The Tour Life

By ilikebandfics

8.2K 205 47

A girl called Georgia had a terrible life from a very young age, beaten and absued. At the age of 13 she got... More

The Tour Life
Off We Go
Pathetic and in Love
409 In Your Coffee Maker
Heading Off
On The Bus
Hey Ho, Lets Go!
Night On The Bus
On The Roof
Day Out
On The Road
Stay The Night
Fell For You
Something Unpredictable
Your Living Nightmare
Baby Eyes
Attack Attack
1000 Hours

Scream & Shout, Truth or Dare

215 10 6
By ilikebandfics

Joey's POV
Today me, Georgia, Austin and Brooke went shopping. Georgia got a dress in coordination with my suit, she looked perfect. Living with her is the best thing ever and it's only been like two days. I heard the shower stop and the door creek open. Georgia walked out with a towel wrapped around her and her hair loosely falling over her back. She looked amazing.
"Uhh sorry I wasn't sure whether we were putting our evening wear on now or later.. We only have like an hour and a half" She said whilst smiling to herself a little.
"I'm gonna put my suit straight on so put your dress on if you want. I'm gonna get a shower." I replied whilst smiling and walking into the bathroom.

I finished my shower and walked out Into my room in only my boxers forgetting that Georgia now lived with us. I saw her look at me and grin a little to herself, she had tied her hair up and was applying her makeup, she had her dress on already. I walked over to the edge of the bed and sat myself next to her watching as she put on her mascara.
"You don't need that. You're beautiful." I said as I placed my arm around her waist.
Georgia couldn't help but smile which also made me smile.
"I love you Joey" was all Georgia could reply with a kiss following after.
"And I love you too Georgie."
We both got ready and by the time Georgia had taught me how to use straighteners to do the back of her hair, we had half an hour to spare. Austin and Brooke arrived early as did Cade, Cole and Max. Jakob and Cade's friend James also came early so all of us sat in the yard as the Beckers dad assisted mine in setting up the barbecue. Mom and Mrs. Becker set up the food table and us kids just sat around talking. Georgia was sat next to me, our hands were linked together and they rested on the arms of the garden chairs between us. Dad hired a professional photographer as it was Georgia's welcome party but she didn't know that.
"Hey dad how many people are coming tonight?" I heard Jakob shout across the garden.
"Not that many, a couple of others and that's it I think." Dad replied.
Time passed quickly as it hit time for guests starting to arrive.
"Georgia I left my phone upstairs do you mind coming with me to get it?" I asked giving Jakob a cue.
"Of course sweetie" Georgia said as we both stood up making our way indoors holding hands. I put my thumb up behind my back of the arm that was free. As Georgia and I walked upstairs I heard people whispering, oh this was going to be one big surprise.

Georgia's POV
Joey and I headed up to his room where we had both left our phones on the side. Joey opened the door and closed it after me, before I knew it we were leant against the wall making out.
"What was that for?" I said trying not to smirk but judging by the look on Joey's face, It didn't work.
"Well you know.. just because I love you. Here's your phone by the way" He said handing me my phone and leading me back downstairs.
"Babe wanna get a drink? We have some alcohol downstairs where people can't get to it." Joey said winking after he said It. I just nodded my head as we walked down a dark corridor to where EA's practise room usually is. It was dark in the room but Joey had my hand tight.
"Watch your step Gee, I can't find the light switch, we're almost at it I think." Joey said as he kept me close to him and in a perfect route around the objects within the room. He pulled me up on to a slightly raised platform and faced me forward.
"Wait right here I can feel for the light switch" Joey said as he left me standing in the dark in an unfamiliar place. I heard four clicks of drum sticks together and suddenly the lights turned on, an array of people jumped up and confetti was thrown everywhere. Emily's Army had started playing Aliens Landing. I stood there in shock next to Cole as we sang together. All of these people had hung up banners saying 'Welcome Georgia!' 'New Home!' and so on up In the basement, Emily's Army had done a special gig and there was still the whole evening ahead of us.
"That was amazing!" I said as the boys finished up their last song after Travis shouted 'FOOOOOOOD!' at the end of Part Time Bum. I hugged Cole, Travis, Seb, Max and then Joey.
"Joey I love you so much" I told him as we pulled out of the hug, centre stage. His eyes sparkled, his smile curled, he looked so happy. Before I knew it he kissed me as every one cheered and Trè and Travis wolf whistled.
"And I love you too" he replied when the kiss ended. Joey took me by the hand and lead me upstairs as everybody followed us. We all gathered in the garden, there was a lot of people. Jakob and his friends sat on all of the outside sofas, I noticed him staring at me so I simply smiled back. I felt a little uncomfortable but maybe he was just day dreaming. Joey introduced me to everyone, all of his parents friends, Jakobs friends then finally his and EA's friends. Austin and Brooke were sat together talking, so I went and sat with them as Joey spoke with his parents friends.
"Hey guys, Brooke do you mind giving Cole a hand with the drinks?" I asked as I headed over.
"Of course not, be right back Austie" Brooke said smiling at Austin then me.
"Austie hey?" I said winking at Austin then sitting in the seat Brooke freed up.
"Uhh, I'm not, I don't, well, she's started calling me that, don't ask, I'm not sure!" Austin nervously said giggling to himself.
"Haha dude It's fine, I wanted to talk to you. Ask her. Tonight is the perfect time!"
"How? When? Where?" Austin replied a little panicky.
"Do it just before midnight, there's gonna be fireworks so ask her at 11:59. It will be amazing."
"Are you sure I should do it?"
"Yes, I'm certain. Brooke is coming back but do it. Seriously."
"Here's your drink Georgia, Joey said you liked vodka and coke, double shot of course!" Brooke said as she giggled.
"Oh yes, Joey knows me too well, thankyou!" I laughed as I took the drink and headed over to Joey.
"Well hello gorgeous" Joey said whilst snaking his arm around my waist, he was stood with his dad, Mike, Jason White and two men I had never met.
"And who is this lovely lady?" I heard one of the men say as I pecked Joey on the lips.
"This is Georgia, Joey's girlfriend" Billie replied, "this is Anthony and Mark." I recognised both of them but I wasn't sure where from.
"We've all been drinking already hahahah" Joey said laughing at himself.
"Well that explains a lot!" I giggled as I took a gulp of my drink.
I studied the men a little bit more... Mark Hoppus. Anthony Kiedis. I couldn't believe it. They were here... at a party for me?
"Joey has been telling us about you, how beautiful he thinks you are, how talented and caring you are." Mark informed me.
"Because it's all true I mean look at this girl" Joey said pulling me into his side and kissing my cheek. I blushed a little. Joey noticed and winked at me.


Okay i apologise. So much. I am so sorry it's been like.... forever. This is just a filler  for now, I'm planning to write a big chapter but I have been so busy I've left it so long I felt I needed to update just a little something. So I am so sorry, I hope you enjoy!

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