How To Steal A Kiss | √ Compl...

By Sommy016

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A DASH OF FEISTY AND A BUCKET OF NERD Being the school bad boy doesn't mean that you get everything handed to... More

How it began
1. Beware The Nerd Witch
2. Endangered Balls
3. Howdy Partner
4. Enemy Territory
5. Dinner With The Devil
6. When The Crazy Come Knocking
7. Code Blue
8. Silver Is The Colour Of Hope
9. I Saw Silver Glow
Notice From Your Favorite Crazy Amateur Writer - Me!
10. I'm Not Crazy
11. Taking A Walk
12. Confronting The Witch
13. Moment
14. Girl Power
15. How To Party
16. Dangerous Woman
17. Lies, Lies And A Library
18. Sins Between Pages
19. Bullets Flew
20. Secrets Unveiled
21. Jingle Bleh!
22. Hurricane Ray
23. Do Svidanya Zion
24. Where I Go, She Follows.
25. In A Ridiculous Coat
26. Gone With The Van
27. Zion And Cara
28. Popcorn and Holograms.
29. Riley's POV
30. End Game
32. And Kiss
33. Let's Go Home.
How It Ended

31. Show 'Em How It's Done

87 9 1
By Sommy016

"Will you stop getting your nasty hair on me?!"

"It's not my fault your feet are too small for you to walk on your own,"

"Well control your hair!"

"You're just jealous cos I have awesome silky hair while you're bald,"

She bit my neck.

I just took it as a sign of victory over our little banter.

Cara navigated the hallways and turns while I was the mule who had to carry her around.

"If you knew all these, then why exactly did you need me to help in rescuing Riley?" I asked

"Duh? I didn't want to walk all the way," She answered, "Now do you remember what I told you?"

"Yeah yeah, tall scary guy with the sunken eyes is Viktor Ermak, Ashley is highly dangerous although not a match for Riley, we need a copy of all files on the Project Silver to report to the higher authorities and shut the facility down, also burning up every last thing down to a pebble so they'll have nothing to start over with." I recited, "But above all, save Riley and Svetlana,"

"Acceptable," Cara murmured.

A guard approached and I quickly hid in a random room. When I was sure he'd passed, I opened the door and peeped just to be sure....


I nearly jumped out of my skin while Cara snickered at the prank she pulled on me.

"Cut it out Cara, you're gonna get us caught!" I scolded

"Oh please, you squealed like a pig on a sugar high! Bwahahahaha!"

"Shut up and tell me where next to go."

"Fine, head down the corridor and take a right. Her holding cell should be the only thing in that entire wing,"

"How did you get all that?"

"She hacked into their database," Cara answered coolly.

A vague memory of the first day I talked to her resurfaced. She had told me she was hacking into the Russian military database and at first, I thought she'd been kidding.
This answers it, I think.

When I was down said corridor, I took my right only to come head on with about a dozen armed men standing guard in front of a single door. They all had their fingers on the trigger and looked like they wouldn't hesitate to shoot any unauthorized, unrecognized person.
I ducked swiftly before they could spot me, "What do we do now?!" I whispered at Cara.

"You tell me. You're the human,"

Not this again.

I rolled my eyes at the unhelpful chameleon, but in the process of rolling, I noticed something on the ceiling,


"Wesley, what are you talking about?"

I pointed to the ceiling and her gaze followed my hand, she snorted, "Yes, they're sprinklers, haven't you seen them before?"

"You know, for a proud robot who claims to be better than everything, you're pretty dumb," I told her, earning a snarl. Ignoring her, I explained, "Those sprinklers are triggered by smoke, we just have to find a way to trigger them s -"

"-so we'll just get wet and alert them to our presence while we're at it?" She interrupted

" -so we'll create enough water puddles to electrocute them with a very handy Thunder Lizard," I finished.

"Did you just call me a 'Thunder Lizard'?"

I frowned, "Is that the only thing you heard right now?"

"Fine. But how do we trigger the sprinklers?"

I smirked, "Leave that to me."

Five minutes later... (A/N: I just read this line in a French accent. Lmao Thanks Spongebob)

Well the sprinklers went off alright, we just didn't expect the alarm to go off too.

"Wesley! We don't have much time!"

For once I agreed with the Devil Lizard. She had just finished electrocuting all the stationed guards merely by standing in the same puddle as them.
I stepped over convulsing bodies and unmoving ones before picking up Cara and racing to the door.

"It needs a code!"

Cara blasted the keypad to smithereens with her tail and the door slid open, "Who needs a code when you've got a me,"

Note to self: get a chameleon.

I stepped into a small room with white walls, but the first thing that I noticed was the smell, then I really looked around. The floor was covered with silver bullet shells about hundreds of them. Then I saw Ashley lying on the floor looking discolored; her limbs were bent in an unnatural way... Then I noticed the huge gaping hole in her chest... Where her heart used to be.

I felt bile rise to my throat...

"W-Wesley?" A voice asked.

And the bile went down again.

I swiveled my head and my eyes landed on her, connecting to her special amber eyes. Her clothes were tattered and her lovely silver hair was a fuzzy mess, her signature glasses were missing and she was covered in dried blood.

What surprised me most, were the tears in her eyes.

"Riley, it's gonna be alright, I'm here to get you but we have to leave right now," I made my way towards her, she looked like she was about to give up.

"Ashley told me you were dead. I-I killed her in rage and, and Oh my god you're alive!" She jumped up and wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist.
I staggered back a bit from the impact and also from shock but soon got used to the weight. I hugged her back and breathed in her soothing scent of vanilla - she still had it. She was still silently crying against my neck.

"You're alive... You're really alive..."

"Shhh... Hey, it's alright, I'm alright. We need to get out of here okay?" I stroked her hair gently.

She kept sobbing and I looked to Cara for help. The chameleon just shrugged, "Don't ask me, I've never seen her like this,"

As much as I was really enjoying the show of affection from her - FINALLY!
Sadly, it was the wrong place and wrong time. I could hear the thundering of boots from the floor above us, no doubt soldiers coming to see what the commotion was about. So I did the only thing that could save us,

I smirked, "You know, I could get used to this position. But of course you can also thank me with.... Let's say.... A kiss?"

I got the expected reaction, she jumped off my body, shoved me away from her and narrowed her eyes at me, "Even at a time like this you can still be an ass,"

I hid my sad smile with another smirk and gave her a mock bow, "Why thank you milady," Then winked at her for good measure.

"Wesley, when we get out of here, I'll emasculate you!" She piped

Ah... There's my girl!

"As you wish milady,"

Nerd witch spotted Cara and nodded once, her face back to its usual emotionless state, then she reached for my ear and took out the device before lodging it in hers. Thereby stopping my communication with Cara.

"We need to get to the main office, it's on the highest floor. Then we'll get back to the theatre and take my Mom then get the hell out of here," She told us.

"Wait... You actually want me to, to come help?" I asked

"If you're scared you c -"

"No no no no, I just never thought you'd finally acknowledge the fact that I can be of help in your 'dangerous' missions," I told her honestly.

She ignored that and began heading out of the room, I followed suit with Cara on my shoulder.
But when we got out, about a dozen armed guards were pointing their weapons at us. Seems we weren't fast enough.

"Keep your hands where I can see 'em" One of the guards who was brave enough ordered as he stepped forward.

Nerd witch rolled her eyes, "That particular line is so cliched," Then she studied her left hands nails which were still caked in blood, "Now, be good little lap dogs and run along and I'll consider letting you live."

The guards hesitated but stood their ground.

Nerd witch shrugged,"Well if that's how you want it....Wesley try not to get shot will you?"

All eyes shifted to me and I glared back, making them shift back instantly.
Perks of hanging out with a Nerd witch!

Nerd witch began hopping lightly from one foot to the other like a professional boxer, she fisted her hands and shot forward, knocking out the guard who spoke with just one strike.

Then they made it rain bullets.

Now, because of it being just a fire alarm that went off, the guards in front of us brought ordinary guns with ordinary bullets instead of the silver ones which could actually hurt her.
Suffice it to say that the fight was a lost cause for them.

Nerd witch didn't even bother to use her super speed; she kept hopping from foot to foot and knocking grown men out with her delicate fists. Her movements were graceful as if she was dancing, and yet deadly because I could actually hear skulls being smashed from the impact.

In the end, the last guard standing - who also happened to be the biggest and strongest - tossed his gun aside and raised his fists.

Nerd witch raised an eyebrow...

I raised an eyebrow...

Cara snorted...

The man smiled deviously and produced a silver combat blade from behind him.


He took a swipe at her and she easily dodged it. Just one slight touch of the blade would cost her the fight.
But for some reason, she had a hunger in her eyes as they were fixed on the blade.

The man took another swipe and followed it up quickly with a stab, but she just as quickly dodged those.
Then when he stabbed again, her hands caught his forearm and she snapped it like a twig.

The man howled in pain as the combat blade clattered to the floor while he staggered back, nursing his broken arm.

Quick as lightning, Nerd witch picked the blade up by it's hilt - which was made of wood thankfully - and her eyes held that hungry look again as she admired the blade.

"Did you know," She said as she kept staring at the weapon in her hand, "that combat blades are my favorite weapons. I have a closet full of them."

The undeterred man took a jab at her with his uninjured arm, but she did something that I would never forget in my life....

...Mostly for the sake of my balls.

She dropped to her knees and slid between the man's parted legs, just as she was passing under, she raised the blade and sliced his balls.

The man screamed

Heck, even I screamed!

She actually did it. She actually emasculated someone. I shivered and clutched my balls protectively.

Blood spurted out from between the man's legs right after his balls fell through the rip in his pants and landed on the floor with a sickening SPLAT ,as he dropped to the floor shrieking in pain. Then Nerd witch snapped his neck.

"That one was a bother," Then she looked at me, "Shall we?"

I nodded meekly and followed her. I also made a mental note to seriously stop pissing her off. And an extra one to look for her closet later.

What??? I'm a curious Zion!!

* * *

I followed her through the surprisingly empty hallways. We made it to the office at the very top.

"No doubt there's a trap behind that door," She whispered to me.

I eyed the deserted building, "Really? A trap? However did you figure it out?" I said in a deadpan voice.

She narrowed her eyes at me and I reflexively clutched my babymaker and gulped. Then mouthed a 'sorry' to her.

"We need to copy out files from the main computer which is in that office, then there's a self destruct button that'll cause the whole building to.... You're smart enough to know what a self destruct button does," She explained.

"Why would anyone put a self destruct button in their place of work?" I asked.

"It's a failsafe. In case other nations come snooping into their illegal research and they aren't able to clear out all the evidence in time. No one would question a lab full of dangerous materials that just blew up. Besides, all the smart illegal businesspeople have their own self destruct buttons,"

I blinked rapidly.


"Not r -"

She kicked the door open. The room was dark as we entered, I thought I heard breathing...

Suddenly, a mechanical door shut the way out behind us and we turned sharply.
Then the lights began turning on one by one. We slowly did a 180° turn only to come face to face with about eighty men armed with the right silver guns this time, all pointed at us.

I felt Nerd witch stiffen beside me; even she knew she couldn't beat this.

"Zion? How could you betray me like this?" Zoe asked as she emerged from the wall of soldiers.

My jaw clenched at the sight of my sister on the bad side. The thought of what she was doing made me sick to my stomach. I refused to answer her but instead bored into her eyes with my own piercing glare.

"I'll forgive you if you join me, I'll save you from them. You're my baby brother, I'll make sure they don't hurt you, just leave the girl and take my hand," She stretched out her open palm.

I looked at Nerd witch only to find her looking at me with a face of hurt and defeat. Then I looked back at my sister and her beautiful green eyes I used to adore; Now they looked poisonous.


A slow clap began from behind the wall of soldiers as they parted to make way for a tall man with sunken eyes and white hair. He clapped once, twice, thrice and began chuckling,

"Family drama, how entertaining," He said in a dry voice and gave me a cruel smile, "How about this? Stand down and your sister lives,"

He grabbed an automatic from a nearby soldier,and in one swift motion, cocked it and pointed at Zoe's head.

"D..d..dr. Ermak Sir? W..w.we didn't d..discuss this,"Zoe stuttered.

"No we didn't," The man said icily, "Now boy, what's it gonna be? Sister dearest? Or lover fairest? You have one minute,"

A/N: *Whistles merrily*
Don't look at me like that, it's my book and I get to decide who lives and who dies.
Oh, how was the
emasculation scene?
I figured it was time for her to actually emasculate someone instead of always threatening to (but of course not Zion)
Anyways, there's two more chapters to go.

Who wants Zoe to live?

Who wants her to die?

Who loves combat blades too?

Your crazy amateur writer,

Edited: 2nd June 2020

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