She's our bodyguard?!?

By Tillytheboss

142K 3.9K 732

I'm Lenna Vick and believe it or not, I'm One Direction's new bodyguard. I know, it's pretty hard to believe... More

Chapter 1 - ABOUT ME
Chapter 2 - Meeting The Boys
Chapter 3 - DADDY
Chapter 4 - 5 AM
Chapter 5 - Dang it
Chapter 6 - Wait You're My Brother
Chapter 7 - What's going on?
Heads or Tails
The Event
The Vicks are Back Bitch!
Little town
We bought a diner
The tapes
Pregnancies and fighting
Stacy the little liar
Answers and updates
The shootout
Old friend
Story Time
Danny Baby
Bye Bye Bye.
One Direction's return
Children and fighting
Hospital Suprises
Looks like she's back
Wrong Lad
Veronica veronica.
Dear kinda husband
Calm before the storm?
Bang bang/// 1 more chapter
Last Chapter

Like mother like daughter

2.7K 82 20
By Tillytheboss

First things first I wanna say that I am dedicating @Little_Direction37 because she has been reading this book for a while now, she was one of the first readers and has stayed her since. Every comment she and all of you post brings me extreme happiness. Every single time that she and you guys vote brings me happiness also. Every time you read another chapter, I just want to thank all of you personally, so Thank You so much. Thank You Lisbet, thank you for reading, voting, and for making me extremely happy.
Leanna's Pov

I walked up to the door smiling at the success of the first day. Stacy our little cousin said her and her friends will come back tomorrow and she wanted to see Liam. Honestly her and Liam were closer because she annoyed me. She actually still does.

" C'mere kiddo." I said to Sydney flinging my arms out, accidentally hitting Zayn in the face making him stumble back holding his forehead.

" Sorry Zayn." I mumbled

Sydney came over to me putting her hands on her hips and waiting.

"Ok, boys, before we get home we need to go over to Sydney's house and get some of her stuff. Liam get that box and do NOT look in it and I mean it." I instructed Liam pointing to the box. Liam walked up to it and picked it up then groaned.

"What the hell is in this thing?" Liam cursed

"LIAM!" I scolded looking over to Sydney he got th drift and muttered a sorry.

Sydney isn't like any other kid. If it was a regular kid, when Liam cursed they would of turned to their guardian and would whine about how that person just cussed to get them in trouble, but then again she did live with Janet's mom.

For the past few hours Sydney has been helping us around the diner. Mostly amusing old people. I explained to Sydeny that she would be staying with me and the boys while Janet's mom was away, she seemed pretty happy about it. That's probably because she loves Auntie Lea, but the world may never know.

I grabbed Sydney's hand and leaded her out of the diner, then, I of course locked it.

When we got to the car I froze realizing something.

"You don't need a car seat anymore, right?" I asked her tilting my head to down to look at her.

"Nope." She said letting me let out a sign of relief, until she continued.

"I need a booster seat." She said smirking... She acts just like Janet. She's like a mini her except the fact that she is also a lot like my stupid brother. Janet used to make you think that its all cool then be like ' no haha I tricked you' I have an example one time I missed a day of school and I came up to her the next day asking If we had an assignment in my least favorite class which just happened to be Science. Anyways I asked her if I missed an assignment, she was like " No, you didn't miss an assignment." , but then she was like " You missed a really hard test that the teacher guided us through in class.. with that exact same smirk.

"Ughh, LIAM!!" I yelled to him.

Liam was currently putting the heavy box into the back of the big jeep, it was more like a hummer .

"What?" He asked glaring at me.

"When Sydney and me get into the house I need you to go to the storage unit and get your old booster seat." I told him glaring back.

"Fine." He huffed .

"Sydney, hunny, You are going to have to sit on one of the boys laps until we get the booster seat and a my mom's mini van." I told her kneeling down to her height.

"Ok." She agreed hesitantly .

"Whose lap do you want to sit on?" I asked her grabbing the boys attention

"Ummm..." She mumbled looking around at the boys

"Harry's because he's funny." Sydeny announced making Harry literally do a happy dance.

That's another thing she does like Janet. They have to explain why the pick what they pick, which can get quite annoying.

"Ha, She thinks I am funny, In your face haters!" Harry said smirking and pointing at all of us, then, he continued his dance.

"Lets go guys." I said shaking my head laughing at Harry.

We all crammed into the jeep . I started heading over, about halfway to Janet's mom's house, Sydney broke the silence shocking everyone.

"I know that Grammy was having some troubles with me and that's why you are watching me from now on, She knows you are the only other person that I personally trust to watch me."She said sighing upset

I suddenly stopped the car in the middle of the road making the now angry drivers behind me start honking their horns.

I mumbled a sorry even though I knew they couldn't hear me. I started driving again thinking about what to say.

Sydeny has always been smarter than her age, she gets that from Liam, He was usually a buzz kill because of that, but the difference with Sydney is that she is also Janet's daughter so there is NO way she's a buzz kill.

"Oh, Syd, Grammy just really needs a break. I am honored with the fact that you trust me that much." I told her trying to not upset her.

When Sydney was born , me and Janet made a pact. Me and Janet promised each other that If anything happened to Janet then I would get Sydney and vice versa. What I didn't know was that Janet made a will, which still hasn't been realsed, her mother saying they never found it, but I know that she has one and that they found it because they told me that Sydney was supposed to go to me. During that time I was thinking that I couldn't be pretty much a mother. I was too young at that time to even get custody of her, so Syd was given to Janet's mother, which I have no idea why they thought she was fit to watch an almsot two year old child, since she was still depressed from the loss of her daughter and she wasn't the best mother in the world. I always knew that I would somehow end up with Sydney as mine.

"We are here Leanna." Liam said pushing me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry." I said climbing out of the car going to the side harry was on and grabbing Syd.

"Liam you remember where you are going?" I asked him talking about the stoarge locker.

"Yeah, of course I do." He replied

"Be careful over there and don't be seen." I told him glaring

Sydney and I walked to the front door. I haven't been to this house in a long time, well I take that back I've been in the living room to visit Sydney, but not upstairs.

"Sydney give me your purse." I demanded she quickly handed over the purse smiling.

I opened the purse looking for the key which was in the bottom, there was nothing in this purse except the key.

I grabbed the key and waved to Liam signaling him to leave. Liam rolled his eyes and slowly pulled out of the driveway.

After I made sure he was gone me and Sydney rushed inside.

I closed the door after us.

"Hey, Grammy left something for you on the counter." Syd told me pointing to the counter.

"Go find a really big bag, please" I told her, she immediately rushed up the steps.

I turned around and walked into the kitchen staring at the counter looking for the thing she left for me. I spotted a envelope and grabbed it.

On the front of the envelope it said:

Leanna Vick

I opened the envelope carefully to be met with another letter.

The letter said :


Thank you for coming to get her. Thank you for keeping her, even though you were supposed too in the first place. Now that you are here I need you too call me at this number ( 888-888-8888). Call me as SOON as you read this.

-your second mother


I immediately grabbed my phone and dialed her number.

The phone rang for a few minutes until she answered.

"Hello, is this Leanna?" She asked frantically

"Why, yes it is, second mother." I answered her concerned.

"Oh, finally, thank you for taking her." She sighed in relief

"Not like I had much of a choice, but I'm happy doing it." I told her the truth.

"Yes, anyways have you looked in that box yet?" She asked me

"No?" I said unsure.

"Ok, oh yeah, there is a wad of cash in the freezer. Tell Sydney I love her and I love you sweetie, but I gotta go. Bye." She told me hanging up.

This woman has always put big wads of cash in the weirdest places.

I ran up the stairs after getting the cash and shoving it in my pocket.

Sydney had a handful of barbies that she was trying to stuff in the ugly yellow purse.

"You know where any bags are?" I asked her which she jumped not knowing I was there.

"I think in mummy's room." She told me trying to jam more barbies in the bag.

"I-I'll go look." I told her stuttering

I walked out of her room which I helped paint.

I went down the hallway slowly.

When I got in front of Janet's door and froze. I know that there is three huge bags in here that I left the last time I spent the night. I'll just walk in and walk out as fast as I can. I clutched the door knob suddenly the door knob felt really hot. I pushed back all my feelings and flung the door open. I rushed in the room grabbing the bags up from beside her nightstand on the floor. I made a mistake though, I looked up. On the wall opposite of me is a college of pictures of me and her and some with Liam, in big, bold, white letters BFFS hung above all the pictures. I decided right then and there, that I needed some do those pictures, Janet wouldn't mind at all, she'd be happy I was taking them.

I rushed over and grabbed all the photos shoving them into my side purse and walking out with the bags.

"Here, put the toys in here." I told her handing her a bag. She smiled and grabbed the bag.

I walked into her closet, not really looking at what I was throwing into the bag, but I successfully got all her clothes and had room for a little more, so I got the stuff I know she would need.

I got:

. Her school stuff

. Toothbrush and toothpaste

. Some kid snacks

. Some shoes

. And more kid stuff.

"You ready kiddo?" I asked her

"Yes, but I was told to give you something. I'll get it, you call the boys." She told me running up the steps to retrieve whatever it is.

I called Liam and he told me he was already waiting outside and had the mini van.

"SYDNEY HURRY UP! LIAM'S HERE!" I yelled up the steps.

She came rushing down with four big book like things. She handed me the three of them and without a word she grabbed her bag of toys and walked outside.

I looked down at the books realizing what they were. Well one of them was Janet's diary. Janet had this thing, she was convinced she was gonna die young, guess she was right. Anyways she wrote three book like things, one for me, one for Liam and one for Sydney which she has no idea is made. I'm supposed to give it to her when she's 16 years old.

I shoved the books into my purse. I walked out of the house I spent a lot of time in younger for probably the last time. I locked the door, Liam being the dick he is, honked the horn making me jump.

I glared at Liam while climbing into the car.

"Sweet ride!" I said sarcastically.

"I know right!" Liam replied with the same level of sarcasm.

"They see ma rolling, they hatin' !" I sang loudly

"No offense, but please stop!" Louis said mockingly covering his ears

"Just cause you say 'no offense' doesn't mean I'm not offended." I said with mock offense in response to Louis.

"Whateva." Louis mumbled

"Liam." I whispered to him leaning in closer to him

"What?" He asked

"They gave me the books." I told him.

"What books?" Liam asked

"Janet's." I rolled my eyes at him not getting who's.

"Oh, where's mine?" He asked

"I'll give it to you at home." I told him leaning back into my seat

When we finally got home it was around 7:00 at night and everyone was tired.

"What time do you go to bed?" I asked Sydney

"Around 8 ." She told me

The boys are currently putting her room together. Me and Liam decided that we were gonna give Sydney our old bedroom that we had here when we were kids. It is like a kid paradise.

The boys pretty much just had to clean the room up a bit and then put all her stuff up.

"Are you hungry?" I asked her feeling bad I haven't asked yet.

"Yes." She said rubbing her stomach.

I walked into the kitchen her trailing behind.

"You want a sandwich?" I asked her

"Sure." She replied

"What do you want on it?" I asked her

"Peanut butter-jelly." She answered looking around the downstairs.

I made her sandwich and gave it to her. I watched her for a minute

"What time should I wake you up for school?" I asked her cluelessly

She just gave me a look like 'really? You are actually asking me that?' Which she got from her mother, obviously.

"So, six-thirty?" I asked her

"Yup." She replied

The loud footsteps that were descending from the steps caught my attention. All the stupid boys were running down the steps at the same time trying to get first. Are they really that stupid? This has already happened.

They all managed to get off the stops in one piece, thank the lord .

"Her room is ready." Harry said out of breath

"Ready for bed?" I asked her noticing she finished her sandwich.

"Sure." She replied

I walked her up the stairs to the room . She seemed excited. I tucked her into bed.

"I'm right across the hall if you need anything." I told her

"Night." I told her kissing her forehead and walking out.

I stuck my head down the stairs.

"GUYS I AM GOING TO BED!" I yelled waiting for their response.

I heard a few mumbled answers of "good night" and "ok"

I smirked to myself and went to my bedroom. I crawled into a bed thinking about everything.

I sighed and wiped my eyes

Over the past few months my life has changed.

I met One Direction. I found my stupid brother that I love. I got to come home. I have Sydney.

To say that I'm pretty happy right now would be an understatement. I'm much more than happy. I'm like joyful.

I felt myself drifting off into sleep.


"Auntie Lea!" Sydney said trying to shake me awake.

"Whaaaa? " I asked wiping the sleep from my eyes to get a better look at her. I turned my lamp on.

"I can't sleep." Sydney whined. Sydney was wearing her nightgown and had a death grip on her bunny stuffed animal.

"Um... wanna sleep with me?" I asked not really knowing how to be comforting

Without saying another word she crawled to the other side of my bed causing me to scoot over. I checked my phone and noticed that it was only 10:00 at night, the alarm I set for six-thirty was still set and my phones I turned the lamp off remembering how I met Janet.

//Flashback //

What a waste of time is this? They want us to nap when we could be playing or coloring? These people are stupid, like seriously I'm not tired. These people force me to lay on this uncomfortable mat and try to sleep when I could be playing, not cool.

"Hey, you." I heard someone whisper to me

I sat up looking around the room for the person.

"Sit down Leanna." The teacher told me. What's her problem? Why can't I sit up?

I listened to her anyway because I'm supposed too, even though this woman talks to me like I was some stupid little idiot.

"Pssss!" The person whispered again

"What?" I asked in my normal voice

"Leanna , be quiet!" The teacher yelled at me.

This woman needs help, I now can't talk?

"Psss, Leanna." The voice whispered again. How is this person not being yelled at?

"WHAT." I yelled getting annoyed with this person.

"Leanna outside now." The teacher yelled pointing her man fingers towards the door.

"Fine." I mumbled getting up and walking out the door of the classroom.

After a few minutes another girl walked out of the room and waved at me.

"Hi." She said sitting next to me. This is the voice!

"Hi." I replied to her narrowing my eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked her looking at her pigtails.

"My name is Janet." She said smiling

"Well, you already know my name, how?" I asked this Janet girl.

"I met your brother today and he was talking about you , he said you were in my class." The girl said. When did she meet Liam? Probably when that idiot deserted me.

"You met Liam?" I asked her to make sure she was talking bout my brother.

"Yeah, he said that we should all be friends, I was gonna ask if I could lay next to you so we could talk in there , but you got kicked out." She said happily. Why is she happy that I got kicked out?

"He did, did he?" I asked the girl imagining killing Liam the IDOIT in my head.

"Yeah, we should hang out more Leanna, but I gotta go I told the teacher I had to go potty. " she said waving at me, then she walked back into the room.

I guess I'll give this girl a chance .

//flashback over///

Turns out me and that girl had lots in common and loved getting in trouble together, being best friends and all.

Sydney is just like her mother. Guess they don't kid when they say like mother, like daughter.


Yeah! Another chapter! Hope you enjoyed it!

I LOVE you all!<3

If you could please:



And most important...


Much love <3 <3!!!


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