(HIATUS) It's Easy To Get Los...

By _Katoki_Arika_

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[No quirks, Highschool AU] Bakugou Katsuki has always been considered the loner in his school. No friends or... More

Chapter 1: A New Face
Chapter 2: Interesting Interactions
Chapter 3: An Alliance
Chapter 5: All Figured Out
Chapter 6: Confession
Chapter 7: Carnival Date (Part 1)
Chapter 8: Carnival Date (Part 2)
Chapter 9: Catching Up With Friends

Chapter 4: Pick Up Lines

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By _Katoki_Arika_

"C'mon dude! You can do it!" Kirishima whispered to him encouragingly from around the corner as his boyfriend, Kaminari, gave a thumbs up and held his binoculors to his eyes, ready for action.

Katsuki sighed and face-palmed. He had no idea why Denki was roped into this but he was sure it was a big mistake.

Once he was introduced to Kaminari, everything immediately clicked into place. Idiots attract idiots and judging by how love-sick they looked he was pretty sure his hypothesis was correct.

Now, he was being trained by the two most stupidest people on the planet to supposedly "Win Izuku's heart" but it would most likely embarass him instead.

"Just like we rehearsed, bro!"

"I don't need your fucking pep talk, ok!? Just give me a minute." Katsuki whisper shouted back at him.

Just then the bell rang, so he took a deep breath and stood waiting next to Izuku's locker.

He spotted Izuku a few moments later, strolling towards his locker while chatting with his friends. He was mid-laugh when Uraraka pointed to Katsuki. Following her finger, his eyes fell upon Katsuki standing, rather awkwardly, next to his locker making his entire face to turn fire truck red.

The greenette attempted to hide behind his friends but they sadly betrayed him as they pushed him the last few feet to his destination.

Now, it was time to bust out the pick-up lines.

Izuku was about to open his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Katsuki.

"A-are you related to- to Jean-Claude van Damp? Damm." He quickly corrected himself as he tried to decipher the smudged words written across his palm.

"Wh- Um, who-"

"Because Jean-Claude van Damm you're cute."

Katsuki was proud of the fact that he didn't stutter this time around and waited for Izuku's response but the shorter teen just stared at him, confused.

"Uh, so...What exactly are you asking?"

Whatever hopes the blonde had, collapsed as embarassment started seeping through his mind and eventually showing on his cheeks.

Stop it! Don't get embarassed! Just try the next one.

"D-do you like rinsin-raisons?"

Izuku tapped his chin in thought for a moment, "Uh, yeah I guess. I haven't had many but they do taste interesting!"

"Well, how do you feel about a d-date?"

"Oooh, I love dates!"

Katsuki's heart skipped a beat because he couldn't believe what he was hearing, "Really!?"

"Of course!" Izuku grinned up at him, "They're my favourite fruit after all!"


Katsuki scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, "Um, that's not really what I meant but, uh- I'll keep it in mind..."

He took a quick glance at his hand to check if there were any left and there was. His eyes widened in realization as he clamped his hand shut and glanced away, cheeks burning.

There was absolutely no fucking way he was gonna say that.

But it was the only thing left. So he had no choice.

After a mental slap in the face, he glanced at the line one more time before meeting the other boy's eyes and saying it.

"Did you sit in a pile of sugar?" He asked, watching the confusion cloud Izuku's face once more, "B-because you got a sweet ass."

Katsuki held his breath in anticipation of his reaction and fortunately it didn't take long for it to kick in.

Heat bloomed in Izuku's neck and crept up to his face as his mouth hung open in shock. The realization of what the taller teen just said as well as the double meaning behind his other statements and the fact that he hadn't caught on to the pick up lines played huge roles in his embarassment.

"W-w-what!?" He stuttered, "Y-y-you p-pervert!!"

"I'm sorry! I swear it isn't my fault! I-" Katsuki raised his hands in defense, trying to explain the situation but Izuku wouldn't listen.

"H-how dare you!?" The greenette yelled as he proceeded to whack the accused teen with his geography book.

"Okay, okay! I'll go, just stop fucking hitting me!" Katsuki pleaded as he scampered off, leaving behind a flustered and angry Izuku.


"You fucking idiots!" The blonde screamed as he threw a chair across the empty classroom for the third time, "I totally embarassed myself in front of Deku thanks to you!"

"Uhh, you know you didn't have to read every one right?" Kaminari stated as he continued to munch on his chips.

"The others didnt work so I did have to use it. If you guys hadn't given me such a stupid line, everything would have gone just fine!" He groaned as his face fell into his hands, "And Deku wouldn't think that I'm a sick, pervert."

"But..." Kirishima trailed off in confusion, "You are, though."

"But he didn't know that!" Katsuki yelled in exasperation.

Kirishima just shrugged, "He was gonna find out anyway, when you guys got together."

Katsuki went red when he understood what the comment was clearly suggesting, but pretended like it didn't affect him, "If we got together, you mean. And the chances have gotten pretty low now."

"I seriously don't know what went wrong, dude. I mean, it worked fine for me." He said and hooked an arm around Kaminari, who snuggled closer into him with a giggle.

"Especially that last one~" Denki added with a wink.

"You guys are gross." Was how Katsuki responded, eventhough he secretly envied them.

"Anyway!" The redhead exclaimed, "It's time to move onto phase two!"

The moment those words left his mouth, Katsuki was horrified.

"No, no, no, no and NO! There is absolutely NO WAY I'm gonna go through this again!"

"Well, you got any better ideas?" Asked Kirishima.

Katsuki didn't answer.

"That's what I thought. We are the only hope you have." Kaminari concluded, as he crumpled up the empty bag of chips.

After some angry thinking, the blonde finally sighed in defeat, "What is Phase two, anyway?"

"We'll talk about that after school. Lunch is nearly over anyway."

They walked out of the classroom they weren't supposed to be in in the first place, and to their next classes.


"Spill it."

After the first three lessons in their school day, lunch finally rolled around which meant that Izuku would inevitably get cornered by Uraraka.

"Eh? I-I don't know what you're talking abou-"

"Don't even think about lying, Izuku-kun." Uraraka threatened, "I know something happened and you're gonna tell me exactly what it is or else."

The greenette contemplated what he was going to say before deciding it was too embarassing.

"Or else what?"

Uraraka scowled at the question and took a deep breath.

"Oh no." Iida, who was sitting beside her raised his hands to cover his ears.

The brunette opened her mouth and let out the longest ear-piercing scream anyone had ever heard.

Heads turned to stare at the trio with weird looks, someone was even about to call the nurse.

"Uraraka-san! Please stop!" Izuku cried and hopelessly covered her mouth but that made her do even worse.

She got up, still screaming, and stood next to their table. Moments later she started spinning as well as waving her arms frantically around her like a lunatic!

"Stop it! I'll tell you ok!?!? Just stop!" Izuku yelled as he grabbed her arms to push them down.

Finally, she shut her mouth and the horrifying noise was gone, instead replaced with a smirk of victory.

"Pleasure doing buisness with you." Uraraka said as she returned to her seat.

"Thank god." Iida sighed as he withdrew his hands from the sides of his head.

Izuku fidgeted in his seat as he thought of how to explain to them.

"Well, um. It started when you guys pointed out that Kacchan was standing next to my locker..."

"I KNEW THAT THIS WAS ABOUT KATSUKI-KUN!!" Uraraka exclaimed triumphantly.

"SHUSH!!" Izuku whisper-yelled as he threw his hands over the brunette's mouth, "Don't say that out loud! We can't let anyone know we're talking about him!!"

"Why not? It's not like they'll instantly connect the dots and assume that he is your crush. I understand your secrecy but it'd be ridiculous to think that." Iida commented.

"Mmh mm mrr yrm mstt minn miot." Uraraka mumbled from behind the greenette's hand.

"What?" He asked as he removed his hand.

"I said, 'Yeah he's right, you're just being an idiot'."

"Whatever. But who said that he was my crush??"

Both his friends crossed there arms and stared at him with a raised brow.

"Ok, fine." He said as he twiddled his thumbs and looked down bashfully, "Maybe I like him a little bit."

"I'm pretty sure it's more than a little but whatever. Continue your story."

Izuku told them the events of this morning, struggling to keep his blushing and stutters to a minimum (not really succeeding, though), as the other two teens gasped and snickered.

"Oh my GOD!" Uraraka screamed as she finally squeezed the last part out of her blushing friend, "I can't believe he did that!!"

"Me neither!" Iida agreed, "What did you say??"

"Err, well...I kinda whacked him with a book..."

"You WHAT!?!?" Uraraka and Iida screeched at the same time.

"How could you do that to your future husband??" She exclaimed.

"Midoriya-kun! Do you not know how harmful it could be to attack someone like that!?" The bluenette started one of his lectures, "If someone said something to you that you are uncomfortable with, you immediately tell a teacher and not take matters into your own hands! You could get into serious trouble!"

Izuku's head was spinning as it frantically tried to understand what his friends were saying but couldn't function with both of them screaming at him like that so he slammed his hands on the table to silence them.


The teens stopped and stared at him in shock.

"Guys, I know you want what's best for me but this isn't what I need right now, ok?" He said quietly, "Just stop shouting. It won't help anyone."

The greenette sighed and slumped in his chair with his eyes closed. He could barely understand his situation or what he wanted so he would prefer to have a more civil conversation.

"S-sorry, Midoriya-kun..." Iida apologized, looking quite ashamed and guilty, "I didn't know you felt that way. If I did I wouldn't have done that."

"Yeah...I was a little too pushy wasn't I?" Uraraka added, smiling bashfully to ease the tension.

Izuku returned the smile.

"I'm pretty sure it's more than a little but whatever." He echoed her words from earlier in the conversation.

"Shut up." She laughed and gave him a playful shove.

Just then, the bell above them rang, signalling the end of lunch.

As they began cleaning up, a thought struck Uraraka.

"Hey, Izuku-kun?" She asked as he was emptying his tray in the bin.


"So I was thinking..."

"Oh no."

"Oh shush! As I said, I was thinking, maybe you need some help with this whole crush ordeal." She explained, "No, scratch that, you do need help. Like a bit of guidance, y'know?"

"Just cut to the chase already." He sighed.

"I want to be your wingwoman!"


"Hey don't look at me like that! C'mon it's a good idea! I have more experiance than you!"

"You call reading Love magazines 'experiance'?"

"Well when you say it like that..."

Izuku grabbed his bag and swung it over his shoulder, "No."

"Why not??" Uraraka whined as she jogged up to catch up with him.

"Because I said so."

The brunette frowned, "It wasn't an option, Izuku."

"Wha-?" He glanced back at her only for his eyes to widen in alram, "No! Don't yell again! Fine I'll do it, jeez!"

Uraraka smiled mischieviously, "That's what I like to here."

And off she went, in the opposite direction, to join Iida in her next class

Izuku ran a hand through his hair and exhaled in mix of frustration and relief. Why was he friends with these people again?

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