cobra & python ยป baekhyun โœ“

By xxbyunhyun

100K 5.2K 3.7K

โ Together we'd be deadly. โž The mafia leader Cobra was supposed to be dead, but he was only waiting for the... More

playlist & aesthetics (english ver.)
playlist & aesthetics (korean ver.)
prologue | in the mist
one | red velvet hair salon
two | murder he wrote
three | bang bang
four | the wasp nest
six | casino lights
seven | good, bad or both
eight | hot on the trail
nine | saints and sinners
ten | cruel intentions
eleven | her name was rio
twelve | cherries and wine
thirteen | snitches get stitches
fourteen | sorry not sorry
fifteen | ride or die
sixteen | bonnie & clyde
epilogue | viva las vegas

five | a fisherman's trap

4.5K 269 232
By xxbyunhyun

'' i want money, power and glory

i want money and all your power, all your glory ''


His life was all about kilograms of dope and stolen cars.

Sex. Money. Murder.

I always stayed in the shadows, but when I got a taste of that lifestyle, I had to admit that I understood the appeal that it had to it.

Byun Baekhyun was slowly gaining back his strength and looking more and more like himself. I couldn't help it but to look at him in a different light when I saw him in a pure black suit once again. His dark hair was combed to the side and exposing his forehead, making his gaze seem sharper. His face was serious when he was watching me adjust his tie for him and I could't deny the powerful aura that was radiating off him. My gaze stopped on the snake tattoo that was on the side of his neck before I raised my head and looked at him. We were staring deep in to each other's eyes before the corner of my mouth twitched in amusement and he slowly nodded.

We were ready to conquer the night.

Everything changed when Baekhyun managed to regain the access to some of his money. He gave a large sum to Mark, who allowed us to stay in his apartment for a while, an even larger one to Seulgi, so that she could buy herself a new motorcycle and payed Minseok and the boxing club leader that helped him get some of his men back from prison. It was almost fascinating to see Dragon and Cobra stand in front of each other and look in to one another's eyes. The tension was high in the air and no one was prepared to lower their gaze and admit that they were the weaker one. In the end Minseok stepped back and warned him not to try to make him bow his head. They had a common goal to take down Python, but he still would never accept orders from anyone.

'' I'm just saying, there was no reason for you to get so mad when I suggested that makeover. I'm a man with expensive taste and if you are by my side, you can think like that too, '' Baekhyun mumbled while we made our way down the gravel road that lead between the abandoned garages. The grey buildings were covered with graffiti, posters, advertisements for different restaurants and remains of old police tape. There were no lights illuminating the street and I could hear the sound of a police sirens that was in the distance. '' Sooner or later, the world will find out that Cobra is still alive and when that happens, I would just want to make the best return that I possibly can. ''

I scowled and glared at him from the side. '' How about my reputation? I saved your life and I am staying by your side simply because we have the same goal, which is to take down Park Chanyeol. I am not one of your groupies. I don't have to be walking around in an expensive dress and high heels... Tch. Dragon was right when he said that your face gets a lot more punchable when you start acting like a mafia leader. ''

'' I'm not saying that you are my groupie. You're more like a right hand woman. You're worthy of the title, most definitely, '' he responded and winked at me. My eyes slightly widened with surprise and a satisfied smirk formed on his face before he continued walking. He pulled up the entrance of the abandoned building that was right at the end of the one way street. We stepped inside a huge garage and I couldn't help it but to hold my breath in amazement at the sight of all the cars that were around me.

They were ranging from the worst pieces of junk that I've ever seen, the race cars that I thought existed only in the movies. Some of them seemed ready for the road, while others were still in the process of being built or improved. They were doing everything in that large garage, from making the engine of the car stronger, to simply replacing a license plate. The air smelled of car paint, oil and fuel and some old rock song was playing from a speaker that was placed on a large table covered with different papers.

A group of men was in the middle of their work and they didn't notice us when we first walked in the garage. Baekhyun was still limping because of the wound on his leg, so the sound of his uneven steps eventually caught their attention. One of them turned their heads and his eyes grew wide with shock at the sight of Cobra. '' Baekhyun? Is that really you? ''

Baekhyun once told me that he came from nothing, just like I did and that day I found out about his history.

'' Once you know what it's like to fall to the very bottom and you get a taste of true filth, you will do everything that it takes to never get back. ''

Baekhyun was the son of a drug addicted prostitute. After she died of an overdose he became homeless and did he best to survive by stealing. Everything changed when he met Seha, a man who was also known as chief. He was the boss of the garage where they did modifications on stolen cars and he was the one that gave Baekhyun a roof over his head. He tried to keep him away from the life of crime, but the temptation of the world of the mafia was too strong. Baekhyun became one of the two main bosses in the Seoul area, but he still never forgot where he came from.

That day the two of us visited Seha to get a car from him. Baekhyun said that the chief was storing a special something that belonged to him. It was located at the very back of the dimly lit garage and covered by an old blanked. I could hardly believe my eyes when they pulled it off the vehicle and revealed a black Ferrari. Baekhyun also started jumping up and clapping in excitement. It was like he suddenly went back to being a twelve year old and I couldn't help it but to grin when he started running around the Ferrari, touching the smooth front of the car and checking if there were any scratches on it.

Seho appeared by my side and I turned my head at the sound of his voice. He was a man well in his fifties, with grey hair and a pair of glasses resting on his nose. There was a certain fondness in his eyes when he looked at Baekhyun and it was clear that he thought of the mafia leader as his own son. '' You know, to tell you the truth, I wasn't that surprised when I saw Baekhyun. I knew that he wasn't dead, he's a bastard who would not get himself killed that easily. I was much more surprised when I saw someone like you by his side. ''

I snorted in laughter and shot him a doubtful look. '' A woman? I'm sure that Baekhyun was always surrounded by them, chief. There's no need for you to flatter me, even if I will accept your compliment. ''

He chuckled when I arrogantly flipped my hair over my shoulder and shook his head. '' That's not what I'm talking about. I meant a woman like you. I know who you are. You are one of the most wanted criminals in this city. That's why I'd never expect to find you next to Baekhyun. Is that what you call hiding in plain sight? ''

I looked at the old man again and carefully studied his face. He didn't seem familiar, but I knew that he was probably a friend of the person who took care of me and Chanyeol when we were young. We were taken off the streets, much like Baekhyun, only that we were never given a loving home. I remembered learning how to shoot a gun when I was barely seven years old and it all went downhill from there.

'' It's something like that, but I changed my plan of action. I'm not hiding anymore. I am going to strike back and finish the chase once and for all, '' I told the man with a bright smile and gestured towards Baekhyun. '' He won't get hurt. Probably. It depends only on him and what he'll decide to do really. ''

Seho stared at me with a serious expression on his face before looking at the mafia leader. Baekhyun just sat inside his Ferrari and started honking like crazy to get me to move. '' He'll figure out what's the right thing, I'm sure of it. He might not look like it, but he's smart. ''

I quietly laughed and patted his shoulder. '' I'm glad to hear that because sometimes I can't help it but to ask myself who am I really following. Take care. I'll put in a good word for this place to some of my friends who change their license plates or cars very often. ''

I rushed towards the black Ferrari and sat on the passenger seat. Baekhyun leaned forward and buckled up the seatbelt for me before turning on the engine. The loud roaring sound made my heart beat faster in excitement, I looked at him and asked: '' You know how to drive this thing, right? Or did you buy it just to look a little cooler as a mafia boss? I'm starting to question myself for blindly trusting you all the time. ''

'' Don't tell me that you are having second thoughts about the plan? '' he wondered, put on a pair of golden aviators and sped out of the garage. I was got pushed back against the seat because of the high speed and his eyes glistened in crazed excitement. The black Ferrari almost flew down the road that the walked earlier, made a sharp turn and joined the traffic. There Baekhyun stepped on the gas once again and began surpassing other cars. He was skilfully turning the steering wheel left and right and it was obvious that he was much better at driving than he made it seem to be.

The plan wasn't supposed to be difficult, but in reality I did have second thoughts about it. Half of Baekhyun's men were out of prison, but they needed new identities to be able to hide from the cops. I knew that Jimin was already looking for them and at this rate, it was only a matter of time before he would find them. There was a guy who was known for providing fake identities for people, but he was loyal to Python, so going to see him was like poking in the wasp's nest and hoping for the best.

His name was Kim Junmyeon and he was the boss of the best stall at the fish market of Incheon. It was located right at the end of the port and it was a maze of different places where you could buy fresh seafood. The smell of rotting fish somehow always managed to hang in the air and walking around there put you at a high risk of stepping in fish guts. Not to mention the sharp knife that could end up in your throat if one of Junmyeon's people would decide that you were suspicious or a possible threat.

'' The rumours say that they will kill you without a second thought if they will decide that they don't like you and I... I am not a very likeable person, Cobra! '' I complained to Baekhyun, while he was speeding down the street, headed straight towards the port. Junmyeon wasn't known just for providing fake identities, he was also famous for how suspicious he was of people. I knew that he had a large boat and dabbled in to helping criminals escape in and out of the country from time to time, but he was extremely careful with who he chose to give a hand to.

'' That's not... Okay, that really is true, but I'm sure that it'll be fine. At worse case scenario, he will pull out a gun and try to shoot you, but then you can just use the money that I prepared to bribe yourself out of the situation, '' Baekhyun calmly responded and glanced towards me.

I frowned and shook my head in disapproval. '' You should've allowed me to call Mino or Dragon as backup. No offence, but you are completely useless. You can't even leave the car so that your identity doesn't get recognised and even if you could, you can barely walk because of that gun wound. ''

He drove right through a red light and shot a glare in my direction. '' You know that I don't trust those two. They did do their part and they are supposedly on our side, but there is something that is bothering me about the fact that a former mafia boss spends his free time giggling over homemade noodles with a cop on probation and a crime novels writer. ''

I laughed in amusement and put on my surgical mask. '' I guess I have no choice but to go solo then. ''

The car came to a stop near the entrance of the fish market and Baekhyun handed me the earpiece that he bought from Mark. His face was serious and the moonlight was casting strange shadows on his cheeks. '' Take this. ''

I raised an eyebrow in doubt and my lips stretched in to a mocking smirk. '' Why? It's not like there's any CCTV cameras in the fish market. All that this is going to do is have me listen to your usual annoyed yelling. ''

'' Just take it. That way I'll know if something were to happen to you... '' He leaned against the window with his arm, picked up a cigar that was stored in one of the compartments of the Ferrari and observed it with a thoughtful expression on his face. '' You know. Who to hunt, who to kill, where to find you... Plus exactly what you said, you will get to listen to my lovely voice through this entire mission. ''

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the suitcase full of money that was supposed to buy me a bunch of fake identities for the guys that worked for him. I put a black cap on my head and glanced towards him one last time. He just lit up the cigar that he found and inhaled the smoke in his mouth. Our eyes briefly met, then I stepped out of the car. A moment later, the Ferrari sped down the dark road and I found myself on my own.

The fish market was a frightening place in daylight and it got even worse once the sun set. I saw many different things in my life and I didn't get scared easily, but I couldn't admit that I wasn't a little intimidated by the men that were selling their catches of the day. Most of them had a bit of a glaring problem and the dim lights that illuminated their stalls made them seem like they were all secretly plotting to kill you. They were covered with tattoos and old scars and they were walking around with knives that they used for cutting fish.

Junmyeon was one of the youngest sellers in the market, but he was the scariest one of all. He was a handsome man, with dark hair that was pulled back by a headband and there was a large shark bite scar on his arm. He got it when he was still young and he just started working in the port. That evening I came to his fish stall just when he was in the middle of cutting up someone's dinner. His white apron was covered in blood stains and his butcher knife was bigger than my head.

I squatted down in front of a bucket full of fish and tried to hold back my grimace, while I waited for him to finish talking with his costumer. Some of the nearest stalls were already closed, there weren't many people in sight and I could see that two guys who worked for Junmyeon, were already giving me strange looks. I tried my best to ignore them until he stopped right by my side and casted a shadow over my figure. '' With a suitcase like that, you must be here for a different reason than just buying fish. ''

'' Who knows, perhaps I am into really expensive sushi? '' I shot back, straightened myself again and looked at him.

His eyes narrowed at the sound of my answer and he slightly tilted his head to the side. '' We don't sell that over here. You can leave. I'm closing down my fish stall for today. ''

I felt a shiver don my spine and my heart started beating faster. '' Come on, there's no need for you to be like that. I'm just joking. We both know that I am not really here to buy fish. Maybe once we'll seal our deal. Now that I think of it, I really am kind of feeling like I want to eat some good sushi tonight. ''

I thought that he was going to smile, but he didn't show any kind of reaction at all. His face stayed deathly serious and he continued staring at me in silence. For a brief moment, his gaze wandered towards one of the men that were standing on the sides of the large fish stall and I held my breath in alarm.

Something was wrong.

'' Be careful, Mijin, '' Baekhyun's low voice quietly warned through the earpiece that was in my ear. '' You know that the port people are brutal. ''

I followed him inside his fish stall and he lead me to a room that was on the very back of it. He pointed at a chair that was placed in front of an office desk and I sat down without uttering a word. I was still holding on to the briefcase full of money that Baekhyun gave me, while Junmyeon was carefully studying my expression. I felt like his sharp eyes could see to the very bottom of my soul. Whatever he saw, it didn't make him happy.

He placed himself in front of me and sat back against the office desk. He crossed his arms on his chest and coldly ordered: '' Alright, speak. What it is that you want? You must know that I don't make deals with just anyone, so try to make this fast. It's late and there's an even smaller chance that I'll help you if you waste my time. ''

My face was covered with a surgical mask, but I still forced a fake smile in the direction of the suspicious fisherman. He put on a pair of transparent glasses and they made him appear even scarier than before. I felt like he could see right through my lies when I nervously began: '' Me and my Oppa are starting a small organisation and we are going to need a bunch of fake identities for our workers. They are all former convicts, illegal immigrants and other things like that, so we can't risk it. You know how persistent cops are these days. ''

There was a short silence and I couldn't help it but to cough when Baekhyun spoke up through my earpiece, to make sure that Junmyeon wouldn't hear him: '' I can't believe that's your lying voice. We are going to have to work on that, because the way you are now, you wouldn't be able to convince me in to anything. You would probably even make me doubt everything that I know about myself and my life. ''

I somehow managed to stay calm under Junmyeon's icy stare. '' A business? What kind of business? ''

The truth was that I didn't really think about what I was going to say to him. I thought that I would be able to wing it on the spot and he wouldn't ask too many questions. I always knew that I wasn't particularly good at lying, but I was realising just now that I was even worse when it came to lying under pressure. '' Uh... Just your regular casino that is actually just a coverup for a money laundering business. My Oppa and I aren't that creative, but he already has a vision in his head and he says that he is going to call it Ka-ching. ''

Junmyeon raised an eyebrow and I heard Baekhyun mumble through my earpiece: '' Fuck, now you blew it. Junmyeon hates casinos. He used to be addicted to gambling. ''

I let out an uncomfortable laugh, while the fisherman asked: '' Who is this Oppa that you keep talking about? How come he let you come here by yourself? Doesn't he know that the fish market can be a very dangerous place? ''

I took a deep breath, stood up and stepped closer to Junmyeon. I stared deep in to his dark eyes and tried to sound as serious as possible, even if all I wanted was to run away. Either way, I felt like I already sealed my faith, so I thought that I might as well go as far as I possibly could and hope that a miracle would turn things around. '' You think that I can't make deals because I am a woman? Isn't that a little bit sexist? ''

That was when the corner of his mouth twitched in amusement. For a moment I thought that he was going to try to grab the large knife that was hanging on his waist, but his hand reached towards my face. He held a strand of my dark hair and twirled it around his finger before slowly pushing it behind my ear and revealing my earpiece. My eyes slightly widened in alarm and his low voice sent a chill down my spine. '' You are a woman indeed. A very reckless, but also very searched for woman. ''

He knew who I was.

I let out another nervous laugh and took a step back. '' Now that I think of it, I really should call my Oppa and consult him about this before I make a deal. ''

I took another step back and the door behind me suddenly opened. I turned around and looked at one of Junmyeon's helpers, who walked inside the impromptu office. A smirk formed on his lips and his eyes glistened in the dim light. '' Your Oppa is here! ''

He swung his baseball bat, I felt a sharp pain in my head and I was immediately knocked out in to unconsciousness.

It took me a few moments to realise what happened when I came back to my senses. I opened my eyes in to an environment that was completely different from the fish market where I was knocked out. The living room was illuminated by the burning fireplace and one lone light somewhere behind me and the glass walls showed the night view of skyscrapers. I recognised the crowded streets and shining lights of Seoul right away.

My head hurt from getting hit with a baseball bat and when I tried to move my hands, I heard the rustling of handcuffs. My eyes slightly widened with surprise and I instantly started panicking. I was tied to a chair and when I tried to move, the only thing that happened was me falling sideways together with it. I was laying on the ground, catching my breath and my eyes were darting left and right until a figure squatted down in front of me.

The man had dark hair and unusually large dark eyes. His face was serious, but there was a hint of amusement in his gaze when he watched me struggle. He seemed even happier when he noticed my fear and he couldn't hide his satisfied smile when he lifted me and the chair that I was tied to. '' Don't worry, I am not going to hurt you, but... He might. ''

There was another figure that I didn't notice right away. He was sitting on the sofa, showing his back to me and sipping champagne, but the sound of the voice of the dark eyed stranger made him stand up. The sight of his tall figure instantly made my heart fall in to my stomach and a chill ran through my body. My eyes slowly grew wide and I began trembling in terror. That blonde hair, that face, those eyes... those cold and lifeless eyes. It was him.

It was him and I was scared for my life.

'' You found me faster than I thought, Chanyeol. ''

He looked in to my eyes and I almost couldn't bare his stare. He slowly walked closer and tilted his head to the side. His blonde hair was messy and combed back from his forehead and his tie was as red as blood. His fingers tightly wrapped around the handle of a gun, he pointed it straight at my forehead and all that I felt in my heart was pain.

I couldn't help it but to notice the tattoos that he had between his fingers. There was the word 'python' and two dates that were written in roman numbers. The first one was when Father took him off the streets. That was how we called the man that raised us. The second date was of the day when Father died. He took a good part of Chanyeol's soul in his grave and it was all because of me. Father was a killer and when I found out that he was responsible for my parents's death, I ratted him out to the police. A bullet went through his skull as a result of my actions and Chanyeol swore to avenge him, even if it would be the last thing that he would do.

'' Sometimes... The chase is sweeter than the catch. '' The cold end of Chanyeol's gun was still touching my forehead and I was looking deep in to his dark eyes. His friend was standing on the side and listening. '' Tell me something, Mijin. What have you been doing with your life recently? ''

My eyebrows furrowed together in confusion and I pretended to be confused. '' Why are you interested in what I do in my free time? You want to know if I have any hobbies besides running away from you or the police? Well, to tell you the truth you all keep me quite busy and- ''

He pushed his gun against my forehead and cut me off: '' You know what I'm talking about. Tell me who you are working with. Tell me and I might consider sparing your life. ''

I held my breath and stared at him with surprise. '' You are looking for an excuse not to kill me. ''

Was it really him that tried to kill Baekhyun?

A shadow fell over Chanyeol's features and he stared at me in silence. He seemed to be debating what to do and for a moment I thought that he would actually change his mind and shoot me. Instead he slowly lowered his gun and let out a sigh. '' Be careful, Mijin. You know that you are walking on thin ice. ''

Chanyeol put his gun back behind his belt and glanced towards his friend. '' Kyungsoo, sent some people here. Tell them to question her and get any useful information that they possibly can. They can use any method that they want. I don't care, but tell them to call me when they are done. I want to be the one that gets to kill her. ''

He spared me another look and my eyes slightly widened with surprise.

He purposely gave me a chance to escape.

I thought that there was no hope for him anymore, but a part of him was still trying to pull him in the right direction.

'' Chanyeol, you need to leave the past behind. I am no longer the same as I was and you are clearly different too. We can't turn back time and return to the people that we used to be. It's over and he is... Father is... '' I quietly murmured, but I couldn't bring myself to finish my sentence.

Chanyeol clenched his fingers in to fists and his lips formed a straight line. '' The old Mijin forgot about me, but I didn't forget about her. ''

I watched him walk away, followed by his right hand man Kyungsoo and memories of my childhood began to replay in my head. They were full of bright and vivid images of Chanyeol. I remembered him always giving his food to me, no matter how hungry he was. I remembered me yelling at him for going easy on me during training and him laughing and telling me how he couldn't bring himself to punch me. Him and I shooting at paper targets. Him protecting me from street thugs. Me taking care of his wounds. Countless memories of him showing kindness, mercy and compassion. We were young, naive and we liked to hope that perhaps there was a better future somewhere ahead of us.

Back then we had no idea how wrong we were.

'' I wish I could've saved you from getting corrupted by this dark world. ''

It was too late now, for both of us.

Chanyeol and Kyungsoo stepped out of the apartment and I instantly moved. The ropes that were tying me to the chair were tight and I knew that my only hope was pulling my hands from the handcuffs. It hurt so much that it brought tears to my eyes, but eventually I managed to release one hand. After a lot more struggle, I pulled it out of the ropes and quickly started working the knots that were on them.

I managed to untie them just when the door of the apartment opened once again. I almost fell on the ground, but I managed to stop myself and only stumble for a few steps before I attacked. I grabbed the chair that I was tied to and threw it against the first guy. Then I ran right in to the second one and pushed him out of the way before I sprinted outside the apartment. I reached a dark staircase and instantly realised that it had to be just one of Chanyeol's many hideouts. There were more of his people waiting outside and instead of making my way down, I started running up.

I had no clear plan in mind and I wasn't completely sure what I was going to do, but I had hope. My head was like a bottomless pit of stupid ideas and I had to believe that it wasn't going to fail me in a moment of need. Chanyeol's men were chasing me and I could hear their threats and screaming when I rushed down the rooftop of the apartment complex. The night wind blew in my face and I leaned over the edge before I stumbled back and looked over my shoulder. The two guys that I attacked just managed to catch up with me and one of them pulled out his gun.

It was now or never.

I clenched my teeth together, broke in to a run and leaped off the edge of the rooftop.

I could hear the sound of traffic coming from the ground and my figure flew under the moonlight. In reality, I wasn't completely sure if I was going to be able to make the jump. The other rooftop was lower and quite far away from mine, but somehow I managed to reach it. The only problem was that it was open in the centre and after landing next to it, my leg twisted to the side, I fell on the ground, rolled for a few meters and fell right through the opening.

I was falling through the centre of the open staircase of the apartment building and hallways with different apartments were flashing in front of my eyes. I was desperately waving my arms through the air and trying to grab on to something. Every attempt to hold on to a rope was proven worthless, until I managed to catch a sheet that someone was drying together with their laundry. I swung on it and directed myself towards one of the sides of the staircase. The sheet ripped off the rope that it was thrown on and I landed on the ground right in front of someone's apartment.

'' That was... You've done it again, '' I mumbled to myself and slowly picked myself up from the ground. My leg hurt like hell and the pain in my head was even worse, but I was alive. I looked up towards the top of the apartment building and saw the dark night sky. A fall from that height could've easily killed me, but I still had Chanyeol and his guns to worry about. '' Someone in hell is getting really pissed off at you for prolonging your stay in this world, Mijin. You are starting to become a real professional at cheating death. ''

The distant sound of screaming made me curse and stumble forward. '' Okay, maybe you spoke a little too soon. You better go before the universe tries to prove you wrong. You know how it loves to do that. ''

I was a professional at disappearing and that night, I've done it once again. By the time Chanyeol's men reached the apartment complex where I landed, the only thing that they found was a few drops of blood on the ground. I was long gone by then and just one of the many shadows that were stumbling down the street and thinking about the past. An empty bottle of soju made it a perfect coverup for any suspicious eyes and the look on my face gave a clear impression of how I probably drank to forget something painful. That was the next thing on my agenda as soon as I would get away from there.

Mine and Baekhyun's new location was in the penthouse of a luxurious hotel. He knew the owner was able to hide the names of the guests and that was exactly what I instructed him to do. We were supposed to be safe there for a while and I hoped that would last for as long as possible, because I had to admit that the place was nice. I liked to mock Baekhyun for liking luxuries and not being used to the poor life, but I couldn't deny how nice it was to have a private pool, a sauna and even a jacuzzi. In that moment the only thing on my mind was the minibar.

I stumbled out of the elevator and wrote the code to get inside the penthouse. I half kicked the door opened, took another few shaky steps forward and leaned against the wall. The baseball bat wound on my head was starting to seriously hurt and my vision was a little heavy when I raised my head and looked at Baekhyun. He was walking up and down the living room and he was in the middle of an infuriated rant to Mark, who was sitting on one of the sofas and typing on a laptop. The sight of me instantly made him stop in the middle of his sentence and stare at me in shock.

My lips curved in to a weak smile. '' Don't tell me that you two are looking for me? I thought you'd be taking advantage of me being gone to throw a party. I know that's what I would do. ''

'' What happened to you?! '' he almost screamed once he snapped out of his state of shock. He shook his head and buried his fingers in his dark hair. He seemed extremely frustrated and at first it looked like he was going to hit me when he started walking towards me. Instead he put his hands on my shoulders and seriously began: '' Mijin, fuck, I was sure that he put you in the grave. ''

'' I told you so! '' Mark screamed from the other room. He only briefly raised his gaze from his computer and a smug smile appeared on his face. '' Mijin gets in to a life or death situation at least twice a week. You were being way too obsessive. It's not that easy to put her in a grave. She would most likely crawl out once again anyway. ''

'' My lifestyle choices are starting to give me grey hair while I'm still in my early twenties. It's bad. Maybe I should just make that leap already and go in to hiding somewhere far away in the mountains of China, '' I replied with a joking smirk and lightly pushed Baekhyun's hands off my shoulders. I glanced in his direction and my eyes met his dark and stormy ones before I stumbled past him and mockingly mumbled: '' Are you actually trying to fool me in to thinking that Cobra has a heart? Well too bad, because I don't and there's nothing for you to try to weasel your way in. ''

I took another step forward and he stopped me by grabbing my wrist. My gaze wandered down to his hand before I gazed over my shoulder. I looked in to his dark, almost completely black eyes before he suddenly pulled me closer to him. He put his hands on my cheeks and in the next moment it happened. His warm lips touched mine and I automatically started leaning back, while he deepened the kiss. I almost lost myself when he buried his fingers in my hair to pull me closer to him and one of my legs wrapped around his waist. He pushed his tongue in my mouth, my eyes grew wide in shock and Mark started screaming.

'' Ew, can't you two save that for when I go home? ''

I shoved Baekhyun away from me and he took a step back before leaning against the wall. He touched his lips and there was a slightly dazed expression in his heated eyes. He was watching me like a hungry animal looking at a pray and it was clear that he wanted more. He wanted it all.

I was catching my breath and my heart was racing in my chest. My cheeks were slightly reddened and my lips were twitching up in amusement. I pushed my dark hair over my shoulder and quietly mumbled in amusement: '' You little bastard, I can't believe you just did that. ''

Hours later we were both standing on the terrace of the penthouse, leaning against the railing and looking at the view. Cars were moving down the streets, lights were shining in buildings and commercials were flashing on billboards. The ocean seemed completely black and calm and the wind was carrying the faint smell of salt.

Baekhyun hit his soju glass against mine and smirked. '' Soon, these streets will be mine again. ''

I was watching him from the side and slowly sipping and savouring the alcohol. My leg was wrapped up in bandages and there were even more going around my head. Cobra's words were echoing in my head, my thoughts and plans were all disorganised and shaken and I had to admit to myself that my plan was perhaps going to be a little more difficult to follow than I thought it would be.

I've already stepped way to deep in to this dark world.

Will I really be able to leave in the end?

I had to be careful if I didn't want the darkness to swallow me too.

My eyes darted towards Baekhyun and the sound of his quiet and playful laughter sent a shiver down my spine.

I didn't want the darkness, did I?

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