Paranoia // Third Book To The...

By DeathInspiresMe_

232K 5K 6.6K

After Archie got arrested the town of Riverdale went to shit. Pasts are dug up. Relationships tore apart. And... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Ask The Characters!
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 1

15.9K 256 315
By DeathInspiresMe_

"Archie Andrews, you're under arrest for the murder of Shadow Lake resident, Cassidy Bullick," Minetta says.

"What?" Archie asks, "- I didn't kill him."

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney-" Minetta says as they lead Archie out the doors. I look across my friends all in confusion.


The summer before junior year was a mess. For me it was spent either at Pops working, at the courthouse for Archie's trial, or with the serpents trying to build back up the empire we once had. It was the most stressed I've been in a while. Yet the only thing keeping me together was Jughead. Him and I together helped power through the hardships of this summer. The Serpent King and Queen together fighting against a false murder accusation and an organization trying to send them to an early grave.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, the evidence and testimony that was presented in this court tell a dark story," The opposing attorney says as she walks the room, "that Archie Andrew has a history of violent behavior. That he started not one but two masked vigilante groups. That he assaulted an innocent boy who was helpless with two broke legs."

"Innocent my ass," I hiss under my breath as Jug pulls my hand into his. "Nick St Clair is about as innocent as Hiram Lodge is."

"That he went on a 'wilding' in the Southside of town and threatened to shoot a young man in the face," She says referring to threatening Sweet Pea. The urge to blurt out my comments bubbling inside, causing a ridiculous amount of restraint. "That while partying with his friends in the town of shadow lake Mr. Andrews ran into the woods and shot the victim, Cassidy Bullock point blank in the head... Now Mr. Andrews claims that it was his girlfriends fathers doorman who shot Mr. Bullock. A shot Mr. Andrew seems to have heard, but not seen. Who knows the truth of what happened that terrible night in the woods near shadow lake? I'll tell you who." She turns and points to Archie as Jughead and I fan ourselves faster. "That man knows. Archie Andrews may be a varsity athlete and he may be a sensitive musician. But he is also... a cold blooded killer." As she returns to his seat I scoff loudly. Causing glares to poor into me. I was one of the few people who not only testified on behalf of his character and what I remember from that night. But my testimony of what happened was wiped from the board on behalf of me drinking that night.

Molly gets up from the seat beside Archie. She and Sierra Mccoy were representing Archie in the trial. Which meant she was living with Fred, Archie, and I.

"Ladies and gentlemen," she says now facing the jury, "we know, for a fact, that Archie Andrews constantly puts the needs of others ahead of his own. We know he helped to solve the murder of Jason Blossom. We know that he offered both friends and enemies shelter when they had nowhere else to stay. We know that he punched through a river of ice to save the life of his classmate Cheryl Blossom." She looks around and sighs. "Let me remind you that there were no witnesses to the actual killing.
There was no murder weapon. There was no motive. At the end of the day, all the prosecution has is cloudy testimony from unreliable people. Now, it is my solemn duty as a mother to protect my son. But as an attorney, it's my duty to adhere to the facts, to the evidence. There is nothing here that proves that Archie Andrews is anything less than an innocent boy. Thank you." As she moves to sit down beside her son she shoots me a glare. After everything she still hated me. She started to soften up on me when I agreed to testify for Archie. But the moment I was discredited she went for my head.

"Thanks, Mom," Archie says to her and she smiles slightly at him.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, the charge is first-degree murder," The Judge says as he pounds the gravel against the table, "You may retire to begin your deliberations."

"All rise," The bailiff says. All of us stand as the jury and the judge exits. Jug leads me outside with the rest of the moving crowd. As we get outside I slump against the wall.

"This is crazy," I say softly, "I haven't been to a trial like this since my dads, It's rough. I can't imagine how Archie is feeling." Jug pulls me into a hug and leans his forehead against mine.

"You doing okay?" He asks.

"Of course," I say to him as he pulls back. I nod softly as he looks at my cautiously. As Fred and Mary approach us I tilt my head at them.

"You were great in there, Mary," Fred says.

"Thank you, Fred," Mary says to him as she glared at me, "It's only the most important case of our lives. And one of our key witnesses flopped."

"I already said I was sorry," I say to her, "I feel awful about it."

"It's not really her fault Mary," Fred says, "no one on our side asked if any of them were drinking."


"You were amazing, Mrs. Andrews," Betty says, "Really."

"Betty, your help over the summer was a godsend," Mary says to her, "I'm glad you were there to help unlike others." I roll my eyes at the comment.

"Have you guys seen Archie?" Veronica asks rushing towards us.

"No," Jughead says sensing the tension between Mary and I, "But we will help you look. Right Y/n?"

"Anything for Archie," I say looking to Veronica. "Come on." All of us search around the courthouse until finally we see the bright red ball of hair.

"Archie? There you are," Veronica says as we reach him on the stair case.

"How are you holding up, Bud?" Jug asks as Veronica sits down beside Archie with Betty. While Jug and I stand before him.

"Yeah good, Jug," Archie says.

"What were you thinking about just now?" Veronica asks him smiling slightly, "How you're going to walk out of this courthouse a free man?" I bit my tongue from questioning her confidence in the jury to set him free.

"No, I..." He starts, "There was this place.
We've never been before, Ronnie, but Betty, Y/n and Jug, do you guys remember Sweetwater Swimming Hole? How we went there every summer?"

"- I was just thinking about that place earlier," Jug says.

"Yeah, me too," Betty says.

"I loved that place," I say smiling slightly.

"What made us stop going?" Archie asks smiling softly.

"Uh, probably when we got covered in leeches," Jug says and I shudder at the memory.

"God that was fucking awful," I say, "our parents were furious."

"Was that us or was that a movie?" Betty asks having no memory of the event.

"- That was definitely us," Archie says chuckling.

"- That was us," Jug says and I roll up my sleeve.

"Yeah cause I got a scare on my arm from it," I say showing her.

"Oh," She says.

"Yeah," I laugh pulling my sleeve back down, "I literally can't forget."

"I'd like to go," Veronica says, "Hopefully you can take me, Archie?"

"Hopefully," He says solemnly. Not really to hopeful for his chances to be able to have anymore time with us.

"Guys, it's time," Kevin announces as he joins us. "The Judge just asked us back into the courtroom." I hug Archie quickly fearing for the jury's decision. Jug takes my hand as the four of us lead Archie back into the court room. As we all take our places the judge renters.

"The jury is still deliberating," he says once we've all sat down, "but I've dismissed them.
They're sequestered and I've instructed them not to read anything about this case, nor to discuss it with anyone.We'll reconvene Tuesday morning after Labor Day." He looks directly to Archie and softens his look. "My advice to you, young man, is to spend this weekend with your family and your loved ones...That's all." He releases us and we all walk together with Archie out of the courtroom. Jug and I walk ahead of him as Veronica and Mary talk strategy.

"Hey Archie," I hear Hiram say behind me and I stop dead in my tracks. We look back to see him smirking slightly. "Have a terrific weekend." Fred and I both snap out of the formation and he hits him first. Knocking him back.

"Dad!" Fred yells.

"Guys guys guys!"

"Fred no!" Mary yells. As they succeeded in pulling Fred back off of Hiram I run forward and sock the older man in the mouth. As he pulls back I see blood rushing from his nose. Jug pulls me back from Hiram as I flip him off.


"I hope you're fucking happily with yourself Hiram," I scream at him as they drag as away, "fucking asshole!" As Jug pulls me along with the others my anger radiates off of me. I want the fucking man dead. The next murder trial in this town would be for me ripping him to shreds.


The booth at Pops seemed so unfamiliar to me. From all of the running around and working I never had time to actually sit down with the others. Anytime I wasn't with the serpents or at the trial, I was working for as long as the town would let me. "If only we could find the gun that Andre used to kill Cassidy," Betty says as Jughead sits down beside Archie and I with our milkshakes.

"I've torn the Pembrooke apart," Veronica says, "After the riots, my father wiped any and all traces of Andre."

"He wouldn't have brought it back from Shadow Lake," Jug says.

"So that's probably where he ditched it," Jug says as I pull my milkshake towards me sipping the vanilla shake.

"So, what? We go back to Shadow Woods?"

"We've looked," Betty says.

"Well, let's look again with metal detectors this time," Jug says.

"It's no use we can't present new evidence," I say to them.

"But If we get Andre's gun, we can plant it on- ," Veronica starts.

"I don't wanna do that," Archie says, "I don't want to spend what could be my last weekend looking for evidence that isn't there, planting it who knows where."

"Archie, we have three extra days to prove that you're innocent," Betty says and he covers his face.

"This isn't about us right now," I say to him, "McCoy and Mary will work out what to do. But I agree with the judge. Archie should relax. We don't know what will happen-"

"Y/n!" Betty says attempting to shut me up.

"No no listen," I say to her, "we don't know what should happen. So he should spend this weekend having fun."

"What would you have us do, Archie?" Veronica says.

"What the judge said," Archie says to all of us, "After the worst summer ever, I want us to have a great, normal Labor Day weekend.
Can we do that?"

"If that's what you really want, Archiekins," Veronica says to him.

"It is, Ronnie," Archie says.

"So, what should we do?" Jug asks as the bell rings signaling the door opening. I look up to the door to see Cheryl walking in with her bright red Serpent Jacket. She had her jacket but not much else. A red bra and then a pair of tiny high waisted shorts. She looked hot and cheerful. Completely clashing with the current mood of the table.

"Greetings, chums," She says to us. I smile.

"Hello Cheryl," I say to her as she looks over the table and smiles.

"I wanted to let you know that after the three amazing months I just had with Toni riding our motorcycles cross-country," She says, "we're celebrating with an epic End-of-Summer pool party at Thornhill. And you're all invited." I look to the others and nod appreciatively. I swipe the wipe cream off of Jug's shake with his focus on Cheryl.

"Hey!" He whispers as he looks to me smirks at him.

"Of course," Cheryl says reclaiming the attention, "given the fact that Archie will most likely be walking the green mile while the rest of us are walking the stage at graduation, I understand if you're not up for it...." all of our eyes go wide at the statement. "Invite whoever you want, but give them fair warning. I'm in the mood for some hellraising.... Toodles."

"Bye Cheryl," I call as she marches off. I look to the others and smile. "Can we go to that?"

"Y/n!" Veronica exclaims.

"What it was just a question?!" I ask harshly crossing my arms over my chest, "I just wanna go."

"You wanna go to a pool party?" Archie asks in disbelief.

"Well yeah," I say to them, "cause now if anything happens my boyfriend will kick some ass." Jug rolls his eyes and the others chuckle. "Or maybe I'll just kick some ass."

"Jeez," Jug sighs as Archie rests his head in his palms.

"Everything will be alright," I say to Archie placing a hand on his back.

But would it?


"We know that Hiram Lodge has taken over the Southside," Jughead says as he, Sweet Pea, and I all march through the Serpent camp. All of us wearing worn short clothes to accompany the heat. My outfit consisting of dark blue overalls and white t-shirt. "cause he's been colluding with the Ghoulies. And I need to know what he's up to exactly....All rights Fangs, you're up.
I need you to find the Ghoulies' new lair.

"Or I could do it?" I offer to them. They share a look. "Come on send me on a field mission."

"No," Jughead says to me. Then looks to Fangs, "If you see them, I don't want you to engage with them. This is just a recon mission, and we can't be risking another gang war. I just need a confirmation of whatever Hiram's up to, it has nothing to do with the Serpents or Riverdale High."

"Will do," Fangs says as he pats Jugs back. "You got it."

"Hey, boy, come have a look," FP says waving us over to him and Archie. "Might be my best one yet." We walk over to see the snake tattoo on his arm now. I smile looking at it.

"Wicked," I say to him as I show mine, "might be better than mine."

"Well, how does it feel to be an honorary Serpent?" Jug asks him.

"Feels pretty savage, Jug," Archie says.

"Archie, the first thing I learned at Southside High was that you need to roll with a crew to survive," Jug tells him, "There are gonna be Serpents in juvenile detention. Find 'em.
Sit with them. That tattoo is gonna get you in.
But it's also gonna get you protected."

"Yeah, Jughead's right," FP says, "Up to a point. That Serpent ink will help keep your body safe but you still gotta worry about protecting this, eh?" FP points to his head. "I speak from experience, all right? Your mind is the first thing that goes when you're locked up.
If you can keep your head on straight, you can get through anything. You just You gotta keep your wits about you, Red."

"Hopefully you won't need this information," I say ruffling Archie's hair. Jughead wraps his arms around me and smirks.

"You want have her ready to protect her boys," Jug laughs.

"You are bold to assume I won't break into the jail to kick some ass for Archie," I say chuckling, "that'll be right after I kick your ass for not letting me do any work with the serpents then being a glorified house wife."

"Hey," He says, "we need you. You're our queen."

"Bite me," I huff looking at him, "it means nothing if I can't do anything past pitching tents and helping out around here."

"Y/n," FP says, "is right actually. She's stronger than you give her credit for."

"Thank you!" I exclaim.

"Yeah that punch to Hiram was pretty great," Archie says joining my side. I smirk proudly.

"Ha," I say to Jug as he rolls his eyes, "I hope I broke Hiram's nose."

"How hard did you hit Hiram?" FP asks. I look at him proudly.

"As hard as I hit Reggie at Jughead's 7th birthday party," I say happily. FP nods seeming impressed.

"Damn," He says and looks to Jughead, "she's quite the loose canon."

"I know."

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