. The words Blaise sang stung at her heart for they were all true. She was betraying Jace, deceiving him. Her voice lifted with an anguish she couldn't hide.

I never meant to hurt

I never meant to cause pain

I never meant to leave

Inking your heart with stain

Blaise took up where she left off. Lucy allowed her voice to hum meaninglessly in the background, feeling confused. Visions of Jace and Richard swarm her mind clouding her thoughts, and as the beat flowed into a familiar chorus, she sang on. She didn't know any longer, whom she loved and whom she betrayed. In the end, the only person she could hold as both victim and assailant was herself. She betrayed no one more than she did herself with her indecisiveness.

The verse added on layer after layer and then repeated, and the twins sang on, wringing out every drop of emotions into the lyrics until they took on a life of their own, until the very air about them steamed with the pent-up tension of their song. They sang on to the very end, only letting go once the last of the thrills left their lips and the last of the tune melted away.

Blaise turned away then to mop up his face on his sleeves. Lucy took in a deep breath, feeling all kinds of awful as a person. And Kim reached for a tissue to blow his nose, before his fingers moved nimbly over the sound board, ensuring the precious recording was properly stored. His excitement of this find had him practically leaping out of his seat. But he held it all in. Just barely. But long enough to put in a call to legal, for a contract to be rushed over posthaste, and then he busied himself, praising their efforts and promising to have copies of their recording delivered as soon as he was done with the edits. Legal made it just in time, with a packet requiring the twins' signatures.

"It's for your copies of the recordings," explained Kim, brushing away their protests. "I will need you to sign this release form; it's just standard company policy."

Lucy exchanged a tired glance with Blaise, still feeling all wrung out from the song. But she picked the pen offered and signed on the dotted lines. She wanted a copy of her song with Blaise. Knowing it would probably be the last one they ever sang together, she couldn't miss this opportunity. Blaise shrugged his shoulders and followed suit. The ghosts of his past were back haunting him. Ominous in their silent warnings, but Blaise was still too wrought to do more than blindly follow his sister's actions and print his name on the dotted lines beside hers.

Then their visit to the studio was over. The limo that brought them there with their father now headed back to the house along with the twins. Their father had more work to do and the twins had lost their pleasure in their day. They sought only the comfort of what was starting to feel like a home. Each silently dispersed to their own room on arrival. One to mope and the other to fret. Lucy picked up the phone, needing to talk to someone. Blaise was not an option; this she knew instinctively. Having spent the last few days with him, she knew enough to sense his moods. He was as unhappy as she was at that moment. She saw no reason to burden him with more. And Jace was the reason for her discomfort. Richard fared no better in that regard. That left the twins—Emily and Cat. With Cat no doubt buried back in the books and denying her own problems, that really left Lucy with just Emily to talk to. She placed the call.

"Hi Lucy, how are you?" Emily's soft joyful tones were just what she needed.

"Oh Em! I miss you and Cat so much," declared Lucy, almost tearfully.

"Well of course you do. How could you not?" Teased Emily, cheerfully. "Life must be positively dull there without us. I mean, now that the kidnapping and stuff is all over. Have they caught the whodunit yet?"

"The who?" Lucy started, then shook her head. "No, Em. They haven't caught anyone." How could they really? There was no way to figure out who was behind all this, especially if it was the same person who did it before. He would have all these years to perfect an already perfected crime, considering their first efforts have not been resolved yet. But Lucy still suspected Dax was behind the first, and his son, Nex, for kidnapping her. She shuddered.

"Well, what's been happening there since? Come on, tell all," urged Emily.

"Tell all? Haven't you heard it all already from Mum?" asked Lucy with some surprise. She made it a point to call at least one person of the Little household daily and she had been in communication with Jace too, every day.

"Don't bring up Mum. You don't know what she's been like, Lucy. She's been just shy of impossible to live with ever since you sent over those photos of your brother. Is it wrong if I think him hot, Lucy? I mean, he'll be my half-brother just as you're my half-sister. Cat says it's wrong. But how can it be wrong if he is hot, Lucy?"

Lucy had to stare up at the ceiling at that one. How could she not have considered this possibility? Emily was famous for falling for any man. And Blaise was a man.

"It is wrong, Emily. No matter how hot Blaise is."

"Ah ha! You think he's hot too."

Lucy had to bite off a groan at that. Shaking her head, she silently listened to Emily's carrying on with half an ear. As a distraction from her earlier troubles, Emily worked, but she also ladled on her own spot of troubles onto Lucy's already full plate so it with some exhaustion that she finally rang off. But she didn't worry too much over Emily's excitement at meeting her twin, simply because she knew her sister well. She would adore Blaise as a brother every bit as much as Lucy already did.

In the end it was Blaise who offered the advice she sought, albeit a good while later and using unconventional means. They were gathered in the movie room, settled back in reclining chairs, munching at popcorn and watching wrestling of all things, when Blaise brought it up.

"Alright, out with it. What was so bad about my singing that has you looking like this ever since?" Blaise questioned jokingly, deciding to focus on his sister's problems to distract him from his immersion in his past.

"Jace or Richard? My holidays will be finishing soon, only a few weeks left and then I will be heading back to Melbourne. What will I do?"

Blaise shook his head. "Just like a girl. Boy troubles has you in a snit."

"So? What's wrong with that?" Lucy grouched. As if he never had girl troubles, though that could be a serious possibility. Lucy fingered her hair consideringly recalling his girlfriend Izzy and thehours she spent on her hair and only on his say so. "You don't understand what it's like. I need to decide before I head back."

"Alright, I'll help you," offered Blaise, reaching out to grab the last of the popcorn. "For the last of the popcorn, I'll decide between them for you."

Lucy huffed but nodded her agreement. "I was getting full anyways."

"It's simple," said Blaise, polishing off the last of the butter-soaked and salted popcorn. "Who's richer?"

Lucy rolled her eyes at him but said obligingly," Richard."

"Great! Marry Richard."

Lucy took a cushion and slammed it at him. "I am not marrying anyone. And the money is not important. I love Jace."

"If you love Jace then you're with Jace," declared Blaise, feeling confused.

"If it were that simple, I wouldn't be having this problem," snapped Lucy, getting angry.

"What problem precisely?"

At that, Lucy stuttered, not knowing how he would respond. "I am attracted to Richard... too."

Blaise stared at her and then lifted his head to laugh his heart out. It took him some time to sober up but then he was staring at Lucy's fulminated expression indulgently. "So, fuck Richard and go back to Jace."

Her mouth fell open. Shaking her head incredulously, she could only stare at her twin, shocked at his suggestion. When she finally found her voice, she stuttered again, unable to decide on what to say first, in the end she went with, "And betray Jace's trust in me?"

"Aren't you already betraying his trust in you?"

"But I tell him everything."

At that, Blaise had to turn the incredulous look in her. "You told your boyfriend you have the hots for his best friend."

Lucy nodded her head, "Of course. I tell him everything."


She had to agree. She was crazy. Had to be, for she was starting to think she had more than just the hots for Richard. She cared for him too. Perhaps Jace was the only person she could talk about this to? And Richard.

"What about you?" Lucy decided to turn the tabs on Blaise. "You were upset too," she reminded him, gently.

"Do you think I will like her?" Asked Blaise then, quietly.


"Your mum."

Her heart melted. "Let me tell you some things about her and then you decide," said Lucy, wisely refraining from telling him, she was his mum too.

"Mary Little is strange." Lucy started, not about to sugar coat anything for her brother. He needed to know their mother as she was. There was no more space in either of their lives for lies any more. Lies of any kind. "She likes to wake up early. Not because she has to, but because she has trouble sleeping. She wakes up at five thirty some mornings and then starts to tinker in the kitchen. You can hear the pots and pans banging and then you know she's up and at it again. The smell of muffins that comes later usually confirms it. But it's really treacle that she likes to make from scratch. If you have it with her pancakes, they are positively to die for." Lucy paused for a slurp of her drink, glancing sadly at the empty bowl of popcorn.

"Perhaps we should order in some pizza; Knyte looks to be late in returning today."

Lucy beamed happily before she started on her narration of all that was Mary Little again. Delving in deep and leaving nothing out. From there she moved on to reminisce of her childhood days, painting a picture of all that Blaise missed by not being a part of her life from the very start.

The pizza arrived. They ate, munching in silence before Blaise started recapping how life with Stacy had been.

"She was okay at first, I think," said Blaise. "I can't remember her being unusually awful at first but perhaps that was because I wore the blinders of a child back then." He lifted his drink to his lips and took a long, drawn-out gulp before continuing, "Stacy hated your mum..."

"Our mum," interrupted Lucy.

Blaise merely shrugged. "I think she always had. She used to tell me stories of their youth, and in every one of them it was always about how Mary got the better of her without even trying. I think she was just never satisfied. Either way, hearing those stories sort of prepared me for what was to come."

"What did she do?" Asked Lucy quietly.

"The beatings started when I was about five. But I can't say she was all to be blamed for that; I was rather a handful." Blaise added with a smirk. "But the viciousness behind the assault spoke of something more than merely my own wrongdoings." Again, Blaise shrugged as if to shake off that memory. "It was never the beatings that got to me though. Those I took in my stride," he added with the false bravado of an age-old claim. "It was her taunting that got to me. Telling me that I would never amount to anything. Saying I was just as horrid as her sister. Things like that." Blaise took another bite before munching consideringly. "I guess all the little things added up, and I just knew... my mother hated me." The last was said with a rough catch to his tone that Blaise immediately tried to cover up with another gulp of his drink.

Lucy stared at him, at a loss for what to say and with no more desire to eat. "It was never about you," she said at last, wanting him to understand that much at least.

"I know. But that just makes it worse," said Blaise shortly. "I was a whole new person. An infant. With no ties to anyone, and yet she couldn't see beyond her sister in me. She couldn't love me for me. She couldn't even see me for me. Didn't I... matter at all?"

Lucy's vision blurred with sudden tears, but she was too choked up to answer at first and the pain-filled silence between them continued. "You matter to me," she said finally. "You matter to Knyte. You matter to your real mom." She let that seep through a moment before adding softly. "Talk to her."

Blaise's gaze shot up to clash with her own at that.

"Let me put in a call to our mother," insisted Lucy. "Just to talk. You don't even have to say much." Lucy added, knowing this was no easy thing for him to consider, but she was a little tired of having to tippy-toe around it every time. Mary was not Stacy. And Mary already loved him, not knowing anything about him at all. It was just enough that he was her son.

His free hand clenched into fists, but he said tightly, "Not yet."

Lucy clenched her own fists in agitation but bit back her retort. Time was all he needed. Having a family that cared for him was new to him, it would take a while to work around it.

They stayed up late, flicking through channels and gauging on whatever was on. Both needing an escape from the moment to return things back to normal. But what really was normal?

Knyte joined them after midnight and it was much later still before they all turned in.

The day of the concert arrived swiftly. Lucy found herself clad back in the black rubber leggings and the tube top with the jacket thrown over. Izzy's parting gift to her. That and the hair. Blaise and Lucy turned up incognito, deciding to avoid the spotlight that would accompany Knyte's turning up to the event, and simply opted to turn up at the venue with tickets of their own. They had baseball hats and sunnies thrown on to protect their cover. Lucy, oddly enough, felt none of the usual rush of attending an outdoor concert. Her past jaunts to open-air concerts had always been in Jace's company. They had gone together as best buds and drank and partied along with thousands of others. The music and the wild crowd had been a thrill she felt in her blood. But this concert was different. She felt anxiety instead. Hearing her father sing live for the first time to a crowd of mostly teenage spectators was a little alarming. Lucy wasn't sure how to react, and her glance to Blaise told her he was very much at a loss, too.

The concert started on time, to the roar of the approving crowd. Heavy metal music gunned the event, ripping through the crowd with its frantic beat. The drums followed, taking up where the guitar left off, and Lucy felt her unconsciously reaching for Jace only to clasp onto Blaise instead. Her brother offered her a tight smile before his gaze narrowed back on the stage before them. The music played out Knyte Starr's popular songs before the man himself stepped onto the stage without much pomp. And yet, the crowd went up in a roar of approval. Knyte stepped forward, his feet tapping to the music and his head bobbing to the sound. The score ran through once or twice with Knyte missing his cue before Lucy realised he was searching for them.

"Lift me!" Lucy hollered out to Blaise over the booming sound, and without his leave moved to clamber up his back. Blaise caught on and obligingly settled her on his broad shoulders. Lucy lifted both arms to wave at her father. The thrill that hadn't been there before now flooding her with excitement as her love for her father shone through. She was not sure if Knyte spotted them in the crowd but after another score was missed, Knyte lifted the mic to his lips.

Give me a moment

Not lost in time

His husky baritone rang out over his nineteen-year-old hit single, drawing the crowd to roar the words along with him. Lucy sang along, screaming out the words with the rest of them. Blaise sang too, finally feeling what his sister was feeling too.

A little lost

Lonely souls

All gone astray

A little found


A new beginning

Lighting the way

His voice choked at that, but the melody pushed him on.

A little sugar

Melts heart troubles away

A little spice

Adrenaline rush

Exciting your play

Twinkle twinkle

My little light

Little Starr

You shine so bright

Tears streamed down Lucy's face and she dropped her hands to wipe them away before singing along once more with her father.

Give me a moment

Not lost in time

The concert stayed with them all for the rest of their time with their father, and that time flew quickly. Far too quickly for any of them to be happy with, but Lucy's moment with her father had finally come to an end. It was that culmination that had her sad and not a little worried too.

"You're looking fabulous, sis."

Lucy lifted a brow at her brother's lavish praise. The plan would come to fruition that night. Blaze Starr's return would be announced to all in the celebrity-infested party at her father's mansion that night. The press was already there, flashing their light bulbs at unsuspecting famous people emerging from their vehicles in the teeming courtyard below. The guests had begun arriving an hour ago, but Lucy and Blaise had been told to remain in hiding until the right moment. To Lucy, that just meant more time to tinker in front of the mirror and will away the anxiety that had suddenly swamped her. So much could go wrong. Just thinking about it all was enough to start heart palpitations.

"I am coming with you, remember," said Blaise, correctly reading into her emotions.

"Yes! Yes, you are," she replied in some relief. Hearing that timely reminder that Blaise would be returning to Melbourne with her served to reassure her in a way nothing else could. She could keep Blaise safe there. Her parents would be there, her sisters, and most importantly, Jace would be there. No matter what went on this night, or if nothing went on at all, they would be leaving tomorrow. Both of them would be flying down to Melbourne.

"I think it's time, don't you?" She said then, suddenly anxious to get going and put their plan to work. Blaise turned away to glance back down at the courtyard through the window. The hub of activity had lessened, marking the fact that most of the guests had arrived.

"It is." Blaise turned back to face her. "You ready?"

Her nod was firm, if a little apprehensive. Blaise reached out for her hand to link it with his own. The Starr twins would make their entrance together.

"You're looking very dashing too," said Lucy, a little belatedly, but her smirk of appreciation was genuine.

"Let's go get him," was all Blaise said before he led them forwards.

They stepped out together onto the landing that overlooked the crowded entry. Moving to make their way down the grand staircase, their anxious faces were resolutely blank, but that did nothing to divert their attractiveness. Clad in a tux, Blaise looked handsome and suave as he led Lucy down. Lucy herself was attired in a shimmery gold and tan gown, which not only complemented the natural hues of her skin but accentuated her form, giving her a sensuous appeal. Not at all the look her father had been hoping for when he had sent the professional dressers to her.

Catching sight of Lucy, the crowd fell silent and cast questioning looks at her companion, but her father took it from there. Knyte reached for the mic offered to him and lifted his flute of champagne in a toast.

"My daughter, Luxy Ara Starr," he announced her arrival and lifted the flute to his lips. The crowd clapped their appreciation and sipped from their own glasses. "And my son, Blaze Starr."

The silence that met this announcement was deafening, but then a cacophony of sounds erupted. The reporters, previously inconspicuously blending in the pretext of mingling while secretly searching for their next big story now surged forward ruthlessly, all pretence forgotten. The questions poured out hard and fast. Lucy used the moment to silently slip away. She knew everyone's attention was fixed on her brother Blaze and took the opportunity to circle the crowd, searching for her uncle Dax. She spotted him easily enough. The expression of shocked apprehension on his face was enough to give him away. But it was the knowing look on his son's face that captured her interest.

"You're not going to simply slip away now, are you cousin?"

Unwittingly, Nex had used the opportunity of her close perusal of him to approach unhindered and snag her waist in an effort to lure her onto the dance floor. Lucy resisted, but only for a moment.

"Now why would I want to do that? When I am exactly where I want to be?" She lifted a brow returning his knowing look with one of her own.

He eyed her expression consideringly, then sighed, "So you do know?"

"That you orchestrated my kidnapping? Yes." Lucy returned archly.

"It was just a bit of fun; no harm done." Nex shrugged his shoulders innocently.

Lucy had to quirk her brow at that. "No harm? I was buried in a coffin! Six feet under!"

"You were comfortable and at rest. Recovering from jetlag," he insisted.

"I could have died."

"No, you couldn't."

"And how would you know?"

"I know."

Exasperated, Lucy struggled to tear herself away but found his clasp on her unyielding.

"So, what do you intend to do?" Nex asked finally, when Lucy stopped struggling enough to turn her frown up at him.

"Do? Hammer you with my fist at the first opportunity," she spat out, angrily.

His soft chuckle was provoking. "No seriously. What do you intend to do?"

His quiet tone penetrated her anger and Lucy turned her amber gaze to study him earnestly. It was sometime before she spoke, "Despite your bizarre means, you've given us back our lives. While I don't appreciate your methods... thank you."

Nex stared at her a moment longer before drawing her into his arms for a tight hug. "Thank you, cousin." He released her to stare down into her tawny eyes. "I am unconventional in my methods, but my intentions were sincere," he whispered simply, finally dropping his sardonic veneer to let Lucy catch a glimpse of the man he was behind it. "You can't imagine what it's been like, knowing your own father has caused so much pain. I grew up torn between my loyalty to my father and my love for my uncle."

"How long have you known?" Lucy asked quietly.

"I was seven when I found out my father was sneaking off to meet another woman. Stacy came to the house to confront him one day, demanding more drugs and more money. She threatened to reveal his secret if he didn't. He has been supplying her with both ever since and quite possibly stealing from your dad to do it," Nex stated matter-of-factly.

This time it was Lucy who pulled him into her hug. "Thank you," she repeated again, holding back on her need to flay him for sticking her underground in a coffin. Somehow that no longer mattered.

"I am a science buff, you know. I couldn't help myself with the elaborate scheme," he added with an impish shrug. "But you're of the same ilk too," he added, nodding to the drama unfolding all around them.

"The house is bugged?" Lucy questioned then, wondering how he had known.

"Just the study. I overheard Knyte's call to the cops." Nex shrugged.

Lucy shook her head at him. Nex was clearly trouble, but as long as he was using his mischief to help rather than destroy, she could only grumble. "Can you promise me not to stick me in the ground ever again? Next time just call me on the phone and tell me what's up like a normal person."

Nex grinned at her, the glint in his eye telling her he was far from harmless, but then he sobered up. "I love my uncle," he said simply. "Knyte has been there for me from the start. He has been more of a father to me than my own has ever been. I should have done something a long time ago." The recrimination in his voice had her struggling for breath. But she gulped back the threatening tears regardless.

"You were a child," she reminded him. "You helped now." And Nex had more than helped. He had united her family. "Was it you who had Knyte send me that ticket?"

"I went to see Stacy," said Nex instead. His eyes staring over her shoulder to a not so distant past. "In the pretext of delivering her a new supply of drugs, I followed my dad and went to see her."

"You had her confess," Lucy gasped.

"I threatened her," he corrected. "Turns out she was afraid to go to jail, just like any regular criminal. She wrote a letter. And later, overdosed on drugs I left her."

Lucy bit off an oath. She gathered him back into her arms giving him a tight squeeze. She was at a loss over what to say. "You couldn't have known," she mumbled out finally.

His chuckle was harsh sounding in her ear. "Couldn't I? I knew exactly what I was doing Lucy. I knew what could happen. I just didn't care."

Lucy gripped him tighter and searched around his shoulder for her father. He was staring at her and met her frantic gaze with action.

"Blaze will answer any questions you may have tomorrow. This is a celebration of his return. The buffet is open, and the dance floor is too." Knyte disbanded the crowd about him and Blaze. The grandmothers cornered Blaze next and refused to release their hold over him for the rest of that evening, while Knyte made his way over to where Lucy stood locked with her arms about a hurting Nex on the dance floor.

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