For the Love of Netty

By Minecraft_aka_Maddie

11.5K 401 298

When Netty, Stampy's sister, moved into his world, she has few friends, doesn't fit in, and is so shy it's ha... More



788 27 13
By Minecraft_aka_Maddie

Netty's POV

As the days went by, I got close with the other people in the world, like Amy and Rosie and Salem and Mousie, who all quickly became my best friends. Lee had even helped me build a house near there's, so I could not have to stay with Stampy anymore.

Also, I began to spend more and more time with Tomo Hawk, who was more like a brother to me now. We were super close, always laughing and hanging out together. He was funny, sweet, a gentlemen, a girl's dream guy. I could tell him anything, and he told me everything. I felt closer to Tomo Hawk then anyone else in the world (other than Stampy, Squid, and Lee, of course!)

The girls teased me about him constantly, and I ignored them when they claimed him and I were meant to be. I didn't feel that way about him, he didn't feel that way about me. And besides, I was quite happy with our friendship.

I was currently sitting on Amy's couch, Salem, Mousie, and Rosie all crammed up either next to me or in the floor, all of us with cups of tea in our hands. Amy soon returned with a platter of cookies, and sat them on the table. "Ok. Now, Netty, how are you and Tomo Hawk?" I rolled my eyes as I sipped my tea and the others giggled. "Same as it was a week ago. Still friends, nothing more." Rosie scoffed. "Please. You spend more time with him than us! Besides, I see the way you look at him."

"Like I usually do with people I am friends with?"

"No! Like you love him!"

I sipped my tea. "Tom and I are just friends. I promise. I don't even like him that way!" Mousie laughed. "You know, rumor has it that he likes you." I scoffed. "Yea, ok. Why would Tom like me anyways? He'd rather date Stampy then me." Rosie laughed. "Even if he felt that way about boys, he'd still like you. You're pretty, funny, smart, nice. Everything he wants." I sighed. "Even if we liked each other, what would or brothers say? I don't think they'd exactly approve of their siblings dating each other."

"Maybe. But they'd come around eventually once they got used to the idea. It'd be adorable, you'd be such a cute couple!" Amy squealed. I laughed, taking a cookie from the plate and taking a bite out of it. "I don't see it. I'm happy with our friendship." Salem sighed. "Fine. But at least think about it, ok? You'd be happy together." I gripped her hand. "I will."

So I did. As we all chatted about other things, I thought about Tom and I being together. It'd be nice, I'll admit, and he is really cute... Damn it, what am I saying?! I can't have a crush on my best friend... can I?

No! I couldn't like him! But I did, and it felt good discovering my true feelings for him. I decided not to tell the girls, as they'd flip out and tell him. I couldn't tell Lee or Stampy either, as they'd accidentally tell him. I couldn't tell Squid at all, because Tom was his brother and it'd be awkward.

Stupid crushes.


Tom's POV (Tom is Tomo Hawk, btw)




Her name invaded my mind, and wouldn't leave. Not that I minded, just I couldn't get her off the brain. I was in my bedroom, staring out the window, just thinking of her laugh and her voice and her face and just her in general.

I knew I would bust at some point, that I would explode and tell someone that I liked Netty. She was my dream girl, and I really liked her. A lot.

Suddenly, a knock on my door interrupted my thoughts. I stood up and walked to the door, opening it to reveal Squid. "Hey Tom. Can we talk a sec?" I nodded, letting my brother in and closing the door behind him. "What's up?" I sat on the bed, and he stood in front of me. "I've noticed something in the past few days."


"What?" I asked with a gulp, and he rubbed his head. "Well, you're spending a lot of time with Netty. I don't mind it, but I was wondering if there was a specific reason you spent so much time with her?" I shrugged. "She's like a sister to me, I'm gonna spend time with her." He nodded. "I feel the same about her mate. She's a lot like a sister, only she's by best friend's sister instead."

I laughed. "Yep." He chuckled. "I was just curious is all. Carry on with whatever you were doing." He turned around and walked out of my room, closing the door behind him. I sighed a breath of relief as I stared outside my window again. I frowned at my reflection. "Great Tomo Hawk. You're lovestruck, and you nearly were caught! What now?" My reflection smiled back at me, and I couldn't tell if I was smiling or if I was hallucinating.

I went with the second one.

"Easy. You keep it a secret, and get closer to the girl. She'll fall hard for you eventually, it'll just take time. It'll all work out, trust me." I frowned at the sneering reflection. "What do you know? You're me!" He laughed. "I know more than you think! Just do what I say, and the girl, will be yours." I walked away from the window and out of my room. I walked out of my house and through the short grass, picking up the pace as I got closer to where I was going.

I was making the first move. The move that could change everything. I got to Amy's house and knocked on the door, confidence filling my body. Luckily, it was Netty opening the door instead of the owner of the house. "Hey Tom! What's up?" I smiled. "Hey Netty. I was wondering you'd like to go out tonight? Maybe the Soggy Sandwich and a movie in the theater?" She smiled. "Tomo Hawk, are you asking me out on a date?" I laughed. "Yes, I am. And I'm hoping you'll agree to go with me."

She giggled, nodding. "Of course I'll go with you." I leaned my body against the frame of the door. "So, how about tonight, say... 8 o'clock?" "Sounds like a date. I'll be waiting at my house. See ya then." "I guess I will." With a chuckle, she shut the door, and I jumped up in delight.

She said yes!

She said yes!

She said yes...


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