D.Va X Spartan Reader: Her Cu...

By Forbidden098

119K 1.5K 1.6K

After being rescue by D.Va herself, (Y/N) later gets transfer to Overwatch and has a thing for D.Va, but does... More

[ (A/N) Before We Start ]
Spartan (Y/N) Information/Equipment
The Rescue
Where am I?
Settling In + Streaming
First Overwatch Spartan
What About My Mjolnir Armor?
Reconnaissance Mission
A Day With D.Va
Back to Work
We Have a Spartan Casualties [Flashback]
From Mark V to Mark VI
Welcome to M.E.K.A.
War Game Simulation
5 MEKA vs 1 Spartan
[ (A/N) Lore information ]
One Last Stop
Doctor Visit
Key To My Heart
🎃Happy Halloween🎃
Relationship Scenarios
Battle Scenarios
Long Time No See
So This is PAX
A Panel with Heroic Icons
A Fearsome Unit
Let's Have Some Fun [🍋Lemon🍋]
🎁Christmas with the Song's🎄
Always There For Her [Flashback]
They're Just Missing In Action
Being Hunted

성남시 Seongnam

3.1K 43 31
By Forbidden098

(Y/N)'s POV

Today is Thursday and that means I'm heading to Seongnam Korea with Hana to get my new Mark VI Armor and then we're heading to Busan to checkout MEKA. I've have informed Morrison and Winston about this trip and they say this is great news. They and the rest of Overwatch can't wait to see how my new armor will perform. They gave us a week off just to make sure my new armor will be working fine when we return, but I think that's a little too long but whatever this is a semi vacation to me.

I did my morning routine to start off the day and everything I need is packed and ready to go. Clothes are in my duffel bag and my Mark V Mjolnir Armor is securely placed inside a hard case that has two wheels at the one end to help carry since the suit weight almost half a ton. I put on a basic shirt along with some pants and shoes. Before I exit my room I double check everything. I grabbed my duffle bag with my right hand and my left hand on the carry handle on the hard case with my old armor. All that's left is to check on Hana. I knock on her door and I hear Hana say "come in". The door opens and I see Hana zipping up her bags.

(Y/N): "You ready to go?"

Hana: "Yep just one more thing to do." She gets up and grabs her phone from her bed and walks towards me. She stands next to me to take a selfie. She does her peace sign with her fingers. "Simile (Y/N)." I simile and she takes the picture.

(Y/N): "Why do you want a selfie?"

Hana: "To post on social media so my fans know we're leaving now."

(Y/N): "Hmm so you told your fans about this trip."

Hana: "Yep now let's get moving, don't want to be late for your appointment."

She grabbed her bag and we both walked out to landing pad eleven to see what aircraft was assigned for our trip. When we arrived, we saw a normal aircraft, but when the doors open and we both stepped inside, it was a different story.

(Something like this)

Hana: "For once Morrison is being nice with us."

Morrison appears behind us with a cup of hot coffee in his mug.

Morrison: "Morning you two." He takes a sip of his coffee.

Me and Hana: "Good morning Sir."

Morrison: "I hope you two are pleased with the aircraft I got you two. Normally it'll be the same aircraft we use in battle."

Hana: "We're very pleased."

Morrison: "Well good luck with the new suit (Y/N)." He gives me a pat on the back.

(Y/N): "Thank you, Sir."

Morrison left us and we had a chance to look around the aircraft. The door was on one side of the aircraft in the middle. From there on the right was the pilot area and a small bathroom. On the left one side has two comfy leather seat with a table in the center. On the other side was a leather couch. Down that hall had cabinet coburg filled with tasty snacks.

I sit on one side of the table while Hana sat on the other side. She pulled out her pink gaming laptop and rested it on the table. I looked out the window on my left and watched the plane take off. I didn't do much for the fight until midway on the flight to Seongnam.

Hana: "You look quite bored (Y/N), you want to watch a movie on my laptop?" She tilted her head to the side a bit.

(Y/N): "What movies do you have on your laptop."

Hana: "Anything there's wifi on this plane silly."

(Y/N): "What do you recommend?"

Hana: "How about we watch my movie Hero of My Storm."

(Y/N): "Sounds good to me."

Hana grabbed her laptop and placed it on the couch. She sat on the right and I sat on the left with her laptop in the center of us. We watched the movie and I have to say I quite enjoyed it. Hana did a good job acting.

Seongnam Korea Special Warfare Center


The aircraft landed and the door opened. We both left our belonging on the plane because we'll need the aircraft later. I only took my hard case that contained my Mark V armor with me. When Hana took one step off the aircraft she took in one deep breath.

Hana: "It feels good to be back home." She turn to look at me.

(Y/N): "Well we still have 30 minutes till my appointment, you want to look at mechs doing some test here?"

Hana shakes her head up and down before she said yes please.

I brought her to a room where there was a big glass windows. On the other side there was a new model of the Mantis doing some field test. I asked one of the engineer next to me who was collecting data from the Mantis performance.

(Y/N): "What kind of Mantis is this?"

Engineer: "Oh this is the prototype for an upgraded Mantis by Hannibal Weapon Systems.

Engineer: "This Mantis features a rapid-fire gauss cannon, experimental ion field missile warheads that releases several submunitions, and the ability to EMP other vehicles or Omnics with a stomp attack.

Hana: "That sound super cool!"

Engineer: "Indeed." He resume collecting data.

When the test was done I was allowed to let Hana take a closer look at the Mantis. When she was close to the Mantis I can see her face was filled with excitement.

(Hannibal Mantis Variant)

Hana: "It's like seeing my very first mech back at MEKA." She pulls out her right hand and touches the Mantis leg.

"Are you (Y/N)?" A female voice came behind us.

(Y/N): "Yes that's me."

Lady: "Great, follow me. Master Gunns is waiting for you."

(Y/N): "Come on Hana."

I followed the lady with Hana trailing behind me until we met up at an armory room. She opened the door and we walk in. I saw Master Gunns looking at stuff on the table. Master Gunns looks up at me.

(Master Gunns)

Master Gunns: "There you are (Y/N)? I was wondering when you would show up."

(Y/N): "Sorry Gunns I was busy looking at stuff.

Master Gunns looks at Hana.

Master Gunns: "And who's this fine lady you have here?" I turn to see Hana slighty blush from that compliment.

Hana: "I'm Hana Song." She offers Master Gunns her hand.

Master Gunns: "Just call me Master Gunns miss." He shakes her hand gently. "And one more thing, Aren't you D.Va?"

Hana: "Yes, how did you know?"

Master Gunns: "Well for starters we're in Korea and you're everywhere from build boards to soda drink cans. But mostly its because I was informed about her presence when (Y/N) was bringing in a guest."

I left my Mark V armor on a empty table for Master Gunns to inspect it while me and Hana explored the room. There were some cool stuff around like a M41 Rocket Launcher.

A M319 Individual Grenade Launcher

A Regenerator which is like my Bubble Shield but instead of projecting a shield, it emits a green field of energy which restores a person's health as well as those who are near it.



For those who didn't read the updated Spartan (Y/N) Information/Equipment chapter, and are wondering why (Y/N) sounds like he doesn't know what it is, it's because I later removed this equipment from (Y/N) because a Spartan shouldn't be a healer. They should be tanks. That is why it is here instead.

OK back to the story

A M90 Shotgun

But one thing that caught my attention, was some old Mark IV Mjolnir Armor that was across the room. I turn my direction and headed towards them. Hana soon followed me. In front of my eyes was some old Mark IV Mjolnir Armor still left there all together on an armor stand displaying towards me and Hana. One group of three armor caught my attention.

Those three armor belonged to (pick a colour) team. My old commanding Fireteam. On the right was Spartan-064 Jamie's armor, on the left was Spartan-028 Daniel's armor and in the center was Spartan (number) (Y/N)'s armor, me. Everyone's armor was (Primary Colour) like my primary colour. It still looks like the same condition when I left it after a battle. All badly damaged with some small dry blood stains. My helmet was missing from the set and the torso piece had big and small scratches, dents and a big visible plasma cut/burn on the left chest part, underneath my Spartan number.

I rub my right thumb on what was left of my badly scratched Spartan number feeling the bumps and groves marks it left on it. I redirect my vision below my Spartan number to look at the big brutal plasma cut/burn. Just me staring at the mark give me shivers down my spine and placing my fingers on it still felt like it was extremely flaming hot. A small flashback fragments had appear in my mind.


Small Flashback

I've been wounded from combat and is being dragged from my back by Jamie to safety. Next to Jamie's left is Daniel walking backwards providing supressing fire with his M932 DMR to keep the Omnics off us.

(Daniel's DMR)

My left hand is over the hot expose plasma cut/burn on my armor. I use my right hand to pull out my Magnum from my right thigh to help Daniel keep the Omnics off us.

I hear Daniel say: "Commad!"

*Heavy Breathing*

"This is (Colour) team."

*BANG!* I fire at an Omnic

"Something hit us. (Y/N) is down!"

*Heavy Breathing*

*BANG!* I fire at another Omnic

"Immediately evac requested! Over."

I pulled the trigger on my Magnum but it went *click*, I'm out and I lost all of my strength. My right hand collapse to the ground while still holding on to my Magnum.

And I blacked out.

(Something like this)

Back to reality


Hana looked at the armor then she turned at me.

Hana: "I hope Spartan (number) is alright. His armor looks like hell."

I didn't turn to look at Hana, I took a deep breath.

(Y/N): "Me."

Hana: "Pardon?" Hana's eye widen

(Y/N): "Spartan (number) was me and this was once my armor."

Hana looked horrified now.

Hana: "How? W-what kind of monstrous did this to you." She looked a bit scared now, knowing that there was something out there that can defeat Spartan super soldier.

(Y/N): *sign* "Omnics.*silents* When we Spartan were first introduce to fight against the Omnics. The Omnics had no idea what hit them. After countless of victory for us they started to adapt to the new threat they were getting more stronger. *silents* (Colour) Team barely made it out alive. *silents* I barely made it out alive."

I turn to look at Hana. And she goes in for a hug. I hugged her back. Her head was resting on my chest. I felt some tears drop onto my shirt. I looked down at her but she didn't look back at me.

Hana: "I know that same feeling too."

(At time code 1:16 to 1:48)

(Y/N): *sigh* "I can tell you what exactly happen if you want Hana."

Hana looked up at me and gives me a small nod.



Next chapter will be a flashback and It'll take a while before I publish it since I want the fight scene to be good. Keep reading, sharing and voting on the book and I'll see you guys in the next chapter.

This is Forbidden098 signing off

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