Cursed with Wings (Thranduil...

By spypuppy

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[Book 1] Belle is a cursed She Elf. Betrayed by her own family, Belle runs for the hills, forced to accep... More

Chapter One: The Curse.
Chapter Two: The Fear Of Losing A Mother.
Chapter Three: The Change.
Chapter Four: Meeting An Elf.
Chapter Five: Blue Eyes.
Chapter Six: The Prince.
Chapter Seven: The Disappointed King.
Chapter Eight: The Arrow Of Hunger.
Chapter Nine Part 1: An Unsuspected Guest.
Chapter Nine Part 2: Meet The Healer.
Chapter Ten: Raina Meets Belle.
Chapter Eleven: The Queen.
Chapter Twelve: The Lullaby.
Chapter Thirteen: Grandma
Chapter Fourteen: Ollie.
Chapter Fifteen: The Royal Pain In The Arse.
Chapter Sixteen: The Dying Queen.
Chapter Seventeen: The Tortured Seamstress.
Chapter Eighteen: The Ball.
Chapter Nineteen: The Willow.
Chapter Twenty: Questions.
Chapter Twenty One: The Moonlight Dance.
Chapter Twenty Two: The Unconscious Angel.
Chapter Twenty Three: Mother In The In-between.
Chapter Twenty Four: The Damsel In The Queen's Garden.
Chapter Twenty Five: The Dream.
Chapter Twenty Six: The Loss Of A Great.
Chapter Twenty Seven: Saving An Innocent.
Chapter Twenty Nine: The Newcomers.
Chapter Thirty: The Elixir.
Chapter Thirty One: The Battle & The Cure.
Chapter Thirty Two: The Fateful Encounter.
Chapter Thirty Three Part 1: The Announcement.
Chapter Thirty Three Part 2: Miserably In Love.
Chapter Thirty Four: A Possible Future.
Chapter Thirty Five: Be Still...
Chapter Thirty Six: The Death Bed.
Chapter Thirty Seven Part 1: The Betrayal.
Chapter Thirty Seven Part 2: The Demon.
Chapter Thirty Eight: The Aftermath.
Chapter Thirty Nine: The Truth.
Chapter Forty: The Poor Criminal.
Chapter Forty One: Memories.
Chapter Forty Two: The Battle.

Chapter Twenty Eight: A New Hope.

8.7K 304 23
By spypuppy

Unknown P.O.V

"Oi, Isaac be careful with the old lass, she'll need to carry all our supplies back home," I ordered the boy who was steering the mule, his dark brown locks kept swaying in the front of his dirty face.

Through the years I've have grown rather found of the wee lad who was only a youngling when I took him in. This parents abandon him because of his pitch black eyes, but Isaac is a kind soul; I have only meet one alike, my dearest Raina.

Oh my dear Raina, I thought, oh how her red hair gleamed against the sunlight and her smile, fills my heart with happiness. We were lovers once, but with all lovers, there are faults.

In this case, her parents. Since my father was dwarf of Erbor, my mother was an elegant elf maiden. They had an affair and 9 months later, I arrived to the world. My mother accepted for who I am and raised me, cared for me. Raina's parents thought of me as a disgrace to the elves so did others before them.

So they went to the king and made an excuse for needing more Shields. I was sent out for the strongest wood the next morning. After months and months of searching I finally found the source and hurried back at once.

Once I came home, I found Raina baking in her kitchen, with a gold ring on her left hand and a small bump showing. At first I was furious, I started to drink my sorrows away. But then I heard the rumours that spread around the town. Apparently, Raina's parents forced her to marry a complete jerk, who was a drunk and raped her on her wedding night.

But when I heard that her husband died from some sort of illness, I was at her door in seconds, finding her on her couch, sulking her eyes out as she clutched her swollen belly. I recall how her fragile body felt in my arms as I gently moved her from the couch to her bed. I kissed her forehead lightly as I pulled the blankets around her. As I blew out the candles, I remembered the way she slept as I was about to closed her door.

I made a promise that night to help her raise her child care for it as if it was my own. It was the best thing I had ever done. Analee was a bundle of joy, she had her mother looks and her personality. She was always a little rug-rat, always pulling pranks in my shop. But I could never tell her off for the way her smiles and little giggles melted my heart away. She loved daises, every day I saw her with either a daisy chain tiara or a daisy necklace. We would go on picnics, just the three of us. Analee would hoe into the apple Danish and drink all the ginger beer. One time Little Lee found a worm by the river bank. The little monster stuck it down my shirt. I let out a 'very girly squeal' causing both of the ladies to laugh their heads off.

But when Raina told me about Analee's death, I was distraught. I locked myself in the shop, making extra swords and armour than I had ever done. But the grief was worst for my Raina, she didn't eat for days, I heard her small cries in the night. After a few days of this, I had enough, I went to her and forced her to eat for she lost so much weight. But the most heart-breaking thing was her smile. It had lost its loving warmth to it.

So one day, I went to elder Vane and asked if he could create a painting for Raina. Once finished, I gave it to the love of my life. It was her cradling a small Analee in her arms. Raina burst into tears as she wrapped her arms around my neck, mumbling a 'thank you' into my shoulder, before saying that I need to lose the long beard, "It makes you look older," she said with a small smile.


I was pulled back to the present by Isaac shouting at me, informing that we are back. The boy, who is my assistant, is learning how to become a blacksmith, like me self. Finally, we are coming home from months of searching for more iron in the south.

But something was different, it wasn't the snow, but I carried on walking through the village. All the villagers had sad looking faces, some of them with stained red eyes. As I wandered on I saw many people surrounding something in the cemetery. I took off running, pushing through the crowd as I came across an open coffin. There lay inside the coffin was my only love, Raina. I broke down with a sob, falling to my knees as I looked at her pale face and her gorgeous red hair with no glow to it.

I felt a hand gently lay on my shoulder. I looked up to see the Queen, all dressed in black. Her eyes were red as raspberries as she gently placed a white lily in my palm. I gripped the steam lightly as I watch as the guards lowered my sweet Raina into the ground. She was buried next to Analee remembrance head stone. I listened to all the speeches that were made. But one stood out in particular. Young Thranduil's speech.

"Today we have lost a loving soul, for she has blessed many hearts, myself included. She did not deserve to leave this world. My men are searching for the man responsible for her tragic death. But let us forget that for a moment. Elder Raina was not just the kingdom best healer or baker this kingdom has ever seen. No, she was a person who you could look up too. With her caring words and great wisdom, Raina helped shape this kingdom." The prince took in a deep breath before continuing. "We are all heartbroken for her passing, one maiden in particular. Her granddaughter Belle, who unfortunately cannot be here today for she is missing from her home."

My heart stopped, Granddaughter?! That's impossible! The only child Raina had been Analee! How could Raina have a granddaughter when Analee is dead?! My mind was buzzing with thoughts, that I didn't realized that everyone had left. It was nearly pitch black except for the moon which seemed to shine of Raina's tombstone.

I quickly stood up and slowly walked towards her headstone. I read as her tombstone said, "Raina Azalea. Beloved friend and mother. Alámenë Máriessë". On our tombstone, we don't give our age, for we think it is disrespectful.

I crouched down next to her stone as I whispered the words "I am so sorry my dear Raina. I have failed you once more. Please know that I have always loved you since the day we met. I wish I could fix the mistakes I had made in the past, if I could I would change them in a heartbeat," I stated, chocking down a cry.

"I wish I could have been the person to hold your hand every day. Feel you lips press against mine every morning before heading to work. Comfort you when you cry and kiss away the pain you would have felt. I wished it was me to wake up with you by my side. To hear your adorable laughter and see your beautiful smile once more, but I have failed you and for I am hear and you have passed over. Please forgive me," I mumbled, slowly getting to my feet and weakly walking away.

But before I was even ten meters away. I saw a cloaked figure walk up to her grave, a bunch of blue bells in its hand. I watched as it pulled its hood off to reveal a beautiful young elf. Her hair was a shimmering blonde and wavy, her eyes especially gleamed in the moonlight. It was like I was hit in the gut. There stood an elf I thought I would never see again.

Little Lee.


Belle's P.O.V (earlier that night)

I snuggled into the warmth as much as possible, feeling my bare hands freeze. I heard a small snort close to my ear, then I felt a tongue lick my ear. I instantly sat up with a shiver before clutching my left thigh. Another snort came from my left, I down up to see the Unicorn, its body snuggling up against mine, fighting against the frost of snow.

I down at the Unicorn and smiled and said. "Thank you." The horse snorted again, suddenly its horn glowed like starlight. Suddenly I felt as if someone spoke within my mind. "It is not me you should be thanking; I should be thanking you little one" a deep voice said inside my head. My eyes widened as I looked at the white unicorn. It bowled it head at me. "I owe you my life and I am grateful for it, for you have a pure soul, so rare yet so beautiful. For that I am at your service and for your future family to come" It's said, laying its head gently on my side hip.

I raised my hand slowly up, as I gently laid it upon his muzzle. He looked at me in curiosity before closing his eyes, enjoying my gently strokes. "You don't need to make that kind of commitment, I had only helped you escape," I said as I watched as he opened his eyes. "Ah but that is where you are wrong, little one. Not only did you save my life, but you gave me a point to live. You see, my kind has been hunted for our horns, blood and hairs for generations. I am afraid there are only 3 left living since the last time I checked," He said with a sad tone.

I sat up trying to ignore the pain and hugged his muzzle, mumbling in his ear "You do not deserve to be killed, none of your kind do. That's why I saved you," I paused before pulling back and looking directly in his eyes and said, "I would be honoured to have a friend like you..."

"Daeron," he said nudging my hand.

"Well it is nice to meet you Daeron. My name is Belle Azalea, not little one," I ended with a laugh.

I looked up to the trees, creating shadows on the ground bellow. A thought came to mind, I looked back at Daeron and asked, "Daeron, do you know how to get rid of a curse?"

He shook his big head and said into my mind, I am sorry little one, we unicorns can do a lot, but we cannot remove curses. Only the person that gave you the curse can remove it. he said, looking at my slightly disappointed face.

"Doesn't matter" I said, slowly trying to stand up. Daeron seemed to get the idea for head gracefully stood on his for hooves and used his head to help me up. I smiled at him greatly and asked "Daeron would you mind helping me to the village, I need to meet someone."

He nodded, and said, "Hop on" I did what I was told and we were off, me gently gripping his sliver mane.

Once we got to our destination, I slide of Daeron's back and started to walk, looking at the graves as I went. I stopped and looked at the ground. Using the earth, I saw three Blue Bells sprout from the ground. I gently picked them and headed inwards. Once I rounded the corner, I came across a newly dug grave

Raina's Grave.

I crouched down so I was on my knees and placed the flowers next to a lily. I pulled my hood back as I said, "Raina, please know that I love you dearly and please tell mom I said hi." Suddenly I felt my necklace burn slightly against my chest, I looked up and gasped.

Their stood a mystified Raina holding the lily in her hands. Next to her sat my mother, looking at me with loving eyes. Hello my little bud, said my mother's voice inside my mind. "Hi mama, I miss you guys. I wish you guys are here," I answered with a sad smile. I watched as my mother stepped towards me as Raina looked behind me lovingly.

Mother placed her misty hand against my chest. Pointing at my heart as she said, "We are here, darling. Never forget that okay."

I nodded and she smiled and looked at Raina and sighed. I heard Raina mutter, "Damn Wayland, you need to shave that long beard, it makes you look older," she said with a smile.

"Analee, is that you?" a deep voice came up behind me, his voice filled with disbelief. I looked back to see a man, he had deep brown eyes and a beard that came to his shoulders. His hair came down to his chin and he wore worn knitted gloves.

"Analee?" he said taking a step closer. I stood up and faced him and shook my head. "I am sorry, but my name is Belle, Analee's daughter. And you are?" He stood there, his mouth open and his eyes wide as a tear fell down his cheek.

All of a suddenly hands his wrapped around my neck, pulling me into a hug. I heard quiet sobs as I patted his back, confused. Then I heard him mumble something in the air.

"So she didn't die after all!" his expression was filled with happiness mixed with some sadness as we rocked back and forth.


Thranduil's P.O.V

I heard my chamber door open as I was finishing packing. I heard an, "Oi, Duil?!" squeaking in high pitch. I groaned as I turned around to see Neawilth with tightest dressing gown on. "Duil, I just wanted to give you this," she said placing what looked like around my neck. I picked it up to see a huge ruby, it was so red it looked like it was glowing.

I looked back up to see Neawilth smiling, patting my chest as she said, "For good luck. I need my muscle man home to be married," she squeaked the last part out in excitement before skipping out. Once the door closed, my head was pounding so bad that I fell to the floor gripping my head. Suddenly I heard the sound of evil laughter boom in my ears, losing all sense of conciseness.


I am sorry if half of it doesn't make sense. I hope you still enjoyed it. If you didn't know the name of the "Unknown"  character, his name is Wayland. Ask me any questions about this chapter or anything about the book. The song on the side I think is about Wayland & Raina.

Thank you for still being put up with this horrible editing job.

Until next time ;)


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