The tapes

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Leanna's POV

I am in a state of pure anger and sadness. The breakdown is about to happen...

I grabbed the tape out of the VCR and marched down the steps .

"Where are you going?" Harry asked me from the living room, I ignored him. He stupidly followed after me.

"Where are you going?" He asked grabbing my arm and spinning me around to face him.

"Why do you care, Harry?" I asked ripping me arm out of his grasp

"I don't." He told me

"Then, why are you asking me, where I'm going to?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Um.. I- that doesn't matter, where are you going?" He asked again

"See ya later." I said , Turning around and walking away

I opened the front door, grabbing my leather jacket from the table by the front door along with the jeep keys.

Marching outside, I stupidly stumbled over air, only to be caught by Harry.

"What are you doing?" I asked him

"Coming with you?" He told me chuckling

"No." I fought

"Yes." He fought





"NO, PISS OFF HARRY!" I yelled, pushing him onto the ground and running to the car.

"Ha, I win." I said to myself

"Ha, no you don't." Harry said, sitting in the passenger seat with his seat belt buckled.

"Ughhhh! Really?" I yelled frustrated

"Yep, looks like you my dear, are stuck with me." Harry replied, grinning

"Don't call me , dear." I demanded

"Oh, what are you gonna do, dear?" Harry asked, trying to piss me off.

"I'll punch you." I replied

"Oh, yeah? Take your best shot babe." Harry said, raising his arms up in the air.

I balled my fist up and raised it in the air , about to strike Harry in the arm, but earning a girly squeal from Harry.

"Haha, really?" I asked laughing

"What? You can throw a punch." Harry defended his manly self

"Mmhmm, you say that." I said trying not to smile

"So, when are we leaving?" Harry asked me

I had forgotten that we were in a car, and the fact that the car was still parked

"We should leave before, you know, Liam comes barging from the front door realizing that One of his best mates and his sister are missing?" Harry said pointing to the front door.

"Yea, we should." I said, putting the key in the ignition and pulling out of the driveway.

"You know, this town is really small." Harry said

"Shut up, this town is amazing." I said defending my town.

"Where are we going?" Harry asked

"My diner." I replied looking out the window


"How long?" Harry asked again

"We are on the road to it, gosh, do you ever shut up?" I asked

He gave no reply

We pulled up to the glorious place.

"This is your diner?" Harry asked, disgust heard in his voice.

"Yes, it is, I love it." I glared at him .

Getting out of the car by jumping wasn't the smartest idea.

"Fuccckkkk." I exclaimed landing on the ground feeling as though I broke my ankle

"C'mon!" Harry said grabbing my arm and pulling me into the diner

I lead Harry over to mine, Janet's, and Liam's booth and sat down.

"Is that you?" Harry asked pointing to the picture of me, Janet, and Liam.( talked about in the previous chapter)

"Yeah, and Liam." I told him.

"Whose the other girl?" Harry asked

"My other best friend." I told him (btw guys I remade two chapters in this book, chapters: "wait your my brother?" And "what's going on?")

"C'mon." I said going to the back to get gasoline with Harry hot on my trails.

When we heard it, the bell on the door , signaling someone was here.

"Stay here." I told Harry

"If I yell help, call Liam and tell him to come.." I told Harry.

I walked out to the front to see someone I hate...

(Please comment who you think it is!)


Sorry for the short chapter! Next One will be longer.






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