We bought a diner

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We walked through the front door, apparently a little too happy.

"What's going on?" Niall asked from the living room

"We bought a diner."Liam told him

"BOYS GET IN LIVING ROOM RIGHT NOW!" I yelled walking closer to the stairs

Harry immediately came down and rushed to my side

"What's wrong?" He asked frantically and held onto my wrist

"Nothing's wrong." I said getting my wrist out of his grasp

"What are they doing?" I asked

"Zayn's sleeping and I didn't tell you, but Louis is looking through an old box and found this tape and is trying to watch it." Harry told me.

Oh, shit.

I started running up the stairs. Hopefully Louis hasn't watched it yet.

I ran up the steps and into the old playroom where the box was.

Louis was watching, it just got to the part where I come in.


"Let go of ME." I screamed hitting him

"LIAM, LIAM HELP ME, LIAM." I Screamed tears coming out of my eyes.

"LIAM." I yelled

"Shut up, Leanna." He demanded grabbing a gun.

"Liam, little Leanna here, may need your help." He said bitterly pointing the gun to my head.

I couldn't do anything about it, considering I was tied up on a chair. I do not wish this fate on my brother, I must save him. This bastard just has to be taping this.

"Shut the fuck up." I told him

"Liam don't listen, he's going to trick you." I said rushed

"Shut the fuck up." He demanded pressing the cold metal harder onto my skull.

"No, I don't have to listen to you, I would rather die then listen to trash like you."'I told him, thrashing around, trying to get the ropes off of me.

He clicked the gun, ready to shoot me.

"Your going to die with a mouth like that." He told me laughing.

"So, you better shut up." He demanded.

"Liam will be here any minute, he can hear everything, he's just in the other room." He told me evilly

"Actually, send him in." He demanded one of the men.

We are in a nasty abandoned warehouse, this won't turn out good, or so I thought.

Liam came rushing in the room and hugged me.

"Awe, sibling moment." He said breaking Liam from his train of thought.

"Shut up Danny, what do you want?" Liam asked

"I want peace, but I'm not a peaceful person." Danny said picking the gun up, not thinking that Liam might have one.

"Yea, your an ass." Liam said


Danny shot Liam in the side.

"WHAT THE HELL DANNY!" I yelled trashing out of my ropes

I got on the floor by Liam, who was clutching his side, where he was shot.

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