𝐅𝐔𝐑𝐘 𝐎𝐑 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 // f...

By asteroidist

67.6K 1.2K 1.4K

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the original characters, storyline or concepts from this story! All credit go... More

cats outside clans
1 | lost and found
2 | welcome to thunderclan
3 | well, what a great start
4 | too close
5 | leaving so soon?
6 | so it's settled
8 | tigerstar's turn
9 | choices
10-1 | firestar
10-2 | tigerstar
10-3 | nobody
a/n | thank you

7 | back where we started

3.2K 63 69
By asteroidist

Sorry if the editing seems rushed, as I'm typing this I'm creating another story.

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Light filtered through the forest floor as the sun began to peek over the horizon. Dewdrops began to lightly fall off of leaves, leaving only a lovely tip sound once it hit the ground delicately. It was dawn, and you were making your way into ThunderClan camp, your pads beginning to dry.
"(Y/L/N)?" A desperate  voice echoed in the distance. You paused and whipped your head around, looking for the cat that had called your name.
"Tawnypaw?" You asked.
"(Y/L/N)! Where are you?" The voice called again.
"Tawnypaw! Tawnypaw, I'm here! Where are you?"
"(Y/L/N)! Please, come back!"
"I'm right here!" You answered, frantically spinning around in circles. "Tawnypaw!"
"(Y/L/N)!" Tawnypaw's cry carried itself away into the distance. You had noticed that the world around you had began to grow darker and narrower as you called out to your friend, as if you were being swept away by a tide of shadows. The effect disappeared, and you shook yourself.
I must have been seeing things, you thought. You blinked for a moment, then breathed, continuing on your way to ThunderClan camp.
It was now morning as you emerged through the gorse tunnel into ThunderClan camp. You gazed around, slightly flinching at the sunlight beaming off of the dens and highrock.
"(Y/L/N)!" Another familiar and friendly voice mewed. As your eyes adjusted, you looked forward to see a dark gray she-cat bounding towards you with a large pike clasped in her teeth.
"Hey, Cinderpelt!" You purred. The medicine cat pressed her head against your chest and gazed up.
"I'm so glad to have you back," she smiled, "I got you a pike from the fresh-kill pile, too."
"Aw, you didn't have to."
Cinderpelt rolled her eyes andgave you a friendly nudge. "C'mon. We can eat together in my den."
"Okay," you mewed. Cinderpelt grinned and padded to the medicine den on the other side of the clearing. She made her way through the entrance, and you soon followed. As you padded inside the medicine den, you saw that nothing but a few added herbs on the shelves had changed. The welcoming scent was warm but strong with sharp-scented medicines.
Cinderpelt sat on the mossbed with you and dropped the pike in front of you. "Would it be alright if we shared?" She asked. "I haven't really eaten much this morning."
"Of course," you purred.
"Thanks," Cinderpelt mewled, tearing off a chunk of the pike's belly and eating it cheerfully. You looked down at the meal and pushed your paw onto the pike's lower body, ripping its tail off with your front fangs. You scoffed it down hungrily, not knowing how hungry you must have gotten overnight.
"Cinderpelt?" A voice suddenly called from the medicine den entrance. "Can I come in?"
Cinderpelt gulped down the pike's flesh and looked towards the entrance. "Sure, Firestar." She answered before a handsome ginger tom strode into the den clearing. He stared forward with warm green eyes as if he were looking to a crowd. He gazed down at you and smiled heroically.
So tacky, you muttered.
"Morning, (Y/L/N)," he purred, sitting down beside you. He looked across at Cinderpelt, "your friend here has decided that she's staying in ThunderClan for the day. Hopefully more, we aren't sure yet."
"Oh, cool," Cinderpelt smiled, looking to you, "if you did stay longer, I know you'd really get to like it here! Trust me."
"Speaking of which," Firestar mewed, "(Y/L/N), mind if I take you out into the forest with me?"
"I suppose I need some ventilation," you teased, "alright."
Firestar smiled as he stood with you and led you out of the camp. The forest seemed quiet, until a loud rumble in the ground and a distant roar echoed from afar. You jumped back in fright and hid behind Firestar.

Firestar laughed. "Don't worry. We're close to the thunderpath, that was just a monster passing by. Honestly, I used to be as scared as you were of those creatures when I was brought into the forest. StarClan knows how the monsters make those awful smells, though."
StarClan... you thought, gazing up at the wide blue sky. You had used the word before - 'for StarClan's sake', 'for the love of StarClan'. From conversations you had heard of the afterlife place, you wondered if StarClan was even real, and if Moss, Ginger and mother might have gone there. Or would death just be an endless sleep, leaving the rest of the world behind?
"I believe in StarClan," Firestar mewed, as if reading your thoughts, "they say you can only go there if you truly believe. Those who believe but disrespect it are sent to the Dark Forest, a place of evilness and hunger where only the most pure of empty and hatred hearts go. If you believe in StarClan, maybe we would end up there together one day."
"Yeah," you smiled, "maybe we will."
Firestar smiled back at you. "Come. I know a place we can go."
You nodded. Firestar then began to lead you deeper into the lush forest, until you ended up in a clearing with an old oak tree in the center. It was slender, and it's long and thick branches were perched low. Leaves and fronds skirted the top, providing a blanket of shelter.
"I only recently found this place," Firestar mewed. He bounded forward and crouched below the oak tree before leaping up onto one of its highest branches. "Come and join me up here. If you need assistance, I can help you."
You looked at Firestar with stern (Y/E/C) eyes, then gazed across at a widened part in the branch he was perched on. You paced up to the tree, rocking your haunches from side to side slowly. You knew how to do this. Back in the twoleg streets, you would be forced to jump over gates and twoleg equipment regularly. You unsheathed your claws for a good grip on the branch, them took off with your hind legs. Your front claws drove into the oak wood, and soon, you attached your hind claws to the branch. Scrambling your paws, you were able to adjust yourself steadily beside Firestar, sitting on the branch space beside him. Not a single piece of bark clung to your fur as you lay down. Seamless.
"This is really comfy," you purred.
"I know," Firestar agreed, "no sun can get through the leaves, and these fronds are so long that other cats won't be able to see us up here."
"So what do we do now then?"
"Rest. If you're Tigerstar's at the end of all of this, at least you'll remember this moment we shared - and me."
You smiled warmly. "I guess we'll just have to wait and see."

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"(Y/L/N), wake up." A voice calmly whispered to you. You fluttered your eyes open, and gazed around to see you were still on the branch of the old oak tree. You must have fallen asleep. Looking up, you could see the moon peeking through the oak leaves. It was night already?
"Look," Firestar nudged you, pointing his nose upwards.
"It's the night sky," you mewed. "What's so special about that?"
"It's not just the night sky. Do you see those small white dots?"
"They're stars..."
"No. Together, they are Silverpelt. All of StarClan watching over us each night. Every single star resembles a lost cat of all the clans. They see us right now."
Your eyes widened, staring up at Silverpelt in bewilderment. "Will we be them once we've passed away?"
"We could be. We won't leave our friends and loved ones behind. We'll still be protecting and watching over them. Even if I have to die before you, I'll always be guiding you afterwards. Just remember to look up every night. I'll always be there shining for you."
You smiled, half flattered, but half cringing at his cheesiness. "Thank you."
"You should get back sleep now," Firestar mewed, rasping his tongue over your ear, "you'll be travelling to TigerClan at dawn. Good night, (Y/L/N)."

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Last updated 07/08/2021

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