I Couldn't Stop Caring

By _TheFreak_

203K 6.5K 4.7K

"I couldn't stop" Lexa whispered softly "Stop what?" "I couldn't stop caring" -- Book 1 of the 'I couldn't s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27: Epilogue
'I Can't Stop Loving You'

Chapter 5

8.1K 247 211
By _TheFreak_

The rain fell heavily against the thin aspen leaves before dropping to the cleared forest pathways. The hooves of their horses sunk into the mud, the thick brown paste suctioning weakly, attempting to hold the powerful horse in place. Clarke gripped the reigns tightly in her fists as her horse trotted beside Lexa's.

Clarke glanced over at the commander, who was clearly not put off her course by a cloud of rain. She was settled in the saddle of her horse, one hand holding the reigns while the other rested in its own slumber on her thigh. Droplets of water rolled down her forehead, travelling onto her freshly painted iconic warpaint. The black paint brought out the true nature of her eye colour, which matched the vibrant damp leaves that they were surrounded by. Behind her, Jayden was hunched over slightly to protect himself from the rain. Gustus leaned over, bringing his hand to the back of the young man's head.

"Sit up, boy. Do not fear a little bit of water. There are worse things out there" Gustus instructed. Jayden immediately sat up, slightly embarrassed of being scolded in front of his commander. He shuffled uncomfortably in his saddle.

"How much further, Wanheda?" Luna asked, her impatience growing as the rain got heavier.

"We arrive when we arrive, Luna. I thought Anya taught us well about the dangers of impatience." Lexa said. Her voice made everyone else's seem like background noises as she spoke.

"Yes Heda." Luna looked at Clarke "However, may I ask what your plan is exactly, Clarke?"

Clarke looked down at her cold, shaking hands. The coldness of the rain was starting to take its toll on her fingers. Lexa's eyes lingered over Clarke, recognising her discomfort.

"We go inside. I talk to my mother. No doubt she will still be in charge."

"And what if she is not?"

"Then Marcus will be" Clarke said quietly. It was true. The two of them had been passing the chancellor badge between them since they had reached the ground. It worked, but it was also unpredictable. She cupped her hands, still holding the leather reigns, and blew into them to heat them up. Lexa frowned.

"Here" The commander said as she slipped off her gloves, holding them out to Clarke, who looked at her questioningly "It appears that if you go any longer without warming your hands up, soon you won't be able to hold onto the reigns."

Clarke hesitantly reached out, taking the gloves from the Heda, who watched as she slid the gloves onto her hands. The worn black leather material was still warm from Lexa's own hands, heating up her glacial fingers. The commander's fingers were a lot longer than her own, and she frowned at the extra length left at the ends of gloves.

"Thank you" she said quietly. Lexa nodded in return, her face softening as she looked ahead. There was no denying how much more relaxed she was, surrounded by nature as they made their journey. It was understandable though, as she was trikru. She grew up in these forests.

Clarke lifted her head as the glint of the metal gates to Arkadia caught her attention. The camp had certainly changed. But not too much. The walls had been built higher, the electrified wires surrounding it doubling in numbers. She could see the watch towers from the inside. It looked larger in the looming fresh shadows of the approaching night.

"Get behind me. If things go wrong, go. Okay?" Clarke said. The commander and Luna nodded, pulling their horses into a slow pace behind Clarke as they approached.

A flood light landed directly on Clarke, engulfing her in the blinding white light which she hated. She had always found it too unnatural.

"Who are you? What is your business here?" She heard a voice call. She squinted her eyes to find the source, lifting her hand to block the light.

"My name is Clarke Griffin!" She yelled.


The floodlights turned off once again, and there was movement behind the gates before they began to creak, sliding open.

"Kane" Clarke said as she slid off her horse, approaching him. Ever since they got to the ground he had supported her choices, understood them. If there was anyone in this camp, Kane was the one she trusted most. There was no doubt that Kane had developed a father role to Clarke, and he didn't mind it at all.

"We looked for you" he said as he pulled her into a tight hug.

"I know" she whispered "I had some help from a trader"

"What are you doing here?" He asked softly. His eyes landed on the shadows of those who came with Clarke "Were you followed?"

"We need to talk" she broke away from Marcus's welcoming arms. He moved his hand down to rest it on his gun, his eyes narrowing.

"Who are you?" He questioned. Lexa and Luna shared a glance before dropping from their horses, moving closer. Kane took a step back as he recognised the commander.

"As Clarke said" Lexa said, her eyes lingering on Marcus's hand as he grasped the gun in his belt "we must talk."

Kane turned to Clarke, confusion in his eyes. He was more than happy to accept communication with the grounders again, but he had never expected Clarke to.

"Alright. I'll set up a meeting with Abby. Let her know you're here."

"Thank you Marcus"

"Come with me. I'm sure your guests, although welcomed by both of us, will not be liked by some of the others in the camp. You're lucky I was on watch"

Lexa frowned "I do not understand, I have left your people alone purposely."

"You also left them alone at mount weather" Kane pointed out "Some of them were close to those who died inside mount weather"

"But I was the one who irradiated level 5" Clarke frowned "surely they would hate me more than Lexa."

"They do" was all Marcus said as he lead them into the ark. Clearly, the grounders weren't used to walking on metal floors as their footsteps were considerably louder than usual. Marcus looked around "hurry and go to the meeting room. I'll find your mother. Surely you will want your friends to be there too."

Clarke just nodded as she opened the door to the room, holding it open for the four people who came with her. Luna pushed her way in, finding herself a chair and making herself comfortable in it.

"If they hate you more than the commander, how on earth are you going to manage to get an alliance?" Luna demanded to know. She was on edge with Clarke, not giving her trust even if it would save her life. She was usually a lot kinder.

"Because my mother is the chancellor. Besides, I once lead these people. A lot of them still trust me."

"Clarke" Lexa said quietly. She was examining papers left on the corner of the room. She frowned at the writing on the map "what does this say?"

Clarke found herself by Lexa's side, looking down at the map "you can't read?"

"We read and write in trigedaselng. English is only spoken" Lexa said "now what does it say?"

Clarke frowned at the highlighted area "it says sector 7"

"That is trikru land. Why are our villages marked?" She frowned. Every village in 'sector 7' had been circled with red ink. Clarke recognised one as TonDC. It was the only village on the map that wasn't circled.

"I don't know" Clarke frowned.

"Perhaps it is a battle plan?"

"If it is, I'll find out" she said as the door clicked open.

"Clarke" Said Abby as she slid though the door. She seemed angry. It was the complete opposite to what Clarke was expecting. She had thought of something more along the lines of an exchanged smile and a shared hug. Not this.

"Mom..." Clarke began

"Clarke!" Raven pushed passed Abby and waddled over, the leg brace squeaking every now and then with her movements. Clarke couldn't help but feel sorry for the girl. Maybe if she had tried a little more, made Raven her priority rather than burning 300 of Lexa's warriors alive, maybe she would have saved her leg. Raven enveloped the blonde in a tight hug, partly clinging to the girl for support.

"Hey" Clarke said smiling. This was the welcome she expected.

"I can't believe you left without saying goodbye" Raven complained "I would've came with you, dumbass"

"No. You wouldn't" Abby said and crossed her arms. As a result, Raven let go of Clarke and placed her hands on her hips, glaring at Abby.

"Excuse me?" She said, looking her up and down.

"As your doctor, I would never let you leave. And as your chancellor, I wouldn't have allowed you to leave. Especially if you would end up with the grounders." Abby said.

"Let me tell you Abby" Raven said and stepped closer to the chancellor "I think you forget. Who did you send down first? The 100. Clarke was one of the first to touch this ground, and she led the 100 better than you ever would. So forgive me for expressing where my loyalties lie"

"Your loyalties will lie to whoever is chancellor. And that is me." Abby said.

"No. You're my doctor. Clarke is my leader." Raven said. Lexa and Luna exchanged glances. Their own people would never treat leaders in such a way, considering there would be extreme punishments to such a thing. But they were impressed. Impressed at how loyal Clarke's people were to her.

"That's not why we're here" Clarke said as she crossed between them.  "we can deal with that later. Where is Bellamy?"

Kane sat down at the table, earning a wary glance from Luna as he took a seat in front of her. "Clarke, Jasper hasn't been doing so well. He cant be left alone. Bellamy is with him, making sure he doesn't do anything stupid."

Clarke's heart stuttered. It was her fault that Jasper was in such a bad state. She killed the woman who had his heart. "And Octavia?" She asked, trying to move on.

"With Lincoln, hunting." He said "she should return later. Now, what is it we need to discuss?"

"Whatever it is, we need to talk about it now. I want to know exactly why the commander is in my meeting room" Abby said. Jayden and Gustus stood behind Lexa, backs straight and their arms stretched behind their backs, ready to protect their Heda. Although, Jayden couldn't help his eyes from wondering, staring at the metal wrapped around Raven's leg. He couldn't help but wonder how a person could stay so strong and confident without falling apart from such a lingering, tormenting wound. His eyes met Raven's, forcing him to look away.

Clarke sighed as she looked at her mother. Her mother, who she killed hundreds of people to save. Her mother, who could only look at her in disgust.

"We need to form another alliance"

Once again, please let me know if there are any mistakes. Don't forget to vote, and comment to tell me what you think.

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