Akatsuki Orphan

Door mangareader90

242K 8.5K 5.1K

Akimichi Tukiko was found in the forest a few miles outside of the Akatsuki's base. Konan and Pein decided to... Meer

Akatsuki Orphan
Chapter 1~ The Beginning
Chapter 2~ Age Six Part One
Chapter 3~Age Six Part Two
Chapter 4~ Age Seven Part One
Chapter 5~Age Seven Part Two
Chapter 6~ Age Eight part One
Chapter 7~Age Eight part Two
Chapter 8~ Age Ten
Chapter 9~ Age Eleven
Chapter 10~Age Twelve
Chapter 11~ Sasu-nii? Naru-nii? Is it really you?
Chapter 12~ Who's Kakashi?
Chapter 13~Shinako's on her period....someone save me
Chapter 14~ Sasuke-nii? You....love me?
Tukiko's Theme Song
Shinako's Theme Song
Chapter 15~ Deidara is a possessive boyfriend...
Chapter 16~ New members and The bell test
Chapter 17~Who's the Drunk Old Man?
Chapter 18~ Zabuza Momochi
Chapter 19~ Surprise Visits and Flirts
Chapter 20~ It's been a while.....aniki
Chapter 21~ I had a sister?
Chapter 22~ It ends here
Chapter 23~ Four Days Passed?
Chapter 24~ Gaara of the sand and secrets of the Akimichi clan
Chapter 25~ The true feelings of Akatsuki's kunoichis.
Chapter 27~ Chunnin Exams Part Two
Chapter 28~ Chunnin Exams Part Three
Chapter 29~A Change In Plans
Akatsuki Orphan Finale Preview (Not a Joke)
Sam and Manga Real Talk

Chapter 26~ Chunnin Exams Part One

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Door mangareader90

[Sam= Samanthauchiha]

[Lucy= LucilleElena]

[Kat= AkatsukiGirlDanna]

Me: So what are we doing today?

Sam: Nothing, why?

Me: No reason...I'm just bored I guess.

Lucy: Let's go to the Akatsuki base. We might be able to get a mission.

Kat: And candy.

Sam: Another person! Yes! We can start our own organization one day >:D

Lucy: You're too lazy, Pein would kill us, Itachi wouldn't join it.

Sam: Gosh dangit.....

Kat: Let's just go get candy....I mean go to the Akatsuki base.

Me: Sure....

Lucy: You really like candy, don't you Kat?

Kat: Candy is love, candy is life *^*

Sam: Preach!

Me: Oh gosh.....

*we arrive at the Akatsuki base after a very long discussion about candy*

Me: Where is everyone? *notices no one is here*

Kat: Maybe they're in the meeting room?

Sam: Yeah, let's go check there. Oh, but before we go there, can you go get me, Kat, and Lucy a cupcake Manga?

Me:.......you make dieting so freaking hard you know that? *grumbles while I go to kitchen*

Lucy: We'll meet you in the meeting room!!

Kat: I get why it's called a meeting room now xD

Me: *arrives in kitchen and gets cupcakes* Okay, now that I have the stupid cupcakes I can leave....*goes to meeting room* Hey! Hello?! Anyone here? Sam? Lucy? Kat? Great....*sets cupcakes on table and is about to leave*

Tobi: *pops up out of nowhere* SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me: Holy freaking crap!!!!! *falls down and holds hand over heart.*

Everyone else: Surprise!! *pops up out of nowhere*

Tobi: Was Tobi early again?

Pein: Yes Tobi, you were -:_:-

Sam: Bwahahahaha, oh my gosh, she fell on her a** xD

Itachi: Sam.....

Lucy: Lighten up Uchiha, it was pretty hilarious xD

Kat: *takes picture with camera* This memory will last forever.

Sasori: Happy Birthday Manga.

Deidara: You're sixteen now, right un?

Me: *recovered from Tobi's surprise attack* Y-yeah....that's all the surprises I get right?

Kat: Yeah.

Sam: I think....


Me: Oh my gosh, there's more? T^T

Konan: We have cake, ice-cream, and a pinata filled with candy in it.

Me: But-

Sam: Birthdays are the only excuse to not diet. Oh, and Thanksgiving, and Halloween, and all that junk.

Kat: Candy.

Lucy: Yes, we also have a s*** ton of candy.

Me: Well, thanks guys :)

Zetsu: It's no problem. You're two years away from having freedom sucked out of your life, congratulations.

Kisame: Happy Birthday shorty.

Me: Thanks I guess.

Sam: It's also an excuse to party.

Kat: Let's get to the piñata!

Lucy: Because it has candy in it?

Kat: No, because it's a piñata!!!

Sam: That is very true.

Konan: Birthday girl goes first. *hands me bat and blindfold*

Me: Thanks. *puts blindfold on and gets spun three times*

Sam: Go easy on it! There's a lot of people who want to use it!

Me: Okay! *hits something and takes blindfold off*

Sam:......*snickering slightly*


Kat: *trying to contain laughter*


Everyone else:......

Me: Lucy.....why is Sasuke here?

Lucy: That was supposed to be a surprise....*shrugs and nervously smiles*

Sasuke: *getting up from the floor*

Me: I am so sorry.

Konan: *videocamera in hand* This is not what I had planned.

Sasuke: That's your present from me. You only got that one hit, you don't get another one.

Me: You mean you planned to do that?

Sasuke: *shrugs* You weren't going to do it on your own, you're too big a wuss.

Me: Thank you Sasuke, that is definitely what I want to be called on my birthday -_-

Kat: While we try to break the piñata and devour the cake, enjoy this story!

Sam: Manga! We made the cake chocolate flavored!

Me: *runs over to cake*


*Shinako pov*

"Tukiko! That was irresponsible of you!" I smacked her upside the head and she rubbed the spot where I had hit her.

"Sorry Shinako-nee....I was just really sad and I didn't want to upset anyone anymore, so I spent the night with Naruto-nii," Tukiko muttered.

"You're not allowed to spend the night with boys. I don't care if they're in relation to you or not, you are f***ing thirteen Tukiko, not eight," I scolded. Tukiko nodded, but I could tell she didn't care.

"I got to get ready. I hope I don't disturb you anymore," Tukiko muttered, shoving past me to go to the bathroom. I sighed and sat down on the kitchen stool.

"She's getting so f***ing stubborn anymore that it's hard to talk to her," I sighed.

"She's a teenager. That stuff happens," Hakai shrugged, sitting down with a cup of milk in her hands.

"Tukiko-sa......Tukiko is just upset at herself for what she did and she just wants to be alone. She told me that Deidara had broken up with her yesterday and she's blaming herself for what she's feeling," Elena explained.

"I didn't even know that Deidara had broken up with her. D***it!! She doesn't tell me anything anymore!" I yelled, slamming my fist onto the table and cracking it a little, making Hakai's milk spill.

"I know they say don't cry over spilled milk, but I was the one who bought it last time," Hakai hissed, getting a paper towel to clean it up.

"Gomen....I just....I feel like she's not telling me everything. I mean, I know that it was Tukiko's fault actually, she cheated on Deidara, it's just I feel like there's more to the story," I explained, shrugging. Elena nodded.

"Agreed, that isn't a good thing to do when dating someone," Elena agreed and Hakai slammed her hand onto the table, the milk already spilt to where nothing came out.

"It was just a kiss. You two are acting as if she slept with him. You know, she's battling with herself and she's not letting us help her, why? Because she knew you two would act like this! She didn't want you two to be mad at her, so she tried not to tell you anything, especially you Shinako. Someone who is as close to Tukiko as you are should know that she feels pretty s***ty right now, and you shouldn't be using this time to see how she was the one who f***ed up. You should be using this time to help her forgive herself. It doesn't matter what you guys think anyways, you two don't have to face this, Tukiko does. So grow the f*** up and shut the h*** up already," Hakai threw her paper towel away and started to go to the door, but Elena stopped her.

"Where are you going?" Elena asked.

"Away from two judgmental b****es. Hopefully when I get back, they won't be b****es anymore," Hakai answered coldly, slamming her door on the way out. It was silent for five minutes before Elena sighed.

"I should go apologize, I forgot that this subject was touchy to Hakai. Plus, she has a valid point. If we were in Tukiko's situation, we don't know what we would have done," Elena stood up and dumped her water down the sink.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Hakai probably forgot that we have the chunnin exams today. When she gets worked up she usually tries to get lost, and we can't afford that right now," Elena shrugged and grabbed a a bag and her cat before leaving with a wave. She shut the door quietly behind her.

"Maybe I really am being to hard on her," I whispered.

"Hey. I'm taking the chunnin exams, so I won't be back for a while. Listen, I'm really sorry for everything that's happened. I didn't mean for it to affect you guys too, so yeah," Tukiko looked anywhere but at me and I felt even guiltier.

"It's fine. I shouldn't be too hard on you. I want to say everything's fine, but we both know it isn't...I will always support you though Tukiko, because you and I know more about each other than anyone else knows about us, and we always will," I smiled and she returned it, looking at me.

"Thanks nee-chan. I've got to go though, so I can't be long, gomensai," Tukiko ran over and hugged me, I could see that she had Daisuke on her shoulder. She was bringing him as backup apparently.

"Don't show off too much. Remember, they suspect you of being genin material, so act one level up only, don't show them your full potential. Not yet," I whispered.

"That will be easy. my full potential is not yet reached. I won't do anything too showoffish, but I'm not going to go easy and weak on people," Tukiko whispered back. We both stopped hugging.

"Well then, bye I guess," I smiled and she nodded.

"I'll see you soon. Take care of yourself! Oh, and go on some missions. I don't know how long this exam takes, so just pick a mission that takes long if you would like," Tukiko suggested, waving and rushing out of the apartment quickly. I sighed. Great, I'm by myself again.

"Caw!" Masato cawed from the living room and I smiled. At least I had Masato. I went into my room and packed some clothes and other necessitates before heading back into the living room.

"Come on Masato, we're going on a mission," I spoke gently, opening his cage and he flew out landing on my shoulder. I sighed and stepped outside, shutting and locking the apartment door.

Well, I guess I'm going on another mission.


*Elena pov*

"Hakai! Wait up!" I yelled to Hakai, she glanced behind and slowed down so that I could catch up to her.

"What Elena? I want to blow off steam," Hakai hissed.

"Woah, first off, do you even remember the reason we're here? And second off, you need to stop being so snappy," I glared at her and she returned it.

"The chunnin exams? Great. It's today, so f***ing what? I'll meet you there when I meet you there," Hakai responded coldly, beginning to pick up the pace.

"Hey! Stop it!! I know what I said back there was wrong okay? So you can stop being a b**** to me," I told her.

"Elena, you've never had to deal with this s*** before, so don't call me a b**** after acting like you did!" Hakai yelled at me. It was a good thing we were in the woods.

"I was hoping we would just be able to go to the chunnin exams and that would be it, but if you want to argue, then that's fine with me. You know the reason I've never had to deal with s*** like this before? It's because of you!" I yelled. Hakai snorted and scowled at me.

"What the f*** did I ever do?" Hakai asked, ice in her voice.

"I never f***ing dated or even talked to a boy before we joined the Akatsuki because you were always 'falling in love' with people. I didn't want to end up like you so I stayed away from them," I yelled.

"Don't say it like that! You never had to f***ing feel how I've felt before you little s***! It hurts, it's not my problem you were too scared to actually interact with people you big baby!" Hakai yelled at me.

"What's wrong? Did I hit a nerve or something? I wasn't scared! I was just being cautious! One of us had to," I countered.

"You're acting as if you're the grown up here. I was the one that found you Elena. It's not the other way around," Hakai snarled.

"You know what Hakai? I don't care. If I was such a burden to you then you would have just left me there, so why didn't you?" I asked, glaring at her.

"Maybe because for the first time, I thought I could have a friend who liked and understood me even with my worst traits. Worst f***ing mistake I've ever made," Hakai muttered the last part and I frowned. What the h*** was I even doing? I didn't come here to fight with the only person who tolerated me when time became rough. Even my parents deserted me, Hakai didn't.

"Wait. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say all those things. I'm just really mad is all," I sighed.

".....I guess I'm in the wrong here too. I guess that we aren't perfect huh?" Hakai smiled at me and I returned it.

"Who needs perfect? We're awesome because we don't give a f*** about s***ty fights like this," I responded. We both laughed and Hakai slung an arm around my shoulders.

"Okay, let's go beat the s*** out of some little kids and other teenagers who have no f***ing life if they're still genin at this stage," Hakai told me. I laughed.

"Sounds fun, Oreo's hiding in my backpack right now too, so we have a way of escape if we don't feel like fighting," I told her.

"I always want to fight. You know Elena, I think that you and I make a great team," Hakai told me.

"We make great sisters," I responded and she looked at me before grinning.

"Yeah, we do don't we? We act like b****es sometimes to each other, but we also understand each other a whole f***ing lot," Hakai agreed.

"You know what would suck?" I asked, changing the subject.

"If the first part of the chunnin exams was a written test?" she asked.

"Yep," I nodded, popping the 'p'.

"Haha, don't worry. They can't possibly be stupid enough to do something as boring as that," Hakai mentioned.

"I guess you're right. If you aren't right though, I get to set you and Itachi up on a date, deal?" I asked looking at her.

"Do you think there will be one?" Hakai narrowed her eyes at me and I shook my head.

"I doubt it. I just want to say that just in case. You really don't lose anything," I told her.

"Okay then, deal," Hakai told me.

"Great. Let's get out of here and go to the chunnin exams already, we might be late," I told her and she nodded.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually hope that the chunnin exams has a stupid writing portion.


*Tukiko pov*

"Hey Freak," Sakura nodded to me as she walked up to me.

"How are you feeling?" I asked. I know she was a little scared about doing the chunnin exams, she looked tired already.

"Fine. I have to do this, for myself," Sakura told me.

"Good. You're going to be a great ninja if you keep at it. Right now you aren't doing so great," I told her.

"What was that Freak?!" Sakura hissed at me and I laughed.

"Haha, sorry. Couldn't resist doing that though, you should see the look on your face," I laughed.

"Very funny Freak. What's the date today?" Sakura asked, yawning. Geez, she didn't even have enough energy to insult me back.

"It's Sunday September 30," I told her.

(A/N: I know the calendar for this year, the year before, and the year before were not like this, but this is easier for me since i have two characters birthdays in October [Elena and Naruto] so please go along with it :D)

"Huh. How long do you think this exam will take?" Sakura asked, a little worried.

"I don't know. Why?" I asked. I'm starting to think that Sakura is having second thoughts about this.

"No reason," Sakura shrugged. Liar.

"You'll do fine Pinky. Just don't be a fangirl okay? This is too important," I put all jokiness aside when I spoke to her, but she avoided my request.

"I wonder if Naruto and Sasuke-kun are already at the bridge," Sakura wondered aloud. I shrugged, frowning.

"Naruto-nii got up pretty early this morning because he was excited, so I'm going to guess that he's at the bridge. Considering that Sasuke always gets up early, I'm guessing that the only people missing are us," I told her.

"Hopefully they won't be mad," Sakura sighed.

"I doubt it. Sasuke is usually just annoyed and Naruto won't care as long as we show up," I smiled, trying to help her cheer up. I failed.

"Yeah, I guess," Sakura shrugged. I wonder if a joke would help her cheer up.

"Hey Pinky, what did one beach say to the other?" I asked.

"I don't know Freak," she responded.

"Nothing, they just waved," I responded, smiling.

"That joke wasn't funny," Sakura sighed.

"I'm shore it was," I snickered. Was I trying to help her or annoy her? I forget.

"Stop it Tukiko, that's annoying," Sakura's eye twitched and I frowned.

"Don't be such a beach," I told her. She rolled her eyes.

"You need help Freak," Sakura sighed, shaking her head.

"F*** you b****. I was just trying to help you stop being in a s***ty mood," I muttered to myself.

"I heard that. And I'm not in a bad mood, I'm just worried, I guess," Sakura told me. I widened my eyes.

"Seriously Pinky? You didn't even get at me for calling you a b****. Something is wrong," I pointed out.

"I don't know. My parents used to be ninjas but they retired for some reason. I don't even know why, every time I bring it up they just shrug and say that they have their own reasons," Sakura told me, frowning.

"Everyone is different. No one is the same, even in a family like the uchihas' and Hyugas'," I told her. She looked at me curiously and I sighed.

"I come from a clan where the adults are a**es that have no heart, the kids follow their path since they are shown no love, and where we steal what we want if it's not given to us," I told her. She looked shocked.

"Do your parents act like that?" she asked.

"They did. They're dead now though. You know that I killed my older brother, and apparently I had an older sister that was killed by two people from an enemy clan, although I have no grudge against them because they treat me like family. There are only so many of us left though. I want to find the others one day. To be honest, I want to kill the adults and save the kids," I smiled.

"Freak, you scare me sometimes," Sakura sighed.

"Good," I giggled.

"Hey Sakura-chan!! Tukiko-chan!!" Naruto waved at us, grinning widely and I waved back, returning the grin.

"Hn, you guys are late. We're supposed to meet Kakashi-sensei there, remember? We have no time to stall, so let's go already," Sasuke started walking ahead and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Fine Mr. I-Suck-The-Fun-Out-Of-Everything," I muttered under my breath, following behind him.

"What was that?" Sasuke turned to look at me and I smiled at him.

"I said Fine," I lied. He narrowed his eyes, but turned around anyways.

"You're lucky I like you," I heard him mutter. I would rather he didn't. It's very creepy and it makes me want to hurl.

"Aren't you guys excited?! This is going to be so awesome, dattebayo!" Naruto-nii pumped fist in the air and I smiled, closing my eyes a bit. Naruto-nii was really hyper and energetic, but that's what we needed right now.

"How do you even know you'll become a chunnin, dobe?" Sasuke asked, smirking at Naruto-nii. Naruto-nii glared at Sasuke.

"Shut up Sasuke! Unlike you, I am awesome at being a ninja," Naruto-nii told him.

"Er, Naruto-nii...Sasuke has trained more than you...and he takes it a little more seriously...and you just train what you want to train," I reminded him.

"Tukiko-chan, you're supposed to be on my side....plus I do too take being a ninja seriously! I'll show you Tukiko-chan, you just watch me!" Naruto-nii gave me a thumbs up and I rolled my eyes, smiling.

"I'll hold you to your word aniki," I joked.

"Hehe, huh, is this the place?" Naruto-nii asked when we approached a tall building.

"Yeah, this is it," Sakura whispered.

"Let's hurry up already," Sasuke spoke up.

"Good idea," I nodded and followed behind him and Naruto-nii. Sakura reluctantly followed behind me, almost as if she was having second thoughts. She better not be, if she even turned around I would beat her a** down and drag her to the chunnin exams. What? If positive influence doesn't work, then force will.

"Please just let us go in," A girl with buns on her head begged. A boy that looked like a younger version of Izumo kicked her back. A younger version of Kotetsu was right beside him. This wasn't the floor we needed, was it? D***mit.

"If you want to get past this door, then you'll have to make us move," Izumo spoke.

"We don't need to do that," Sasuke told them. Everyone turned around and stared at Sasuke.

"Huh?" Naruto-nii asked.

"This is obviously a genjutsu, it's easy to see. Right, Sakura?" Sasuke looked at Sakura and she looked confused before she caught on and nodded. Huh, good tactic Sasuke. Compliment her. Why didn't I think of that?

"Oh, yeah! This isn't the third floor, it's the first," Sakura said. Izumo and Kotetsu sighed and released the genjutsu.

"So you caught on? Who cares? You still have to beat us to get where you need to," Kotetsu said.

"Oh hi Tukiko! How're things holding up? Word has it that you killed your brother. Is that right?" Izumo greeted. Everyone turned their attention to med I fidgeted. Great, so now they think I'm a killer who has no heart.

"Hi Izumo, Kotetsu...things are great. And yeah, it's true. It took a lot of chakra to do it though, but the b****** is finally dead," I smiled nervously and everyone still stared at me.

"Ah, that's good," Izumo smiled.

"Focus!" Kotetsu hit Izumo upside the head and I tried not to smile.

"Ow. Oh, right. If you want to compete in the chunnin exams then you have to get past us," Izumo said.

"Fine with me," Sasuke ran towards Izumo and was about to kick him, Izumo was also getting ready to kick Sasuke when this kid in a green spandex suit stopped them.

"Stop! There is no need for fighting right now. We'll need to save our youthfulness for later," he spoke. This guy looks like a dork.

"Tch, whatever. We're needed elsewhere anyways," Kotetsu scowled and he and Izumo sun-shinned away.

"Well that was....something," Sakura murmured

"Yeah...." I agreed.

"Come on," Sasuke started to walk away when I noticed that the guy in green was staring at Sakura. I snickered and Sakura looked at me.

"What's up Freak?" she asked. I pointed to the guy in green.

"Seems that Saku-chan has a secret admirer," I told her, clasping my hands together and lifting my foot behind me (like what people do when they say they're in love. And when they're teasing someone about love...that pose.). Sakura looked mortified and I laughed.

"Come on idiot!" Sakura hit me upside the head and started to drag me behind her. Naruto-nii followed behind us and I saw this girl with buns in her hair stare at Sasuke with a blush on her cheeks. Of course. A guy with brown hair in a ponytail was looking at me in a condescending way, so I flipped him off, smiling. He widened his eyes and I snickered.

"Tukiko-chan, who are you flipping off?" Naruto-nii asked, scratching the back of his head. I smiled.

"Just some idiot who thinks that they're better than me apparently," I replied.

"Freak," Sakura sighed.

"I can't wait, dattebayo! This is gonna be awesome!" Naruto-nii cheered.

"Shut up dobe, you'll attract unwanted attention if you keep yapping like that," Sasuke sighed.

"Shut the h*** up Uchiha," Naruto-nii growled.

"You there!" we all turned our attention to the guy in green spandex.

"What do you want?" Sasuke sighed.

"I wanted to fight you! I also wanted to meet Konoha's beautiful cheery blossom," Lee blushed and looked at Sakura who looked as if someone just told her Sasuke was gay.

"Bwahahahahaha, holy f*** this s**** is hilarious," I started laughing and didn't even pay attention to whatever happened next. I will never let Sakura live this down.


*Hakai pov*

"You think that kid will be here soon?" I sighed. Elena shrugged.

"I don't know and it's your turn already, so are you holding or folding?" Elena asked.

"Holding," I told her. She smirked and laid her cards down.

"Straight flush," Elena smirked proudly and I rolled my eyes, showing her my cards.

"Royal flush," I told her. She twitched and I smiled, pulling all the poker chips to me.

"Let's play War," Elena suggested. I shrugged.

"Sure, it's been a while since I played that," I put the poker chips away in Elena's bag as she shuffled the cards and divided the stacks.

"Okay, so Jokers take everything, Aces take Kings and down, Kings take Queen and down, and if you and your opponent have the same card laid down then you have to lay three cards down and a fourth card n top of the, right?" Elena asked. I nodded.

"That's how I remembered playing it," I nodded.

"Okay," Elena laid down a seven of hearts and I laid down a two of clubs.

"Screw you Hakai," Elena glared at me and I raised an eyebrow.

"What's wrong? You won that one," I pointed out.

"Twos can't do s***," Elena replied.

"That is true, but they make your stack higher by a little," I laid down a queen of diamonds and Elena laid down a nine of diamonds.

"That's easy to say when you don't get the s***ty cards," Elena muttered, laying down a joker. I laid down an Ace of spades. F***.

"Look who's talking," I muttered.

"Holy s***!! I actually got a good card," Elena grinned and I rolled my eyes.

"Meow," Oreo popped his head out of the backpack and I looked at him.

"Yes Oreo, she really is beating me," I told him. Elena rolled her eyes and we continued playing the game. After five minutes I sighed.

"Well that was quick," Elena smiled.

"Let's go back to playing poker," I suggested.

"Nice try. Let's just compromise and play crazy eights," Elena suggested. I nodded and looked towards the door. D***. If Tukiko doesn't show up soon, then they won't be able to compete.

"Yeah, sure," I muttered. That brat and her team better get here quickly. If she made Elena and me do this on our own then I would haunt her nightmares.


*Tukiko pov*

"Never heard of you," I smiled.

"WHAT?! Kakashi has never mentioned of his greatest rival?" Gai asked. I shook my head.

"He doesn't talk about much, to be honest," I smiled.

"Hmm....we will meet again most youthful students of my rival!" Gai flashed us a smile before disappearing.

"We wasted too much time here, let's go," Sasuke told us.

"Sure, it's gotten boring here anyways," I sighed.

"Naruto! Come on baka!" Sakura yelled at Naruto and he got up and walked towards us.

"I swear I'll get better," Naruto-nii pouted and I pat him on the back.

"I believe you Naruto-nii, I believe you," I said.

"Farewell most youthful people! " Lee waved and was about to leave, but I stopped him, remembering Kisame's letter.

"Hey kid! Your taijutsu is amazing. You should show me how you do it sometime," I smiled and he grinned, giving me a thumbs up.

"Most definitely youthful Tukiko-san," Lee nodded and ran to go towards his team.

"Come on, we don't have much time left," Sasuke grabbed my ear and started to drag me.

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow, hey stop it!!!" I yelled at him.

"Haha," Naruto-nii laughed at me and I tried to glare at him, but the pain hurt to much.

"You deserve it for laughing at me Freak. It wasn't funny!" Sakura yelled.

"It was f***ing hilarious!! I ship it," I laughed.

"Not funny Freak!" Sakura hit me over the head, causing Sasuke to lose his grip and I fell to the floor.

".......ouch....." I groaned.

"Bwahahaha, I'll help you Tukiko-chan," Naruto-nii started laughing as he helped me up.

"Thanks Naruto-nii, at least someone is nice on our team," I glared at Sakura and Sasuke, but they didn't care.

"I was wondering when you would show up," Kakashi sighed.

"Now you know how it f***ing feels," I smiled.

"Right. What took you all so long anyways?" Kakashi asked.

"We ran into a few distractions. It didn't help that Sakura and Tukiko were late," Sasuke pointed to us and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, it's the girls fault," I scoffed.

"I'm actually glad Sakura decided to do this, I know that you were having second thoughts," Kakashi smiled at her and she nodded.

"It really wouldn't matter if I was here or not though," Sakura shrugged.

"That's not true Sakura. In order to compete in the chunnin exams, you must all enter," Kakashi informed.

"Really?" Naruto-nii asked.

"Really. Now get in there. You're going to be late," Kakashi nodded towards the doorway and we made our way into a bigger room with even more people. Great. At least they weren't staring at us.

"Sasuke-kun!" Ino ran towards Sasuke and hugged him. Sasuke looked tired and Sakura had flames in her eyes.

"Get off of Sasuke-kun pig!" Sakura yelled.

"Jealous Billboard Brow?" Ino stuck her tongue out at Sakura and I sighed. Great, a b**** fight.

"Geez Naruto. It's such a drag that you're here," Shikimaru sighed as he came up with Chouji-nii.

"Hi Shikimaru, hi Chouji-nii," I waved and they returned it.

"Sasuke hasn't given you anymore trouble, has he?" Shikimaru asked. I shook my head.

"No, not yet," I promised and he smiled.

"Good, taking care of you is troublesome," Shikimaru sighed and I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Hi Tukiko-chan, it's good to see you're happy," Chouji-nii smiled and I returned it.

"It feels good to be happy," I nodded. I then felt something jump on my head. I looked up to see a dog sniffing me.

"Geez Akamaru!" Kiba came up and took Akamaru off my head. I laughed.

"It's fine, he probably smells my wolves. I visited them yesterday night," I shrugged.

"You're the funny chick from the academy!" Kiba grinned at me and I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm the funny chick. And you're the puppy loving dude," I said. He laughed.

"I hope you remember me as well," Shino came up to us and I nodded.

"Of course, I always remember the quiet mysterious ones," I smiled.

"It's good to see that you have made it this far," Shino said. I nodded.

"The same can be said to you," I nodded.

"H-hi....I-I'm H-Hinata," a girl with purple hair and lavender eyes shyly introduced herself.

"You are so freaking kawaii....you shall be my little sister," I proclaimed. She blushed and Kiba laughed.

"Hinata's always this shy. She's really sweet too though, right Shino?" Kiba looked over to Shino who nodded.

"She'd also very skilled with her byakugan," Shino added.

"A byakugan user huh? Neat," I smiled at her and she blushed more.

"T-thank y-you," Hinata whispered.

"My name's Tukiko, don't be scared of me. I don't bite, my wolves do," I joked. She shyly smiled.

"MY NAME'S UZUMAKI NARUTO!!" I heard Naruto-nii shout. I sighed and looked over to see that everyone was now looking at us. I saw Hakai and Elena and they waved to me. I waved back and Hakai pointed to Naruto-nii and mouthed 'he's dead meat.'. I just nodded.

"You might want to keep it down kid," a guy with grey hair and glasses said. He was leaning against the wall. I don't know what it was, but I didn't trust something about him.

"Who are you?" Naruto-nii asked.

"Yakushi Kabuto," Kabuto introduced himself and I saw that he was holding cards.

"What are those?" I asked. He looked at me and for a split second I saw a grin come onto his face, but it was replaced with a small smile.

"These are my ninja cards I guess you could say. It shows the skill level, genjutsu level, taijutsu level, and ninjutsu level of any shinobi there is," Kabuto smiled.

"Show my Rock Lee and Gaara of the Sand," Sasuke told him. We all looked at him with our eyes widened and he just stared back.

"We need to know what they're capable of," Sasuke replied. I shrugged. He had one h*** of a point.

"Rock Lee," Kabuto showed us Rock Lee's card.

"He has incredible taijutsu," I observed.

"But what's up with his ninjutsu?" Naruto-nii asked.

"You'll eventually find out, trust me kid," Kabuto then brought out Gaara's card. His skills were above genin level.

"W-wow," Sakura stuttered.

"Yeah, wow's the right word," I nodded.

"Tukiko, it's good to see that you've finally made it," Elena walked up to us. I nodded

"What the f*** kid? It took you ages to get here, I was beginning to think I would have to find your a** and drag you here," Hakai laughed.

"We had distractions, gomen," I sighed.

"It's fine kid, hey follow me for a second though, okay?" Hakai asked. I shrugged and was about to leave, but Kabuto stopped me.

"Here's a present," Kabuto whispered, handing me a card. I was confused until I looked at it. It was me.


*Elena pov*

"Creepy guy," Hakai shuddered.

"You can say that again," I nodded. We all sat at the table that we came from.

"So what's up guys?" Tukiko asked.

"I brought Oreo with me," I told her.

"Did you bring your scorpion along?" Hakai asked. Tukiko nodded.

"I'm leaving him in my weapon's pouch because I might have to use him later," Tukiko told us.

"Smart thinking," I agreed.

"So in other news, I totally beat Elena in poker and crazy eights," Hakai bragged and I rolled my eyes.

"I won war and old maid," I pointed out.

"That's because I don't know how to play old maid," Hakai argued. I rolled my eyes.

"So I see you two kept yourselves busy," Tukiko observed. We both nodded.

"We knew that things like these take for-f***ing-ever to begin, so we brought a pack of cards," Hakai explained.

"You can play a lot of games with cards. They're very helpful," I smiled.

"Yeah, I play solitaire sometimes with them," Tukiko nodded.

"That game can get annoying when you don't have anything to do," Hakai sighed and Tukiko shrugged.

"It's still a fun game though, she defended.

"Yeah, it's pretty fun," I agreed.

"Attention!" some guy at the head of the room yelled and we turned to face him.

"Who's he?" Hakai asked Tukiko. She shrugged.

"I have never met him," Tukiko admitted.

"My name is Urino Ibiki and I will be starting out the chunnin exams with you delinquents," the man who introduced himself as Ibiki spoke.

"F***. That's the guy Itachi-nii was warning Shinako-nee and I about," Tukiko cursed.

"He might not be that bad," I shrugged.

"Alright, you are not to sit with your teams. I will give you a number and you will sit where your numbers put you. No questions and no talking, begin," Ibiki spoke. Everyone automatically got a number and we went to different areas and sat down beside the people next to us. I sat down beside the pink haired girl....oh h*** no.

"The rules are very easy. I will be giving you a test as part one of the exams and you are to take them. You will have a full hour to complete the test. When that hour is up you will have to put your pencils down and the last question on the test will be given. You may then finish the test when the last question is answered," Ibiki explained the rules and I smiled enormously.

"Is this a written test than? As a part of the chunnin exams?" Hakai asked.

"That is correct," Ibiki nodded. Hakai slammed her head onto the desk that she was at and I snickered.

"You may begin the test," Ibiki nodded and I looked down at my paper. How hard could this be? It was a genin test after all. I took one look at the first question and immediately one thought went through my head: F***.


*Tukiko pov*

Well, looks like I'm cheating. I took out Daisuke and pointed at the paper. He crawled under the desks and found one person who had the answers. He then came back to me and wrapped his tail around the pencil and began writing everything down. I made it look like I was sleeping and hid Daisuke so that I wouldn't be caught.

"Thanks Daisuke," I whispered. He finished and went back in my weapons pouch. I pet him and looked at the answers. Why did dad never teach me this stuff? Wait a minute....f***! I remember all of this now from that one time! Why did I cheat if I could have just used my knowledge? Oh well, it's easier this way. I have about forty or so minutes to kill now....I think I will take a much needed nap.


Me: Best birthday ever!

Kat: Best candy ever :D

Sam: I can't wait until it's my birthday.

Lucy: Same here.

Kat: Agreed.

Sam: So how do you feel now that you're 16 Manga?

Me: No different. I feel happy though.

Lucy: That's good buddy :)

Sam: Okay, let's go do something else now.

Kat: Yeah, that sounds good.

Lucy: What do you want to do?

Sam: It's till Manga's birthday....

Kat: And she is 16.....

Lucy: So we should get her a boyfriend?

Me: No. No you should not.

Sam: She thinks we should.

Kat: I heard a yes.

Me: I never said that word.

Lucy: She's in denial.

Kat: Vote, comment, and follow if you'd like.

Me: Thanks to everyone who has been with me while I've made this book. I love your comments and I appreciate that you understand if my updates are late. Thank you, you are the best readers ever.

Lucy: Read AkatsukiGirlDanna's stories please.

Kat: And read Life In Naruto, Deidara and Deikara, Gaara's Twin Sister, and Dreams Are For The Weak.

Me: And read Sam's stories In Between The Uchihas, If I Wasn't Cycotic Then I Am Now, and Konoha College and it's sequel.

Sam: Wish Manga a Happy 16th Birthday!!

Everyone in the akatsuki: Happy Birthday!

Sam: Let's go get more cupcakes now.

Kat: Bye!

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